
Community Management Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"I hope that he and his current moderation team are holding themselves to a higher standard."
"If you build a community on lies and false perceptions, you are going to have to live that way the entire time."
"In an attempt to sell the idea to players, Blizzard's Community manager posts his full name on the forum...and within mere minutes, they find and publish his home address, phone number, age, Facebook, family names, and a list of his favorite music and movies."
"The Wandering Village is aiming for a Q4 2021 release...putting you in charge of a group of people who have settled on the back of a giant wandering creature."
"Establish a council for your micro community."
"Video games can only go so far on their own to remove toxicity. Players and developers need to work together to make digital spaces more welcoming."
"Salesforce communities allow you to grant login access to individuals outside of your organization. It's ultimately a collaboration tool between employees, managers, partners, and customers."
"Tony looks at his hand and he holds it to his face as if trying to embrace that dust that just slipped through his fingers."
"Having a good clean chat is definitely a good vibe for the stream."
"Be kind to our moderators because I'll nuke all of you from orbit."
"Population is key first, alright, perfect. So, happiness is good, homes are being completed, population is increasing."
"As much as I appreciate the support, it's good to have a breather to organize."
"Our Discord community is growing fast and it's, I'm trying very much so to keep it moderated correctly but boy, is it getting difficult."
"Ithaca has no business putting criminals on the reimagine board."
"A streamer should not ever be held responsible for the actions of individuals in their community."
"Managing online communities pays really, really well."
"It's fair to do this now before anyone's put serious time into the character then upset players who might have put months of work into it."
"Keep it peaceful, keep it polite in the comment section. I do not tolerate just toxicity being combative attacking anybody personally."
"Reddit CEO Steve Huffman slammed subreddit moderators who continued to push back against the company's plan to charge for access to its API, calling them 'landed gentry' and saying they weren't considering the desires of their communities."
"Thank you mods thank you so much for your for your help tonight thank you guys for keeping me on track because your girl gets a little add I'm gonna go eat dinner with my kiddos."
"Food, seeds, water, air—they have to be for all of us and governed democratically."
"Good community management is so difficult, you really need to have a dedicated person."
"There's more and more need now for people to manage those communities."
"There has never been a recourse for small channels with community strikes."
"Following for our ranked flex q: an increase in q population, drastic improvements to match quality, significant decrease in queue times."
"Discord stuff was a perfect example of reducing the risk. We knew how many people were active in our Discord, giving us confidence in our launch."
"This vagueness and this reluctance to communicate leads to this situation where the community can only speculate on what exactly is and is not allowed."
"Big thanks to our moderators, they do a fantastic job."
"Developers need to be careful not to let their own fans ruin their games."
"That's so important and the next layer above that is basically this rough consensus idea."
"These mods keep this a safe place for us to hang out."
"Final Fantasy 14 actively bans toxic players and as a result, it has cultivated the most kind and welcoming community of any MMO I've ever played."
"It's absolutely vital that we start to formulate new ideas around how we can run our own lives, run our own community, and most importantly of all, get money and corruption out of politics."
"So, we're really trying to make sure everybody gets their comments and questions and emails answered."
"Maintaining a healthy endgame is crucial for player retention."
"If you never acknowledge there's a problem then all you have are a few people in chat wondering am I the schizo maybe there isn't a problem and I'm just crazy because nobody ever tells me I'm right talk about it."
"For every 100 good comments you'll get three bad comments."
"It's about having one community of players, we don't want to fragment people."
"Gamers are a lot better at self moderation, detecting fraud and housing misconduct in their own communities even when compared to world-leading Medical institutions or universities."
"Rockstar's attempt at riding a wrong in this case, a money glitch that was accidentally pushed into the game, was to delete people's accounts and massively ban them."
"Given the size of my community, I think I do better than any other content creator on the entire [__] internet at managing them."
"If you guys allow people in those groups to just run wild and say, 'Oh well look there's Michael he's being a liar again,' then you've answered your own question."
"HOAs can be very annoying but they can also make the neighborhood better and have better standards."
"We really can't be having you using the platform to talk [ __ ] about other gangs."
"The select community has announced the following update to its schedule."
"My mods have done an absolutely fantastic job moderating all of my live streams."
"You can't just passively hope they'll go away because if they find a foothold, they'll, yeah, that's one reason why community managers are very special."
"We're sympathetic to this and did give some consideration to banning just that card."
"It's positive vibes over here only, I will have to mute you guys if you're not being positive."
"God has granted access to the great sacrament, but pastors have locked the doors."
"Do you guys think that I'm fair with my ban Appeals? I am extremely [__] fair."
