
Displacement Quotes

There are 331 quotes

"Technology has always displaced people from jobs...but this feels like a unique situation where art, movies, TV is something that to this point always has this intangible passion and soul put into it."
"Territorial displacement and dispossession was the chief motor of Arab resistance to Zionism."
"More often than not, those that were displaced as part of urban renewal projects were those with the least capital, both monetarily and politically. Ethnic minorities, including African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans, were often the first to lose their homes and businesses."
"34,000 civilians have been killed, 1.2 million people have been forcibly removed... today in Gaza we're seeing over 40,000 we've surpassed the 34,000 number, we've seen 2 million people displaced."
"All the locals are like, the whole town is filled with drunk tourists. There's nothing here for us locals now."
"I pray that our children and our grandchildren will not be refugees in another country."
"All this destruction for nothing. Where are we supposed to go, our home is destroyed. What do we do now, where are we gonna live?"
"Sea levels would rise upwards of 6 meters, forcing hundreds of millions of people to leave their homes."
"The war in Ukraine is so devastating; 10 million have fled."
"The conflict has resulted in loss of lives and countless miseries for its peoples, particularly for women, children, and elderly, with millions becoming homeless and forced to take shelter in neighboring countries."
"It's like a really, really harrowing tale about this lady just displaced, you know, a millennium."
"The dispossession and displacement of Palestinians is a human rights issue."
"The amount of water displaced exceeded the amount of land that fell into the bay."
"In an instant, a million people in Ukraine have been forced to flee."
"There's something like 8 million displaced Ukrainians in the country and over a hundred thousand Ukrainians have been killed in this war."
"And 3 feet in coastal regions is plenty to displace millions and millions of people."
"They don't have anything. They don't have toiletries, they don't have food, they don't have shelter. They're sleeping on the ground. Thirty thousand people in the same spot with nothing."
"Oh, absolutely... I think there are one limitation is their ideology, their fact, their diasporatic status, the fact that they're... They feel like strangers in a Strange Land."
"Anger is a really passive aggressive response... it's displaced."
"If you took the drugs out of Kensington, where would the addicts leave? Yeah, they would have to go somewhere else to get them."
"The bigger problem... it's really the disaster that's happening in Syria where are these people going to go I mean they're literally getting on boats so many boats so many people and showing up in Italy in Greece."
"What happens to the people, do those people get moved out?"
"For those who found themselves suddenly ripped away from their ancestral homes, an awful existence awaited in the new world."
"I have an issue with outside investors... displac[ing] American citizens from their home... in the name of business and profit."
"Secretly this other person is equally feeling that displacement because they see you as their home."
"Gentrification is a form of violence and displacement."
"No matter where you're from wouldn't you all agree that it feels like we're all a long way from home."
"Increasing the stroke increases the engine's displacement by moving the piston further up and down the bore."
"If you're going to displace people from their neighborhood... then it better be for good reason."
"How can we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?"
"These people have been forced out of their homes to make way for profitable real estate projects."
"The ghost village was a normal community until 1992 when it was flooded to create the Alto Lindoso Reservoir. All its residents relocated and built new lives elsewhere."
"Gentrification is when higher income people move into a lower income area and invest and live in that area, displacing the lower income people."
"Many people have resigned themselves to displacing their sexual desires, relying entirely on porn."
"That is so heartbreaking seeing how they were living in peace and then getting separated from their families."
"Even the worst-case, the darkest futures I could predict, they at least included my previous life somehow. I feel so uprooted, there's nothing here that I recognize, nothing that makes me feel like I belong."
"Flooding forced over 150,000 people from their homes."
"You have a right to your home, to establish a place where you generate resources... if an outside group comes in... you have displacement, you have an invasion."
"We need to minimize the number of people being displaced from their homes."
"All the black businesses, they try to get them out of there."
"A refugee is a person outside their country because they've suffered."
"She's welcome, but she's not in her real home."
"The destruction of the Jewish towns, the displacement of its people, and the appropriation of land."
"Gentrification is happening everywhere; they're trying to get us out of certain areas."
"We've done it. We've saved this city, and they don't want us to live here anymore."
"We did not end up homeless refugees because we were unwilling to wage war; we ended up homeless refugees because we were too willing."
"There's no replacement for displacement and there's no better way to increase displacement than a V8 swap."
