
Market Manipulation Quotes

There are 226 quotes

"That toy was Tickle Me Elmo, and the Tickle Me Elmo craze taught companies something about manipulating the market."
"All manipulations eventually fail. When you try and suppress the price on something, it becomes less profitable to produce over time, and then shortages develop because there's less and less production."
"Every manipulation that has ever occurred throughout history ends someday, and this will end, and the price will go up."
"It's like a prank, it's also like basically, it's saying you guys have manipulated the market for a very long time."
"It is often speculated that central banks or large financial institutions may manipulate the market, creating scenarios that deceive traders into believing they have a clear understanding of price action."
"If everybody just decides to buy some AMC stock, then the short sellers have no choice but to hire massive high prices."
"Hedge funds don't really try and predict the market anymore. They try and engineer it."
"The goal is simply to limit the ability to swap back and forth multiple times in a day."
"If someone's playing this game against you and they're printing you perfect diamond setups, then why wouldn't they just use that against you?"
"If they quash what's going on with GameStop, there's going to be another riot just like that."
"They're going to ruin the economy so prices will go down, and then they go back."
"Replacing it with a cartel of the same market makers who manipulated and compromised every market in history, in a way that prevents transparency... That is not a blockchain. It is bullshit!"
"As long as you're not panic selling you're good it's pretty obvious we had a little manipulation today."
"It's manipulation, it is what it is, and we get through it."
"When you start to understand though that what we see in crypto with the manipulation is what we've always seen on the traditional stock side, it starts to make sense to you."
"When one side is paying another side to get dumb money order flows into a particular place, that's not a free market."
"CFD brokers often don't have aligned goals with customers. They act as the house and play against you."
"Markets have been manipulated since the beginning of time. The only thing you can do is decipher these moves and swim with the whales."
"This was like the red pill realizing, oh my gosh what Bitcoin has just done over months and months, this whole roller coaster that we were on is a known schematic that smart money uses to get as much money from the public as they possibly can."
"I'm able to artificially increase the demand for TF2 items."
"We're gonna tell you who they are, what they've done. We now know who single-handedly is dumping the price of bitcoin."
"We're witnessing the biggest rug pull in the economy in history. We're going to see so many people lose so much money, it is going to be unreal."
"The ingredients that have led to the adani short selling targeting are ingredients that are not specific to adani."
"Banks are constantly manipulating other markets to their own gain."
"The reality is most people who participate in pump and dumps get absolutely hammered and destroyed."
"The scariest part about cryptocurrency is how easily it could be manipulated."
"Pushing up the price of companies like GameStop..."
"Short ladder attacks are a thing. They're extremely illegal and it takes a lot of planning and a lot of illegality from a lot of people to make it happen."
"This isn't the squeeze, it's as simple as that. They're continuing to double down. This is just not it, this is not it."
"These short sellers, they play this game so much. This is how they make money."
"They're controlling crypto, they're manipulating things, they're working hand in hand with the CCP."
"So I suspect that the influences that have been put out in terms of manipulating the Bitcoin world that produced our current price situation at the moment are going to fade and not be able to be maintained by those manipulators."
"What we found out is that SAC knew the hand before everybody else did and acted accordingly."
"JP Morgan's metals desk was a criminal enterprise, U.S. says." - Bloomberg headline
"The only way to get banks to stop manipulating precious metals markets is to call the bluff, take delivery, and make them feel the losses of their short position." - Reddit User
"Do not indulge these scalpers. If you buy one of these cards, you're validating this process for them."
"They want you to sell. That's what these big institutions want. They want you to sell so they can buy more."
"They want you to sell your crypto. They want you to sell your bitcoin." - Jeb
"The equity market in the U.S. has been manipulated since 2009, full stop." - Raoul
"It's gonna be very blatant should they try to naked short Bitcoin."
"Buying out cards is so counter-productive to the game of Yu-Gi-Oh."
"Buying stocks across the board because at the end of the day we're playing a rigged game and you have to take advantage of any assets when you get those assets for cheap."
"The little guy won, and that's for sure, but the primary driving mechanism of the vibrant stock market has been these large wells that were in a sense manipulating the market in their own ways."
