
Labor Rights Quotes

There are 1085 quotes

"People should be able to work one job, one full-time job, and be able to have a certain standard of living."
"In general, I'm a big supporter of things like universal basic income, job security, unionization, the four-day working week, flexi-working."
"No one should be working for 10 years only to end up worse off than when they started."
"Allegations came sweeping in, calling the treatment of workers in Boohoo's Leicester factories 'modern slavery.'"
"If we got one good thing from the pandemic, it's these strikes and the realization that we are all owed a little bit of dignity in our lives."
"France has actually had to specifically grant employees the right to ignore work emails after 6 p.m."
"If we just all stuck together, we would all have $20 an hour... We ain't never going to be free."
"Don't you think it would be nice if people had representation in their workplaces?"
"People fought for the weekend, people fought to have vacation, people fought to not have kids working in factories."
"We didn't just have the weekend come down from heaven, or from governments. People fought for the weekend."
"Corporate concentration and anti-competitive practices like non-compete agreements and misclassification have stifled wages for workers and reduced their power to bargain for dignity and respect in the workplace."
"I do think cheerleaders should get paid more 'cause they're asked to do appearances for free. They need some sort of union."
"Workers have been waiting nearly three years for a new contract. Class one railroads have slashed their workforce by 29% in the past six years while making record profits."
"I believe in the dignity of work and the dignity of workers."
"If you work full-time, you should be able to live on that wage."
"I think the people that I'm concerned about are the people who are busting their ass and getting absolutely nowhere."
"If you work full time, you should make enough money to survive."
"I think the norm should be a four-day work week."
"Abolish unpaid internships. There is absolutely no valid reason that justifies having students work 40 hours a week and paying them nothing."
"I think that minimum wage needs to be increased, and workers deserve more rights."
"The main focus of the strike is to get fair compensation for the writers who create the stories that we love."
"Jobs should lift you out of poverty, not keep you in it."
"I am sorry that I personally think that if a person spends a [__] ton of labor on something that you as a multi-multi-millionaire should give them some money."
"The only reason child labor was abolished, the workday shortened, maternity leave instituted, universal education developed, and practically everything else was because of the bloody struggles of leftists all around the world."
"I think unions are good things because we probably need more representation on the worker side versus the corporation side."
"Every worker everywhere has a right to earn a living wage, work in safe and healthy conditions, and pursue a better life for themselves and their family."
"We got to treat people with dignity and with the pay that they deserve."
"Any time we get off work is a prize clawed out of capital's hands by decades of working people fighting back in the streets and on the job."
"You really want to defend the wealth of one guy who will never do anything for you instead of putting that massive enterprise in the hands of the people who actually do all the work?"
"A lot of really great things we take for granted today were fought for, oftentimes at great personal cost or death, by unions and by striking miners and textile workers back in the day."
"We need a balance, and everybody needs to be paid properly. Nobody should be illegal in this country, and nobody should be discriminated against."
"18 million dollars is a slap in the face to workers considering Activision Blizzard is worth 72 billion dollars and workers dealt with toxic working conditions for years."
"Unfortunately, we don't guarantee a living wage in this country."
"Unions are the reason we don't still have child wage slaves working themselves to death on street corners."
"Why Unions Make the World Better for Literally Everyone."
"But when you chip away at these union created rules and regulations that protect these workers from exploitation, you actually increase poverty and misery in a real and measurable way."
"If it wasn't for unions, you also would not have the weekend."
"Labor rights are human rights. It does not matter if you are left-wing or right-wing."
"Decriminalization puts the power in the hands of the workers and in the hands of labour."
"Everyone loves a bargain, but at what cost to the people who toil to make the clothes we want to wear?"
"We are still seeing the kinds of abuses of workers that are visible in your footage. The industry in Bangladesh has to be cleaned up."
"Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor."
"If the union is obligated to bargain for somebody whether they join the union or not, get them benefits, get them health care, get them pensions, why should they be able to get that for free?"
"Labor strikes are a fight for dignity and survival, where workers are standing up against a system that seems increasingly skewed towards the top 1%."
"Let's pass the PRO Act. When a majority of workers want to form a union, they shouldn't be able to be stopped."
"If you have the right to work, you have the right to rest. Sunday rest, Pope says."
