
Apocalypse Quotes

There are 1146 quotes

"They are the harbingers of the end, the destruction of all things, and will figuratively and literally consume the entire galaxy."
"Only the Foundation could look an apocalypse in the eye and feel annoyed by it."
"It looks like the end of our world maybe, but not the end of the world, and that is something very comforting."
"Silicon Valley billionaires are prepping for the apocalypse in New Zealand."
"It transpires that around 50 years in the future from Joanna's present, the end of the world arrives."
"The four horsemen of the apocalypse each signify a dangerous threat to the world."
"One of the fundamental features of any religion is apocalypse, the end of days."
"All we have is a little bit of food, a few coins, and a giant spear. We're not exactly equipped to survive a swinger nightclub, let alone the end of the world."
"For some, Armageddon has already occurred. The homeless people that walk our streets live already in a post-apocalyptic world."
"Surviving a zombie apocalypse beats being a wage slave any day."
"A virus has gotten a hold of ours and all other dimensions that have been explored, creating monsters and wiping out most of humanity."
"Apocalypse does actually mean like revealing, uncovering, so rather than being destructive, it's a time when everything hidden becomes revealed and available."
"The great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"
"Could basically lead to the apocalypse. I mean, it's not an exaggeration."
"Immortality has destroyed humanity. Mindless zombies infected with immortality have hunted down and consumed the last human survivors."
"A robot apocalypse is almost like your children turning on you."
"It was the Blood Betrayal, as it is known, that ushered in the age of darkness called the Long Night."
"Most people agree the world as we know it will come to an end one day, just not in their lifetime."
"The most galling thing about it all, however, is the fact that he's actually right about the end of the world."
"It's the end of the world, and everyone looks incredibly bored."
"In Revelation 8:6, 'Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them.'"
"In the resounding echoes of the apocalypse, there lies a message, a call to repentance, a plea for understanding, and a reminder of the enduring power of faith in times of uncertainty."
"We are witnessing what looks like the end of the world. This is not a movie. I repeat, this is not a movie."
"The world is on fire, a realization of an apocalyptic nightmare we all share."
"'Loki's career as a villain comes at Ragnarok, the prophesied end of the world, where he will lead an army of jotnar and monsters in battle against the gods.'"
"Who better to help you through like a potential computer apocalypse than Mr. Spock?"
"If your significant other was a prepper and then the world actually ended, you'd be kind of stoked."
"The ideology of apocalypse is that of questioning the assumptions we have made about the nature of society, what can and should be changed, and the capacity of people to change it."
"Have you ever wondered what would happen if we went into a worldwide apocalypse?"
"The apocalypse tells us that the beast was, and is not, and is to come."
"God's Fury hath no end suggests a dramatic and apocalyptic narrative where the wrath or anger of deities is ceaseless and boundless."
"We were so many things: husbands and wives, doctors and teachers, writers and architects. But when the world ended, all that ended."
"The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead."
"Many are familiar with the rider of the green horse, but let's see what the passage really tells us: 'And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and its rider's name was Death, and Hades followed him.'"
"We can reorient ourselves to the cause of Truth or we can act out the conflict imposing ourselves serving instrumental delusions on the world bringing about in that manner an external apocalypse."
"God only knows what the impact will be as all four of the horsemen of the apocalypse are on the march again."
"The final Holocaust is so terrifying, so deadly, so inescapable that God personally has to step in to stop it."
"Don't you want someone to love while the world is smoldering around us? It's so romantic."
"Are we on the verge of an environmental apocalypse?"
"There's going to be things that come upon this Earth that are going to cause men's Hearts to fail them."
"Even the apocalypse, you have to create a narrative."
"Apocalypses are both the end of one thing and the beginning of another."
"The end is nigh but there is a light at the end of the tunnel."
"Remember when everyone was afraid of the world ending in 2012? Well, it was going to, but we stopped it."
"The apocalypse may be coming sooner than we think."
"It's the end of the world... maybe it didn't nobody got taken."
"Rick is alone in the hospital bed surrounded by nothing but eerie silence."
"Jesus is coming folks, we don't know exactly when, but man that day is approaching rapidly."
"In one reality, SCP-3519 managed to kill off the entire world, due to its severity and ease of infection."