"I don't think those that enabled this and candidly manipulated prices appreciate the anger that is going to be laid at them."
"Withholding the supply made diamonds valuable."
"There are likely shares out there that shouldn't exist, suppressing the actual stock price."
"It's a purely coordinated effort to manipulate the stock price and drive it higher."
"For those of you who have been at least watching 10 minutes of any type of traditional financial news, you will see the world is not doing very well."
"No one knows what's happening, I'm pretty sure I'm certain that is actually just whales trying to push the prices back down."
"Manipulation doesn't stand a chance against diamond handing in the long run; patience is key."
"Real estate developers or speculators or investors... give a lowball price because they know that the family can't even compete against the lowball price."
"It's effectively artificial pressure. It would seem as though it's Robinhood buying liquidity."
"It tells you everything you need to know about the market manipulation happening before your eyes."
"I think gold is going to continue to be a managed political medal until the day it's not."
"Naked short selling typically happens when you've got a lot of negative short selling or failure to delivers."
"The cycle is they buy when the market is low, they accumulate their coins. And then they create Fud when the market is high."
"Crypto dump is manipulation. Big players will snap up all Bitcoin, Ethereum, HBAR, XRP, etc. cheap because these will go up thousand percent in three years."
"The market is rigged and manipulated by the dark pool."
"This manipulation does hurt investors in stocks like AMC and GameStop."
"The Fed may be, you know, trying to keep as much air in [the bubble] as possible."
"This is not a free market. It's some kind of cultural dystopia where there is a hard ideological bent directing people as to what they can or can't do business with."
"Number 5: Jose Aldo. Yo, Jose Aldo is a legend, mate."
"Wall Street can't have that, they got really upset."
"You shouldn't feel obligated if you feel manipulated in a price that you weren't willing to pay."
"They tried their very best to shake out long-term XRP investors."
"This whole situation honestly smacks of an executive coming along and realigning a feature set to artificially create value in one product by killing it in another."
"What sets the Moon Gang apart is actually caring about the market, truly fighting market manipulation."
"I just think it's a play for Wall Street bets to take free money from Robinhood to further AMC movement and trade. Could be."
"Reddit's Wall Street bets coordinating to drive up GameStop's price."
"Proof that the hedgies should go to any lengths to spread the fud."
"The GME gamma squeeze is a game-changing maneuver."
"How much manipulation are we seeing in the NFT market for the people running these platforms? It's a very valid question."
"These plays have become less profitable to manipulate... and they're becoming more dangerous because nobody wants to get caught."
"Do not fall for their tricks, my friend. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are down, but there is a dirty game afoot."
"I see what they're doing now, tricking these people into giving up their crypto in fear."
"This is looking like grade-A class manipulation for Bitcoin Cash."
"In all of this, the unaware consumer is always the victim."
"They're forcing them to buy the stock at a much higher price than what they sold it for, and so that's the squeeze."
"It's a game run by a metaphorical casino aka Wall Street where they always win and no one has dared challenge them yet."
"False move week beginning: trapping traders with weekend action."
"Infinite money glitch as the price goes up causing short sellers to exit their positions."
"The hard way when the market was being pumped artificially by the Fed higher."
"The whales want you to do that, that's why there's a lot of whale games, a lot of long liquidations."
"Garyvee called up 30 heavy hitters... and said crypto punks are going to be the next biggest thing. If we all band together and buy them, create a monopoly, the price has only one option, it's going to go up." - Phillian
"They're laughing about market manipulation. This is a crime if this was stocks." - Phillian
"There is no control, no one's controlling the gold and silver price."
"Wintermute is not moving their optimism tokens to Binance for safety, no, they're moving them to ditch them."
"Another tip is to always pull out a bit of the offer as it comes through."
"How crazy is that? Every move they make is insider trading."
"It's a rigged market and we're part of the rigging."
"Wall Street showed everyone the game is rigged and they're going to change the rules. It's nothing new, we all knew it, it's just a reminder."
"Are the hedge funds suppressing the price of Bitcoin and the crypto markets? Probably."
"Gold and silver severely undervalued and manipulated. It's going to go much, much higher."
