
Pet Ownership Quotes

There are 501 quotes

"I am just a naturally positive person, and I practice having compassion and empathy, and sometimes things happen, and you're not able to keep your dog, and there's most often no judgment for me."
"This book is the ultimate guide to life with your cat. I recommend it to every single person who has a cat, who cares about cats."
"We rescue over 90% of our animals... They were people's pets that just got in over their head."
"I think I'm done with pets for now. That was pretty crazy."
"As an owner of two pets that I love immensely, I'd love it if every single animal in the world was treated the same way that I treat my beautiful companion creatures."
"Remember, there are no bad dogs, just uneducated owners."
"A dog should enhance your life, and if a dog can't enhance my life, I don't want that dog in my life."
"I think a dog should enhance your life, and every one of my dogs enhances my life."
"Puppies are a lot of work. If you're thinking of getting a dog, I would say... come and take one of mine."
"If you're a dog mom or a dog dad, you know the relationship that you have with your fur baby. They just show you unconditional love."
"I spend a lot of time educating those new owners on how to handle the dog, how to think like the dog, how to view the world from the dog's perspective."
"People aren't just going to get rid of their pets. There's always going to be that demand once they're there."
"Life with pets is a beautiful mess, filled with laughter and love."
"You don't have to keep her when you get tired of her."
"A pup is not just for Christmas though they require a lot of time and are a huge responsibility. They can be expensive to keep, but when you get in after a long day and you see how unconditionally excited they are to see you, it's totally worth it."
"Your life instantly changes the second that puppy's in your hand."
"I think a lot of other pet owners can probably relate to that it's just really hard the whole thing's been very emotional and hard for me and it's been worse for her but it's just been a really rough week."
"This heart-wrenching case sheds light on the crucial importance of responsible pet ownership."
"The ideal owner is basically someone who likes peace and quiet because these cats are very good pets."
"The biggest cat fancier is Princess Michael of Kent."
"It's not always bad. It depends on the animal too and the people of course but there's some really bad situations out there and just I mean these stories are going to blow you guys away."
"These aren't for everybody. No, definitely not."
"The world of pet ownership isn't as basic as people want you to believe."
"Owning a pet is one of the greatest things life has to offer no matter the animal, they're loving usually soft companions that bring joy and comfort to millions of people around the world."
"It would be very inconvenient to have a dog that didn't do escalators."
"It's literally like free cleaning service forever, all you gotta do is just give him a little warm bed. I am down for that, dude, I'm down."
"Drop a comment below and let me know what breed of rabbit are you thinking about getting or do you already have."
"You want your bird to have a forever home. It's up to you."
"There's so many people that love the idea of having a pet, they want to have a pet, they want to have an animal companion. It is a wonderful fantasy archetype and it should be effective."
"I mean I love my dog as much as you can love anything that shits on my lawn which I think is hilarious..."
"Some people shouldn't have dogs just like some people shouldn't have kids."
"I'm a businesswoman I'm an entrepreneur and I'm also a mom a mom to a dog called Mimi."
"Don't buy a parrot if you wouldn't think having a puppy is too much work."
"Cats are one of the most enlightened animals, and people who have cats are more peaceful than people who don't."
"It's illegal to own just one guinea pig in Switzerland."
"If you've got a large house and a large wallet, then you can buy a large dog, and what better than a powerful, playful, gentle giant known as the Great Dane?"
"Being a pet owner isn't about possession, it's about a relationship."
"Are they aware that you actually have a cat or is it a stowaway?"
"The Rottweiler: a breed to stay away from if you have never owned a dog before."
"New Breed, huh? I think I'll keep this one as a pet."
"A dog is not proof that you're a good person. Look at the Queen of England."
"I'm going to get the dog, she's ours to keep forever."
"I didn't sleep as mentioned, I'm still gonna get used to having a puppy again."
"Our house is just a puppy fest at the moment."
"I knew in my heart of hearts that I couldn't really keep him."
"A baby elephant was seen acting so adorable at an elephant sanctuary in northern Thailand."
"Having a pet cat is pretty ordinary, but how many people do you know with pet pumas?"
"Please do not get a donkey that's going to live for 40 years and then make it somebody else's problem because you didn't do it the right way."
