
Materialism Critique Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"After all, traditional materialism claims that progress in understanding the brain will lead to progress in understanding consciousness. But that hasn't really happened."
"Honestly, the most valuable thing we have in life is time, and they take it from us by making us believe that some inanimate objects have value."
"The technological project worked only to realize it was all a lie; life had to mean more than the physical world and material things."
"Is our purpose in this world simply to eat and sleep and dress and work and acquire some material things and enjoy ourselves?"
"Understanding that all of these possessions, they are not possessions, nature is going to run how long these people are going to be with you."
"Happiness is much more than simply gaining things, it's about actually enjoying life."
"Anything to make you think that material things are the only thing you have in life when you were born here to learn that the spiritual value is what you really must come back to."
"Your identity can't be built around titles and material possessions—these are things that go very easily."
"Consciousness may well be more fundamental than current materialist science has appreciated."
"I'm happier now living in the spare room driving that piece-of-shit car than I ever was driving a hundred thousand dollar sports car."
"Spiritual principles give more joy than the material flickering joy."
"And remember, you are not your job. You are not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You are not the contents of your wallet. You are not your khaki's. You are starstuff."
"We put too much emphasis on material wealth rather than wealth from our head and our hearts."
"Happiness isn't found in material things or fame, it's found in gratitude and humility."
"All these material ways of being successful don't make you happy. They're dead inside."
"Don't become a slave to material possessions; focus on true freedom."
"True happiness is like material items, houses, like all that stuff and all the money everything is so far removed from the real meaning of life and happiness."
"Sometimes I think we forget that the pursuit of money is not the point of our existence here."
"If I could give you one takeaway, one thing to bring away from all of this it'll be this love people and use things because the opposite never works."
"Happiness isn't solely measured by materialism."
"We don't need no bling 'cause we got the real thing."
"You want someone to be attracted to you for you, not because they're just waiting on the next gift to come or the next paycheck to get here."
"Money does not equate happiness, and that's the truth of the matter."
"The primary value being sold to kids over and over again is the value that things or stuff or brands will make us happy."
"Spirituality requires careful consideration, not commodification."
"You can't have materialism in the field of spirituality."
"Money could just buy you a new car but after a while those new cars they just happen to sit there your money just happens to be there money means doesn't mean what doesn't equate to happiness and I always say that."
"We can replace things, we can't replace you, just like the Who's in Whoville, I think this family has learned that the true Spirit of Christmas is not about stuff, it's about being with the friends and the family that you care about."
"Money can buy happiness, but it can only buy either temporary happiness or things that make you happy."
"Love permeates stuff, it's not in things, it's in people."
"Items physical items objects things you can buy a store are not going to make your life significantly better it's also a law of diminishing returns as well."
"I think it's a mentality... because the value of it goes away."
"The consumer really does want meaning; he doesn't want the object, he wants what the object means."
"Getting more isn't always happiness; often, it's emptiness."
"Taking the time and providing the materials to enjoy life is not an irresponsible waste of precious time. It's a vital concern to any society that hopes to succeed and thrive."
"When you love money... you've now gotten to the point where you have no anchor."
"Remember, it's not the amount; it's the style."
"Love everything, spread positivity, unless all you care about is money."
"I realized that the things that I purchase don't make me happier."
"Things have no ability to keep you happy. The only thing that can keep you happy is being right with God."
"People are returning a little bit to an understanding that the best thing that we can give to each other often is our quality time and experiences instead of just things. I think that's become more of a realization to me as I've gotten older."
"Money will solve some of them but there's more to being a human being than the stress caused by material issues."
"People are to be loved, things are to be used, and not the other way around."
"They say that diamonds are a girl's best friend but honey I'd rather have property."
"Quantum physics is slowly dragging the world of rational science kicking and screaming to the realization that staunch materialism is untenable."
"We cannot evolve on the material plane. There's all of these really sick deluded ideas that come from just not understanding the reality of where we are in our development."
