
Communication Technology Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Video chat is very common...you are getting body language and you are getting voice tone and emphasis."
"The ability to communicate immediately and with as little friction between us the way that we currently can is under threat."
"The communications miracle means that politics is going to change forever. The old elites are dying, and new elites haven't been born yet to take their places. This is a time of chaos."
"TV may be a new form of entertainment, but it's also the most powerful communications device in existence."
"The Codex was a disruptive device that changed the way we communicated information as a species."
"Another nice feature is that if you send an emoji like just a single emoji by itself then it actually shows up substantially larger."
"Is it really a good idea to have the entire planet's messaging in the hands of one company?"
"They should do just like uh, like text phones where you can text somebody at a pay phone that you know they're going to be next to. Beepers, beeper, yeah, I just invented beepers."
"Our planet has become remarkably more unified as we're now able to see, speak with, and relate to people all around the world."
"Can you imagine if we didn't have Twitter, if we didn't have Facebook?"
"Scientists have taught spinach to send emails."
"The end goal for Cicero is to improve natural language generation and planning to ease communication between humans and AI-powered agents."
"Nothing was enough to save the sinking ship after 1900; the telegraph slowed to a halt."
"Big changes in communication: new alternative internet again."
"Sometimes like 10 feet above your head, just crazy array." - Mike Glover on using long whip antennas for communication
"Liftoff of CRS 29 carrying cargo, research, and a laser communication press nominal laser communications demonstrator to the International Space Station now in its 25th year of orbital operations."
"The internet has become an essential tool for communicating, which is partly why it has also become a popular target among scammers and cybercriminals."
"Slack really popularized this form of communication."
"We did it all on the phone there wasn't any Zoom... people really met with each other one-on-one like we are."
"Broadcastify lets you listen to live audio streams from police, fire, and EMS departments."
"People are moving towards communication forms that are free and decentralized."
"HF radio is really one of the only options that we have."
"Winlink is one of the best ways to send emails via radio."
"Messages were a huge upgrade in iOS 10 and they are equally big here on the Apple watch."
"It's capable of doing in a natural disaster if the terrestrial network is taken down, that's impressive."
"You can now mention and reply to individual people inside of group chats."
"Palantir's name came from the Lord of the Rings, where the magical Palantiri were seeing stones described as these indestructible balls of crystal used for communication and to see events in other parts of the world. So it's a pretty good name."
"Can we please have radios that are up to par with military or commercial radios?"
"But it’s not just how we speak -- these apps have not-so-subtly become embedded in our daily lives very quickly."
"Good luck building something like Twilio to send text messages."
"Encrypt or hash that communication together."
"The speed of the musk companies is like going from paper mail to something past Discord."
"The problem of not having enough natural resources."
"Radio waves: S tier for socialist revolutions."
"An exceptionally rare thing in life or in business that you get a second chance to make another big impression. Twitter made one massive impression and changed the way we communicate."
"Neuralink might be able to help us increase the bandwidth of our communication."
"Messaging apps have four major functions: instant messaging, group discussions, sharing content, and developing professional networks."
"Advancing AI through language is at the heart of how we communicate."
"We live in incredible times. You know, man, look, we could FaceTime each other if we need to."
"Granville T Woods: Overlooked inventor whose most important invention was the induction telegraph, allowing voice communication over telegraph wires."
"You can use Facetime to share your screen with someone else."
"We will have over one billion users using a WebRTC-enabled browser."
"We as a global community ended slavery and we did it without the benefit of social media and without the internet."
"The main technology that changed the planet was the ability to communicate as we are now."
"As with most Marvel things these days, the most talked-about thing about this series is a cameo."
"I felt my phone buzz... the feeling of Joy I experienced can't be accurately described."
"The potential for glass is where they're going to embed the antenna."
"So now can we exploit the quantum world for faster-than-light communication?"
"Text is such an incredible tool because now you can clearly get your thoughts out there."
"Facetime makes everything a lot easier because you don't feel as far or disconnected."
"You want to see at night, you want sending stones, you know, you want to be able to just talk to anybody."
