
Lightness Quotes

There are 1410 quotes

"In many ways, Canada and the United States are very similar culturally... yet the moment you cross the border, you feel a bit more lightness."
"I feel so relieved. I feel light. I feel like I can breathe again."
"What is innocence? Innocence is a lightness of being."
"The angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly. It's not that they make a joke of themselves, but they can take themselves lightly."
"I do feel a lot lighter, in terms of my soul."
"Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly."
"Graceful set complete: achieving weightlessness."
"It's auditory shorthand for light frivolous background music."
"There's always a touch of lightness in Star Wars."
"You're going to be feeling lighter and you're just gonna see consistent success."
"We can find humor and lightness in some of the darkest subjects."
"There are some dark moments but overall it's way lighter."
"The more spacious you become, the less heavy dense you are, the more light, the more free you are."
"The clutter has gone and they have a light and airy space."
"Why do Angels fly? Because they take themselves lightly."
"That's stunning. Say 'Oishi Yoshi.' It's so light, melts in the mouth."
"Lovely, it doesn't even feel heavy like you have at a restaurant."
"That was light and beautiful, absolutely calm and peaceful."
"I felt really free, like all that pain and suffering from the last few years... I was free from it, I felt really light, really, really light."
"A lightness grazed our house which further worked against Mr. Entity's diminishing influence."
"I just feel so light, I feel so truly genuinely happy."
"The A110 delivers fun and fulfillment because it follows the ethos of lightness that so few brands do today."
"It's becoming unstuck in something where you don't feel as heavy."
"The British have the Vickers Mark one: among the lightest and most advanced guns."
"There's a skill called skill of the light body that allows people to use very little of their weight."
"Light at the end of the tunnel; the 10 becomes a 1."
"exceeded my expectations especially for how light and small it is"
"From the moment you get on the bike, you will feel the lightness."
"We just love the bright white I feel like it's so beautiful and it just kind of keeps things light and airy back here."
"Embrace how freeing that feels and how light it is."
"I was the perfect runner because I was made of balsa wood."
"The attitude of Heaven is not serious, there is lightness and therefore a kind of frivolity."
"There's something about being lighter that just makes me feel brighter."
"A great sense of levity and light-heartedness."
"You feel so light, so free, ready to play, ready to appreciate life."
"Deserve to be lighter to feel brighter and know that you are guided and protected on this journey."
"It's alright to be alone, wisdom as light as a feather."
"My yoke furnishes what is needed in your life, and my burden is light."
"Just keep tweaking, adding little bits of lightness or darkness, whatever works for you."
"You will manifest most powerfully when you manifest from a place of joy and from a place of lightness and light."
"What's nice about this first of all it's still surprisingly light, it's surprisingly solid."
"I think it's a really good way after all of these months...to add a bit of lightness to your outfits."
"I'm trying to stay calm, trying to stay smooth, trying to stay light, and send it through."
"We are slowly, slowly, slowly... lightening up, of not taking the personality so seriously, of not taking the dramas of life, not getting so trapped in them."
"It feels like there's a weight off my shoulders."
"It feels really lightweight and also has a beautiful blurring effect."
"The coverage is amazing but without looking heavy or feeling heavy."
"It's still a little bit frizzy, but it's very lightweight and it's like you can almost see that it's very soft."
"I felt glorious... this incredible lightness of being."
"April will be a month where you're feeling a lot lighter, things are kind of just flowing to you with ease."
"Some things are just better light and airy, and this is such a romantic, light, and airy look."
"It's lighter than chain mail, just as protective, that's really good."
"You make this individual feel like they could float."
"I feel lighter and just ready to enjoy life."
"I feel lighter, I feel less burdened."
"It's the only time in life I feel light."
"Everything was pretty light-handed which is really good."
"It's so light and yet really really effective."
"The dress was light as a feather."
"Life doesn't feel as heavy when you see through the eyes of love."
"Humor brings perspective, humor brings lightness and levity."
"The more you clear out, the lighter your body feels."
"Being lightweight is a breath of fresh air."
"Her heart is as light as a feather now."
"Your heart is light as a feather."
"Nice and light on the feet, so your neighbors don't hear you."
"My favorite thing about this was definitely how much it drizzled; it was just so light and airy."
"You then live in a state of non-resistance, a state of grace and lightness, free of struggle."
"The heart had to be as light as the feather."