"I think true cat lovers don't see their pets as killers."
"Has our passion for these creatures also blinded us to their natural instincts?"
"He's a very inspiring kitten, and I feel so honored that I get to be his mama."
"I don't think because of that they should be banned everywhere. These are fish that are around and deserve good homes."
"If anyone is going to impulse buy a pet, it's 9 times out of 10 they're gonna go to Petco or PetSmart or something."
"I gotta go with the pet thing, man. I can't [ __ ] that. I worry. I actually think about that all the time, really, I do."
"If they can't answer like what's in their tank and have a good conversation about it, then usually it's a sign like well maybe we're not ready to buy some fish today."
"To tame something is a wonderful thing; it is not only to own a thing but to build a connection with it."
"Thank you, sure to spay or neuter your cats and dogs."
"They basically got the dog trainer to come over and say the dogs aren't the problem but you are."
"I mean you're a man surrounded by women, who are not, you know they won't even have a boy dog so I got two girl dogs."
"There's just something calming about having pets, taking care of another life form."
"Once you get above five, I think that's like dangerous territory. But I could see 15 cats working really well in the right situation."
"People love animals, and we know this to be true because most people have dogs at home."
"Exotic animals are very dangerous and should not be kept as pets."
"Thirty-seven percent of households own a cat in the United States, but frankly, I think it should be more."
"You guys got to take that more seriously and hold her accountable. That reaction then leads to a bite, which then leads to, at the minimum of your worries, a lawsuit."
"Sleep properly 'cause a German shepherd takes up the entire bed."
"There should not be a city limit of dogs you own."
"Most people aren't lucky enough to have a pet for 20 years. Chantal, yeah empath indeed, eh empath."
"One pet hair in your foot is going to ruin your day. If you've had that experience, let me know in the comment section below because I have cats, and I know how that feels."
"To think that it's a luxury, an absolute luxury to own any type of pet in Night City."
"For some owners like supermodel Rachel Hunter, their pet is simply another child, just of the four-legged variety. Their canine pal's comfort is of great importance and a dog-sized mansion is required."
"Any girl that has a tiger as a pet, I mean come on, you know she's tough."
"Make sure you can afford a pet before you buy one."
"If you want a dog, you really gotta want a dog."
"I've had dogs pretty much my whole life, such great companions."
"There's no such thing as bad dogs, only bad owners" - When people say there's no such thing as bad dogs, only bad owners, there's a lot of bad pitbull owners out there.
"All the goods completely outweigh the bad, and until you have one, you just won't."
"Your pets are always the greatest pets on the planet."
"I'm gonna fully own this and embrace the fact that I'm a single dude with two cats."
"So all of these la-dee-da folks in our town walk their dogs which is a good thing however why the [ __ ] are these little poop bags scattered throughout our town?"
"If you can provide all that it needs, then you might be the perfect pet human for it to leap onto every day of its life."
"I wish our house was big enough for a pet."
"Real cat people eventually get a second cat."
"Sounds like you would be a better pet owner than your brother."
"Obviously, we're clearly not going walkies. Ready? Okay, guys, she's still hates a harness with all her heart."
"I could understand leaving a pair of shoes or a shirt, but who leaves a dog in their home and moves out? Like, who leaves a dog?"
"Try to give your animal the most fulfilling life that you can based on what they want to do."
"There's nothing better than going and seeing your dog after a while. I actually miss her a lot."
"We may think that we own animals, but a lot of the times, animals own us."
"My husband is not gonna feel this right now. Look, what is that? It's a dog. Daddy, I just bought her a dog."
"He cleaned up his dog's mess, and we had no issues for the next few months."
"That's what I'm saying, like it's not my responsibility to keep other people's animals off my property. It's those people's, the people who have them dogs. Like, just like our German Shepherds, it's my responsibility to keep them off our neighbors."
"I don't necessarily see me getting something as high committal as a dog, as highly committal as high commitment. We're kind of thinking about a cat, maybe, probably not a dog, and definitely no babies."
"If you can't give an animal the proper love that they need, give it away to a family."
"We just got a cat baby, not a human baby, and I'm pretty happy with that to be honest."
