
Anarchism Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"The revolution has to be done with education. True anarchists know that."
"The unity of means and ends is like a core anarchist principle."
"The basic idea, the core idea of anarchism for most of us, is the elimination of hierarchy."
"It's not for me to say how every single system should be implemented... one of the great things about anarchism in my mind is the fact that it's much more flexible in the way that we can organize systems than the top-down hierarchy."
"A big part of anarchist revolution is education and socialization."
"Anarchism is a process and it's a lens through which to view the world."
"Anarchism is a multi-faceted ideology. It's very difficult to pin down exactly what anarchism is, but this definition by anarchist writer Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin displays quite neatly exactly what the core of anarchism is: 'Anarchists hoped for, construct theories about, and act to promote the abolition of government, the state, and the principles authority that is central to contemporary social forms, and to replace them with a social organization based on voluntary cooperation between free individuals.'"
"The last few years have seen great advances in terms of environmental thought and anarchical sentiment."
"The anarchist dream is the dissolution of unjust hierarchy."
"Ultra Anarchy: Anarchy still allows for some forms of government; anarchic communists want to self-govern with a commune."
"Anarchism doesn't mean chaos; it means centralized power is abolished, and democracy is practiced at every level of decision-making."
"Anarchism is an expression of our innate capacity to organize ourselves and run society without rulers."
"Libertarian socialism is the standard term in Europe for what is here sometimes called anarchism."
"The anarchist in me recognises that these social and economic issues have systemic explanations."
"True anarchists want to be able to own machine guns, engage in consensual transactions, and be left the hell alone by the state."
"The main politics of punk was anarchism and that real anarchists still exist and we need to organize to create the world we deserve."
"Anarchism can be summed up in one sentence: you do not speak for me, and everything else is just application of that concept."
"The beauty of anarchism is they can do whatever the heck they want, and we are free to thrive."
"Liberty for me is an extremely high factor, but so are things like culture, family, friends. Anarchism gives you the maximum amount of those choices."
"The state is inherently illegitimate. Any system predicated on getting our neighbors to think like us is doomed to failure."
"Ending the state happens gradually and then suddenly. Encouraging people to see leaders as clowns is key to diminishing their power."
"The core of the anarchist tradition, as I understand it, is that power is always illegitimate unless it proves itself to be legitimate."
"Anarchism is the belief that citizenship is better when based on ideology than on geography."
"Anarchism and communism stand in direct opposition to the political opportunism of liberals and fascists."
"Then the liberated old ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves."
"The term anarchism is used to cover quite a range of political ideas."
"The Spanish revolution in 1936 was a largely anarchist revolution."
"Anarchism has always been based on the idea that any sort of procrustean bed imposed on social life will constrain its vitality."
"Anarchism is a relationship, one in which none of the parties has authority over the other."
"At base level, all anarchism claims to do is to resolve one major problem in interpersonal relationships: the forceful interjection of the state."
"Anarchism... requires and demands a kind of responsibility... you can't really be an anarchist and blame everything on everybody else."
"Anarchism is the mother of order when people engage voluntarily based on individuals."
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical like money they can't be bought bullied reasoned or negotiated with some men just want to watch the world burn."
"Anarchism is a society without a government. It may also refer to society or group of people that entirely rejects a set hierarchy."
"Anarchism is the understanding that political Authority is illegitimate and you do not speak for me."
"Anarchism is the mother of God or not the daughter."
"Durden isn't just an anarchist, he's an agent of chaos."
"I've learned to accept it and to embrace the Zen anarchism."
"An anarchist is somebody basically who says listen I take care of myself, government has a role but it should be limited, leave me alone."
"Bitcoin is punk. Permissionless DIY anarchy. Primal essential."
"As an anarchist I think that is incredibly important."
"Anarchism is for everybody and that includes women and non-binary people. We should support unconditionally the right of oppressed people to resist their oppression in whatever way they see fit."
"For more anarchist content, subscribe to Libertarian Socialist Rants and Anarchist Collective."
"Technoblade: This morally bound anarchist initially joined the server to help Pogtopia... leading to him being outlawed from L'Manberg..."
"Anarchism opposes all hierarchical power structures."
"Our styles are pretty complementary and I'm obviously very excited to see more people bringing the practical application of anarchist thoughts into relating with ourselves and others."
"The end goal is a stateless and borderless society."
"The Red Lotus genuinely believes that a world without nations and a world without the Avatar would be a better freer place for everyone."
"Nobody thinks that government should stay out of our Lives completely unless you are an advocate of there being no government unless you are actually an anarchist."
"Anarchism means without rulers, not without rules."
"Internal counter-revolutionary activity has not crumbled anarchist societies; external invasion has."