"Russia is more interested than ever in continuing to sell gas at prohibitively high prices."
"The easiest way to like explain the story for those who don't even like understand stocks like the stuff that was going on with the Reddit and how they were manipulating the market with GameStop and AMC and stuff."
"Numbers don't lie, data doesn't lie, only Citadel and freaking Melvin Capital lie, baby."
"This is just the reset that we've been warning about so that people panic sell and they can squash retail and then get rich into the next Ponzi scheme."
"Ponzis are an augmented attempt at engineering a market for upward movement."
"When they drop price they are building longs and closing shorts, that's the name of the game."
"If they're telling you bitcoin should be worth this price, probably means they want to pick up more."
"It's really not cool to like buy an entire store worth of PlayStation 5s so you can resell it on eBay."
"Market fuckery, that's exactly what I'm gonna do."
"Naked shorting creates a bloated supply, and when supply goes up and demand stays the same, the price goes down."
"We are in a season of manipulation and what happens in manipulation is that news headlines are put out at strategic times to flood people out of the market or FOMO people into the market."
"The suit claims that Robinhood purposefully, willingly, and knowingly removed GameStop from its trading platform, thereby depriving retail investors of the ability to invest in the open market and manipulating the open market."
"We're all about the synthetic likes here. If they can synthetically short, why can't we synthetically like?"
"The bubble of everything was deliberately created by the Federal Reserve."
"The most well-funded, well-informed, and influential traders on the planet are draining the markets of physical silver."
"I think I made really, really good moves. I bought and sold a whole bunch of Bundesliga players, bought them for minimum, sold them for a hundred, two hundred coins each."
"There's manipulation going on where supply is bloated and demand is hidden."
"We must guard against fraud and manipulation whether from big actors, hedge funds, or elsewhere."
"This short squeeze is being driven by fully paid up silver demand coming in from thousands of reddit raptors really swarming into a grossly undervalued physical silver and gold market."
"They have insider information and they use it brazenly."
"Why in the world would a block trade like the one owned by CZ and/or Binance be tweeted out saying I have 550 million dollars with the FDT tokens I'm going to put to the market? You don't trade like that."
"I was told today that I'm now influential enough to pump a crypto with a single tweet."
"All the Fed is doing is constricting supply ahead of a point there's going to be a massive demand for it."
"Retail investors would face enormous risks from etps referencing thinly traded cryptocurrencies or cryptocurrencies susceptible to pump and dump schemes."
"No one in my opinion has better manipulated market like silver."
"SCBI exposes the co-location scam, shedding light on market manipulation."
"It was all a charade, they made up shares, they used them for borrowing, for covering, they were fake."
"Goldman Sachs comes out and lies, lies to everybody about what is going on at SLV and the naked shorts on the COMEX."
"Why is it going to go up in value? Well, because suckers like you are going to buy it after they dump it on you."
"These big shorts are doubling down to keep the price suppressed."
"It's not a free market, it's a manipulated market."
"One of the biggest problems in crypto has to do with being able to pay for influence."
"But they also go in there and they try to influence the financial system."
"That is one of the factors of market manipulation that does exist."
"Crypto this cryptocurrency [__] is a tricky tricky goddamn thing it's um, they can't hack it but they can manipulate the markets."
"Short manipulation, you can use any of those words and it'll still make sense."
"If every person with a synthetic position in the retail market stood for delivery worldwide, we could crack the comex very quickly."
"Now, this is the Smoking Gun undeniable proof of fraudulent fake trading."
"If enough people believe in this imaginary friend called the squeeze, we are going to squeeze 100 percent."
"For every one ounce of physical gold, there have been 62,000 digital ounces."
"So, if the SEC isn't doing anything when it comes to market manipulation, what are there, if any, ways that companies as well as shareholders can do to fight back against market manipulation?"
"She's asking for the SEC to explain exactly what was going on and prevent market manipulation."
"My final point with this is anger. Who shorted the market? Why did the government allow this to happen? What are the whales doing? Oh my gosh, somebody's manipulating the market."
"That's manipulation, man. It's manipulation to a T."
