
Sensory Experiences Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"We have physical interaction with others... missed is probably smell. So you can talk with your grandparents over zoom but that's not the same as visiting them and seeing them and smelling them."
"Have you ever noticed that sometimes your beverage tastes extra good and you don't know why? Well, it's one of those days."
"It's usually the insights you glean about yourself and how the music got you there, how the smell of the tobacco got you there, so it's all contextual as well."
"He smiled and responded, 'Oh yeah, I know the smell can be bad, but once it's cooked you're gonna be in Paradise.'"
"Sand is still warm to the feet, that means the Sun still burns above."
"Life's simple pleasures: itchy mosquito bites, cold water on a hot day, walking into air conditioning."
"Wow, really delicious. It's the crunch for me."
"People like to feel that sweet, sweet nostalgic feeling."
"Tossing a bunch of confetti into the air and watching it fall never stops feeling awesome."
"While walking through the now crumbling building you can feel cold spots, hear voices, and see orbs floating through the air."
"I felt something rush right by me, look at my arms."
"Everything around me went very quiet, to the point where you could have heard a pin drop. It was so quiet."
"The great thing about your senses are they can take you back in time." - Angry Manalo
"Life is precious man and kids are still cute and sex still feels good and food tastes great and the sun still rises and the rain feels wonderful on your face."
"Candles that smell of old books and evenings spent watching practical magic and hocus pocus."
"As a cook, tastes and smells are my memories."
"We're living in a time where we can remain on Earth and yet experience space through our noses."
"I find that it's extremely palatable and does not taste much because of the cinnamon has that natural burning sensation to begin with it doesn't taste much like alcohol at all."
"Shimamura will see a flash of color and it will illuminate him."
"Every time I walk out of Target, it reminds me of my grandparents, how like whatever they're cooking, I mean obviously it's coffee, but then there was some kind of sugary dessert."
"It's orange blossoms because it reminds me of childhood."
"Consider your memories, the beautiful sights, the angelic sounds, and the unforgettable smells that come to mind when you think of Christmas."
"The matrix is the scripted delusion we think is reality, utilizing the temporary construct of the ego to entice us with all things related to the five senses."
"I like how you walk over the rocks and it actually makes the sound of the rocks."
"Being out in the open on the back of a bike, and you'll start to notice just how palpable the sensory experience is."
"I just love all the sights, the flavors, the scents."
"Look at this, everything's in motion! This is insane!"
"I feel like my insides just feel like clean or something."
"It's in places like this that you can really feel history come alive, can't you? You can imagine it, you can hear the sounds of their footsteps and the murmuring of their deal making as they shake their hands."
"I love the drinks where it starts with the cotton candy and then it disappears and turns into a magical cocktail."
"I'm gonna go for the middle and enjoy the gooeyness, and then I'm gonna go for the corner and I'm gonna get that crispy and I'm gonna enjoy it."
"A good well-formed outcome is also expressed in sensory terms."
"Set and setting is everything. Now what is the set and setting when you are blindfolded? The set and setting is not what you're seeing, you're not seeing anything. The set and setting is your internal self."
"I really do want ASMR to become more and more popular, and that's because it's just really wonderful finding out that there's a name for your special feeling you've always had."
"People will like - the eating sounds, licking, or anything like - people are very against or for."
"It's oddly satisfying... it's like melting wax."
"I always know it's Christmas when I first smell delicious cookies baking in the oven."
"There's nights where I don't feel like doing it... but when the curtain opens and I feel people's perfume and some are smokers... it's hard. You have to find ways."
"The hair stands up on your neck and you get a chill down your spine."
"Waking up is the gift, walking, seeing, touching, hearing, all your elements in alignment."
"Seeing lights and geometric shapes When You Close Your Eyes reflects not just a change in visual perception but an invitation to explore the depths of your own existence."
"If I just listen to the notes, oh my gosh, it was like leaps and bounds beyond when I was trying to do it visually."
"It's kind of smelly up in here now, up in here."
"Memory making with the taste of heaven and earth."
"This is what victory tastes like, the sticky embrace of room temperature messy juice."
"I don't want to act like that but you know that video where there's like a baby who's like deaf or something?"
"I just wish there are so many beautiful scents in the world that we could draw inspiration from and have in these products."
"I just like the pitter-patter of bare feet, you know? It sounds beautiful."
"I love the texture of bread that's been well toasted."
"And I don't care how cliche this is but the sun on your face, the wind blowing in your hair, that smell of, you know, being a freshly mowed lawn on a Sunday afternoon. Nothing replaces that."
"The smell of books, I see as a book collector, that for me is just the most wonderful smell."
"Songs and smells, they always bring back memories."
"You enjoy the warm luxury of the old stained blankets."
"Develop a mind that is not dependent on anything you see, hear, taste, touch, or think."
"Such a sweet City and I mean that very literally because I'm currently here mid-october just in time for the osmanthus to bloom so everywhere you walk you just envelop by this beautiful sweet fragrance."
"I often notice a smell. It was noticeable, probably a burning rubber."
"I never thought my mouth would be watering over some water."
"I love the smell of popcorn, I love being in there with a bunch of people here into people's reactions, I love the whole experience."
"I've been using it since I was a little girl, the smell of my childhood out in the lot when my dad would fertilize the lawn."
"I hate prison, Fletcher. I hate the air of defeat and the smell of disinfectant."
"I like the little shuffles that my feet make on the carpet. Agreed."
"You know sometimes when you drink something very cold it can sometimes catch you off guard."
"Some people can smell colors, a condition known as synesthesia."
"Phantom Vibration Syndrome is when our bodies become so used to phone vibrations that they begin sending false ones."
"People on the spectrum tend to find comfort and relief from overstimulation and overthinking by spending time alone, balancing their sensory experiences, stimming, and working on or studying their special interests."
"But overall broadly auditory hallucinations are an important element you can get hallucinations in any cognitive area or in any sensory area in schizophrenia but the visual is the kind of least prevalent."
"Scent is always just the cherry on top, it's something that adds to one's quality of life but isn't remotely required."
"There are certain things in life like music and food and sounds that bring back memory."
"Honestly, even the trash here smells good."
"Food like music and smells brings our memories back from our childhood and brings that nostalgia back as well."
"I wanted to keep those memories of what I saw, what I heard, what I felt."
"I love the smell of the roads after rain, fresh cut grass, and gasoline."