"Florida voted to increase the minimum wage to $15 by 2026."
"I think that everybody should be paid for their work, and I don't believe there should ever be an expectation that someone should work for free."
"Crack down on these companies that are threatening people for unionizing."
"Exploitation never disappears; it only changes how it presents itself according to the complaints of its time."
"The kafala system...promised very good working conditions, excellent living conditions, and better pay. However, once the migrant traveled to their new workplace, they'd quickly realize those were all just lies."
"Union membership is down, worker wages are down... we've fought all of these battles before."
"You have to wake up and smell the coffee; we are labor and we stand tall, and we demand respect."
"The spotlight that the World Cup has put on Qatar has prompted major reforms, particularly in terms of labor rights and worker conditions."
"The right to strike is a fundamental human right."
"We have come here to stand up for American workers and the American dream."
"I hope that if you talk about workers like us, maybe we will get what we are owed. I do not have much faith, but still, I have hope."
"We demand a fair day's wage for a fair day's work. We are the slaves of capital; we demand to be free."
"Unions are why there are fire exits at your work and why the doors aren't padlocked during work hours."
"It is important to recognize and support the rights and fair treatment of human workers, including writers."
"Real workers deserve to be able to take a day off or more than just a day off if they're sick or if they have a family emergency without being penalized by their employer."
"Thank you to organisations like A Better ABK and A Better Ubisoft for organising and showing the potential power for organization. That's what this industry has needed more than anything else, is an organized workforce, a unionized dare I say it workforce."
"They're giving committee chairs unbalanced discretion over which witnesses can testify, rejecting pandemic safety procedures like remote voting, and trying to force an end to the Congressional staff unionization."
"Employees must have the capacity to act collectively in order to match their employer's clout in setting terms and conditions of employment."
"We have to create a society where everybody who works is guaranteed not to live in poverty." - Chris Hughes
"Federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour."
"Amazon workers are under attack. What do we do? Stand up, fight back."
"You're entitled to the fruits of your labor but you're not entitled to ill-gotten gains."
"I would absolutely probably vote labor because I think that things like um one of the big things they talk about is that uh young people or anyone who works on the weekends should get weekend rates."
"A group of Uber drivers are entitled to worker rights. The ruling on Friday from Britain's Supreme Court means some workers will be able to claim rights such as the minimum wage."
"What's important is that we have the right to work safely and on our own terms."
"The largest strike in U.S higher education is taking place right now."
"No one should work 40 hours a week and live below the poverty wage." - President Biden
"I want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and I’m NOT KIDDING."
"The union wants more nurses hired, fewer patients assigned each nurse, and a guarantee that nurses won't be asked to take on more than they can handle."
"Labor never became unionized without rank and file people."
"One job should be enough. That is not a radical idea."
"No one in America should work 40 hours a week making below the poverty line."
"Starbucks workers are striking at 55 different locations."
"Something big did happen in what has been called perhaps the biggest win for organized labor in a generation."
"There's nothing more galvanizing than a union win."
"Labour will make sure workers never pay for the crisis."
"Life is so expensive now that I don't think people understand how privileged it is."
"It's not that people don't want to work, people don't want to be exploited."
"If people were paid a livable wage with good benefits, they would feel appreciated."
"The companies need the employees more than the employees need the company."
"Let's give working people the quality they deserve."
"There's always going to be these protests and Union efforts that actually create the change that benefits working people."
"If you work full-time, you should be able to live in dignity as well." - John Fetterman
"Every work has dignity and every paycheck must have dignity in it as well."
"I want the minimum wage up as high as it can go."
"Company walkouts, a unified voice, the message that access to one’s labor should be considered a privilege and not a fucking right."
"In America, if you work 40 hours a week you should not be living in poverty."
"I'm a union guy. I support unions. Unions built the middle class. It's about time they start to get a piece of the action."
"We must restore the dignity of work by banning non-compete agreements. Workers deserve to be paid what they're worth."
"We're at a moment of unprecedented attacks on labor with corporate power unbridled."
"Raising the federal minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour is essential."
"Unions negotiate with employers through a process known as collective bargaining, resulting in higher wages, reasonable hours, safer working conditions, and more."