"Robinhood restricted their trading, which ended up guaranteeing their customers lose money."
"Short squeezes are not illegal, a coordinated short squeeze is a different story."
"Corporate propaganda: manipulating Market Opinion with regard to that Corporation and its activities."
"Reddit jumps 10% on low shares, allowing for short squeezes."
"Bernays created a new way to manage the irrational force of the market, the engineering of consent."
"This is manipulation on the way down. We told you in the middle of July it was going to start going up."
"Price fixing is an example of an anti-trust violation."
"They're putting up those clickbait thumbnails so you guys put in the leverage trades you know you put in the large trades not them they don't put in trades guys."
"He's trying to make it seem like he's like the he's like the market Master it's some sort of fanciful Bazaar."
"If we get rid of the biggest market manipulators, we can see where the space actually is."
"We are witnessing financial market manipulations on a scale and frequency that have rarely been seen before."
"Every market is now managed, controlled, manipulated, how you want to put it."
"You did have an entity that started to kind of front run some of those bids."
"The real benefit that's going to come to the gold price and silver price is the restriction of paper dealing."
"You do not want to be in a token that is not evenly distributed because you will just get dumped on."
"We know that the markets are rigged, we know they're manipulated."
"Hedge funds engaging in predatory short selling to the detriment of other investors must be stopped."
"This is not about trading, this is about a cottage industry of very wealthy billionaires who have been able to pound stocks into complete submission." - Charles Payne
"Spikes: your classic stop hunting or attempted breakout trading phenomenon."
"Margin calls are on the horizon, man. They can't play this game forever. The longer they wait, the more the ceiling increases on AMC stock squeeze potential, my friends."
"They're suppressing the true value of our precious metals; they are lying."
"The manipulation is the fact that the notional amount of shorts in the futures market for gold is much higher than the actual gold supply."
"If we all get together and refuse to sell our physical silver or buy it, they're screwed. I mean, epically screwed."
"There's a lot of market manipulation, a lot of whales are trying to scare you to sell your cryptocurrencies."
"Not by making its own products better, but by making other products worse."
"Apes don’t want portfolios that outperform the market, they want to manufacture events that cripple financial institutions while flipping off regulators."
"MOASS is, when you break it down, market manipulation via the prisoner’s dilemma."
"You have to be accepting of the fact that these markets are manipulated and the news media is used to, you know, pull the twin levers of fear and greed at precisely the wrong moment."
"Some unscrupulous sellers may try to artificially age coins to increase their value, but Curtis is confident that these are authentic."
"I found out the guy who overpaid for it owned four of them already and this was a public sale and by overpaying for this one he was able to publicly pump the value of the assets he already owned."
"This is the equivalent of a whale sending all of their Bitcoin to coinbase, spooking the market, getting a bunch of people to say you know, this person selling, and then you end up buying in the long term but you make a ton of money on the short-term trade."
"the markets are manipulated and engineered in a certain way but I don't"
"If their behavior is seen to be using privileged information and is therefore distorting a market and affecting the prices that other people can bet on, then we'll intervene as well."
"They are using the suppressed and massively overleveraged Western paper market system to run cover for their repositioning."
"So what's so bad about the leverage cycle? Number one, you can have a tiny group of people at the top controlling the price, because they can borrow so much money."
"The ivory tower elites have already shown their hand; they've proven they will do whatever it takes to prevent a crash in prices from taking place."
"This is not a free market; this is a manipulated market. This is big government putting their hands in and manipulating the system, and the guy who gets the short end of the stick is the little guy."
"What the market generally does then is push through the support, trade into those stop losses, collect that liquidity, and then push the other way."
"Smart money is going to want to take that liquidity to fund their own moves in the market."
"This pop was worth 100 bucks yesterday, and now overnight it's worth 750. How does that happen? I'll tell you a secret: market manipulation."
"We have psychological limitations, there's manipulation out in the marketplace."
"We need to start manipulating prices only to start knocking out stop losses."
"You should be thankful that they rigged these markets because that presents the opportunity."
"It's rigged, it's always been rigged, before the markets were electronic, men sat around and booked the price themselves, that was it, that's the way they did it, folks."