
Existential Threat Quotes

There are 383 quotes

"The Tyranids are Armageddon given form and represent possibly the greatest threat the galaxy has ever seen."
"Elon Musk believes that AGI poses a grave threat to humanity, perhaps the greatest existential threat we face today."
"The general existential threat of loneliness and the inability to find happiness becomes the principal unifier of all the main characters."
"The danger of AI is much greater than the danger of nuclear warheads by a lot."
"I believe climate change is an existential challenge for all of humanity."
"It's the existential threat of not this generation but the whole world."
"This election is existential, is about an existential threat to the country and the world."
"The universe, in every way, is trying to kill us."
"Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice."
"Unmitigated climate change is an existential threat to everyone on our planet."
"The demographic catastrophe Ukraine has experienced over this war is potentially existential for Ukraine."
"Fascism is not an opinion. It's an existential threat."
"I was like, 'This is terrifying. My faith, my eternal life is being threatened right now.'"
"We're dealing with a level of power so extreme that it can literally result in the destruction of all things in existence."
"I am extremely pessimistic about the future. Social media is a much more serious threat than any number of nuclear wars."
"I will never stop talking about this because I recognize the existential threat."
"Climate change is literally an existential threat to our nation and to the world."
"The existential threat humanity faces is global warming."
"The stakes on climate change just simply couldn't be any higher than they are right now. It is existential."
"Climate change and biodiversity loss pose an even greater existential threat."
"What could actually threaten humanity's existence almost has to be something existential."
"Our climate crisis is not a partisan issue and it is not a hoax. It is an existential threat to all of us."
"Old Timers would say it changed geopolitics, realizing that not only are there no winners in a nuclear exchange, but maybe all of life on Earth would be rendered extinct."
"If we don't have a planet, it doesn't matter about social issues, it doesn't matter about money, your economy; you will be dead."
"We must learn non-violence so we might face non-existence."
"A similar disaster today could not only stall the rise of complexity, but destroy all the complexity humans have created in the past 250,000 years, or worse, silence the rise of complexity on Earth forever."
"The real fear is global cooling. The ice age is the most terrifying thing that can happen to human beings."
"Humanity's on the brink of potentially being canceled."
"Nations do not die from invasion; they die from internal rotteness." - Abraham Lincoln
"We have not been in something in an environment as serious as we are today that is an existential threat to our constitutional republic since the Civil War." - Rick Wilson
"The Chinese Communist Party is the existential risk of humanity."
"Climate change is an existential threat to our way of life."
"The only goal of narcissistic abuse is for you to cease to exist."
"Narcissistic abuse is about getting rid of your existence, killing you mentally."
"Climate change is one of the biggest existential threats to humanity."
"If we don't stop emitting carbon dioxide, climate change will become so severe that it would be a threat to humanity as a species."
"Donald Trump's own National Security advisor believes he's the biggest existential threat."
"When mankind stood at that point where self-annihilation could occur."
"Climate change is the biggest existential risk to humanity."
"Climate crisis is the existential crisis for our world."
"Nature doesn't care about us in particular. If an asteroid hit tomorrow, all life would be destroyed, and nature wouldn't care. Planets and stars explode all the time, and physics just goes on as usual."
"I contend that it is a powerful spirit that is alive that will kill us before we can kill it it will rid itself of the disease of man if we don't."
"Nobody ever does [mess] with the fabric of being and expect to get away with it. They come."
"You cannot [mess] with the fabric of being and expect to get away with it."
"The greatest existential threat to humanity is the rate of change."
"Climate change may be the existential crisis of our time."
"A global killer in the form of an asteroid over half a kilometer wide would wipe out the human race."
"Why don't you finish the job and make the Daleks extinct? Rid the Universe of your filth." "Why don't you just die!?" "You would make a good Dalek."
"We need better food labels. So people know what they heck they're eating instead of like, you know, it says 40 grams of sugar, nobody knows that's 10 teaspoons, you know?"
