
Personal Awareness Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"The great mystery will likely remain what it feels like inside, the inner experience of personal awareness."
"Pay attention to what you're saying to yourself."
"It's hard to rank identities until you challenge them. Father is probably right now the most I'm aware of, my son, and that's heartening."
"It means either the universe has your back or the universe is telling you like, be aware of what's happening in your life right now."
"Don't apologize for who you are; just make sure you know what it is, and also make sure that you think as equally hard not just about what you want but what they're gonna want."
"You can't say that pretty privilege has worked against you when you're still benefiting from it."
"It's tyranny. I know you know that, but it's shocking to see it. Good luck."
"Did you know that your security is as much non-existent online? I did not before researching this video. So this was a really big eye-opener for me."
"The writing's on the wall, the red flags there's something here that's trying to get your attention it's trying to get you to wake up."
"If someone says no then you're like girl okay like let's take five steps back does my breath smell."
"You're aware that this person is not being much of a team player."
"Your peripheral awareness picks up on inconsistencies. When changes happen, it's a behavioral manifestation of something that has changed."
"It's like we're in there and we're aware that it's danger we're aware that it's tricky right trying to hurt your feelings."
"I know that if I want to improve myself overall that actually I should look at my gut as well."
"The most important red flag is not what you see, it's what you feel. If you had paid attention to what you felt, you would have known this was not right long before you got to a point of seeing anything."
"Trust your intuition; it's constantly there like a beacon, reminding us of what we need."
"Every time there is a breakdown, that's when you open your eyes."
"They're there to floss be seen with you but when it comes down to it you don't really know who those people are."
"Disgust and contempt, pay attention to those."
"This tells you that I think Evangeline Lilly knew exactly what she was getting into when she posted this."
"Fitness ends up lending itself to so many other self-improvement aspects because you have to be so self-aware and willing to look at those behaviors and acknowledge them and admit them to yourself."
"The universe is trying to tell you something or get your attention."
"Watch for the red flags, they're there. When people show you who they are the first time, believe them."
"Nobody wants to enter the creep Zone now I have been in the creep Zone once or twice in my life and at the time I didn't know how I was doing it now after years of observation I know exactly how I ended up in the creepy Zone."
"Be mindful of the information you share and the consequences."
"Focus on not being cut off, not cutting other people off."
"If you are emotional, you don't see the details."
"Some people see that you see synchronicity signs."
"You need to know those before we can go satisfying our deeper urges without hurting people."
"If you're ever doing a meditation and your eyes are closed and you hear a noise, it's instinct for us to open our eyes to make sure that we are safe."
"Grow a level of some self-awareness of confidence."
"You were plowing ahead without seeing where you stood with her."
"If any man that you are seeing is exhibiting two or more of these traits, you want to be very conscious of the fact that you may be dealing with a guy who's not getting to know you for the right reasons."
"People in your life are going to be playing a very significant role... you being aware of things."
"Red flags are not pretty decorations for you to admire; they are warning you for a reason."
"But you are experiencing the ego’s emotions when you believe in it."
"Just be aware, pay attention to your intuition."
"Most people are just stumbling through lives, believing all the lies they've been told."
"Highlight what I see around me that is good and actually vocalize it."
"You have literally been given so much spiritual power that you're not even aware of."
"Psychedelics raise your consciousness, making you more aware and able to self-reflect in an unbiased way."
"You being in a strong state, understanding, and being able to observe what is happening will go so far."
"Even today she said some people are born without a trace of self."
"As soon as I'm waking up and I'm like wanting to drink which happened a few times at like the most recent optic house."
"If you can't feel all your emotions, you're not really fully alive."
"See people as they are, not better than they are or worse than they are, because you can ignore reality but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality."
"Never prejudge. You don't know what's going on in another person's world, you just don't."
"I'm going to share a depressing truth... very few people live inside reality."
"You're just putting a target on your back if you start getting cocky like that."
"You know the thing is, I know when something's wrong."
"Perception versus reality is very different."
"The most dangerous thing that you can get into is a religious circle because you start to adopt something you don't even realize is in you."
"Every time you walk through a door, you're not alone in the world."
"If a man is not in pursuit of you, pay attention to that and just listen to that and take heed, take heed."
"Be in your observational neutrality at all times whether you're a professional or whether you're just reading something on Facebook."
"Someone is watching you with the page of swords."
"Your intuition might be stronger than usual."
"You've got to respect that for them it's like a volume knob. You've got to be aware of that in my experience."
"I was very self-conscious the whole day about being a white guy entering a black space and filming it."
"Even their higher self is saying, 'Hey, Mr. Goddess's viewer, they're still a snake.'"
"Trust your intuition, trust what you're sensing, trust when you're feeling."
"Synchronicities are repeated numbers, repeated experiences, hearing a specific message in a song, running into somebody that you've been thinking about."
"Refuse to engage them or actively release them. Write down your life story and start looking for the places that ants exist."
"The Playboy should have been all the red flags you needed to get out of that one."
"Those are just a few ways that some people are able to realize like oh [ __ ] my period is coming."
"It's about acknowledging something, being brought to the surface, being illuminated."
"Be conscious before you move forward with this person, look out for yourself."