"Mia is an African gray, they're really smart, super smart."
"Don't get wolf dog hybrids, guys, just get a dog."
"I've been looking everywhere for you, Snowflake, you do not run away, oh this little rascal."
"She wakes up and cuddles her cat."
"These two fish are going to be coming home with me today, and I am so, so excited."
"But we have a bold, confident, happy puppy. He's completed his first step, and he's well on his way to completing his first full day here at Standing Stone Kennels."
"What child won't want a little dinosaur as a pet?"
"I can't believe we have a dog. Yeah, feels so surreal."
"In a way, it made me really appreciate any dog in any town, any marina. It's kind of crazy to finally have our own little dude."
"If you're as obsessed with dogs as I am and you want to get more Oso time, then check it out."
"You guys know that is a must-have tarantula in any collection."
"I cannot stress to you enough how much I'm loving being a cat mum."
"What I want out of my dog at four, five, six months, or six years is I want them just to be a pal."
"It looks so good in this new setup here it's got a little bit of black a little bit of gray a little bit of white soon to be covered absolutely in cat hair and that okay there ain't nothing wrong with that."
"I get along with cat people more."
"I just felt like it was a great compromise, you know, a puppy. I've always wanted a puppy ever since mine passed away."
"Your dog was genetically built to do one thing, and you have a different opportunity to help them bring that out."
"Annie absolutely loves people and the owners that sit around at the park always fall in love with her as she runs up to them to say hi."
"Just a few weeks ago when she felt ready, she ended up deciding to get a full-size Australian shepherd."
"Living in a tiny house with a dog has been wonderful."
"Ex-wife complains about our cat but doesn't want to do anything about it."
"We have a one-year-old Cane Corso, we got her when we'd been living in the unit for about 2.5 months."
"There is nothing more special than having a pet who loves you."
"When you are considering a new pet, it is important to do plenty of research from multiple different sources."
"I just wanted my cat back, am I the a-hole?"
"The kitty cat has returned home, it's sitting in your lap, and you're just going, 'uh, what do I do?'"
"Moody's parting message is, if you don't have a pet, you're a soulless bastard that will die alone. The end."
"Being a pet owner is like being a sugar daddy. You waste all of your money on keeping them happy, and the only thing that they do is look cute and give you attention. Sometimes that's class."
"Monkeys aren't pets. Nobody gets monkeys as pets. Not chill."
"I'm officially a cat mom now, and I've only had my baby for a few months."
"Always make sure obviously you're applying water to the fish all the time especially if it's hot in the summer."
"My dad apologized for trying to make me give up Tycho."
"We did the most responsible things that we could possibly do before taking the plunge to get a dog."
"I'm not against breeding her one day like it's definitely something that will be fine and for Layla to have little puppies around and all that."
"What's going on? I thought, where the [expletive] was the dog this whole time?"
"You need to relax. No, no, no, no, no. You need to relax, okay? You cannot be jumping on my white pants, okay? You're being a good girl now."
"Hey Mr good boy I think it's about time that I take you for a walk."
"The new pet has no State restrictions so it has significant value."
"...pants hugged the pet and squeezed it while saying that he had always wanted to give one of these little things a huge."
"It's such a flimsy piece that my cats won't lay down on it."
"It is the best decision I've ever made I do not regret a single moment of owning him."
"You're literally your brother's chauffeur for your [expletive] cat."
"So happy! So if you have any tips for a new cat mother, please let me know."
"Nobody could ever make me get rid of my animals ever. There is just no way I would ever get rid of my animals for somebody."
"For a single man to have a dog, it's like kind of like you're developing a routine of care. You love this thing, this thing is dependent on you."
"having two dogs very very different from having one"
"Bella, stop. I just cleaned this. I need to act like you and make a mess."
"I have never felt sadder in my whole life than when I lost my dog. I don't know what that says about me, but that's how it was."
"People who keep dogs are normally quite nice people."
"My husband and I have always been cat people."
"Pets are essential for a comfortable and civilized home, don't you think?"
"A lot of dog owners ask me 'My dog is biting me. Is this normal? Is he aggressive' and there’s not really a yes or no answer to that unless we get into a lot more detail."
