
Invasion Quotes

There are 469 quotes

"Phase 3: Consumption. From the perspective of somebody who is on a world being attacked by the tyranids, the invasion in and of itself is a true cosmic horror."
"In terms of Russia trying to invade a sovereign nation, they should absolutely not invade."
"The soul society lies in ruins in the wake of the Quincy's first invasion."
"But never have the Sorcerers of the Darklands accompanied the invaders. There's a first time for everything, and a last time as well."
"Then one day around 1177 BC, black sails were sighted off the Egyptian shore."
"The story of history is the story of invasions. One group of people moving into someone else's land and taking it. One nation ends, another begins."
"Being invaded is a fairly traumatic experience."
"Every country that's invaded another country has always had a good reason to do it."
"Putin's brutal invasion of Ukraine has shaken Europeans and the world to the core."
"Evil jellyfish just rolling into my territory, all that isn't that wonderful."
"It's now been over two years since the brutal invasion of Ukraine, and they remain defiant."
"Imperialism is going in and taking over other people's countries without their permission."
"This is bad, Milo, the sun is almost set, this means that the zombie invasion is about to begin."
"Russia invaded, Russia was supporting the separatist movement in Donbass before, and now Russia has bombed Kiev, Lviv, Dnipro, Mariupol."
"Therefore, similarly, one motivation for an invasion could be to actually end the suffering on Earth by destroying divisive concepts such as governments, politics, religion or even greed."
"When we say alien invasion, this is normally the type of scenario we tend to conjure up in our minds but as human history has shown, an invasion can take on many forms."
"Sanctions need to be powerful enough to demonstrate our resolve and the capacity to impose overwhelming costs."
"You don't invade a country that hasn't invaded you, it's anathema to international law, it's the war crime."
"A communications disruption can mean only one thing: invasion."
"But generally speaking, when an invasion happens and then, you know, the country who did the invasion says like, 'Oh, well, we were doing it for this idealistic sort of ideological reason,' I generally make the assumption that the idealism."
"Vladimir Putin could have chosen not to invade Ukraine, but he did."
"They're eating the reef, we're being invaded by the stuff."
"From the moment when Crimea was invaded, it was clear that this is just the beginning of a major geopolitical correction."
"The planter invasion has begun and has also been immediately won as well."
"Democratic countries don't invade their neighbors."
"Russia invaded Ukraine to the shock and disgust of onlookers worldwide."
"He's invading the whole country in a multi-pronged attack."
"Putin invaded, he was wrong, he's losing the influence war."
"Ukraine wasn't about to join NATO, Ukraine was slowly inching more toward the West and Europe but there wasn't... what was the catalyst? What? Why now? Why did he choose suddenly to invade a sovereign country?"
"Once you have a full-scale invasion... the gray areas go essentially, don't they?"
"This is an illegal Invasion uh with gross human rights abuses."
"There is a plan to invade the United States. It's no secret."
"Russia will be held accountable if it invades, and it depends on what it does."
"The main reason for invasion is to keep Ukraine in Russia's sphere of influence."
"China's desperate right now that's why they will invade Taiwan before the end of the year."
"These Advanced beings, these Sky people in the distant past arrived in what you and I would call an invasion. There is a light and a shade in many of the world's ancient stories of contact."
"I stand steadfast with this: It is entirely immoral for a country to invade a sovereign country."
"The invasion of the Burning Legion has begun. Lordaeron has already fallen, and now the demons come to invade Kalimdor. Only together, united against the shadow, will you be able to save this world from the flame."
"Italy invades Ethiopia and insists on doing it in a dramatically fascist fashion."
"From the moment the invaders arrived, breathed our air, ate and drank, they were doomed."
"Half human half alien hybrids is a popular one in science fiction as a way to take over the earth."
"Our safe haven was invaded by a filthy and vulgar band of thugs, the look in their eyes did not promise anything good."
"Putin's invasion of a sovereign country must fail he must not be successful in that ambition."
"Sea pickle invasion: 'Full-on invasion, swimming north by the millions.'"
"If any assembled Russian units move across the Ukrainian border, that is an invasion. Putin makes this choice. Russia will pay a heavy price."
"The invasion of Iran... a classic example of regime change."
"Sea pickle invasion: a full-on invasion with no signs of stopping."
"The initial strikes... would be cruise missiles... to create confusion that they hope will allow them to begin a ground invasion." - Retired Colonel Stephen Ganyard
"It's a complete and total invasion of privacy."
