
Personal Authenticity Quotes

There are 319 quotes

"It's too easy, it's too convenient, it's too narrow, it's not broad. It's not relying on who you are as a person, it's relying on 7% of who you are."
"Ask Heaven for guidance and then make the choice that celebrates who you truly are."
"If you're not living your life, if you're not showing up at work, if you're not going through the process of dating and being the real you, the people who are looking for you can't find you."
"People have actually asked me to be more Pamela Anderson-like. Oh wow, I'm a real person."
"No longer fearing the judgment or rejection of other people, honoring your truth above all."
"It's time to get wild, become free, and embrace every part of yourself, even those awkward quirks."
"Don't be shy or be shy, you know, you do you."
"In matters of the heart, the best thing you can do is just move with kindness and try to be true to yourself."
"I don't care what nobody else feel, you know what I'm saying? I'm going to speak what's real for me."
"I have no regrets. That's just the type of person I am. When I'm angry, you'll know. When I'm happy, you'll know. And when I'm sad, you'll know it. I don't believe in holding emotions back from people. It just lets people know that you're human."
"You don't need to be the person that people want you to be."
"You can be talented and you will not get anywhere. There are people like that. But you're also marketable as well. I'm marketable because I do what gets me to that X, which is my being myself, like being real, being real. Yes, being yourself."
"By following your own light, you're following your own intuition."
"Stay true to yourself, just those things that make sense to you."
"I need you, my bestie, to help me remember my authenticity."
"Boundaries aren't about being inflexible, boundaries are about you being inauthentic."
"Be consistent, enjoy what you're doing, be yourself, and be unique."
"If all people in general stop judging and live their life for who they are, it makes it better for everyone."
"I am going to be myself and I hope that you guys are hearing this: do not apologize for being who you are based on how one Community perceives you."
"I don't need to blast a [ __ ] ton of gear and look a certain way just to have a career because longevity, man. Honestly, I could look like [ __ ] probably, yeah, but I don't want to look like [ __ ]."
"Your belief systems are not going to go in alignment with everybody."
"How do you stay so motivated and positive yeah it's funny that you say this because I am NOT always this motivated positive of course I turn it on for the camera when I when I'm doing you know videos and live."
"Speak your truth and someone confirms that it's okay to be that version of yourself."
"I trust myself I trust my feelings I'm not going to try to be anything other than who I am anymore."
"There is no such thing as failure so long as you are being authentic."
"There's never a relationship where there is no trust."
"I don't want to change my energy because that's how I felt in my heart."
"Pray about giving if you want to help us take this message all around the world and represent God to lost-and-found people for one reason: transformation in Christ."
"I want to be the real me, the highest version of me, that God loves me, and I don't have to prove anything to anyone."
"So all I can say is speak your truth do you know what I really don't care what anyone thinks of me I'm far too AG to even bother to be honest now the only thing that matters to me is the truth"
"The best way to accomplish something is to follow your own nature."
"Just be honest about who you are. It's gonna go so much better for you, I promise you."
"Intimacy is to bring yourself, who you are, to the center of the relationship and for the other person to do the same."
"He gets to be himself... and he's not interested in dominance."
"It's more about what's true to me and what will impact the person listening, the idea of making that connection again but without being a false story, you know?"
"Tyler made me feel more comfortable as a black dude to be myself."
"There will be people that aren't gonna try to knock you down. But just get back up and be you."
"Any advice for a starter channel? Know what you want to talk about, be consistent, and be yourself."
"I'm winning because I'm stating my truth and living in it."
"Being vulnerable is way easier than trying to put on a front to be something that you're not."
"Follow your dreams, please do what you want to do, be who you want to be, be authentic, be rooted in your purpose, and love your life. That is really it."
"I'm cool with being I'm cool with Who I am I've never tried to front I've never tried to be more than what I am."
"Be yourself and be surrounded by those who want to see blossom and or bloom."
"We are being called to no longer dilute our light or adjust our vibration in order to physically connect with others who might not be willing to rise with us."
