
Anti-Semitism Quotes

There are 369 quotes

"The way that we talk about anti-Semitism isn't about protecting Jews; it's about protecting Israel. How dangerous is that?"
"Groups like If Not Now and Jewish Voice for Peace... being out in the street showing that we see our safety as bound up in fighting for freedom and safety and justice for Palestinians, that actually helps fight anti-Semitism."
"I condemn any and all anti-Semitic actions. It is insane."
"Anti-Semitism is one of the oldest forms of bigotry. It is the OG bigotry."
"How much of this (dislike of Israel) is driven by policies of the Israeli state, and how much is a cover for age-old hatred of the Jews?"
"Anti-Zionism is not inherently anti-Semitic, and claiming it is uses Jewish suffering to erase Palestinian experience."
"The world is filled with... bigotry, but anti-Semitism has always been unique because it's not just that people dislike the Jews; they want them dead."
"Anti-Semitism challenges the basic idea we have of civilization."
"We live in a society rife with bigotry and anti-Semitism, and the conspiratorial thinking that is central to anti-Semitism quite frequently relies on emotional reasoning and associative blending."
"You can want Palestine to be free and also not be anti-Semitic at the same time."
"You can't fight hatred, you can't fight anti-Semitism if you're not willing to push on regulating social media platforms to do better."
"Jews are by leaps and bounds the group most likely to be targeted for hate crimes in the United States."
"To pretend that anti-semitism is only coming from one side of the aisle means that you don't give a damn about anti-semitism."
"Anti-Semitism is a unique evil in world history where you attribute everything bad happening in the universe to the Jews."
"There must be no tolerance for anti-semitism in America or for any form of religious or racial hatred."
"We must never ignore the vile poison of anti-semitism, or those who spread its venomous creed. With one voice we must confront this hatred anywhere and everywhere it occurs."
"Israel is perceived as good because it is a good country filled with people who are trying to survive in the face of radical anti-Semitism across the world."
"To cast Israel as the world's Jew, that's the kind of new form of anti-Semitism."
"Anti-Semitism is Jews have no right to exist collectively as Jews with the same rights as other human beings."
"I spent two years fighting anti-Semitism from the right... being threatened with death a lot of times."
"Anti-Semitism and criticism of the policies of Israel are two very different things."
"There was anti-Semitism in all of Europe in the late 20th and early 21st centuries."
"If you are blind to anti-semitism from one particular side of the aisle because it favors your political position, you are not in the fight against anti-semitism, you're part of the problem."
"Anti-Semitism in America is 95% about the conspiracies and like 5% about the jokes."
"The Nazis began by organizing boycotts of Jewish shops and businesses."
"The Holocaust is a grave act of evil. The anti-semitism that supported it still lives in many human hearts."
"The Insidious nature of anti-Semitism... if we don't deal with that, the myth spreads and it takes root."
"Anti-semitism is never just about picking on an individual jewish person it's about the whole of society."
"If the jew did not exist the anti-semite would invent him."
"It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the Israeli government."
"The struggle against anti-Semitism is also the struggle for Palestinian freedom."
"The jews own the banks, the jews own the newspapers, the jews run Hollywood, the jews are running the whole world. A machaya! It's a pleasure to read such a newspaper."
"Anti-Semitism is irrational hatred of Jewish people. It has been called mankind's oldest prejudice and has been rued in some form or another for hundreds if not thousands of years."
"Anti-Semitism is just being anti-capitalism, but you think capitalism is Jews."
"Throughout history, many people have tried to destroy the Jews."
"Anti-semitism is itself a conspiracy theory."
"The most durable form of bias continues to be anti-semitism."
"Anti-semitism continues to be the more storable hatred and also the hatred people will ignore."
"The Rothschilds were often associated with larger anti-semitic conspiracy theories."
"Saying that criticism of Israel... is anti-Semitic assumes that Israel and the Jews are one and the same."
