
Moral Principles Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"Intention is just as important as the action itself."
"I want to be pro-family, pro-life, pro-justice, pro-virtue, pro-morality, pro-honesty, pro-kindness, pro-mercy, pro-grace."
"I'm crazy about the Ten Commandments... they alone would make a good world."
"Science should never put people's lives in danger, even if it can save lives."
"The fundamental moral idea to which you will be led is the idea that we are the owners or the proprietors of our own person."
"It's just about what's true and what's just."
"You will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do."
"Dawn refuses to end her life because it goes against his moral code."
"Good and nice power-granting entities don't tend to demand an exchange for their help, typically because they grant power for some sort of greater purpose."
"Well, always treat people the way you want to be treated."
"I have some very strict moral principles involved as well, and one of them is 'do no harm.'"
"The Western world needs to hold two concepts strong in order to forestall decadence: personal honor and faith."
"I wear these yellow wristbands willie every day practice the golden rule every day do unto others as you have done to you."
"There has to be some kind of moral code in society."
"We value kindness, respect, empathy, and dignity."
"Batman's attitude toward killing the Joker actually has an internal logic and consistency."
"Allah subhana WA Ta'ala never other than this prohibits something upon himself for Allah to distance himself from transgression and oppression."
"Never cruel or cowardly. Never give up. Never give in."
"I think principles are important because they give us a guide to see how a person will act in the future."
"The ends never justify the means, and we should always strive to do no harm and save the world."
"All in all, it's just applying the golden rule in our everyday lives."
"The direct attack on innocent life is intrinsically evil and can never be justified."
"Make sure you value truth and integrity above everything else."
"Let's get back to the golden rule: love thy neighbor and do unto others as you want them to do unto you."
"It is reason, principle, conscience that calls to us, with a voice capable of astonishing the most presumptuous of our passions, that we are but one of the multitude, in no respect better than any other in it."
"We must never allow the world or political correctness or the fear of offending someone else to take precedent over doing what's right."
"The idea is just to fight the Russians... this is a very strange way of understanding war."
"If your tactic is nonviolent, if you spell out exactly what your principles are and why you're violating some law, then that demonstrates a kind of moral seriousness."
"Integrity and honesty is a very important thing."
"Bushido formed a moral code of conduct encompassing frugality, loyalty, and honor until death."
"Superman should never ever ever ever kill. Ever."
"Nobody can take away a right of free speech. They think they can, but they can't. God gave it to us, not them."
"It is a fundamental violation of the divine order."
"If someone breaks into your house, you have a right naturally given to you by God to shoot that person in the head."
"I know that the truth is the only thing that will set people free, and the very moment we abandon truth, it's because we've abandoned God."
"Stand up for yourself, even if you get a beating."
"Truth is one of the greatest principles in the universe and a major virtue in us."
"Loyalty is everything, like the Golden Rule."
"Respect for the truth comes close to being the basis for all morality."
"The idea of turning the other cheek doesn't mean being taken advantage of; it's not what Jesus taught."
"The law of faith says love God, love each other. It's about intentions, not just external actions."
"Justice is cemented by reason, the true ruler of all commandments and prohibitions."
"Two wrongs don't make a right, and that has taken our friendship to a whole another level."
"Treat everyone as how we want to be treated that's the golden rule."
"You can't have integrity without consequences."
"It's a fundamental principle of the natural law: the direct taking of innocent life is prohibited."
"It's always a good thing when you take a set of abstract moral principles and unite them with your own experience."
"The principle of repentance is that you stop sinning."
"Only someone with a pure heart can slay Morgana, so they must follow the code's rules: honor those you love, refrain from wanton offense, speak the truth at all times, and persevere in any enterprise until the end."
"Absolute trust is the best way to adhere to the law of love."
"We are compelled to re-evaluate the principles of honesty, integrity, and accountability."
"It is not the easy way. It is the right way."
"Decrease suffering, increase prosperity, increase understanding: it is very easy for those three principles to be repeated, explored, and written about."
"Western countries always declare the democratic values, among which one of the most important is the life of human being and the honor of man."
"Good thoughts, good words, good deeds. If we can just do that in the world, right?"
"Maintain integrity even in the face of suffering."
"There's never a justification to destroy innocent human life."
"There's still such thing as right and wrong."
"If you're standing up for enlightenment principles, you have the moral high ground." - Dr. Lindsay
"Faith cannot, you know, their obedience cannot require us to submit to evil, and that is what's worth remembering here."
"Protect and respect your clan and above all your family. Your word is your bond."
"There is a line we can't cross, no killing. It has to be the only difference between us and them."
"Values and principles still matter. This is the paradox of non-duality."
"If something is morally wrong, it's morally wrong whether it's happening to one person or whether it's happening to 100 people or a thousand."
"There is indeed a principle of justice, but there is also a principle of mercy. At times these two correct principles collide with each other as the unifying higher principle of the atonement does its work."