"It's just crazy how you feel like you're not in Texas."
"If you move people who are outside unsheltered from one place to another, you're still leaving people outside."
"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto."
"Strength in the wrong place is displacement."
"Putin's regime has claimed they're only using force to temporarily resettle people. However, the fact that certain people are being targeted for deportation strongly suggests there is a much more sinister agenda at work."
"It's not the point. The overwhelming majority of the Arab population of what becomes Israel are driven out or forced to flee or flee in terror."
"I can't understand it, I was homes in Baker Street."
"You've got all these people in these Metro areas coming to Rural America, buying up a lot of the rural ground, and then a lot of the rural people are getting forced out."
"Walking through that airport was the most out of place I have ever felt in my life."
"You're dwarves. You're used to this life, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere."
"At the end of the war, we were really not wanted in this country anymore."
"Arthur let out a low groan. He was horrified to discover that the kick through hyperspace hadn't killed him. He was now six light years from the place that the Earth would have been if it still existed."
"So it's a water-based homeland so to speak, and that was destroyed, so that's one of those star seeds where they don't really have a home to go back to."
"I assure you that they are not the cause of the largest displacement of people in the world including in our Hemisphere."
"We are not in Illinois anymore Toto."
"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."
"I'm for emancipation. But they have to go somewhere else."
"It's an unspeakable thing to lose your home."
"You're out of your element, Donny!"
"It was much pleasanter at home," thought poor Alice, "when one wasn't always growing larger and smaller, and being ordered about by mice and rabbits."
"So, embracing yourself as a black woman, your natural hair, it's... we don't have a sense of identity of our culture, our inheritance. So, that right there makes you feel displaced in a society such as America or Canada or the UK."
"It's like you're not in New York City anymore."
"I felt like an alien because I wasn't from this place."
"It's kind of like projection where you're projecting your feelings onto someone else except you are displacing emotions you have in a certain sense."
"Seeing all these people displaced from the war is a reminder of how the ordinary person is affected by it, not just our main Heroes."
"I felt like I've been ripped out of my life, put somewhere else."
"Palestinians are the largest group of refugees of any nationality or ethnicity in the world."
"It's just such a tragic event though that we have that everybody just has to leave their home, their houses, everyone just had to just wake up one day and just leave and their whole life had a change, all their memories are here."
"That's what happens when you go where you don't belong."
"An immigrant/emigrant always occupies two subject locations but the sense of belonging in one comes to be supplanted by the physical location of the other."
"It is time to say we will no longer be displaced."
"He doesn't replace the bottle, he displaces the bottle."
"More power is always better. You can never underestimate more displacement."
"Victor Hugo was forced to reside in other parts of Europe."
"It was the consequences of Zionism that did that, meaning that I was expelled from my homeland and had to pick up the pieces in a foreign country."
"It's estimated that a couple thousand people lived right nearby, forced to move a couple miles away as their homes were buried under falling cinders."
"Thankfully no one was injured but unfortunately six of the apartment units in the building next door were damaged by water and those residents were displaced."
"...we just really want to be settled... we just feel like we can't never feel like this is our home..."
"I looked around and I saw this beautiful place. I looked down at Toto and I said, 'I have a feeling that we're not in Kansas anymore.'"
"I probably stayed at 10 different safe houses."
"Siege is all about the fact that Asgard gets booted out of the plane of existence that it's in. Oh, Asgard is this physical plane of existence that it floats atop Broxton, Oklahoma."
"We didn't belong here either, so what's gonna happen to us?"
"No one in this world chooses to be a refugee."
"Drama takes the place of where love used to be."
"This gives us a custom Shader that does the displacement for us."
"Displacement theory is the lifeblood of ICT."
"Whether it's while you're traveling or sometimes people end up in various temporary housing situations like getting displaced from their home due to fires or floods."
"With a pushrod engine, you need as much displacement as possible."
"He feels lost here, all these conflicting emotions boil up inside of him."
"The scariest part is the amount of disenfranchised people, the amount of displaced people, the amount of people whose lives just get completely turned upside down."
"audiences are able to empathize with him being taken out of his home"
"...without displacing the people who now call it home?"
"Ridiculous that people are being squeezed out of American cities due to leaders wanting to make more room for parking spaces."
"The God Who reincarnated Suzuki felt pity for him."