"It's extremely dangerous because it says Jewishness is about apartheid and genocide and so on which is the epitome of anti-Semitism."
"Israel's regime of oppression is in bed with the anti-semites of the world."
"If they're anti-semitic, who's not? This is really diluting, destroying the very definition of anti-semitism."
"I'm not smarter than any of y'all, the only difference is I did some research, a bit acquisitive."
"This shocking survey result that some millennials in Gen Z believe Jews are to blame for the Holocaust is a form of anti-Semitism."
"It is indisputably dangerous to validate and promote anti-Semitic theories."
"Antisemitism has no place in our country or anywhere else. It's up to each and every one of us to call it out in all its forms because only together can we build a more inclusive and safer world for everyone."
"Now is the time to speak out against anti-Semitism, extremism, and hate."
"It's a tragedy that what could have been a really important collective moment for education and learning around anti-semitism was wasted."
"Criticism of Israeli policy doesn't make you anti-Semitic."
"How can your depiction or your description of a story be considered anti-semitic when you're a part of the Semitic group? We're part of the Semitic group."
"They know we exist but we can't tell anybody. So, again, is it anti-semitic to have the discussion? Yes."
"I admire their unity... and the resolve they have against anti-Semitism."
"I call out the far-left for not being aware enough or taking seriously enough anti-Semitism."
"I think a lot of people's engagement with these movements has been through headlines and articles, but when you dive into it back then, anti-Semitism and racism was like dripping."
"One anti-semite is too many, but the scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents inside and outside the party as well as by much of the media."
"Anti-Semitism and authoritarianism are always sistered together, always always always."
"Breaking Republican lawmakers in Florida have proposed a bill that would make anti-Semitic acts hate crimes."
"The world hostility against Israel and the Jewish people is not just natural, it is Supernatural."
"There's this claim that Ashkenazi, Sephardic Jews are impostors stealing the legacy, and that's what's anti-Semitic about it."
"There is a virus of anti-Semitism in the air and an enemy to anti-Semitism is the conspiracy."
"All Americans should forcefully reject anti-Semitism."
"Anti-Semitism isn't unique to the right, but right now it is shockingly mainstream in the Republican Party."
"Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories undermine legitimate arguments."
"The Jew caused the War, the Jew caused the outbreak of thievery and robbery in the country."
"What's clear is that Henry Ford was not just anti-Semitic, he was incredibly influential in spreading anti-Semitism all around the world."
"It's deeply anti-Semitic, it's deeply racist."
"At every turn the Jews don't get it and they're blamed... That's anti-Semitism."
"BDS is a an anti-semitic tactic that is designed by actual terrorist groups in order to undercut Israel's economic system."
"There is accountability for anti-Semitism and hate."
"I stand with those in the Jewish community, and that Kanye is how you buy yourself some time."
"Anti-Semitism coming from members of the black community is not being ignored."
"A plant medicine for the people of our time of the ages."
"Rejecting anti-Semitism is essential to our understanding of who we are as Christians."
"My round one statement and beliefs: Putting anti-Semitic imagery in your videos leads to racism in the comment section, and it’s not good, and you shouldn’t do it."
"The Democrat Party has invited anti-semitism into its ranks."
"Delegation isn't a weakness, it's a skill, and not everybody can do it."
"Hitler's National Socialism demands the removal of the Jews from society because they're against capitalism and Marxism."
"Anti-Zionist anti-Semitism denies Jewish people a right to self-determination."
"Anti-semitism knows no politics. Evil knows no politics."
"When you see anti-Semitism, speak out against it."
"Anti-Semitism proved what intolerance and bigotry can do."
"We will ban the terrorist group the IR rgc we will stand up for our Jewish friends and neighbors who have been mercilessly targeted with anti-Semitism."
"Blame a scapegoat class for this problem anti-Semitism in particular."
"Being a Cowboys fan is like being a parent of a bad child, hoping they get better with age."