"Cat and Chandler talked on the phone, they texted, chatted through Snapchat messages, and used Facetime on a regular basis."
"Smart replying... identifying those things and then presenting you with an option you may want to jump into..."
"Starlink is commercializing an all new communication Network."
"We believe that communicating with voice makes communication more natural, more seamless."
"Whoever controls the future of communications will dominate the world."
"Dear cell phone companies, please add an unsend my text option."
"It's a sweet and meaningful gift that will give you a new way to stay in touch with those you love."
"The ability to edit and unsend messages in iMessage... just a really awesome feature."
"Here is a technology to communicate with another level of reality."
"NLP is all about trying to understand how humans communicate with each other and how to get a computer to replicate that behavior so that we can interact with computers in a more natural manner." - Justin Zhao
"The biggest upgrade by far to this drone is that it now uses OcuSync 2.0 for transmission."
"It's very interesting just the way we can now communicate with this thing in a natural language way."
"We finally found somewhere semi-safe, and the police still have working radios. That's huge."
"The very thing that separates PACKTALK from the rest of the pack- the group intercom."
"In the 16th and 17th century, they had to contend with a new communication technology, the printing press, and it completely changed everything."
"SpaceX has filed FCC permits to communicate with Starship using Starlink during re-entry to prevent plasma blackouts."
"Discord has completely transformed from this sort of weird niche gamery chat platform to just, I mean, honestly, I can't think of a reason to use anything other than Discord."
"Mesh 2.0 is actually pretty amazing and maybe even you use the word revolutionary. I think so. It'll... it's a paradigm shift in motorcycle communications."
"Helix or helical antennas are a really great kind of easy-ish way to get circular polarization."
"Telephones... they're how we stay connected."
"If you know of a better way of subspace communication, I'd love to hear it."
"Web real-time communication is a technology that exists in most modern browsers that allows users to communicate with one another in real-time right from within their browsers without actually having to use a server."
"GMRS is really becoming one of the more popular options out there."
"The free electron density at the various altitudes determines the signal propagation behavior of many of our radar and long-range communication systems."
"The FT 2DR is possibly one of my favorite handy talkies on the market."
"Skype made it really easy. You just connected there, and you can do video chats—if it's Skype-to-Skype, for free."
"You can override the standard text messages with a custom lightning web component."
"With advanced communication networks, humans grow closer to omniscience and omnipresence."
"Imagine if [Stephen Hawking] could communicate as quickly as a speed typist or an auctioneer."
"Radios or some form of communication... are an important thing for us to look at."
"For 60 years, the Alice Springs Telegraph station was like a giant central server."
"This is a QRP rig with many features, mostly on the receive side but with interesting transmit capabilities too."
"If you are in the market for the very best hand-held GMRS walkie-talkie that money can buy, this is it right here."
"The AnyTone mobile D578 radio holds 300,000 contacts, the entire database worldwide of DMR contacts."
"Shortwave radio signals... have the unique ability to bounce or skip off the earth's ionosphere, allowing them to propagate over vast distances."
"Using modulation to transmit a signal over long distances is an important concept in communication systems."
"Multiplexing is the process of simultaneously transmitting more than one signal over one channel."
"Have you ever thought about how the networking might work under the hood?"
"These all get added in time and sent in the channel and because they're all orthogonal in different frequency bands, they are all able to be decoded at the receiver."
"The decoding, it's just a matter of running Viterbi."
"This seems actually like a real good use case in scenario for using WebSockets in real-time communication."
"Routing is simply determining the path between a source and a destination."
"Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing very efficiently overcomes the inter-symbol interference in a wireless channel."
"Many humans mistake these advances believing them to be actual human communication when at best they are simply technologies that extend our reach into the environment."
"This particular technique is one unique advantage which motivates us to take up this kind of communication systems."
"There's no reason why you can't have the utility of GMRS... and there's no reason that you can't be a ham radio operator too and enjoy some aspects of it."
"The shrinking world effect makes the world feel a lot smaller because of communication in real-time and being able to transport things a lot quicker."
"We both still think Cardo's the best communicators on the market."
"The power of push notifications is that it allows you to let people know that something important has happened."