
Doom Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"The sky darkens a sickly shade of red, and the temperature rapidly begins to rise, the atmosphere in turn being transformed into a hot house indicative of the world's imminent doom."
"The game that shocked me the most, visually, that I was so into was Doom on PC."
"Without these guys, all the universes would have been doomed, probably not just in one timeline but both of them."
"Doom's insane rhyming style... so many of his lyrics take multiple listens to fully unpack the references and connections."
"This is a tale about a way of life doomed to fade, a people doomed to destruction, a family doomed to sunder, a relationship doomed to fall apart, and a man who embodies all of this inevitable doom."
"The doom of our times may come from overpopulation."
"The new doom is not a sequel; it's one of the most devotional reboots ever seen."
"The new doom is spectacularly colorful and exuberant."
"Doom is such a blood-pumping aggressive game."
"Doom brings all these radical feelings and emotions out of the player."
"Look upon my works and frown because only oblivion waits those who are so foolish."
"Doom guy's helmet, full size wearable and also lights up."
"That [ __ ] was literally what I imagined doom would be like."
"Doom is crucial to the history of video games, and nothing ever aims to dilute its focus. Kill demons, find secrets, solve puzzles, unlock doors. It never compromises on that vision."
"Doom's primal and fierce combat loop is conveyed as something that needs to be treated like a game of chess in which you need to use the right pawn for a job in an uncertain landscape."
"For all intents and purposes, you are their doom. The only thing they fear is you."
"That's the story of how DOOM was rescued from the depths of development hell."
"It's that or oblivion, I mean it's that we're all doomed."
"Doom's ability to weave words together is absolutely insane."
"Doom relies on the Mastery of movement aim and Split Second strategy."
"It was an innovation in Doom to not have lives."
"If we can't put aside our egos, the world is literally doomed."
"Grinning and telling us of the doom that waits for us all."
"This map is probably one of the most intricately designed Doom maps."
"The Narrative isn't solely about doom and retribution it underscores a fundamental truth that even in the bleakest moments salvation remains Within Reach."
"Until we come to understand the actions of the people who set off the chain reaction, we're doomed to perpetuate it until oblivion..."
"The screams and cries of doomed warriors were rapidly approaching."
"Let's now get into the first of a three potential catalyst for the doomsday."
"Doom fathered an entire generation of FPS babies. Doom made the womb go boom."
"Doom feels like a crazy hellish [__] storm because it knows how to perfectly throttle the balls to the wall shittery."
"Those who pray are certainly saved, those who do not pray are certainly damned."
"Despite the Doom attached to their names, each of them remained oddly hopeful."
"The single-player campaign for Doom is adrenaline-fueled balls-to-the-wall incredible."
"One mark is a mark of salvation, the seal of God in the forehead; the other is a mark of doom."
"Wouldn't it be cool to play a game like Doom with actual 3D graphics?"
"Fire and blood, what am I here for? Fire and blood. The blood is pooling on the floor beneath my boots, the fires behind the door. Oh [ __ ], I'm scared."
"Oh, we're doomed. No, we're dead. That's it we're gone."
"All empires end...every country alive today is doomed."
"You are all well aware of the doom that may certainly await you in the future, correct?"
"The story of how Victor Von Doom ascended to the God Emperor of Battleworld."
"Doom is also a master of magic and sorcery, repeatedly stated to be one of the greatest sorcerers in the world."
"It's going to be the end of the world."
"Your relationship will be Von Doomed."
"If the aliens are actually here and they're coming back to Earth, I think that we're pretty much done."
"If there was no way of setting the balance right after that, then everybody would be doomed."
"...a grand escape and an inconceivable doom beyond death."
"95% certain we're still doomed, and the other 5%? Adventuring glory like no penguins have ever seen before!"
"This is a great party Ender for sure that's uh it's definitely not a party starter record I think it's something that I love about funeral Doom in general is it's uh it doesn't make the Party happen at all if anything it pretty much ends the party."
"The Dark Lord places a curse upon Hurin and his kin saying - But upon all whom you love my thought shall weigh as a cloud of Doom, and it shall bring them down into darkness and despair."
"This album kicks a lot of ass. This is the most doom-laden, depressive, heavy, nasty thing in a very long time."
"Mayhap my doom awaits me, but better death than the ceaseless and everlasting urge."
"The Earth is screwed with such weak Hunters."
"It is the idea that, as all of this doom continues to escalate, as all of these terrible, unbelievable things keep happening, eventually, we will just think that it's normal. And that is the real terror."