"Remember this, puny humans. We came here for justice, not murder."
"If a country can invade you, you don't have sovereignty."
"Russia openly declaring that they're invading another country, it's a full and total invasion."
"Japan tried to invade China via Korea but Korea refused and so they invaded Korea twice."
"The war in Ukraine is not a territorial dispute. It is a Russian invasion."
"You have a right to your home, to establish a place where you generate resources... if an outside group comes in... you have displacement, you have an invasion."
"When Russia invaded, it wasn't just Ukraine being tested, the whole world faced the test for the ages."
"Putin's cousin is the key to the entire invasion."
"Lights in the sky, strange aircraft, and even tall men helmeted and dressed in silver suits—it was an invasion of sorts."
"Russia has decided to invade a sovereign neighbor for no legitimate purpose. However, its invasion does make sense."
"An invasion without bloodshed. An occupation without a clear motive by a form of life that shares our genetic material. Maybe this isn't an invasion. Just a reunion."
"Whenever a democratic country is invaded, other Democratic allies will rise up."
"A faceless 'person' looking into my bedroom window with their hands cupped to the glass."
"The drug actually stops the so-called invasive life form that is trying to force you to perceive information in a linear fashion."
"Yesterday marked the second anniversary of Russia's illegal and unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine."
"No way would Russia have invaded them if Ukraine still had a nuclear deterrent."
"I think we might be getting closer to alien invasions day by day."
"The galaxy is being taken over by a bunch of naughty carrots!"
"The invasion in War of the Worlds 2005 isn't the fun exciting alien battle adventure seen in the 1953 original or Independence Day, but it's disturbing, creepy, and somber."
"...the enormous Mongol attacks on Japan in the 13th century were the largest seaborne Invasion fleets in history until the Normandy Landings some 700 years later."
"The Viking raids against the great empire of Charlemagne in 799 turned into invasions 40 years later when his grandsons began a bloody civil war, leaving the empire's coastline undefended."
"From that we deduce that if aliens were invading Earth for some resource, it would be because they wanted something only Earth had, like unique biological specimens or art."
"We have come for your natural resources to rebuild our damaged planet."
"The best way to avoid that is by not invading at all."
"Fifty-seven years ago, an alien race known as the nonsuch attacked Earth and killed 95% of humanity."
"Allied invasion craft sped to seven landing points along 100 miles of coastline."
"That is the first invasion force that had ever been defeated during WWII [at that point]."
"With all Avengers now assembled and working together, they stood together in a circle surveying the ongoing Invasion."
"From now on, Egypt's story would be written by invaders from far beyond the Valley of the Nile."
"3 years have passed since aliens arrived on Earth unnoticed, catching everyone by surprise."
"It was one thing to think of a home invasion, but to live it violates every thought of privacy and safety you have."
"The speed of the German advance caught both the French military and the British Expeditionary Force in northern France by surprise and within weeks the Nazis were closing in on the capital."
"Identity theft has become one of the most invasive and personal of crimes."
"Everybody's traumatized seeing them come to your hotel bed, I couldn't help but think of that photo."
"Heaven is about to do an Earth invasion."
"This is just the first shot of a full-scale invasion, one that's been planned for centuries."
"The West was horrified by the invasion."
"In the halls of the old Targaryen seat of power, Dany is under no illusions about looking like an invading enemy, and wants to take the Seven Kingdoms without simply just burning the people of King’s Landing to the ground."
"China's intentions are clear: an invasion of Taiwan is coming."
"A Chinese invasion of Taiwan could only take place during the two or three-week window in either spring or fall when the tides are favorable."
"Russia's invasion of Ukraine is sidelining the seriousness of the invasion even worse China now supports and helps spread Kremlin propaganda."
"What if the worst came to worse could the US successfully invade China?"
"An invasion is a great way to turn the world against you."
"Both the observations of Science and the evidence of our eyes lead to the inescapable assumption that those strange beings who landed in the Jersey farmlands tonight are the Vanguard of an invading Army from the planet Mars."
"The first sign of an incoming invasion will be the so-called shadow in the warp, a vast psychic emanation of the hive mind which smothers entire star systems."
"You're about to make history. We're invading not to conquer and subjugate the people. We're invading to evict the dictator."
"The enemy has begun the attack on Europe that we have long awaited."
"...across the Gulf of space minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic regarded this earth with envious eyes and slowly and surely drew their plans against us."