"Nobody's safe and anybody could die at any point. There's a sense of real peril just being in this world."
"Nuclear war is an existential issue. It can destroy us."
"Not tsunamis, not earthquakes, the nuclear war is down the road."
"SCP-2317: The door to an alternate reality holding the Devourer of Worlds."
"SCP-2470 is a telepathic Keter class entity with the potential to create a ZK class scenario."
"SCP-2700 is composed of three main parts: a computer interface with a keyboard, a particle accelerator to power it, and a core containing a self-sustaining vacuum."
"When our greatest existential threat is climate change, we will have to mobilize our entire economy around saving ourselves and taking care of this planet."
"In the face of an existential threat to humanity, this is the answer the Marvel Cinematic Universe offers us."
"Global warming is an existential threat to humanity."
"If it doesn't destroy us, it will return one way or another."
"If they come for me and they're trying to take my life or take my children's lives, I don't have an obligation to let you kill me, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes."
"This next election is existential especially for the latino community."
"Humans have spent many centuries trying to answer why the entity wants to destroy the planet, but the limits of their own rationality made it impossible."
"The greatest danger that humanity faces is not from any external force like natural disasters or diseases or pandemics." - Carl Jung
"My greatest fear is that the Eurozone will not survive. Because if it doesn't, the centrifugal forces that will be unleashed will be demonic, and they will destroy the European Union."
"Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh are under existential threat."
"This conflict has always been existential for the collective West."
"Ultimately, the other issues are all solvable, but if the planet starts catching on fire and we're all dead, it doesn't do us any good to see how much money we can make."
"Who cares about the Iron Throne? The Night's King is here."
"Climate change will kill us all, every single person, even the billionaires who are going to space. It literally does not matter, everyone should give a [__] about climate change."
"Donald Trump and the party that has become him pose an existential threat to democracy."
"Watching one of the world's oldest democracies coming face to face with the potential of its own mortality."
"Humanity finds itself potentially confronting a great filter of our own making."
"If the human race doesn't do that this shadow will end your future in the next 20 years or sooner."
"A real sense of people pulling together to fight this existential crisis."
"Until he feels that his own regime is at risk, it's hard to see him looking for an exit ramp."
"Mankind must put an end to war. A war will put an end to mankind."
"The Langoliers is literally about monsters from the past trapping you there and then eating time and destroying you as a person. So, the movie feels like when you watch it."
"It would be the death of us, and I don't mean that metaphorically."
"Climate change is an existential threat to our country and the world."
"He is a virus that grows exponentially, gorging on violence, mayhem, and suffering."
"Without hyperbole, if Resaca is not stopped, mankind's extinction is imminent."
"We believe this is an existential threat to humanity that will end democracy and capitalism."
"Our country is dying, our country is being destroyed."
"Unanswered questions become the bane of your existence."
"An encounter with this object or its creators could potentially result in the total extermination of life on our planet."
"Chaos seeks to eternally exert their influence on the mortal realm, threatening to eat it alive from the inside out."
"Such conflicts could threaten reality itself…"
"The fire-god returns... threatens the very existence of tyria."
"For Sartre, the looming end of the world would be just the type of threat that could unify disparate humans together into what he would call a group-in-fusion."
"Features the Scooby Gang coming face-to-face with an existential threat to ALL of mankind!"
"Climate change is going to wipe us off the planet."
"We are experiencing through climate change the destruction of the entire human species."
"Climate change is real, it represents an existential threat."
"I don't have patience, the world might not even be here in 10 or 20 years."
"It'll be as if the great powers need to sit down with themselves and recognize the fact that the policies they are pursuing are going to lead to the end of the world." - Dr. Ira Helfand
"The essential goal is survival of the human species, and they will go to war to stop the threat of humanity being wiped out."
"The nuclear issue... is still the major existential threat to civilization."
"Climate change... the apocalyptic twin of nuclear war."