"If I leave you with only one thing on this post-labor Day video, it's to think about unionizing."
"If you make $20 an hour, you're really making $120 an hour and the company's stealing a hundred of that and paying you 20. Who's the fool?"
"Far and Away however, the most overwhelming step being advocated for is unionization."
"Labor is the superior of capital and deserves much the higher consideration." - Abraham Lincoln
"We're in New York City because we're simply following the money and demanding that those who created that wealth, the miners, get their fair share of it." - United Mine Workers Association president
"History was made today. Huge congrats, solidarity with Amazon workers from Staten Island to Bessemer and beyond." - Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU)
"The hyper-modernization of our economy has made it so labor owners have an easier time depriving their workers of decent wages."
"Do not quit your jobs anymore; organize them. That's just a simple thing that you can do. Everybody says quit your job if you don't like it, well, you're jumping from one fire into the next." - Christian Smalls
"Give it to the people striking and making these amazing gains, trying to fight back against the anti-labor positions of companies like Amazon, Starbucks, and stuff like that."
"Everybody's doing the work, then they need to get paid, just that simple. I need my money."
"Fuckin', it's almost like YouTubers should unionize or something!"
"Pay your workers a living wage, you douchebag!"
"It led to new life-saving regulations across not just radium factories, all factories."
"It's imperative that we support workers unions in all jobs industries. Thanks for putting me on."
"It's not a left or right thing, it's a workers thing."
"Why does a person who owns a business get to make a living but the person who works there and generates the profits doesn't get to make a living?"
"Host clubs make us recognize how powerful effective labor is and how it can be used and abused."
"Pro-union legislation is a key part in waging war back against the rich."
"Brands need to commit to improving building safety, working conditions, and to ensure workers are being paid a living wage."
"The council has the authority to raise the minimum hourly wage for fast food workers as high as $22."
"This type of bargaining could be transformative in the United States where union membership has been on a steady decline."
"I hope the fast food workers start to be able to get their percentage of the profits that they're generating."
"No one should have to work two jobs just to make it. That is not right in America."
"If free labor is not beneficial to the capitalist then why should a 15 minimum wage be a problem?"
"Healthcare is a human right, like how how is it possible that someone else's labor is your right?"
"It deserves to be defeated fundamentally it is anti-worker, anti-family, anti-jobs, anti-energy, and anti-American."
"Empowering Australian workers to save for their retirement is important."
"Thanking is great but these are people. Is it fair that our economy pays the essential workers so little in such work conditions?" - Unnamed Senator
"In China, controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, the issue of labor rights infringement is a systemic institutional problem."
"But to be screaming at these people that they don't need to take any breaks while working eight-hour shifts is just unrealistic and, two, I'm pretty sure it's illegal."
"If you're not bargaining for a strong trade union, you're begging."
"Most of us believe that people who work for a living ought to earn a living."
"That's what's got to happen, I mean if the Instacart workers went on strike, if the Ralph's workers went on strike, they would shut this country down tomorrow."
"Fifteen dollars an hour minimum wage should be a minimum wage period."
"The 1888 Match Girl strike not only paved the way for the banning of phosphorus matches but also sparked a wider movement."
"We shouldn't have employers, we shouldn't have bosses, alright? We should have worker cooperatives."
"The labor department makes it easier for workers to sue over misclassification by rolling back a Trump-era rule."
"Pass the bill that has paid sick leave for everybody in the country."
"The effort was to treat people as people and to treat workers as workers."
"This was a big win, not only for us, but for the American labor movement. We stood up for what we believed was right."
"People deserve $15 an hour now because they are living below the poverty line while working 40 hours a week."
"Unions raise workers' wages, increase home ownership, retirement savings, access to critical benefits like sick leave and child care, and reduce inequality."
"Workers deserve a fair share of the benefits they help create for an enterprise."
"If you want to have a four-day work week, you would have to do anti-capitalist things."
"Unions are good for democracy, worker power is good for democracy."
"I play video games for a living, and I would take a hammer to any one of my consoles if it meant that your workers actually were organized."
"You really see a company's true colors when their workers band together and say we're forming a union."
"Their fight ultimately won workers the right to sue for damages from corporations."
"The real thugs are trying to fight back against people organizing at work."