"It was the Visigoths who engineered the so-called Sack of Rome that so shocked Augustine and his contemporaries."
"They took the Germans 10 days to take the island."
"At the start of the century, vandals, Allens, and swavey occupied the southwest and north, visiting war and destruction on the Hispano Romans."
"If I don't act fast, how will me and my children hold back the beer and pop can invasion?"
"Fear of a French invasion was growing."
"Allied Forces successfully landed in Sicily and began moving North."
"The einsatzgruppen enter Poland with the mission of destroying the Polish state permanently."
"The impending threat of Alien Invasion coupled with the impending threat of what artificial intelligence potentially brings."
"The strongest aspect of analog horror has to be its ability to truly strike you at your personal core, making you feel like your personal space is actively being invaded."
"In fact, they had never even heard of the Huns until the last quarter of the fourth century."
"Invaded Samoa and occupied New Zealand."
"plan of impregnating human females with their offspring so they can take over the planet."
"A species beyond our comprehension binds itself to our face, shoving its reproductive organs down our throat, using us as its host, impregnating us with its evil spawn."
"Edward would Mount his own successful invasion of England in March 1471."
"Ukraine is a sovereign country that was invaded by Russia, just as Hungary was invaded by the Soviet Union back in 1956."
"Truth is thus little by little invaded by darkness."
"Bro, is he starting like an invasion of Earth?"
"What happens when earth gets invaded by indestructible creatures?"
"...with the first major invasion occurring at kachiro beach hoping to capture the guild headquarters."
"A tiny drop of their blood allows me inside their minds where I can see all kinds of wonderful things, memories, secrets, and even loved ones."
"If Hitler had chosen to invade at that point, it is difficult to see how the country could have defended itself."
"What changes everything is the Nazi invasion of France and the low countries... Europe is ours for a thousand years."
"The prian invasion had been repelled, but the war was far from over."
"The massive invasion would be a complex land-sea assault, demanding some astonishing feats of engineering."
"In 43 A.D the Romans invaded Britain along with 40,000 men and a load of elephants all packed into a thousand ships."
"The German army that invaded the Soviet Union in 1941 was massive," the largest invading force ever assembled.
"A huntsman spider the size of a dinner plate once made its way into my house."
"If any part of Phil Schneider's story is true, then the invasion has already begun."
"What could be more terrifying than the prospect of having your mind and body taken over by an alien being?"
"The invasion had begun. He said that since midnight three hours before our paratroopers some twenty thousand of them had been landing in France."
"The bloody and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin continues."
"The Justice League defend against the legendary Atlantean invading Army."
"The children of the forest lived peacefully until the big bad humans referred to as the first men invaded."
"The mad cat or the Timberwolf, the mech has two separate names... who saw it and which shitty targeting system was looking at it when the Clans first invaded."
"What’s worse than home invasion and being forcibly dragged to your own death?"
"In season 1, Vecna either wants to use Will as a host to ultimately get Eleven's power or harvest hosts for his Upside Down army for the invasion and destruction of the entire world."
"The abies invasion unleashes chaos throughout Wayward Pines."
"Germany invades Poland and the priest state of Damstein; the efforts and hopes of diplomats for peaceful settlement are transformed into the roar of gunfire."
"oh you just don't know who's coming over to your house to stick their thing to their hole in the bathroom door so it could peek on you with that doesn't make any sense at all"
"It's like somebody looking in your nicker drawer."
"One of the things I like about it is that the aliens choose Southeast England as the focus of their invasion."
"It was a sight to see, on the horizon seeing all these ships. They look like little dots getting bigger and bigger and then merging into Normandy Beach."
"We are invading a house of some very very close friends of ours."
"All Ships advance towards Earth. These primitive humans will offer no resistance. We will crush them swiftly and claim their world for the glory of the thoron Empire."
"That propelled them to invade Afghanistan."
"Iraq was ruled between 1919 and 1932 and invaded again during the second world war."
"His lovewaffe were involved in the invasion of Poland which began the conflict and they were involved in heavy bombing raids which eventually led to not just Poland but other countries to fall to the Nazis."
"Edward's campaign of 1346 was a huge invasion."
"An unjustified invasion is a worry for us all. It doesn't matter who's doing it or where it's happening. The fact is, it is a very bad precedent, and there is a very important principle at stake here."
"If Putin had been another sort of Russian leader he would have done a calculation and said it's not worth invading Ukraine."