"Your Existence is a constant reminder of their defeat and forthcoming Doom."
"Perhaps influenced by the times, his own war machines, and haunted by visions of drowning and natural disaster, Leonardo described catastrophes that prophesied mankind's doom."
"This message of doom was not a happy message to give."
"Abandon all hope ye who pass through these Gates."
"A lot of people feared that annihilation beckoned."
"You have sealed the warrant for her doom," she hissed, "and you shall be the meanest slave in the service of the Goddess."
"The noble gives him a haunted look and says his people will soon be dead."
"The financial Doom of a Nation brings down its government."
"In that fateful moment, that most charged of encounters, Rogel dawn found out the terrible truth. The death guard warrior captain Nathaniel Garrow was a harbinger of doom to ogle."
"Nothing on earth can save you now."
"One of the best Doom stories ever."
"It might just be one of the best Doom stories ever."
"At last, the final Crystal. This world is doomed."
"...the doomsday machine has to be one of the most ominous out there."
"Doom is probably one of my favorite villains."
"Doom's armor is mostly made of titanium, but there's way more to it."
"And you shall fail to save what matters most in the end."
"Humanity's ability to keep secrets are their only defense against this impending doom."
"Unfortunately, Jon's good fortune would soon be disturbed by a terrible shadow... a grotesque portent of his fast-approaching doom."
"Alas for the day! For the day of the Lord is at hand; it shall come as destruction from the Almighty."
"As soon as you go down the road where you start denying science, denying facts, you're doomed."
"Foreshadowing creates a feeling of doom."
"They are quite doomed, aren't they?"
"Hasten, do you not see the first red streaks in the sky? In a few minutes the sun will rise, and you must die," and then they sighed deeply and mournfully and sank down beneath the waves.
"The Lannister gold would be the doom for them."
"He wills the Right Hand of Doom, probably one of his deadliest weapons."
"I tried to warn the others. Doomed. You're all doomed."
"You're doomed, you're all doomed if you stay here."
"Doom is arguably the most influential FPS ever, defining the genre itself."
"The original Doom is a masterpiece of engineering."
"There was a melancholy to Prince Rhaegar, a sense of doom."
"The doom was a cataclysm such as the world had never seen."
"It just makes Doom feel more regal in general."
"The protomolecule is a beautiful evil that endowed The Expanse with unlimited possibilities and an overarching sense of unavoidable doom."
"King Ungrim Ironfist, the last Slayer King, the Incarnate of Fire, had finally found his doom, and what a great doom it was."
"Anyone who prophesies doom has a hundred percent chance of ultimately being right, if only because of entropy."
"O lente, lente currite, noctis equi! The stars move still, time runs, the clock will strike, the devil will come, and Faustus must be damned."
"We are doomed if we don't open our minds."
"Perpetual winter reigned now, and we were becoming terror-stricken beasts that preyed on each other for a life already doomed."
"Because of our actions, we have awoken an ancient presence; we're all doomed."
"The screams of the innocent will charge the spell and shall plummet us all to our doom."
"You and your friends are doomed. We will wipe your filth from the galaxy."
"We're heading towards the collapse, and I don't think it can be stopped at this point."
"Baron Von Count enters the battlefield with a doom counter on five."
"It was the tension between these two poles, a restless idealism on one hand and a sense of impending doom on the other, that kept me going."
"The Watcher in the water took Óin; we cannot get out. The end comes... drums, drums in the deep."
"Remnant is doomed, Salem will destroy Atlas and with it any hope humanity has left."
"Doom and rage share the theme of finality and decay."
"We're all doomed. Who's flying this thing? Alright, that would be me."
"Whatever we are, you and me, we were doomed from the start."
"It's time for the Justice League to understand that their doom has just begun."
"Uninvited and unsettling, this demon becomes a harbinger of doom."
"I would sell my soul for your freedom."
"The naked avarice is what is going to doom the park."
"The very soul of the tribe wept for a great evil that was coming - its own death."
"This is the end, the end of the world."
"I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway. I truly... deeply... love you."
"We can all see the sky darkening, we can all see the twilight of the gods."
"The original Doom was also recently inducted into the Video Game Hall of Fame for its contributions to gaming culture at large."
"Only one tower to rule them all, and it's Sauron, and we're all gonna die."
"Krypton is dying, and even with their advanced science, they can't stop its inevitable destruction."
"The dire portents he gave, the proof of ruination he laid bare to us, was beyond comparison."