"It's about coping. It's about trying to find solace in a world that's already ended."
"They understand that once the Sun does its thing, that will authorize these very advanced extraterrestrial type beings to show up on earth and clean house."
"It's the end of the world as we know it, I feel fine."
"Suddenly the earth will be in darkness and in the sky will appear Jesus on the cross."
"This is a story about men rebelling against Gods, it's about apocalypse, it's about Hope and despair."
"The real end of the world...all the problems we have right now."
"A powerful message declares that on the day of judgment, the familiar celestial bodies—sun, moon, and stars—will exist no more."
"The game's environments and quests feel like the end times are approaching."
"We truly are living in the apocalypse. This is a time where we're given lots of revelations."
"By our best estimates, a staggering 96.7% of the human population died out, leaving 3.3% remaining with the weight of humanity's future on their shoulders."
"It feels like we're in the first part of 'I am Legend,' where she's talking about the cure for cancer, and then the next scene, it's three years later and Will Smith is driving through the apocalypse with his dog."
"A global conflict between nuclear-armed powers would mean death and destruction on a scale unmatched in human history. It would be nuclear Armageddon."
"It's leading towards a genetic apocalypse of across the planet."
"A real apocalypse is when the grid shuts down, okay? So we all need to be thankful that we have electricity and water."
"Look closely child see my face and see the inevitable Ash of annihilation for I am the end... I am Oblivion my time is now."
"Apocalypse as a rebirth, beginning of a brand new age."
"One of the surest signs of the end of days is when this world with all of its current problems arrives at a time of peace and safety and prosperity."
"A gripping love story in the midst of a zombie apocalypse."
"David Cage games are always really well-made for the most part."
"Love conquers all, including the apocalypse."
"This was the birth of the Murder Machine and thus began the Earth's demise."
"That [ __ ] was literally what I imagined doom would be like."
"We are in the apocalypse - the uncovering, the unveiling."
"Well, one would be that we're not facing imminent apocalypse and catastrophe."
"It's comforting to know that during the inevitable zombie apocalypse there are going to be vehicles out there that are able to take us to where we need without having to rely on roads."
"Belief in the apocalypse goes back thousands of years and spans the globe."
"But for many, those are just the warning signs, omens of the final day and the final battle."
"Many still anxiously await a day that has been written about and feared since the dawn of civilization, the apocalypse."
"And the seventh angel poured out his vow into the air, and there came a great voice saying, 'It is done.'"
"Earth is destroyed but the rest of the universe is not affected much."
"It'll be as if the great powers need to sit down with themselves and recognize the fact that the policies they are pursuing are going to lead to the end of the world." - Dr. Ira Helfand
"Maybe the destruction of the entire planet isn't supposed to be fun though."
"You're the problem and it's time because if you don't do it then the apocalyptic end of days guys will right all along."
"I think this is an appealing idea, a hybrid real-world-based zombie apocalypse game in the medieval period."
"People are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow. Too soon? No, it's topical."
"That's where the fun just gets started, so come on over to the Andrew Klavan Show and laugh your way through the apocalypse with me, Andrew Klavan."
"Zombie apocalypse while on vacation in Malta? Listen, if there's a zombie apocalypse in Malta, I'm going down, brother, because that is an island. You can't trick me on a geographic trick question like that."
"Living above when you have militaries looking to wipe out nests of zombies."
"Judgment Day is coming and you can't run or hide from anything."
"Men's hearts will fail them for what they see coming upon the earth."
"I refuse to die! I'm just an apocalyptic, but you know, we're pretending it's nightmare mode."
"The seven trumpets serve as a stark reminder of the fragility of human existence and the need for repentance and spiritual renewal."
"Never stop the grind, even in the face of armageddon."
"The apocalypse isn't the end of the world but the end of a particular formation of the world."
"Our ultimate hope as Christians is not on whether the United States of America turns back to its origins, but on the soon appearing of Jesus Christ to rescue us out of this world."
"Witness the end of an age. The clans scattered to the corners of Nozgoth. This place has outlasted its usefulness, as have you."
"Both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up."
"It's quality time you know during the apocalypse because there's so many weird wacky things going on I have so much material."
"She believed that after the world ended she would be chosen as a witness and one of God's right-hand men because she had proved her dedication and loyalty."