"It's all part of the joys and challenges of cat ownership."
"Happy to have a dog back in the household."
"I won't hurt you. I promise," he said, pointing to the dog.
"I really hope they find it within themselves to become more responsible owners."
"Before y'all folks go buy a dog... y'all folks remember, bro, having a pet is a full-time responsibility."
"Now you've got another dog in your house."
"That's what we want in our Rhinogobius: fat and sassy."
"if you want a dog, please don't just consider going out and getting a puppy"
"It's always a joy to hold my mini Pleshette."
"I had never imagined having a cat."
"This runaway cat was missing for a whole week. Look at how his old owner cries tears of joy when they're finally reunited."
"Get a dog sooner in life, it helps mature you."
"Sploot has decided to settle down... that makes me so happy."
"Dogs themselves can range from free to insane. Honestly, the biggest upfront cost will be in terms of your time and energy."
"Well, he wasn't a responsible pet owner. He was about to punch his dog."
"It's not just about having a family pet, it's about the freedom to not lose your arm when you're out for a walk."
"Crested geckos are really simple...they're one of the easiest reptiles to care for."
"This ruling marked the first time a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig has been recognized as a pet in court."
"Every cat owner knows that song and cat owners I."
"That's my cage freak, I mean whatever, I guess she can have her dog back."
"The cat just sleeps and eats and he's taken over the whole house."
"If you're after a healthy massive dog, I would always recommend a flock Guardian breed such as the molossus or Alibi."
"Having a dog that listens to you is bad ass and when they don't it's you know frustrating."
"Are you a good boy, Charlie? Just came in, so he's waiting for his treat."
"2024 is my year, I'm becoming an adult this year so when I become an adult I'm going to adopt my own cat."
"Getting a dog has been absolutely transformative not only from a movement perspective but in you know mindset perspective and keeping me healthy keeping him healthy."
"Nobody wants to hear a dog, but if a dog barks for 5 to 10 minutes in a dog-friendly apartment, then let it go."
"Seriously me and Sam both are like that is the best money we've ever spent and it's only been a few days so it's been really fun he's been waiting for me to release him because I told him his place command Eddie free good boy good free show them your skills."
"So I got Tenmie. It was the best decision of my life."
"We all hate it. We're all dog lovers."
"I have a confession about being a dog mum."
"I'm talking to Sapnap about it. He wants a cat as well, like he wants. So the idea would be he wants one of these cats to be his and then one of them is mine, but they both live together because he feels like he doesn't really have a cat that's his."
"Oh, that was so cute. Can't talk, must e... Hey, little guy, what are you going to name him?"
"I'm freaking pumped to be able to be called like dog mom."
"I like spending time with dogs I have two dogs myself and they don't have conversations so it's like right I can switch off from football completely and have a little cuddle and yeah they don't give me any back chat so it's quite nice."
"There's no way mom's gonna let you get a dog."
"Just because a dog pees on the floor the first couple of times you have it doesn't mean that you don't love it its whole life."
"You don't really know your dog's name until you meet the dog."
"I miss her all the time she sleeps right beside me so yeah I'm a big dog person now I like cats too though I'm just I'm a cat and dog person but I am more dogs now so trap changed me."
"My only sucky thing is I have a dog that likes to rub his body on everything so hair gets on everything as he's staring at me talk about it."
"Properly train them or be selfless enough not to get a dog."
"Don't be selfish and just get a dog because you want it for one year."
"Of course, you can have a puppy if you want one."
"Ultimately, you are in the driver's seat of your pet's health. These decisions are yours to make."
"The dog will make it. Something we never Harley was here. She was a lap dog. I had to sit on the floor, but you would still sit in my lap."
"For those of you that are fortunate enough to take care of any type of pet, cat, dog, bird, etc., you just know that beautiful unconditional love that comes through."
"A lot of people think they make good pets."
"Your dog John's still eating shoes at nearly one years old."
"You know how much of my life is already consumed by two dogs?"
"You have to be so brave to take your dogs on a walk."
"Buffy's only gonna have like three more months. Like, go in the backyard when it's not full with s***."
"Every night eventually I decided to get a puppy to keep myself company."