"I'm heartbroken about what was said. I hate commenting on my old employer because I've moved on in every way a person can move on. That being said, I am an activist against anti-Semitism, and it's a big part of my life." - Meghan McCain
"If criticizing a state's actions were considered to be de facto anti-Semitism, that would provide a level of cover to said state to enact horrific abuses without any international criticism."
"It's not de facto anti-Semitic to criticize some aspect of the Israeli government or even to question giving aid to Israel."
"It's important that real moments of anti-Semitism, like statements made by Ye, are not minimized by those seeking to fight geopolitical battles."
"The notion that Arabic populations have always been anti-semitic is a really dangerous myth."
"It's appalling to see Tucker Carlson and fox invoke the kind of anti-Semitic tropes typically found in white supremacist media."
"When Soros is used as a symbol for Jewish control wealth and power, the criticism may be an updated version of traditional anti-Semitic tropes."
"Just stop saying anti-semitic things and stop agreeing with anti-semites."
"Anti-Zionism isn't anti-Semitic; Zionism itself creates anti-Semitism."
"Night of broken glass refers to what amounted to a state sanctioned rampage against Jewish Germans."
"Anti-semitism is vile, evil, and wrong under any circumstances."
"Joe Biden has transformed into an anti-Israel president... he's more concerned seemingly with placating the anti-Semitism in his base than standing with our historic and vitally important Ally."
"The tactic is that you say that somebody is intrinsically anti-semitic, and it sticks. And then the media parrot it and repeat it the whole time."
"There is a dangerous rise of anti-Semitism all over the world, including Europe. Everywhere, mainly because of the new social media."
"People ought to be able to criticize Israel, and I don't think it's anti-Semitic to criticize Israel."
"Anti-Semitism is a real and rising problem in the United States."
"Anti-Semitism is dislike of the unlike; it is fear and hatred of difference."
"The old anti-semitism was directed against Jews as individuals. Today, the new anti-semitism is directed against Jews as a nation in their own land."
"There's been no religion that has brought more war and unbelief and animosity towards the Jew than the church."
"We clearly have tremendous work ahead of us to address the rot of anti-Semitism."
"Seeing this anti-Semitism that's out there and festering... it's really disheartening to me."
"We forcefully condemn the evil of anti-semitism and hate."
"You can make a better case that the Democratic Party has embraced anti-Semitism."
"It's not healthy, it doesn't help Jewish people, these anti-semitism laws are not helping them."
"Anti-Semitism is a plague to humanity, and it is responsible for many of the worst horrors in human history."
"We all have a duty to confront anti-Semitism in all its forms, everywhere and anywhere it appears."
"The only way to salvage American Academia and restore a safe learning environment for its students is by rooting out anti-Semitism and standing up against hate."
"Criticizing Israel because it's Israel, as opposed to criticizing all the Jews as Jews, that's not anti-Semitic."
"Am I deeply concerned about those on the left who seem to leave their affection for the underdog at the doorstep of the Jewish people? Yes."
"If calling for equal rights for Christians, Muslims, and Jews is a new form of anti-Semitism, then there's no conversation to be had."
"Anti-semitism is very real, it's very dangerous, the city of New York has to stand against it at every level."
"We have to be constantly vigilant because anti-semitism is so virulent."
"She can't criticize a state that she has meaningful disagreements with." - Criticism of Israel is not necessarily anti-Semitism and vice versa.
"The most emotionally challenging part was on anti-Semitism."
"Anti-Semitism is cyclical, targeting the most integrated populations."
"Differentiating anti-Semitism from other forms of racism."
"That's what's shaping up in our world, there is an entire group of people 1.2 billion of them who at the core of their belief system believe in the inferiority, the destruction of, and resist in every way the Jewish people."
"Anyone who criticizes Jews is an anti-semite."