"I am very generous on people that are trying to not be pieces of [__]."
"Every single comment that somebody writes, you need to respond to."
"You have to listen to the players to a certain extent, especially if something is so completely [__]."
"Kudos to WoW for handling issues better than other MMOs."
"It's a game of cat and mouse EA is playing with their community and it's disturbing."
"People should be able to make a group, make the rules with what they want. It's their group."
"YouTube wants to dislike mobs to stop weaponizing the dislike button."
"We've always had this robust set of community guidelines, which we've had to evolve."
"You kind of make everyone happy... have a happy player base overall."
"Pharma explained to the residents that he would separate the village into three areas."
"I think the most important part for me as a community manager though is really kind of building positivity in our community as much as I can."
"Thank you to all the moderators for keeping the chat clean and enjoyable for everyone you guys do an amazing job and it's because of you that we have the best chat here on YouTube."
"Anarchy or democracy? The constant battle for control in Twitch Plays Pokemon."
"If you see some crazy stuff in the chat, be sure to shut it down."
"Thank you mods, love you and appreciate you so much more than you know."
"Banning players as being extremely effective to reduce cheating if you have the tools like replays that will allow the community to root these people out."
"It's actually 95 of our players are only occasionally disruptive."
"I don't want people to lag out because of all the spam, so I had to put it in member mode."
"This is a good step towards combating toxicity."
"Rimuru appoints Rigor as the goblin lord and gives jobs to all the goblins."
"Such an iconic pioneer MMO... run better by players than the developers."
"We leave SIPP City in perfect working order, which is fantastic."
"The mods quickly got back to posting regularly high-quality content as always."
"Thanks to all our subscribers and moderators for making this community great!"
"Please do not harass fan, Eugenia, any of Eugenia's current mods, or anybody involved in the situation."
"We don't delete comments here on the channel unless you are being derogatory, aggressive, or bullying."
"They've turned lemons into lemonade they've been openly communicative they are active on forums they have done an excellent job over the past year."
"Those are the players that you want to make sure are happy so that when new players do arrive they're coming into a dedicated, exciting, welcoming community who are positive about the game and the future of it."
"There are things you can do in society if it's controlled if it's not controlled you don't get to have Society so get your [ __ ] together y'all."
"Huge shout outs to Paragon for doing this. It is something that the community manager should do, and so I'm really glad it happened."
"Hopefully it gets solved or something, and Meep City can get back to the people that enjoy it."
"We can choose to put public goods back in public hands."
"As a last note, try to avoid political discussion in the reddit where you can. I know it's extremely hard to right now, but remember that gaming and the systems thereof are supposed to be a relief from the worries and stresses of the world."
"YouTube is a journey. You put in the work, deal with haters, and keep going."
"There's a lot of reasons why some people got banned but if you guys have any questions about that just let me know."
"Set the tone and rules... attract the right kind of people and eschew the wrong kind of people."
"Nice close! All right, I officially have to close the members' Discord."
"When he says something on the forums that comes across as like alienating the community, you see that as him almost being horrified that his words created that division because that wasn't his intention."
"I unblocked everyone I blocked apart from scammers. Negative feedback is a good thing."
"Understanding that everybody is freaking out, I think, will help us de-escalate tensions in the comment sections."
"Thank you so much, moderators! You make this experience so smooth, so nice. Thank you for all of your hard work."
"Healthy engagement is paramount. We maintain a player-first focus."
"Bring back master loot for guilds and let people trade whatever they want. It's very simple with no bullshit."
"Thank you Wargaming, because you actually saved some time and you saved some nasty comments."
"Staying vigilant amidst overwhelming chat activity."
"There will be changes to PVP and PVE which is to be expected they just want to sort of gloss over it for now."
"You think that's cringe, you'll never be able to comment on this channel again."
"I genuinely believe that there is a conversation we need to now have about this, so many servers, but also there are some things that I'm still not quite happy with Eugenia about."
"We work really hard to make sure that this community isn't toxic, we really do."
"It's all about weeding out bullshit so we can grow our communities. Sometimes we'll get people among us who are on the bullshit, we gotta weed 'em out and charge it to the game and keep on moving."
"The mods are like little tyrants... I don't have to love it."
"Thank you so much to the moderators for coming out... keeping the chat clean and enjoyable for everyone."
"Truly there is just nothing gained from keeping toxic, negative, angry people in your community."
"There's not a YouTube channel in existence that I know of that puts as much care into moderating the comments."
"Recruiting good healers is harder than any other role."