"Anarchism is democracy without the government."
"Anarchism is about acting as if you're already free."
"It's about trying to reimagine the world, reimagine different ways of relating."
"To be an anarchist is to be critical of authority and to always examine where authority is legitimate."
"The most effective strategy for bringing about a stateless society is not politics at all."
"Anarchism is being spread into mainstream culture in music, comic books, animations, stand-up comedy, film, and video games."
"I'm running my football team along kind of anarchist lines... decision by consensus with Cruyff and Beckenbauer shaping the conversation."
"Human nature, far from being an argument against anarchism, is a strong case for it."
"The best argument for anarchism is that core argument which is what happens when there's only four of us that are gonna... which is not solved by monarchism."
"Murray Rothbard the anarco capitalist was born."
"Now we are in charge, now there are no governments, there's no kings, there's no systems in place, now it is life as it was intended."
"I quite like rules, otherwise, anarchist politics is you sort of everybody has to internalize with the rulemaking all the time."
"What does it mean to be an anarchist? It's that you start acting as though you're already free." - Peter Thiel
"The disproportionate influence of the anarchists is going to make peace impossible."
"Anarchism does mean that no one is your master and no one is your slave."
"Tokyo Marui is out here innovating, coming up with new inventions, and every time they come up with something, put their minds to it, it eventually becomes a benchmark."
"Their cause is nothing to do with insulating Britain they're anarchists they're causing trouble they want to see the overthrow of all government that's what they are okay they we we know that we do."
"Freedom creates burdens, yes, but that makes you a happier person. It's morally right and gives greater opportunities for the use of your own independent faculties."
"An anarchist society would be so much better because in an anarchist society, everyone governs themselves."
"If you're an anarchist, you don't believe that people should be slaves."
"Throwing somebody in jail forever is probably not the most accurate follow-through of my anarchist ideals."
"Anarchism aims to remove the coercive authority of government."
"He wants a world that is full of chaos, anarchy, out of order, and with all of this, himself at the very top of it."
"Anarchy means everyone has to be self-sufficient. That comes from the false assumption that some kind of government is necessary for any organization to occur."
"Anarchism is a semantic shortcut for a collection of specific patterns, ideologies, and systems."
"Anarchists believe that social hierarchies, including but not limited to capitalism and the state, should be dismissed."
"People think anarchy literally means people running around killing each other eating each other they think it's g7 g8 meetings with people in black outfits smashing mcdonald's up that's it means an archon so no ruler."
"Anarchism is the solution. Freedom."
"You can have a food Forest because with my anarchistic methods which are based on natural principles um it's really not that hard I'm just joking around it's not even my principles it's just the way nature works."
"Anarchism is an approach to life, it is an approach to treating people peacefully, it is a recognition that political authority is inherently illegitimate."
"I do 100% regard myself as an anarchism."
"America is in the ironic position of having to back a bunch of anarchists these are the only people who are good military fighters in the region who are actually trying to take out the take out the fascist."
"Tolkien, who described his political beliefs as leaning towards anarchism, a left-wing ideology that aims to abolish hierarchy and oppression."
"Anarchism: the philosophy of a social order based on Liberty unrestricted by man-made law, the theory that all forms of government rest on violence and are therefore wrong and harmful as well as unnecessary." - Emma Goldman
"Anarchism: a principle or theory of life and conduct under which a society is conceived without government, harmony in such a society being obtained not by submission to law or by obedience to any authority but by free agreements between the various groups." - Peter Kropotkin
"Mutualist anarchism: concerned with reciprocity, free association, voluntary contract, federation, and credit and currency reform."
"Collectivist anarchism: workers compensated for their work based on the amount of time they contributed to production rather than goods being distributed according to need."
"Jim's work always struck me as anarchist in its sensibility I think it's just that more recently he's been more explicit about that in how he's titled his books."
"Nietzsche's political program was to leave all political programs basically, which makes him a bit of an anarchist."
"The anarchist or the Abolitionist solution would be some form of democratically organized group of individuals."
"Anarchy and anarchism have become the default position for a great many federal intellects."
"The anarchist alternative to majority rule via direct democracy and minority rule via capitalist democracy is no rule, no democracy, just free association."
"As Malatesta said, 'The subject is not whether we accomplish Anarchism today, tomorrow, or within ten centuries, but that we walk towards Anarchism today, tomorrow, and always.'"
"One of the biggest rules is there's no rules."
"Islamic anarchism has a dimension of openness to the origin which anarchism often denies."
"Anarchism found a unique expression in Max Stirner's book 'The Ego and His Own'."
"Anarchism found a virile champion of vigorous revolutionary energy in Mikhail Bakunin."