"I think ultimately the goal for anybody is to get to a point where you can say, 'This doesn't feel right for me.'"
"I just want to be me and I just want to focus on what I like and create content that I enjoy."
"Long story short: don't do it for the gram, do it for you. Don't let nobody tell you what to do."
"Who I am is a cool song that is about kind of owning your quirks as a person."
"You have to live the life that works for you, not the life that television tells you you gotta have."
"The truth is probably the smartest thing Elon could possibly do is just be himself."
"I've made it far by being myself. I won't deny myself that freedom."
"Suppressing who you are is probably one of the biggest pitfalls in in pains that a human can experience."
"It's not about revolting against the past, it's simply about staying true to who we are."
"If you believe in something and you want to do it, do it your own way and don't let anyone tell you how to do it."
"Truly deep down not having anxiety or fear around what's going to be said about me knowing that the deepest regret would be to not show up exactly how I want to show up."
"Do what you love, do the best you can. That's the only way to show who you actually are."
"They fear being true to themselves; it breaks my heart for them."
"I think I'm more unapologetic than I am because nobody is perfect."
"Just be yourself in there, Bo. I know you don't want to go but just be yourself."
"Boundaries should never compromise your authenticity, your true self."
"For me, honesty and just authenticity, that's my genre basically."
"I didn't want to step into becoming like a spokesperson or some sort of model of what mental disease looked like. I just wanted to be honest and be me."
"Do what's in your heart, don't worry about what we think."
"It's not fun to know that someone out there doesn't like you; it's bad for you being yourself."
"But it made me think a lot about how much I tried so hard to be this digestible person, but how much that didn't work."
"Aim for who you are, not who you want to be, not who you think you are. Can you have the humbleness to surrender into the curiosity of who you are?"
"Take action, speak your truth, stand your ground. It's either now or never."
"Now we can stand up like men, stand up like women, and serve the true and living God!"
"Let go of what you think the world wants of you and really honor yourself."
"You ain't never took the time out to find out from this woman what actually made her like you from the jump."
"I think people expect celebrities to be different than what we love them for."
"Chappelle decided that if he was going to come back, it would only be exactly who he wants to be as an entertainer."
"You shouldn't need to use cherished products to get people's love and attention; you should be able to earn it for yourself with genuine creativity."
"Don't feel any pressure to tap into your feminine side... Man up and do you."
"When they start liking you it's like they like you for you."
"A guru is there to make you natural, to get you connected to your true self."
"She didn't want to be the version of herself that he approved of."
"It is important to keep in mind to be aware of your audience, the setting that you're going in, and be able to make the necessary modifications while remaining true to who you are and your authentic self."
"Own your truth, own your power, and do not let others dictate for you."
"I have the courage to just be me, and I do it on a public platform. I'm me and everybody can see."
"Stay true to who you are as a person but also be prepared to listen to your audience and adapt your channel."
"Be true to your heart. Do what you want to do, love what you do. Because what you are most true to is going to work out for you."
"You gotta be yourself. You gotta make it unique, original, fun."
"No one can tell me that I need to be different. That's up to me to be different, and that's totally valid." - Nicole
"A brave thing for Rob to do to be true to himself and finally live his life on his own terms."
"Be yourself find your niche like whatever that may be that's such a good point of like finding your niche and realizing that just because Connor does weekly vlogs you don't have to do with your vlogs."
"Being your own authentic self is beautiful, is amazing, and I hope I inspire you guys to do that. It hasn't been easy being independent media during a time of mass censorship, but it sure as hell has been rewarding and fun."
"Colin came out to his students because he wanted to fully embrace himself."
"Don't wait until you find yourself in some existential crisis because you've been living your life based upon some social rule book."
"We are living in an epidemic or a desert of authenticity... Ultimately is a disease."
"I try to find a balance between making my content widely appealing but also true to me."
"You make it by appealing to an audience. Being yourself works if yourself is appealing."
"Thanks to the work of Kate Warren, the Pinkerton agency's logo became a large eye with a motto: 'We never sleep.'"
"I don't make streams when I'm not in the mood. I refuse to do it. I will not commit to that. That's why every time you guys get a new live show from me, it's random."