"Suzuki was displaced with a different person."
"An entire community and way of life displaced in an instant."
"Lilith explained that at the time her parents died she lost her home and was passed from one relative to the next."
"Knowing how to figure displacement on any given boat will greatly affect the outcome of your project."
"This is no lost Jadida, which is no more inhabited forever. We here have eaten the bread of heaven and hear the noise of strangers drives us from our homes."
"Gentrification is full of contradictions. Nikki showed how you could have a house and still lose a home. And while so many can get displaced, others can get a chance to chase a dream."
"Ain't no replacement for displacement, hell yeah!"
"The community was bulldozed then rebuilt. 23,000 people and 1,400 businesses were displaced. The era of urban renewal had begun."
"I can't remember when we didn't have urban renewal. It was always over our heads that we were going to have to move."
"My children, this isn't home anymore."
"Most of the 1.5 million people displaced by the earthquake and living in makeshift tents now live in acceptable housing conditions."
"Affordable housing is a key issue, many are displaced and have nowhere to go."
"When people who were born and raised here are forced to leave, the community loses part of its identity, its origins, its roots."
"Both are here, we're living in the middle, and when the war happened... it was actually one of the reasons why we wanted to move out from Naples because we felt like we're being crushed by this conflict because we're right in the middle."
"You will always feel displaced until God is your primary home."
"I'm not in Kansas anymore. I'm not even in Kyoto anymore."
"And it will never be your home either."
"Home, such a simple word yet it's always felt foreign on my tongue."
"It's estimated that the fire displaced close to 200,000 people, many of whom would never return to the capital."
"Real estate is a big issue, it's what the whole gentrification is about. Real estate is about rents, rent, and how the rent prices skyrocket when the area is developing and how it displaces people."
"Repentance and returning: Naomi ended up in a place where she didn't belong."
"I want to move into my house like I'm sick of being displaced."
"As farming societies expanded, they out-competed hunter-gatherer societies, leading to their displacement or assimilation."
"When you are forced, or your aunt was forced, or your brother was forced off the land where his great-great-great-great grandfather lived, that's not a scar that goes away very long for some, very soon."
"But it happens all too often outside the church as a disproportionate number of African Americans are forcibly removed from communities, families, homes, and workplaces."
"At what point do you have to just look at the displacement number and maybe think to yourself, 'Huh, maybe that's not the sole determining factor of fuel efficiency?'"
"Large displacement engines can actually be smaller than ones with a lower displacement number."
"Anytime the market displaces through structure it's going to continue, and anytime the market fails to displace then that is likely manipulation."
"Imagine, you are a little child who was sent first from Taiwan, to Thailand, from there to Washington and then to a place tucked away in the mountains to escape from violence and take shelter in a safe place, and this is what you encounter."
"Displacement: Transfer of negative emotion from one person to an unrelated person or thing."
"I can go anywhere I want, just not home."
"There's a lot of people like that right now who feel homeless, maybe they feel like the western tradition has evaporated on them."
"People are running from Ukraine not because they don't like Ukraine but because they are in fear they are shocked they want to return back home and to rebuild Ukraine."
"Displacement involves taking out our frustrations, feelings, and impulses on people or objects that are less threatening."
"The reality is that the frontier wasn't open, people had been living there for hundreds of years, and the United States came in and ripped those people from their ancestral lands, and in many cases, just killed them."
"I have a feeling that we're not in Kansas anymore."
Joseph says, "This is the land of my affliction" - greatest country, most powerful country, and this is not my home.
"Even if you leave, you have nowhere to go."
"They have basically kicked him aside and said, 'okay, we're going to take over now.'"
"The end result of all this kind of thinking is precisely the displacement and, who knows, perhaps ultimately the elimination of the founding stock."
"Displacement: transferring one's emotional load or response to another entity is known as displacement."
"It feels as if God himself has decided that you're in the wrong place and the way you really should be is quite far away over there."
"The Irish got displaced and moved to neighborhoods like Roxbury, Dorchester, and of course Southie."
"This isn't my home. I want to go home."
"...the Russian invasion caused a huge displacement of population, people fleeing in terror from the bombardment."
"Homesickness is a real sickness, the ache of the uprooted plant."
"You just came in and took my spot."
"Humanity had lost its home in the initial attack 60 years ago."
"it was like somebody had moved my entire wardrobe across the bedroom floor."