"In modern anarchism, we have the confluence of the two great currents which have found such characteristic expression in the intellectual life of Europe: socialism and liberalism."
"Government is best which governs not at all."
"Anarchism recognizes only the relative significance of ideas, institutions, and social forms."
"I'm against secrets, I'm against hierarchies. Lineages, all assumption of special knowledge on the part of anyone in the presence of anyone else is abhorrent to me. I mean, I am a true anarchist first and foremost."
"The anarchists strive to realize an ideal anarchism is still an ideological negation of the state and of class society, the very social conditions which in their turn foster separate ideologies."
"Anarchists assassinated, depending on how you count it, five, or six, or seven heads of state in the late decades of the nineteenth century, including President McKinley of the United States, who was shot or stabbed, I can't remember which, in Buffalo, New York in 1901."
"These early anarchists clearly inspired China's version of Communism."
"I'd be an anarchist in a heartbeat."
"Finally, I’d recommend that even if you don’t consider yourself one, at least think like an anarchist and take on an anarchic approach to organising."
"I'd say it's complicated for me because I'm an anarchist who believes men should be punished for their crimes against the world."
"For anarchists means and ends are not only interconnected insofar as the means you engage in determine the ends you arrive at, they are also identical."
"Anarchists advocated the unity of means and ends."
"For me, anarchism simply means a commitment to the idea that someday it would be possible to have a truly free society."
"Every open city is not so much socialist as anarcho-syndicalist, escaping the nation state's desire to create order."
"Maybe if we had something like that Federated network of communities all capable of cooperating with each other after the abolition of the state maybe then that could be a conversation to be had."
"Anarchism is just someone who takes these questions seriously."
"Anarchism is a community of free thinkers who disagree with hierarchical authority."
"Anarchists are supportive of organization between people, but not the top-down model."
"Liberty, equality, and solidarity are intrinsically linked together for an anarchist."
"Anarchism is about questioning authority and imagining alternative, decentralized forms of organization."
"Anarchism is not about overthrowing the government tomorrow... it's about questioning hierarchical authority."
"Socialism at its best, or anarchism, can rise beyond the Cold War and be independent of all sides in the world conflict."
"The individual is the center of Anarchist theory."
"There's very many different voices in the anarchist tradition."
"I'm a Marxist so that one day we can all live like anarchists."
"Being is anarchic and even anarchist."
"Anarchism, what it is and what it isn't."
"That government is best which governs not at all; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have."
"Anarchist societies would seek to eliminate all hierarchies unless they're proven to be absolutely justified and necessary."
"Anarchism's central ethical value is that individuals should lead free lives."
"During the struggle against capitalism and the state, you have to create kinds of organization which are as close as possible to what would exist in an actual functioning anarchist society."
"Anarchism is a wind of revolt that has continued to blow all around the world."
"I have sympathies with certain forms of anarchism, the forms that are close to Marxism."
"I did not believe that a cause which stood for a beautiful ideal, for anarchism, for release and freedom from conventions and prejudice, would demand the denial of life and joy."
"Seize the means of production, my little anarchist friends."
"If I'm to be an anarchist, I cannot not be a feminist."
"Anarchism holds that social hierarchy... does not justify itself unless a justification can be given."
"Feminism is basically the application of an anarchist analysis towards patriarchy."
"Feminism is a necessary component of anarchism."
"If we start with the idea that people basically want to get along with each other... then in an anarchistic sense, whenever they have to make a bargain with each other, they will."
"The spirit of anarchism is alive and well and increasingly important in the whole revival of ecological politics."
"If you’re generous enough to give me some of your time, even if you disagree with the ideas of anarchism, at the very least, you’ll be able to say you understand it."
"Abolition of government... in favor of a society based on free association."
"Anarchism advocates the abolition of capitalism and the state in favor of a stateless, classless society."
"The goal of achieving an anarchist society... through anarchist means."
"Most of the thousands of pages Bakunin wrote contain no anti-semitism."
"I am against putting any anarchist, dead or alive, on a pedestal and think it is important to examine both the good and the bad aspects of what Bakunin thought."
"Bakunin advocated the abolition of capitalism and the state because he was committed to the view that everybody should be free, equal, and bonded together through relations of solidarity."
"The class struggle... gave birth to the idea of anarchism, the idea of the total negation of a social system based on the principles of classes and the state, and its replacement by a free non-status society of workers under self-management."
"Anarchists view the whole world as our homeland, or humanity as our brothers and sisters."
"The concept of anarchism has always appealed to me, the idea of the innate goodness of the individual corrupted by society or the system."
"Anarchism, from the Greek word 'anarchia' – 'no power', is a teaching based on a theory of unlimited freedom and equality of rights of all the people."