"There's been nothing like this... literally destroying the prospects of human life on earth."
"The Vex won't spare the City. They won't even thank you. But that's the thing about Light: you never know where it'll shine."
"The Sun is literally dying and the biggest threat to humanity is still a human."
"If this really is an existential crisis, and they're going to elect Joe Biden... after all of this."
"It just means that African American voters feel the existential threat more than other subsections of the Democratic Party."
"The white walker plot was this existential threat that had been built up for eight seasons, predicated on a historical long night that lasted an actual generation and nearly wiped out humanity."
"Make no mistake, climate change is an existential threat to our own survival, it's not a future generation consideration, but a current reality."
"Climate change, global warming is an existential threat to humanity."
"Time is the enemy, the past threatens, the fastest weapon. You wouldn't make it past a second, and that's the question."
"Extinction is unavoidable. The same fate will befall humanity."
"The beyonders represent an enormous threat to the very existence of not only the DC universe but the entire multiverse."
"If they can kill someone imbued with the power of God himself..."
"Climate change is the clearest existential threat to our way of life and our entire species."
"This universe should be gone, someone is keeping it alive."
"If astronomers told us that a comet of the size of the one that destroyed the dinosaurs is heading our way, presumably the whole human species would start pulling together."
"Okay, we are gonna have to kill them though, aren't we? Because they've got scarier. I mean, that's within our programming."
"Climate change and our environmental challenges are one of the biggest existential threats to our way of life."
"Our total existence as a free society is at risk."
"People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money."
"This war is an existential War for Ukraine so there is no way Ukraine can stop Retreats there is no other areas where they can Retreat it's they were to protect the not only Ukrainian borders but that's the borders of the EU."
"It's about money, it's about politics, but nonetheless it's an existential threat for the United States for Haitians to be able to decide their own future."
"Humanity in general on a planetary level hangs by a thread with genocide of levels we have never seen right on their doorstep."
"Climate change is an existential threat to humanity and our way of life."
"We are not the first civilization to collapse but we will probably be the last."
"We would all absolutely without a doubt die."
"If AI has a goal and Humanity just happens to be in the way, it will destroy us."
"We are tired of having a president who does not even understand the reality of climate change let alone the existential threat that climate change poses."
"It's either we change the way we live or we all die."
"Look, it's the existential threat... they've been at economic war with us for 20-25 years."
"There is a risk of Extinction from AI on scale with nuclear war."
"Opium had become an existential threat to China."
"Know that there is only one true timeline, though there are those who would have it otherwise. You must protect it. Without the truth of time as it is meant to unfold, more will be lost than you can possibly imagine."
"Climate change is a human kind existential threat."
"For Gates, climate change is humans' existential threat."
"Our world is careening as fast as they can toward death."
"Champa realizes if these Androids take over Earth and kill everyone, he's never gonna settle the score with his brother."
"Death is the enemy, the first enemy and the last."
"The Vex are driven by a singular goal: to impose their pattern upon all reality."
"The ultimate aim of the Vex is nothing less than the total conversion of reality into their image."
"There's an existential crisis facing the Tory Party."
"If freedom is lost in this country, there is nowhere else to go."
"Your soul shouldn't be so easy to snatch from your body."
"Climate change and our environmental challenges are the biggest existential threats to our way of life."
"Believe me, I went through a phase where I started to actually believe what I was seeing in the media and all that and saying, 'You know, we're all gonna die.'"
"This is the actual apocalypse like coming for us."
"If we don't figure out a way to make our lives better, we are going to destroy each other and we're going to destroy this planet."
"The illusions of division threaten our very existence."
"The man, the spirit, and the Beast are now on the earth." (Repeating for emphasis)
"Climate change poses an existential threat to our lives, to our economy, and the threat is here. It's not going to get any better. The question can't it get worse? We can stop it from getting worse." - President Biden
"Has there ever been an organization in history which has dedicated itself to the destruction of the possibility of organized human life? That's actually what we're facing."