"It makes so much common sense that the Magnolia Point HOA stepped in to do what HOAs do best—threatened to fine her for every day the RV remained on her property."
"I think there is a way that we can come up with a compromise in which players in-game can report in a way that things automatically get done when five people report a bot that bot gets banned."
"For many games, things like cultural relativism, localization, and global community management play a bigger and bigger role in gaming."
"This is Lana, community manager for War Robots."
"Bungie's tight-lipped approach stems from the fact that outrage is a minority compared to their total player base."
"Please step away from the keyboard because we do not like keyboard gangsters in toddlers tears chat room."
"When you give freedom and ownership to your community... they start to help you in unexpected ways."
"New Leaf becoming the mayor and having more direct control over the way your town looked really added a lot."
"It's not even close. I think that that's it too. I agree. I think they get a lot of [ __ ], but the community team is pretty much always just the best."
"Always give people three chances in the chat and keep moving forward. Thank your mods."
"I think my job is to keep the peace, make sure it's not toxic, and also perform at a high enough level where we finish the level quick so nobody else has time to give up."
"If they're not going away, all we can do is make the best of the situation and help shape it in a way that improves things."
"The attitude is some of these mods is, as opposed to, 'Is there any problem?'"
"I don't want my stream to be like a vessel to be hating on other people and harassing other people."
"Players who are actioned for disruptive behavior and reduced to endorsement level zero cannot use text or voice chat features until they return to endorsement level one."
"We want to keep it a positive place for everyone watching."
"Reacting quickly enough to community requests is why Psyonix is now busier than ever."
"There's a reason why every Twitter post, every comment on YouTube is literally telling you to fix the game."
"We rely on moderators and administrators heavily. We appreciate all you guys and the community members out there spreading awareness and education."
"Thank you mods for keeping everything congenial, we are not here to drag people."
"I go above and beyond most content creators I think that most people will ban harassment in their chat which I still do and I'll continue to do."
"Maintaining a good community is really important for making a good Community for maintaining that community and for just making their job still be enjoyable even though it is work."
"Legacies and hacked weapons will no longer be a problem and will be brought down to reality."
"The two dollars keeps most of the headaches and trolls out there."
"Honestly, without the moderators, this wouldn't happen at this point."
"Thanks awesome chat thanks our moderators Jeff rocket profit and Astro Jen Thanks Jen for handling all the scheduling and last minute changes and Jeff for all of your turning the knobs and pushing the buttons."
"I'm not trying to cause any panic guys so let me tell you something if you guys watch this video and you start selling your teams I'm gonna ban you for my YouTube channel."
"But even groups that I have that just have hundreds of members are still getting way more activity and engagement than my Facebook page that has over a 150,000 people."
"Thanks to our mods, I really appreciate you jumping in and helping keep things under control."
"We're banning behavior not content nonsense."
"We will continue taking on the most troublesome users."
"I just wish there was a low priority queue for toxic players."
"Thank you, moderators, for taking care of the trolls. Trolls don't like this channel."
"Appreciate the moderators; they keep the chat civil."
"You can have thousands of members but this doesn't mean anything unless you can get those people to be active."
"I reply to every single person who comments on this YouTube channel. If I don't, especially because YouTube has flagged someone or you're spam, so I reply to every single person."
"Thank you to my moderators for keeping the chat box clean."
"It's better form to just try and resolve the situation without having to kick anyone out of the game or out of the server."
"Our community got so big we couldn't even handle it ourselves; we needed help from the community to run itself."
"Finally, just over two months after submitting my initial application, I received HOA approval."
"People can manage the Commons from the bottom up."
"Canva, a lot of community managers have to create graphics."
"Shout out to our moderators; they deal with a lot."
"Let me break it down and talk about some of the most popular tools that Web3 community managers are using right now."
"Thank you, moderators, you are great."
"Growing your Facebook group is important, but equally as important is setting up your Facebook group for success."
"You need to respond to comments for a lot of reasons."
"We're going to have to know how to run a community on our own."
"Social media community managers... in some ways being the voice of the brand."
"I will definitely add a few mods in chat because... I want to keep this clean, beautiful, and of course, positive for you."
"I want to thank everybody for being respectful in their comments."
"As the Sanghat of the Guru flourished and spread throughout India, obviously there was a need for some kind of hierarchy or some kind of system to manage that Sanghat."
"It's the HOA's responsibility to replace it."
"Create a rhythm; having our annual meeting or our monthly meeting helps our communities be successful."
"Thank you to all the moderators who are here, they keep this a safe place."
"Please thank the mods, love the mods. They do a phenomenal job of keeping the chat on topic."