"This situation has become intolerable here. Okay, this is not anti-semitism to say that there is a group called the Jews and they have an identity that can be traced to one common characteristic that's not anti-semitism."
"It's not anti-semitic to say the Jews right so we agree it's not anti-semitic to say the Jews we agree that Jews like anybody else can be subject to valid criticism and deserve valid criticism."
"Just because someone questions our tight relationship with Israel doesn't make them anti-semitic."
"It's not anti-semitic to ask those questions."
"They make us feel like it's anti-semitic when it's not at all."
"Mengele's hatred for the Jews knew no bounds."
"Anti-semitism is a deep part of world thought... it's a real thing."
"Yay has said things that are unquestionably anti-semitic… I would go so far as to say they're at the extreme end of anti-Semitism."
"It's crazy how quickly anti-Semitism became in vogue for the same people who swore up and down that Trump was a less intelligent reincarnation of the crazy German mustache man."
"I joined with Senator Tim Kaine in passing a resolution in the Senate condemning anti-semitism."
"Let's come together, let's clearly, let's unequivocally condemn the evil that is anti-semitism."
"The world or the word globalism was attempted to be smeared as an anti-semitic thing."
"When high-profile celebrities like Kanye West make anti-semitic comments it contributes to normalizing and accepting anti-Semitism in society."
"The very notion that being critical of Israel is anti-Semitic is itself an anti-Semitic trope."
"For some reason the Palestinians were punished for European anti-Semitism."
"A call for genocide of Jewish people is a call for some of the most terrible violence human beings can perpetrate. It's evil."
"There's been a big spike in anti-Semitic threats, and we shouldn't in any way minimize that."
"The idea that Jews control the media is an anti-semitic conspiracy that has existed for centuries across multiple countries and cultures."
"Yeah, we know that the Jews run the goddamn media, so if you advocate that, bitch, don't expect to be a part of too much goddamn media."
"When the right talks about George Soros, it's code for the Jews. George Soros is just a rich 90-year-old who survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary before moving to the United Kingdom after World War II, but he's become emblematic of the Jews."
"It's very scary to be Jewish in America right now."
"We condemn unequivocally the attempted firebombing, the shooting at two Jewish schools... there is no room and there is no place for anti-Semitism in Canada."
"Gentleman's Agreement is a spectacular film about perspective and anti-semitism."
"The fight against anti-Semitism and the fight for Jewish safety is so deeply intertwined with the fight for safety and well-being for all people."
"Sympathy for people who have bipolarity, no sympathy for anti-Semitic statements."
"We have to stop anti-Semitism because anti-Semitism is the canary in the coal mine; it always precedes larger conflagrations that engulf the entire world."
"Well, there should be no place on any campus, no place in America for anti-Semitism or threats of violence against Jewish students."
"Campus anti-Semitism had become a serious problem."
"It's long past time that Congress act to protect Jewish Americans from the scourge of anti-Semitism on campuses around our country."
"The bill requires the Department of Education to take into account the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's definition of anti-semitism."
"Calling for death to Jews is not protected speech; it is anti-Semitic."
"This bill will require the Department of Education to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-semitism."
"It appears that the dark underbelly of anti-Semitism that has been exposed is getting worse by the day."
"Are you paying attention? The most elite universities in our nation are sponsors of anti-Semitism."
"Hitler viewed his anti-Jewish policies as manifestly consistent with the Church's over the previous centuries, only more efficient."
"The main reason today that the left hates the Jews is that the Jews today are successful."
"Fight for reason, because all of these movements and the whole idea of anti-Semitism cannot exist in a world of reason, cannot exist in the world of thinking individuals."
"Every anti-semitic person is anti-israel. Every person who is anti-israeli government is not anti-semitic 100%."
"The Jews have always going back to the 1840s been a target of left anti-Semitism."
"The President is always going to call out all forms of hate. We have seen the anti-Semitism, and we have called that out over and over and over again."