"Charity already is the contrary. It is the higher unifying principle. It's already proven justice and mercy and grace and works and so many other lesser positives that have come together."
"This movie has a theme of integrity, where it's talking about doing what you know in your heart is right."
"Allah clearly says in the Quran, stand out for justice even if it's against yourself."
"Be a blessing to others, treat people how you want to be treated, be the glitch you want to see in The Matrix, be the change you want to see in this world, practice change."
"Restoration, restitution, recognition."
"Your moral code determines how you behave and how you live."
"Life is a precious gift from God and if we don't respect that what do we respect."
"This is human decency 101, but it's certainly important if you espouse any kind of collectivist thinking."
"In Islam, if you kill one man, it's like you killed humanity."
"It really comes down to what's right, it really comes down to what the truth is."
"Ethics is not a dice roll; it has to be universal principles."
"The game of life only has one real set of rules folks, and that's to do the right thing."
"Nobody ever deserves to be tortured just because of what's going on in their heads."
"You don't have to have a particular religious faith to adhere to principles of human decency."
"We have to have some principles and values that don't waver."
"If the culture loses the values that make them work... everything is just paper except those values in your heart."
"Do unto others as they would have you do unto them."
"When you come here and when you read scripture, you see all the commands from Leviticus that tell us that we have to love our neighbors as we love ourselves."
"If you have no respect for life, you have no respect for freedom."
"That is something that a universal law that cannot be taken advantage of."
"Love is the law and love is the bond, so be it."
"You don't steal, you don't rape, you don't plunder, you don't pillage, you don't murder. You just don't do that stuff."
"Never ever ever ever ever ever ever give in, except in matters of honor or good sense."
"You cannot become the evil you wish to eradicate. If murder is an evil, don't engage in murder to eradicate it."
"War is deceit, but Islam never allows treachery."
"Look for biblical principles to guide you in making good choices."
"Mercy is an attribute of God, and therefore when you show Mercy, you become the image of God."
"Law is love, it is of love, it came from love, as love is the law."
"We are called to be people of Integrity which means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles."
"Justice - never have I ever ever ever."
"A person shouldn't set the bar for their moral principles too high, otherwise they might start hating everyone around them."
"The focus of the responsibility of intellectuals is to apply elementary moral principles and question whether we are meeting them."
"The concept of fair chase has been grounded into our code of moral principles for a very long time."
"May the Ten Commandments be above you to Shield you, May the Beatitudes be within you to enable you, May the Golden Rule be beside you to guide you."
"If moral principles are to function successfully in human life, if they are to play their vital role, they must be accepted as absolute, you cannot be flexible about them or bend them according to your own or your group's feelings, you cannot compromise."
"You can't have peace unless you have righteousness."
"The only thing that we're bound by is the moral law."
"Our lessons are sermons; they embody the highest moral and spiritual principles."
"The principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior."
"Heritage... it's not just about where you're from or who you are, but it's about connection, integrity, and values."
"Honesty and truth are two things that should never be compromised."
"Law is the only thing, then we default to morality."
"Honor and integrity still run it."
"That's what makes them moral principles; they are the highest values for their own sake."
"There is integrity, empathy, caring - our values."
"Justice and forgiveness together in harmony."
"It propagates the principles of self-sacrifice, charity, benevolence, and teaches us to live for the good of others and to be kind to all."
"The letter of the law is 'don't commit adultery and don't kill anybody'... the heart of the law is love."
"Values make up your sense of identity, and values are the virtues that we live by."
"No enchantment will work if you keep in the commandments."
"There is a difference between loyalty and ethics."
"Nobody's above criticism and two wrongs don't make a right."
"I wasn't necessarily going according to what, like, I wasn't going against the rules, but I was just like, 'Well, the spirit of the law is more like I should love them, and that's what I'm gonna do first.'"
"Ethics are the moral principles that guide rules for professional behavior."
"A man of honor doesn't lie, he doesn't cheat, he doesn't steal, he holds himself to the highest levels of integrity."
"Grace and truth must walk together, because without grace, truth becomes violent."
"The existing modern education is not adequate dealing with these problems... mainly you see the mind intelligence, now these many is because of the due to something lacking in moral principle."
"Integrity means standing up for what you believe in."
"Individuals have rights and there are things that no person or group may do to them without violating those rights."
"The existence of common themes and moral principles across diverse religious traditions suggests the presence of underlying universal truths or realities that transcend cultural boundaries."
"There are certain values in life that you cannot exchange for money."
"The lesson of integrity and moral principles underscores the importance of living a life congruent with one's beliefs and values."
"We all respect people who stick to their principles, even if we disagree with the principles themselves."
"You can't kill me. Heroes have moral codes."
"The laws of justice and love, foundations of the kingdom of light, should be honored."
"The Ten Commandments constitute the basic moral code for humanity and are obeyed to demonstrate the believer's love for God and his fellow man."
"Justice has to be present or forgiveness is not at its fullness."