"What you are doing here is sending a message to every worker in America. The time is now to stand up to our oligarchy and stand up to this excessive corporate greed."
"This is the beginning of an enduring movement in favor of better labor conditions for all employees, especially women."
"Unionization at this point seems to be the only way to give employees... power."
"You can't say a job is necessary and then say people don't deserve to live and survive."
"The working class is back... if we don't stand up for working class people now, they're going to pay the price for it."
"Maybe we should structure an economy in which people don't have to work three jobs in order to pay their bills."
"If a president putting his thumb on the scale in favor of workers is wrong then I don't want to be right."
"Remember that whole thing? Pursuit of Happiness means you are allowed to enjoy the fruits of your own labor."
"Nobody in America should have to work more than one job to be able to pay their bills."
"If Amazon workers in Alabama voted to form a union, it will be a shot heard around the world."
"Organizing just like one Starbucks store that unionized"
"Inflation is not specifically because workers are able to have more control over their workplaces"
"Performance Matters! Plus, Something, Something, Capitalism Bad!"
"The popularity of unions among young people is historically high."
"Their hard work should not be exploited, and the president believes that everyone who works should be compensated fairly for his or her labor."
"One day there will be a union to protect fighters."
"I think it's what they deserve, a 5-6 percent pay increase."
"I think trade unions are... have been a force for good."
"We should support all workers fighting for dignified and sustainable labor conditions."
"360 workers on strike are demanding fair wages."
"We believe strongly in collective bargaining."
"We need to build unions in this country because it's one of the key ways that we can counterbalance the domination of our government by corporate power."
"The union's got to be about the terms conditions and pensions of its members and an integral part of that is our relationship with the labour party."
"Hoffa has an opportunity here to secure some type of defense on behalf of his workers."
"God, I love organized labor. This is how you know you're winning."
"We deserve our fair share of our work while having time to enjoy our fleeting lives."
"It's a manifestation of decades of degradation of workers' rights."
"Hell yeah I want a good contract and I'm ready to go to strike."
"The story of the radium girl should not only serve as a historical anecdote about the rise of workers' rights, but also as a cautionary tale for societies and corporations that value money over human lives."
"Truckers are the most essential workers in this economy and they need to be treated like pilots with better wages, better benefits, and better accommodations."
"Pay your employees fair wages or pay them the bonuses, but pick one."
"As soon as you understand those things, it's a pretty direct line to four day work week, paid maternity leave, paid paternity leave, paid sick time, etc."
"The only reason they were good paying jobs is because of unions." - Ro Khanna
"Unions create jobs, make work safer, and put more money in workers' pockets. Most importantly, everything we do is to improve the lives of our members." - Sean O'Brien
"Defending the right of workers to organize unions free from legal corporate union busting. Love it. Great title."
"It's about a division of power because if capital is stronger, more powerful than labor then they can dictate the rules of the game."
"Unions are really the only way that we can fight back against the system that has hollowed down everything good in this nation."
"People who have been working hard... should not be living at the poverty level."
"Should it not be an employer's responsibility to pay their staff a decent living wage?"
"I'm happy about the progress we made, I'm so grateful for the WGA and SAG, and for the writers, it was an honor to stand with you guys."
"So when trade agreements are done, usually trade agreements try to hold other countries to the same standard when it comes to like pollution or when it comes to worker rights, right?"
"Profit is simply theft, and what you're stealing is the talent and hard work of your workforce."
"We need a strategy to strengthen labor power and all he's doing is advocating a strategy to weaken labor power."
"No one who works full-time should have to live in poverty."
"Unions are one of the most progressive inventions in the history of modern times."
"Workers deserve to share in the wealth that their work creates."
"No one who works 40 hours a week in America should still live below the poverty line. They are entitled to a minimum of 15 dollars an hour."
"Weekends also a hard-fought battle... the wise man says you no longer need to see those ads."
"I think we are due for a minimum wage increase."
"I think as you give your life to work, you should get something in return."
"No one should ever have to work two jobs just to make it."
"Any reform that gets pushed through is not gain for the working class but a concession given to them by the ruling class instead."
"Fair Treatment Matters: The film's success should not come at the expense of animators' well-being. Let's prioritize humane work conditions."