
Emotional Intimacy Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"The journey towards emotional intimacy starts internally and starts with us."
"Emotional intimacy is about connection, openness, communication, love, vulnerability."
"The emotional aspect of the relationship actually adds to the sexual intimacy, the sexual experience, and enhances it."
"Your bond deepens as you reveal your true feelings."
"The relationship between sex and emotional intimacy is a lot tighter than people want to presuppose."
"Women's friendships often involve more emotional sharing and self-disclosure compared to men's friendships."
"Men's friendships often involve less emotional intimacy compared to women's friendships."
"Despite men desiring similar emotional intimacy from their friendships, they are less likely to actually achieve this intimacy due to fears of appearing feminine or gay."
"We have close friendships and I have friendships, like, I have friendships with guys that there's an emotional intimacy that can immediately pick up where it left off."
"Without vulnerability, we really cannot develop emotional intimacy."
"Emotional intimacy is really interesting because I say it's the gift that we give to people."
"I just felt like seen... She's the kind of woman that when she looks at you, you feel like the rest of the world fades away and somehow you're still existing in it."
"Emotional intimacy has a physical expression that's only natural."
"Emotional intimacy is the expectation that you can be open and safe with the other person."
"Sex is a spiritual thing, it's a mental thing, it's an emotional thing."
"If you view sex as purely a physical act, you're potentially leaving a lot of emotional intimacy and satisfaction on the table."
"Creators of deep emotional intimacy. INFJs can quickly establish rapport with people."
"Radical honesty... it starts by understanding emotional intimacy."
"Take me close to your heart. For my touch, for my taste, for my lust."
"Emotional intimacy is ultimately what this person craves, whether they know how to articulate that or not. This person just wants to be wrapped around you."
"Showing true colors deepens relationships; it's a moment of intimacy."
"He tastes my tears before I can feel them. Where there would be tears, his kiss."
"There's a level of emotional intimacy with you that is very different."
"They're fantasizing about you, imagining touching you, holding you, being with you."
"We can't ever really feel loved unless we feel known."
"It's safe for you to be vulnerable with this person."
"Your soul touched me long before your hands did."
"This series has always treated assassination as if it were more intimate than sex and more trippy than LSD."
"There can only be vulnerability and intimacy with another human being when you can tell them how it is that you really feel."
"What makes you fall in love with someone is when you feel seen and known loved and accepted in the small things."
"If you are with someone who is trustworthy, they will not use your wounds against you, you will develop intimacy, you will develop a closeness, you will feel like this person trusts you and that you can trust this other person."
"Love doesn't mean sexual intimacy or sexual attraction."
"Your future spouse is so caring, they want to see the inside of you."
"If you have an INFJ that's comfortable enough with you to really reveal their darkness or their insecurities with you, that is beautiful."
"A great love life requires intimacy, trust, and the ability to share your feelings."
"Passion is much more than having an orgasm. It's a longing to be one with another."
"Prepare for open-hearted, intimate, unconditional love."
"The most sexually satisfied women have emotional closeness with their partner."
"Feeling a lot of soul intimacy, feeling like you're on the same page again."
"Embrace vulnerability; it's the key to emotional intimacy and success."
"Without trust, there is no emotional intimacy."
"This person wants to go deeper with you and have a deeper connection."
"This connection becoming more authentic, deeper, going deeper, less surface level, more depth to it."
"Both of you are very intuitive, offering your whole raw hearts to each other. Choosing to be together through thick and thin."
"Our eye contact is insane, I'm sending you telepathic messages."
"They feel like you are home, this is definitely like a soulmate to inflame vibe."
"They're feeling very romantic about you right now."
"This is also a really great time to deepen your intimacy through open and honest and compassionate communication."
"The film flickers on the screen, the final few frames, she rests her head on my shoulder..."
"True intimacy is terrifying because it's vulnerability."
"You create a space in which both of you guys can freely communicate your thoughts and emotions."
"There are ways to open up the relationship that are not physical."
"Emotional vulnerability is such a great part of letting somebody in"
"It's just almost that like the exposure of emotional vulnerability creating that deeper connection and relationship is I think it's another example of that for sure."
"It's difficult for you also to open up to someone romantically."
"True emotional intimacy requires two people showing up as their adult selves."
"I had 500 sexual partners but I would have preferred one partner and a strong emotional deep relationship."
"Even if it didn't fall under the emotional cheating category, you're definitely taking away your partner's ability to be there for you."
"Journaling is emotionally intimate."
"Physical intimacy leads to emotional intimacy."
"...the more that you say what's happening inside of you, the more you fall in love."
"Vulnerability is the gasoline... in the engine of emotional intimacy."
"The first 18 months to two years are very important for a marriage because this is when you're really setting those foundations and really filling up each other's emotional intimacy jar and getting to know each other really well."
"What we're calling self can heal the deepest trauma and live a life of joy and love and grief and full emotional intimacy with yourself and others."
"You're cute, and you deserve emotional intimacy, and if you don't feel like you're getting it, that's a problem."
"An emotional affair is defined as a relationship between a person and someone other than their spouse or significant other that affects the level of intimacy, emotional distance, and overall dynamic in the relationship of the couple."
"Having the communication in general can help to build the emotional intimacy and the connection."
"Emotional intimacy is not a great indicator for relationship success."
"Once I was able to be super vulnerable with her and she loved me anyway, we were able to start building levels of emotional intimacy that we had never had before."
"How can what we know about attachment and the power of our emotions create deeper intimacy and resolve conflicts with your partner?"
"Nothing else can take your place, to feel the warmth of your embrace."
"It felt good to have both a physical and emotional connection with the same person."
"The only way that you get to experience the emotional intimacy and closeness that you crave with other people is by being vulnerable."
"The key to a queen of Cups heart is just love, emotional intimacy."
"I want to prioritize an emotional connection over a sexual connection."
"She wanted more from him, more emotional intimacy, more attention."