"Literally feels like it's going towards the end of the world."
"One of the greatest fears of the modern era due to its potential to cause an apocalyptic scenario never seen before."
"Are you ready to meet Jesus Christ? Time is growing short."
"The entire world is officially dead; they succumbed to tick-tock."
"Can these guys stick to their roots and give the world another look at the Russian nuclear apocalypse?"
"Nibiru or Planet X is basically this large celestial body that is heading towards us and will either near miss us or collide with Earth eventually eliminating all life on our planet."
"It doesn't always take an apocalypse to cause some heavy damage."
"Is it madness to see the future, to see the destruction rushing towards us, to understand there is no escape, no hope?"
"No one is saved. The age of humanity is ended. Soon only ruin and corpses will remain."
"It doesn't matter how much money you've got if the entire world is coming to an end."
"You got the seven trumpets... horrendous creatures... they kill a third of the world's population."
"The entities of hell are coming, but guess who else is coming? The King of Glory."
"And all these 9 stitch-punks can do is try their best to restore some sort of bacterial organisms to Earth,"
"The remaining 17 judgments of God include devastating earthquakes, cosmic disturbances, and scorching heat."
"The upshot here? In a global zombie pandemic, study up on your fungi."
"From its birth in the early 19th century as a genre, science fiction provides the apocalypse without the prospect of some Ultimate Reign of God."
"Candy in the apocalypse could be a very good morale booster."
"The fourth seal: one-fourth of the world's population is slain."
"There is no point where someone comes and grabs you by the shoulders and screams the nukes have been launched. It's happening now, almost everything that happens is gradually and then suddenly."
"The worst thing in a zombie apocalypse comes out: people."
"Who'da thought a gold Rolex at the end of the world is perhaps your best friend?"
"A gold Rolex? Your best friend at the end of the world."
"Many cultures tell of an apocalypse, but Ragnarok stands out because it has some basis in reality."
"We're living in the end times. We're certainly living in the last days."
"Be careful what you wish for. If it's an apocalyptic event, I know exactly what direction I'm gonna go in."
"You may have just made the decision that destroyed the world."
"This is the actual apocalypse like coming for us."
"I often dream of it now... the great dark wave climbing over the green lands and above the hills."
"A world without any insects would lead to an apocalyptic scenario."
"The world is ending and there's nothing funny about it."
"There are some indications that it's the end of everything as we know it."
"Wouldn't that be a terrible thing if the world got sent back to the Stone Age and then all of those terrible things started happening?"
"The apocalypse is not simply the end of the world, it's the end of an era of alienation."
"It was truly the End of the World As We Knew It."
"What are you going to do when Jesus comes back and puts a boot up your ass?"
"One of the things I like about the storytelling though is how apocalyptic this world is."
"The Doomsday Clock is currently at 100 seconds to midnight and remains closest to apocalypse ever."
"The day of the Lord will be a day of wrath, trouble, destruction, and desolation."
"They're using words like apocalypse... justification for radical change."
"What had been the acme of man’s technology would be no more than a white-hot soup of swirling metal and plastic and electroviral matrixes, all cooked beyond repair by anyone less than a god."
"It just felt like the end of the world for lack of a better way of explaining it."
"That's right... everything is destroyed... literally leads to the end of a world."
"The Apocalypse is a mental transformation that will occur, or is presently occurring, within the collective unconscious of the human race."
"A sword of fire that will cleanse the world."
"For the apocalypse, I'm feeling pretty powerful right now."
"This is not the apocalypse, this is the garden party before the apocalypse."
"Multiple Earths are all about to collide with each other. It's going to be the most dangerous mission you've ever faced. Let's get moving."
"At the end of the chastisement, man will be so desolate that the living will envy the dead."
"My final tweet would be Yolo no my final my final tweet would be something like the zombies are breaking in hahaha I think that's all my final tweet yeah that would be funny."
"When the fourth horse comes... 'I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.'"
"It's the end of the world. That's why I'm so bullish."
"The world's gonna be destroyed by Cretaceous era locusts, and the heroes have to band together and stop it."
"If we're going to live through a zombie apocalypse together, we're going to be doing it in style."
"During this period, the Earth is descending into its final nose dive... God is going to extraordinary lengths to warn people and mankind."