"I never relied on materiality, if it's devoid of spiritual values, it's just about materiality for the sake of materiality."
"Focus on love and emotions over materialistic goods."
"I think a lot of people focus on you know getting a lot of money and having the coolest clothes and whatever that once they get there and they're gonna realize that money objects it doesn't mean [ __ ] like it means nothing."
"I figure, you know why do I even need all this gold? Do I need all this gold? I don't think I do. I think this is needless."
"Money does not buy happiness. Money can buy material items that may temporarily buy happiness but it definitely cannot. Happiness is not tangible, unfortunately."
"My goals are to be happy, there's a difference between saying I want to be successful and when I have lots of money and houses but if you're not truly happy those things just don't mean anything."
"Happiness comes from within, you cannot get it outside of you in the material world."
"You want to become unhappy, be a materialist."
"More is only more money, okay? More is only more stuff. But what about more character? What about more integrity?"
"You will never see a U-Haul behind a hearse." - Denzel Washington
"I don't care how rich I am, if my kid got a brand new phone and he went to school the next day and broke it to try to impress people and say how rich he was, yo, that sucks dude."
"Materialistic things don't matter in real life, it's about structure and morals."
"If you're nothing without this shirt then you shouldn't have it."
"Having a lot of money and seeking material things won't make you higher value or happier."
"Science has proven stuff does not make us happy."
"God destroys satan's final realm, the idols of materialism."
"Objects don't matter. What you begin to learn is that objects don't matter." - "Objects don't matter and in my business... if that thing isn't bringing you joy in life, then it probably isn't gonna bring your family any joy."
"Money cannot save you, so continue being money hungry and forgetting about what really matters."
"I've been preaching to you about what high fashion and materialism has done for me, but now I'm letting you know what Jesus has done for me."
"Money is everything, but is the root of all evil. Business interests often overshadow community well-being."
"Stop basing success off of materialism that's not success that's good credit."
"If you have everything you want, you start filling your life with things that aren't all that meaningful."
"Happiness is not in things, it's in relationships."
"Unfortunately we do live in a very materialistic and consumerist society."
"It's not the money that gets you the women, it's what comes along with the money."
"I've come to value experiences over material items."
"Not being measured by what you have, but your self-worth being measured by who you are, not what you have."
"More is not the answer. Everything in this world is temporary."
"We've become overstimulated by material reality, we've lost touch with not just the concept of Mother Nature physically, but metaphysically."
"Money is not the god. If you treat money as a god, you end up pretty hollow, pretty empty, and you don't end up happy."
"They said spend it on experience, you know, the Fight Club quote by Tyler Durden says basically the things that you own end up owning you."
"Awards mean nothing, money means nothing. You cannot take it with you when you're dead."
"Across the world this seems to me like a time where a set of values not derived from the materialist culture are becoming increasingly relevant."
"People on mass, in particular young people, are recognizing that the material world...is no longer serving that function for many young people. That's extraordinary, isn't it?"
"Your life is not the abundance of your possession."
"Real life is never defined by or measured by how much you own."
"This exists because of prioritizing relationship over things."
"No money can't buy happiness man."
"Life isn't really meant for material upliftment; life is really meant for spiritual upliftment."
"The growing despair felt by people, the conflicts that rage between communities and nations, and the destruction of our planet are all the inevitable consequences of the prevailing materialistic paradigm."
"So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."
"Our true value goes beyond material property and beyond shallow social constructions; our true value lies within our own consciousness."
"I don't equate happiness with stuff; I don't equate having a life by square footage."
"Your life is much more precious than these little gang fights, these little cars, these clothes."
"I think we're gonna see a flip, where there's enough other scientists who say, you know, we got to get away from scientific materialism."
"Money can't buy you happiness, just look at X demon."
"People know the price of everything and the value of nothing."
"You're in a hurry, you're missing the point; should enjoy the fruits of life instead of chasing coins."
"The best part of the party is not a thing you buy."
"Money ain't even real, man. The only thing that's real is gold and family and love."