"It is wrong for the leftists to just separate those and say right never the twain meet... this is not true."
"So like you were saying, it's not necessarily that like back then I was the realest that I'd ever been."
"You find out who you are and start living as who you truly are."
"I think the audience always responds to someone owning their voice."
"Believe in yourself and be true to yourself and trust your gut. That's everything revolutionary."
"Stop doing things for the acceptance of others. Be who it is you know the Most High put you here to be."
"With Halo, you can make sure what people hear with their ears matches what comes from your heart."
"I'm kind of obsessed with it because it is Vanity, like at that last moment she's sort of come out and she's been like, I did the assignments, I ticked every box that you forced me into, but now I'm just doing me."
"There's no way you can be happy or be yourself if you're constantly walking around on eggshells."
"If you can't be yourself, for me, that's the reason why I left banking. It's very simple."
"Show humility and confidence in interviews; be authentic."
"Drop the things that offend your soul, embrace your truth."
"Keep being you and do whatever you got to do to make your dreams come true."
"During this new moon, you're decluttering any thoughts, opinions, or beliefs that don't align with your more authentic self-expression."
"I ain't never gonna change me to please the next person. I'm gonna do [__] my way and how I see fit."
"Living authentically to myself makes me a lot happier than just trying to please people."
"I want to push the envelope, stay true to myself."
"You can't fake the funk. Funk is something you gotta have. You cannot fake it."
"That's not flexing on your subscribers, that's just you living your life."
"Your truth is your truth, and she'll like you even more for your truth and who you are."
"I just hated dressing up, I hated trying to be something that I wasn't."
"Authenticity and personal connection matter." - Michael Knowles
"Don't try to change people's minds... meet people with compassion... be you, do you."
"Stand in your truth, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Bring in all parts of you, your masculine and feminine, need to have a balance."
"Thank y'all so much for giving me this opportunity to be myself."
"The key to happiness, the key to success: be yourself."
"You don't think what will other people like, it should be about your own emotional reaction."
"I want people to like me because they vibe with my music, my personality, my style."
"In the world we're living in now, attention is the new currency. Just be real, that's how to win friends and influence people and create value."
"Finding authenticity in our being is essential for growth."
"I'm still staying true to me, you know what I'm saying? And the people that I know I love and love me love me so that's all that matter for sure."
"Here it is in opening yourself to your brilliance, to your beauty, to your truth and saying that to the world. This is me and I get to be me within this world."
"You're not here for 'I feel like a princess,' you're here for the right reasons."
"You're just a genuine guy and I think that's the key to your success you know you're just not... you're not some host looking for a sexy punchline."
"There's definitely a hateability, I guess, for wrestling fans towards Ty Mello. But never apologize for being yourself."
"Remember, it's okay to show your emotions. When you're passionate about something, you're gonna have emotions."
"I just want to reiterate that I agree with people living their truth."
"Start thinking about the benefits that your product service or opportunity provides... not the features but the benefits."
"It was me. I didn't have to project anything that I wasn't, and you guys liked that."
"Be yourself, don't pretend to be someone you're not."
"You're gonna get much farther doing you, Pisces. Just double down on you."
"Show up how you want to show up and you feel just as good either way."
"When the content you're making is so heavily ingrained with who you are as a person or the persona that you created for the camera, it's difficult to switch that up and change it."
"When your content is quite literally based on you as a person and your personality we can't all just change our entire interests and personality."
"The real you is enough is worthy and actually the real you is the only viable strategy to attract the right guy."
"We should always we should always very inspire it to be the most genuine person that we can be and that's being the the most honest and the most confident person who we are."
"My only image is being me. My only image is being fearless, brave, you know what I mean?"
"Sometimes your truth is not going to be all sunshine and rainbows."
"Gender identity isn't about the gender which is socially constructed, that's about my sense of self."
"Even if it means not always seeing eye to eye with a potential romance, staying true to yourself is crucial."
"I enjoy being myself. I'm not going to change who I am just because it's Halloween."