"This is perfect for spring, you have definition, your makeup is on, but it definitely is soft and fresh and light."
"Pretty comfy and feels like I'm wearing nothing at all, nothing at all."
"How do you make a dessert this light? It's just like air with liquid chocolate in it."
"It's like someone has taken 12-pound weights off of each of my ankles."
"Things are just so much more light now, you know, not as stressful."
"Approach the work that you put out online with a kind of lightness."
"It's light. It's stylish. It's one of my favorites."
"I feel great, man. I feel like I honestly like doesn't even feel like there's anything on me right now."
"Fly high above it all, angels fly because they take themselves lightly."
"This one is my favorite...it's just so light and airy and so yummy."
"Life is going to start to become much lighter."
"I just want to be light and airy today."
"Laughter and lightness have huge value."
"It's okay to have empty space. It actually feels lighter."
"You may give off a very airy, flowy vibe like a butterfly fluttering around."
"It feels powerful for how light it is."
"I felt suddenly light like I was floating on the air."
"You could just leave. Yeah, this is for people who, look, if you are a child at heart and you pop this on one day because you like the colors or you just want to watch something very light, I ain't judging here. I do that all the time."
"I am light as a feather, I am happy as an angel, I am merry as a schoolboy, I am giddy as a drunken man."
"Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly."
"It's more healthier to eat, you know there you go. Oh, and it's nice and light, not a lot of oil."
"Your heart was lighter than the feather."
"It's like you put this spun sugar airy vibe to the fragrance, and that is what you get."
"Forgiveness energy, not for others but for yourself, to keep you light as a feather."
"Your ability to bring lightness and joy into the lives of others, especially in difficult times, serves as a vital source of relief and hope."
"...sparkling effervescent quality that is just so light and happy and beautiful."
"Every moment with you makes me even lighter."
"But it's really light, the build quality is exceptional, especially for a device like this."
"I just feel 10 pounds lighter right now."
"Guess what? They're both extremely light, which means that they're not in there."
"This car is an exercise in reminding us why lightness is actually everything."
"If you really like pastry cream you are gonna love this because it's like still super custardy but it's lighter and it's just like you can eat more of it."
"What a joy to climb on this thing, does not feel heavy in the slightest."
"You know that feeling when you're jumping up and down on a trampoline for a long time and then you get off the trampoline and try to jump and he feels like you weigh 100,000 lb? Well, the opposite just happened."
"Your comedy embodies a way of sharing something about the lightness of life. It's like a little touch, it matters."
"This is perfect for like the springtime. Just because it is like a lighter scent."
"It feels so light, but also incredibly nourishing for the skin."
"I want to look like this. I don't like want to feel weighed down. But okay."
"I just love how light and Airy everything looks."
"A bagel with cream cheese is like eating air."
"But honestly, the skin looks very perfected and super airy."
"It's amazing. Look how light that is. That is awesome!"
"It's enormously light, it has lovely original features."
"Your mind is clear and your heart is light."
"Life ends like this, right? So why be too serious?"
"Love these pants, they are so comfortable y'all and just light and Airy."
"The lightness of this gives me a lot of hope."
"My faith made 2023 so much lighter."
"Take life lightly. There are things that are serious, but we tend to do better at them when we maintain a sense of positivity and joy and forward movement."
"This is a the Bow's name is Lift 'cause it's super light."
"I'm just having a very, very light hand with this."
"Angels fly because they take themselves so lightly."
"Levity is so important to the spiritual life."
"Imagine if you could choose in your life and in your business all of the things that felt light."
"My prince would have had no problem with the feat. He considered me as light as a feather."
"I feel a bit light and that feels nice."
"It's light but comforting at the same time. It's kind of interesting."
"Light hands that release quickly when the horse is soft creates a light horse."
"It's nice and light, it's very fresh, it's great for like summer."
"It is easy to be heavy, hard to be light."
"You shouldn't take yourself too seriously."
"Trying to add a little bit of levity into these serious times."
"Jacques was the most light guy in the dressing room, but at the same time, people respected Jacques for standing up to the bully, saying 'enough is enough'."
"I didn't feel heavy. I felt relieved."
"I just remember feeling literally physically the best. I was lighter on my feet. I literally felt like a feather just floating through the world."
"More than anything it just feels good and it feels light to like get rid of all of it."
"It just feels simple and honest and light."
"I love the lightness of this, like it's just enough, a hint of color."
