
Zionism Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"I became a passionate Zionist and kind of pro-Israel supporter. But then, like many American Jews, came into contact with Palestinian narratives."
"Transfer was inevitable and inbuilt into Zionism."
"Territorial displacement and dispossession was the chief motor of Arab resistance to Zionism."
"Zionism is not the greatest source of safety for the Jewish people but rather it's the greatest threat to the Jewish people and our safety across the world."
"There is no work that is more important than the gathering of Israel and the building up of Zion."
"Zionism is a horrible ideology which has led to the most phenomenal suffering in the world."
"The Arabs want Palestine, but leaders of the Jewish Zionist movement are encouraging Jews around the world to resettle their Arab landowners fear that they will be pushed out of their land."
"They were all committed to Zionism, much more important than the desire and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs."
"Zionism was a quintessential Colonial movement."
"Zionism wrecked all that [harmonious communal relations] when you had one of the populations, the Jews, decide that no, this land is Jewish land."
"It's heartbreaking. You don't have a voice, you're not even registered. You're just like a floating nomad in this world because of Zionists."
"If you are a Zionist, you cannot be on the left."
"Anti-Zionism isn't anti-Semitic; Zionism itself creates anti-Semitism."
"Judaism and Zionism were very much two sides to the same coin."
"People have conflated Judaism or Jewishness with Zionism to the point that if you question the logic of Zionism or the state of Israel, you're seen as a traitor."
"Generational shift: Young Americans critique Zionism like white supremacy."
"Zionism changed the concept of the Jewish people from a spiritual identity to a political one."
"So, when Zionists say they had the right to create a Jewish state, what they are saying is that a political movement had the right to forcibly, cruelly, extremely violently expel a population from their homes."
"Restoring the Jews to their National home in Palestine is a noble dream."
"Evangelicals have become the biggest Zionists."
"Zionism means the right for the Jewish people to be able to live back in the homeland."
"Persuading the Ottoman Empire to allow Jews to establish their own state."
"The Zionist religious extremists, drunk on Messianic fervor, are trying to inaugurate their Messianic age with a massive human sacrifice."
"...Zionism is a hijacking of Orthodox Judaism."
"If you have any level of criticism of the Israeli state or of Zionism in general, get ready to be guilted into believing otherwise."
"Immigration of Jews to Palestine and emigration of Arabs out of Palestine is the very natural project of settler colonialism which Zionism is."
"It's very easy to blame Zionism as the great destabilizing agent, but the region does very well destabilizing itself."
"The only rise in anti-Semitism is on campuses because of all the anti-Zionism activity, which is a phony word for anti-Semitism."
"The national home meaning a place where the Jews could at last control their destiny."
"The relationship between the latest round of enforced homelessness and the vision of a Jewish home was intensely immediate."
"I believe that the establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine will be a blessing to the whole of the world, a blessing to the distressed scattered all over the world, and a blessing to Great Britain."
"There's space for people who want to re-explore their definition of Zionism, and what's important is that it's not on the backs of the Palestinian people."
"Most Jews believe that the birth of modern Israel and the return of the Jews to the Holy Land Herald the imminent Advent of the true Messiah who would rule the world from Jerusalem."
"I oppose Zionism and anti-Semitism for exactly the same reason because I want people everywhere to be free."
"When Pinsker died in 1891, the institution of Hovevei Zion never recovered. But Zionism was bouncing back."
"Zionism is just an aspect of Judaism but Torah."
"Zionism is all about let's bring the Redemption let's end the suffering of the Jews in Exile let's come back to our land let's reclaim Our Heritage let's rebuild a proper Jewish Kingdom."
"As much as I hear from my friends there, there are hundreds of thousands of Jewish people who are strongly against the Zionist state of Israel."
"Zionism the idea of building a state of Jewish Farmers on Arab land in the Middle East is a stupid idea to begin with I've always thought so."
"This worship was not known prior to Zionism in that area."
"Zionism is a transformation from subservience to God to base material nationalism."
"Zionism is a political philosophy which is racist, illegal, immoral, unjust, and is therefore Zionism must not get confused with Judaism."
"The Zionist want to break the resistant front and replace it with pro-Zionist regimes."
"The Jews want a state. So they always make decisions that work in order to get a state."
"... traditional Zionist ideology is that Israel serves and continues to serve as a refuge and home to Jewish people ..."
"If the Jewish people will go build Palestine, the Jewish state will become a reality, a fact."
"110 years ago, the idea of a Jewish state was nearly inconceivable, but today I'm standing here."
"Israel is the home of any Jew who wants to come."
"The land of Israel, the land of Zion."
"There are many Jews who actually are vehemently and aggressively fighting against this very violent, oppressive, racist, colonial project of Zionism."
"The Zionist movement... was like so many other movements in the world, a settler colonial ascent."
"Zionism seeks to secure for the Jewish people a publicly recognized, legally assured homeland in Palestine."
"It is not the case that the Jewish people wait around until they get the energy or the desire to go back and create a state in the land of Israel; we are always waiting to do that."
"...the idea of Zionism was to save the Jewish people by establishing a state or reestablishing a Jewish State on the ancient Jewish homeland..."
"The founder of Zionism was a man named Theodore Herzl."
"Zionism is a beautiful thing; it's not a bad word."
"The goal of the revolt itself which has 'For the freedom of Zion'."