"Finding that balance between being your authentic self and putting your life out for public consumption is probably the most difficult thing ever."
"I'd rather use my own point of view and references and stories and failures it dragged my own name through the mud so other people don't have to touch the mud and be clean."
"Being yourself takes you the furthest in life to me."
"Being true to yourself is most important, and your people will find you."
"Showing who you are on the inside, never have to hide yourself away."
"Authenticity touches people deeper than anything else."
"One thing I'm thankful for with YouTube that I feel like I get to do is be myself."
"Greater proportion of people coming out and being forthcoming and honest about who they are."
"I think the biggest thing was like when you, I felt like I could really be myself."
"I just try to be myself... I really had a strong conviction and belief."
"Put myself out there so that the people who are like me will find me."
"Stop living your life based off of what you think society expects from you."
"I think what people crave is authenticity and I think they see that I'm authentic and that I'm not trying to [ __ ] them."
"John Cena deserves some credit as well for letting those walls down for being the guy that a lot of people don't think he is."
"I think that just we did stay true to who we are... and our faith of course is the ultimate thing that plays into that."
"I don't care if you like me love me hate me it people gotta know the truth on this."
"You could just write your own roles, you know? Write something that's as interesting as you are."
"I don't think you need to justify being anything really, unless you feel the need to."
"At the heart of it all is still a real person making music for fun."
"Probably the main thing I got out of that, was, pardon my French, fuck being polite!"
"I want to be someone that can hold that space of 'this is who I am' and be honest about it."
"I'm now self-directed, so instead of chasing after what someone else wants or needs me to be, I'm like I just be what I am."
"I just got to be true to myself and follow my dreams."
"You gotta stay true to yourself... do something with your heart."
"To thine own heart be true, you know, like, at all costs, no matter what it says, even if it's crazy."
"There's a need to come at it not from a stiff place, not from a structured place, but from like a really, like, soft, really vulnerable, really personal space."
"He's happy, he's so happy. He's like, 'I can finally be myself.'"
"Authenticity... this is what drew people to emerald rose's TikTok page."
"Burnout in White Collar jobs is not just from overwork, but from suppressing one's authentic self."
"You've had to really trust in life and be willing to make a whole huge fool of yourself in order to just be you and to live your path."
"Step into the best version of you and to be loved and cherished for who you are."
"Owning your truth, owning your power, and just really standing up and standing firm in who you are and how truly magical and magnificent you are."
"In your authenticity, you are more than enough."
"I want to create an environment where people feel like they can be themselves."
"You're a totally different person off camera."
"It can be tough doing an interview when you are not your actual self. It's very hard to fake that energy."
"The freedom you have in never having to pretend you're somebody else or disguising your belief is better than any home plain job."
"Unmasking is the practice of learning to trust one's intuition and make decisions based on one's own needs and desires."
"Grow in your authenticity, but stay authentic to yourself."
"Lose yourself in keeping up with the Joneses and keeping up with the Kardashians, except your own truth."
"I don't want to be the 80 percent version of me."
"Maybe there's a quarterback inside Tim Tebow but more important than that their strength it may not be the strength to do all things but to remain himself in the face of whatever comes it's the strength to be Tim Tebow."
"Be true to yourself, but also stick to a routine."
"A lot of these people that y'all want me to be with be fake on the low gay...that's why I'm like maybe some people would describe me as abrasive or whatever."
"Be yourself. He was able to be himself in spades and people loved it."
"Chris Cuomo prepping to sue CNN for more than 18 million dollars over contract."
"I really feel like lying about part of your life can really be a hindrance to you connecting with other people."
"Revealing your truth and embracing transformation."
"How is fear the access to your most authentic life? Because we hide ourselves."
"To not live your life in the way that you want is a betrayal of your own existence."
"People want fresh, people want new, be yourself, the new and the fresh is you."
"I felt like I was playing a role, not myself."
"If you're just honest, if you're just you... Someone's gonna say yes."
"He doesn't say anything he doesn't believe and he has no filter."
"I just want to be as real and open and honest as I can be. Like, I always try to be."