"I'm trying to keep this light and sweet."
"You are just so amazing with Grace and I'm like, I want to just have that same just love and lightness that you just have with her, it's just so admirable."
"I don't wanna feature anything too heavy."
"Wow, this is super light and it's a lot easier to move around your garden, but it also looks really cool too."
"It's very well covered without it being too heavy."
"Makeup that looks like skin acts like skincare feels light as air."
"You're gonna feel so light with them... you feel like you can trust them."
"I have Feather by Sabrina Carpenter stuck in my head because I just feel so much lighter."
"It's extremely strong, very light, and we find very maintenance-wise serviceability is good."
"It feels like skincare, like it goes on immaculately well."
"Super light and airy, very fresh, I'm loving it."
"It's all about lightness less inertia, amazing."
"It is so incredibly light that it appears to float."
"Travel light, us Puerto Ricans travel like [ __ ]."
"The more small choices you make for lightness, the lighter and lighter your life gets."
"Feels lighter, more agile, and nimble."
"The swing is free so the body has to feel light and pray even though it's heavy."
"She was light as a dandelion on her feet, but strong as the steel of her blade."
"There is that lightness and that darkness within the same song, and that's it reflects how life is."
"This isn't a full meal llamas but that's okay because it's bikini season and all we need is a light snack and a cold sangria."
"We're tipped and we're heading out and it feels a lot lighter, feels a lot lighter now that that heavy load is off."
"The entire time, I was trying to not make this a serious issue. I was trying to not have it become what it became. It was comic relief. I was trying to be funny. I was trying to keep it light."
"It's so light. Peanut butter ice cream is a good move for them."
"This isn't all heavy. This is filled with a great sense of lightness and joy and liberation."
"Remember Angels fly because they take themselves so lightly."
"I'm feeling good. I feel like a weight is just lifted off my shoulders."
"Life is not meant for just accomplishments; you're also meant to enjoy things and feel light."
"It just kind of disappeared, it just, it was there, it's super light."
"It feels so good to be me again, super light."
"Lighten your heart, lighten your load."
"That is special to me. That's a Paris. This is so light. It's good."
"It is so light. I mean, I actually forgot that I was wearing it for a while because there's like no weight to this at all. It is so light, it's ridiculous."
"Light on your toes, that's all it takes."
"If you're feeling down, switch to something light and airy."
"It's sweet, it's light, it's perfect."
"It's luxurious, opulent, but it's also very light and ethereal."
"I just love the movement and I love how lightweight it is."
"Survivor Gabon can really kind of get you out of it. Yeah, I totally agree. In the sense that it is just this light season. Of course, they deal with heavy stuff, but the lightness, I think, comes from the fact that it's so easy."
"I feel light as a feather in here. That's helpful."
"I felt like I was a feather and that felt nice."
"I feel very put together but I don't feel like I'm wearing anything. Mostly that foundation feels like absolutely nothing on the skin."
"I think it's just a really interesting concept they've taken a gourmand they're making it so light and easy to wear."
"It's so light and sheer, like a glass of water for your skin. Love at first swipe!"
"Is this some sort of metaphor for my life? Feeling lighter, who knows."
"It's nice and light too. If you don't want a really heavy ice cream just full of like tons of chocolate and stuff, that's a good one to have for sure."
"Thank you for having me, I feel like I should be paying you for this therapy session. Like I feel so much lighter."
"The atmosphere seems a lot lighter around the house."
"It feels light and full of energy, a punchy, controlled response without any harshness or fussy business."
"Mate, I really like it. Nice and light."
"When you hear pasta you think heavy, um, this is not heavy."
"The resulting swatch is light as a feather and smooth as silk."
"In my never-ending quest to find the world's lightest gear known to man..."
"As an adult fragrance, who wants to feel light and girly, I love that."
"It feels amazing, still, and it doesn't feel much heavier with the extra height."
"This isn't long-lasting but it's so lightweight and beautiful."
"Young Fred MacLeod, the fort's new factor, was surprised at the lightness of the Indian's outfit."
"I love it, it's so light, you can get nice coverage."
"I really like that lightweightness of the shoe. It really feels like you're hardly wearing it at times."
"This wig feels really light, fluffy, really really nice."
"you're going to find the Kiana 30 to be lighter"
"Time to be light and have levity."
"I feel so much lighter and more connected to myself."
"It feels like the air is lighter, I'm feeling nice today."