"It was as though some force was lifting the bottom half that wasn't nailed and dropping it like a door knocker."
"It's like it's not that we have a population density that's close to your border, it's that we're all pushed aside."
"The only long-term solution for humanitarian disasters is to create the conditions where displaced persons can safely return home."
"Africville is a community that we have, that the city basically kicked all the residents out."
"The idea that we've been driven from our homes, from our ancestral land by an evil force."
"One of the reasons this particular ship tops in the winners of that particular category is, comparative to quite a number of super cruiser designs, its displacement is somewhat sane."
"Most people are displacing a lot of those animal-based options with processed foods."
"Essentially, this would be the end of Indians east of the Mississippi."
"...and a different family was living in my house."
"We got a lot of things going on in the world, a lot of people are not that fortunate and unfortunately have been displaced during this season."
"More than two million refugees, one million of them children, have fled Ukraine to neighboring countries since the war began, taking with them only what they could carry, in the largest exodus in Europe since World War II."
"...we're going to be using some displacements in the node editor."
"The dog doesn't know why he's been taken from his family and put in a small cage."
"Any object totally or partially immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object."
"Imagine you and your family having to move, having to lose their identity, their culture, everything that they hold dear to heart."
"Over 30 million people on urgent humanitarian need and over 8 million people have been displaced."
"The story of displaced people is as old as humanity."
"The magnitude of it... more than 50% of the people in the hospital are not patients, they are displaced."
"Distance is the number of steps that it actually takes you when you go on a journey, whereas displacement is about how many steps it would take you to get back home in an emergency."
"If we believe AI over the next 20 years will displace 50 percent of human work which is routine, that means there will be a large job rotation."
"I, young in life, by seeming cruel fate was snatched from Africa's fancied happy seat... what pangs excruciating must molest, what sorrows labor in my parents' breast?"
"Displacement is redirecting emotional impulses towards a substitute person or object, usually one that is less threatening."
"Velocity is about how the position is changing, so it is related to the displacement."
"Displacing even one family can have a tremendous ripple effect across generations."
"Refugee is one that flees to a place of safety."
"In war, it is always the children: always the children displaced, always the children without a say in what adults are doing to their world."
"The situation is fairly dire, all along the major thoroughfares of Delhi, there are people who've lined the road; they have nowhere to go."
"With thousands displaced from their homes and incalculable damages, Canadians are on the front lines of extreme weather events exacerbated by climate change."
"Climate change impacts are expected to displace nearly a hundred and fifty million people around the world."
"Plato's account of the end of Atlantis... the last earth crust displacement is estimated to have occurred in 9600 BC."
"...suddenly it wasn't his land anymore, and it had been decided that it was the council's, and then being forced off the very place that you'd established your lineage felt incredibly resonant to me..."
"Who was this Norseman so far from home, dressed in the clothes of an Inuit hunter?"
"It's like being chucked out of home suddenly."
"They are victimized twice. First, when they are displaced or killed. And secondly when they disappear from history."
"It's funny, I don't recall feeling particularly afraid, only out of place."
"Imagine just being picked up and told that you're not going home and you don't know when you're going to go home."
"The amplitude is the magnitude of the maximum displacement from the rest position."
"Our culture really did displace his culture, and that's a fact that people have to really face."
"I wish I was born there... for me, it was like my Narnia or whatever, a place where I felt displaced from."
"The higher ideals of integration, inclusion in nation states, resolving as much displacement as they create, are set against a solution based on a more pragmatic reality."
"Gentrification is not necessarily always bad, but it's bad when it displaces the community."
"The thing everybody neglects to talk about is, where do the people go that get displaced? Bottom line, where do they go?"
"Any object that is partially or fully immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object."
"In Cycles, we are going to be using the displacements in the node editor to actually displace the mesh."
"How lonely and scared would you be to slip suddenly into a world that looks so much like our own, but one where you know no one?"
"The forced removal of up to 25 million people from the continent obviously had a major effect on the growth of the population of Africa."
"Record-breaking floods displaced tens of thousands of people across several cities."
"When you displace it a little bit, there'll be more water displaced, so the buoyant force would increase, causing there to be a net upward force."
"The task for society with regard to car driving, uber drivers, taxi drivers, truck drivers, is to think about what we want to do with people who are displaced."