"All horror franchises you can conceive, all apocalyptic scenarios I have covered, and anything that proves a threat to man be it a singular person or our entire race."
"Every eye will see Him, not one person is going to escape."
"Finding a piece of habitable land is no easy task at the end of the world."
"An ambulance is literally the best car you can get in an apocalypse."
"If a person thought the world was going to end and they had to go underground because a meteor was going to hit the Earth, this is how you would live."
"The Quran tells us that the sky will be stripped away from the earth."
"You play it like a virus, you know? It's like if we had a zombie apocalypse, Walking Dead-style, then aliens invaded. We got softened up so hard."
"You can actually start an Enderman apocalypse."
"It's a bit like an end-of-world disaster movie that we're all currently living through."
"This isn't just a show about the apocalypse, this is truly a show about the last of us."
"In order to survive the end of the world, you must reach Peak Enlightenment."
"Nothing's going to end well, this is judgment day, final chapter of mankind."
"The reaching for the apocalypse and stuff is it's not going to end, you're going to have new ones any time, anytime they can point to something that fits."
"Zombie apocalypse at least then I know what's trying to kill me."
"Lost in the zombified wasteland, I took my first steps on this apocalyptic journey."
"We're really living in those times where if the world, those in the world who are not saved, it's very frightening for them. Those of us who know the Lord Jesus Christ, have been born again, that know the Bible, we have nothing to fear."
"Messiah returns, which means it's gonna get so bad that people will beg to die but they won't see death."
"Satan himself will be on earth, trying to establish a one-world government, economy, and religion."
"The coming apocalypse could not be averted but it could be endured."
"This is not the apocalypse you are looking for."
"Read your Bible, read The Book of Revelations, we're in it right now, we're under spiritual attack."
"The end of all things is at hand. Please wake up; it's time to be ready."
"Surviving the apocalypse is next to impossible without some heavy duty and creative weapons."
"Aliens might be taking this entire goddamn thing down, holy crap!"
"Then apocalypse could not have been predicted by even the most advanced modern analyst."
"You can use your car in the zombie apocalypse."
"Except those days be shortened, no flesh would be saved." - "Man would self-destruct."
"This might be the apocalypse, but I have standards."
"Ultimately, Rene's goal was to create such a variable in order to thwart the apocalypse, no matter the cost."
"The apocalypse is about the unveiling of who's been playing what roles and why."
"The fate of all Team Fortress characters was to die in an apocalyptic bombing caused by the administrator trying to satisfy the bloodlust of an ethereal being that looks like Abraham Lincoln."
"Project Zero Dawn was not a project to prevent the destruction of all life on earth. It was a project to restart life on Earth after the machines had gotten through wiping everything out."
"The end of the world is coming so you better get on Jesus."
"Get ready folks, Jesus is coming. He's coming, are you ready? Are you rapture ready?"
"One of the most significant and notable parts of a nuclear apocalypse is the radiation that comes from it."
"I say it's the coming apocalypse. I'm saying it's coming, the coming Revelation, the coming revealing, the coming unveiling of the soon coming of Jesus Christ. He's coming soon, sooner than any of us really can realize."
"The deadly wound is healed and the whole world follows after the Antichrist."
"The world as we know it will come to a sudden and violent end."
"We're living in the apocalypse, we ain't even had breakfast yet."
"The apocalypse, if you will, unveiling, seeing through the veils, and getting to the core of what reality really is."
"No, the tribulation has not begun, but it is on the horizon, and we don't want anyone listening or reading the book to go through that time of trial coming upon the whole earth."
"Some say they can almost hear the hoof beats of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and yet Believers in Jesus will never experience those writers as we'll be enjoying heaven and Eternity."
"We are in the end times we are at the very end this is nigh even to the door."
"Apocalypse does not point to a fiery Armageddon... but to the fact that our ignorance and our complacency are coming to an end."
"We will not let the apocalypse define us. Humanity must be rebuilt no matter what."
"Both Thanos and Kang are apocalyptic threats to the existence of pretty much anyone."
"World War III has begun, and if we don't end it, it's going to be hell on Earth."
"This is going to be a time that we can't even really wrap our mind around about the devastation that's going to be on the earth."