"Bipartisan lawmakers passed the anti-Semitism awareness act, securing stronger protection for Jewish students."
"Telling these Ashkanazi Jews in Israel to stop slaughtering actual semites is anti-Semitic."
"Protesters shouting, tearing down barricades, chanting 'death to Jews': clearly anti-Semitism."
"The best way to fight anti-Semitism and racism is simply by keeping it in the conversation. Because the worst thing that can happen is we start talking about it and then it doubles down after that."
"Rising anti-Semitism is an absolute red flag."
"Anti-Semitism must continue to be challenged wherever it rises. We have seen people in this country use their views on Israel as an excuse to display anti-Semitism."
"Anti-Semitism is not our problem but it's a problem for civilization and it's the common enemy of humanity."
"All racism is poison... but there's a homicidal mania that lurks in anti-Semitism that really is a plague and needs to be fought with humor and hatred."
"Maybe somebody listening will have enough political clout to help fight terrible antisemitism and hatred in general."
"Anti-Semitic tides and Trends go even deeper. As you understand the scripture, you understand that Satan's objective is to thwart the Messianic plan."
"Nevertheless, the powerful message discrediting anti-Semitism almost foretelling the horrors of the Holocaust to come was very well respected."
"I do not think that John can be called anti-Semitic."
"Isn't it the essence of anti-semitism to say that Jews are punished for adhering to their faith?"
"The only rise in anti-Semitism is on campuses because of all the anti-Zionism activity, which is a phony word for anti-Semitism."
"Anti-Semitism has no place at Penn, and our free speech policies are guided by the United States Constitution."
"I oppose Zionism and anti-Semitism for exactly the same reason because I want people everywhere to be free."
"My uncle was a great guy, left the Austrian army due to anti-Semitism."
"I don't have tolerance in my life for racism, for anti-Semitism, for anything if I am perceiving it."
"The name is also synonymous with success and luxury and yet to this day the Rothschilds Remain the subject of conspiracy theories and anti-semitic tropes with little or no basis in reality."
"...the Austromarxists stood out among socialist parties for their outright refusal to condemn antisemitic incidents like the Dreyfus or Beilis Affairs."
"Whatever I talked about now is all about antisemitism, about the terrible things that we Jews had to suffer."
"Is there a such thing as heretical theology? Absolutely. When you look at the rooting and attacking of anti-semitism in Christian theology, this rejection of Jews, that has Christian origins."
"Prejudice, the anti-Semitism, is satanic in a very special way."
"I hope that my experience, and those of all Holocaust victims and survivors, will serve as a warning of what can happen when hate and antisemitism go unchecked in a society."
"The main point of this hearing should be to identify bipartisan solutions to combat anti-Semitism."
"The best way to fight negative speech is more speech, to have speakers and individuals who fight anti-Semitism and can speak to our students on campus."
"Anti-Semitism has no place on our college campuses or anywhere."
"I'm troubled by the manifestations of anti-Semitism that I see in the United States, in Europe as well as in the wider world. It's really something that for me as an historian is deeply alarming."
"Anti-Semitism is a sin, there's never been a nation in the history of the world that remained great that mistreated the Jews."
"Anything that's spoken against uh Jewish religion uh or the Jewish Community is considered anti-Semitic."
"The anti-Semitism is so ingrained in Christianity, only in the last 40, 50 years things are starting to change, especially in Evangelical Christianity."
"The Jews will be hanged indiscriminately and they will remain hanging until they stink."
"This House should send a very clear message that we will not tolerate anti-Semitism."
"One of our biggest challenges is how to unite in fighting anti-Semitism without making it the one definer of Jewish identity."
"Anti-Zionism is most definitely anti-Semitism."
"The reason people should be terribly concerned about anti-Semitism And really fighting it Is that no democratic society can harbor anti-Semitism in its midst And be considered a healthy democratic society."
"It's why we speak out against the deplorable anti-Semitism that has resurfaced in certain parts of the world."