"They didn't come here for our planet. This is a RAID. They came here for us to harvest us."
"What if that [__] was not locked she would have just been in my house what the [__] and then what would she have done what would she have done?"
"The Scarab is what they refer to as an infiltrator, and they do indeed plan to conquer the Earth."
"What would you regard is a greater invasion of privacy: someone coming into your house and looking through what's in your desk or someone looking through what's in your iPhone?"
"Home is not designed to make your life better. It is designed to infiltrate the last refuge of your privacy: your home."
"During these six years, Germany led by Hitler invaded most of Europe and arrested many soldiers."
"He was injured, he was Luke's brother, he was invading a space that had become my Safe Haven."
"Abandoning all pretense of stealth, a chittering horde rose up and advanced."
"The invasion of Alinor lasted an eternity and lasted an hour."
"The Doctor is convinced he can hear something in the pipes while work continues, sentient aggressive seaweed begins attacking the base and taking over the personnel one by one, creating a spearhead from which it will launch its attack and enslave the entire human race."
"He led an Auton invasion of Earth."
"I want people to know... they live in your house, and then they wait for you to leave and they go through your [ __ ] like you realize it's like it's those little things like you go home and you're like 'Did I leave a light on? I don't think I left the light on.'"
"It's not an invasion, it's too late for that. It's a victory."
"This demon is a creep. Damn dude, you can't let people just kiss in the privacy of their rooms."
"Harold Godwinson faced the daunting prospect of a dual invasion."
"You were not the a-hole. No one should be reading your diary, especially at that age."
"The whole point of the story is there's a symbiote Invasion happening in New York City."
"Looks like the Akatsuki finally crashed the party."
"Napoleon's army crosses the frontier near Charleroi."
"The vanguard of the invaders suffered enormous casualties as a result."
"Someone or something unexpected invading your domicile...very unnerving."
"Prepare for a search and rescue of our spy. The Skrulls have invaded yet another border planet. This time, Torfa sent us a warning."
"Most people don't realize the Axis powers had technically put boots on American soil during the second world war."
"A UFO has crashed into the wharf, their goal to conduct experiments upon you to prepare to invade Earth."
"An unstoppable and deadly invasion."
"The Battle of Britain is a precursor to the invasion."
"Plans had been drawn up by the revolutionary government in Paris as early as the mid-1790s to invade Britain."
"No modern man in his heart of hearts believes that it is right to invade a foreign country and hold the population down by force."
"The consequences of Putin's Invasion have created a different kind of problem for the Russian Navy and its submarines."
"In theory, a Martian invasion would do it. And I think an actual Martian invasion, I think that actually would bring us together."
"An invader is anyone’s worst nightmare."
"He also managed to find my home address three hours away from the city we were in."
"You really should have a deep understanding of a country and all aspects of it before you invade it."
"The Empire of Chadistan decides to send their horse cannons and girl boss army to invade Germany."
"If a foreign power, perhaps China or Russia, decided to launch a bold invasion of the U.S. homeland, it would have to be highly sophisticated, coordinated, and move at terrifying speed."
"They came from the sea, destroyed, burned, killed, looted, and then vanished as quickly as they appeared!"
"There is more continuity across this invasion moment of the early 1200s than at first appears."
"Invaders are coming and they'll destroy everything in no way."
"One of the things I've never been able to understand is, when the Soviets invaded, weren't they worried about what effects this was going to have on their position in Muslim states?"
"The Roman invasion of 43 AD was one of the most important moments in British history."
"High Fleet Behemoth was the first tendril of the tyranid invasion to attack in the known Galaxy."
"The email terrorism is out of control and nobody's doing anything about it. It's going on right now, invasions of inboxes without consent and everybody just acts like it's okay."
"2020, the year the sky creatures invaded."
"...the foreign Invaders robbing us Black Folk of our individuality and culture, the very Body Snatchers of the film have actually been present since the conception of the genre in American fiction."
"The whole world knows we're being attacked by an alien race."
"You invade Earth because Earth seems to have some precious resource unique to it."
"If there’s any substance you wouldn’t bother invading Earth for, it’s water."
"Deciding to invade a planet that is literally covered in vast, deep pools of a substance that kills you is still a violation of the First Rule of Warfare."
"An invader has no requirement to explain their motivations."
"Earth is safe because there are no good reasons to invade us."
"In 1899, some villains invade a factory and destroy some Zeppelins with a harpoon gun."