"We're racing towards the extinction of our species. We not only lack dominion over nature, we're subordinate to it." - Ian Malcolm
"The rush for AGI has alarmed many experts who fear that without proper guidance and oversight these programs could be an existential threat for the future of humanity."
"Kanye ain't crazy, he's telling everybody they're trying to take me out. You're going to have to kill me."
"If you destroy the free world where else are you going to go?"
"Those rocks are absolutely massive. They could easily wipe out the entire human race if enough of them fell on them."
"In the name of planetary defense the point is the survival of life on Earth."
"The Doomsday Clock is currently at 100 seconds to midnight and remains closest to apocalypse ever."
"You don't know what it is to fight something that truly wants you dead."
"This is an existential battle for the future of democracy in the United States."
"I think this is the existential issue of our time."
"If you don't help, Universe 7 may lose... and will be erased. I don't say this lightly, Trunks, but I need you."
"The North alone stands between the White Walkers and the realms of men."
"What we have learned is that once they have the capability to slaughter us, eventually they will use this capability."
"Why doesn't someone blow it up? If you think this thing is existentially dangerous, it could extinguish Human Society."
"Nature and goodness are under siege, all life hangs in the balance."
"The fear is that if the entity goes, if we actually succeed in destroying it, then whatever lies beneath the gate, it would be wide open."
"Some experts worry that AGI, if not designed and managed properly, could pose an existential risk to humanity."
"May any voice that comes to confuse them in this hour be silent."
"Humanity may be teetering on the verge of self-ruin with time slipping away."
"Climate change is one of the primary existential threats that our planet faces today."
"We keep returning to stories where zombies are threatening our very existence."
"We're in an existential fight. China believes that it should rule the world."
"There's a war against God's chosen, and it's an all-out spiritual battle."
"3.5 degrees warming is an existential threat to our species. It's not a joke."
"Our two worlds are inextricable. If one side dies, we all die."
"That means it could have already taken place somewhere out there in the universe, and the end of not only our world, but of everything we know, could be racing towards us right now."
"This is a war against humanity, this is a non-human entity against Homo sapiens sapien."
"Trans ideology isn't a fringe issue, it's an existential threat to the rights of women."
"Surprise, plot twist, your dad, your uncle, your relative is a piece of shit."
"If AI has a goal and humanity just happens to be in the way it'll destroy humanity as a matter of course even without thinking about it."
"Enjoy widespread economic prosperity and fear your very existence."
"This is an existential War for the Russians."
"Aliens could view us like we view ants, you know? And that is petrifying to me."
"What is it about their existence that's such a threat?"
"The world is starting to realize that they got to come up with a way to prevent Armageddon from happening."
"The threat had passed, but none of that mattered if the Reapers were still out there."
"Mankind will come to the brink of self-inflicted annihilation."
"We're all of us on a runaway train of near-term self-annihilation."
"We are hurtling toward another conflict that would be existential for the United States."
"We have the technological means to prevent our own destruction for the first time in our entire story."
"Sometimes it feels like the whole world might dash itself to bits."
"The only thing protecting all of reality from the final coalescence of insanity and terror is the fact that the unspeakable gods wait dreaming."
"It is the greatest existential threat to human life currently facing us. We need to take care of it while we still have the choice to do so."
"The frenzied flame: born of the collective suffering of this world, manifested not only as a powerful concept but an actual power that threatens to swallow the world."
"Climate change is the greatest existential threat to our species."
"The flood is an enemy that jeopardizes the entire universe."
"Conservatives care about the everyday Canadian, seeing the bill as an existential threat."
"Climate change is an existential threat to public safety."
"It's socialism or extinction, internationalism or extinction."
"We are in a fight for our lives and for future generations."
"No one is safe, nothing is sacred, and Anything could happen."
"We must resist, but it will be the end of the Catholic church."