
Community Standards Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"People who exploit others and take advantage of already marginalized people for the sake of their own profit have no place in our community."
"We do not condone harassment of any kind to any of the parties involved."
"Her church tossed her out. That is a horrific story and just goes to show you that they're most interested in you being what their image of a good person is."
"I'm never against anyone playing the game, but I don't want idiots in my game...I want a generation to be smarter than the last one."
"Empowering yourself with knowledge is not part of the YouTube Community standard now."
"The time for harassment in CS:GO is finally up."
"Canceling is a public shaming of a member of a community for some violation of that community standards."
"We only ask one thing: please keep them safe, classy, and honest."
"Peer pressure is a good thing if it's the right peers."
"If I can't be funny in this community without it being at the expense of another person then I'm just not funny."
"Not to say they don't do planning but they don't do very detailed and complex planning which I know that we're known for in the community almost in a bad way because we plan so detailed which I don't think is ever bad."
"Y'all set the standard for the RP in the city."
"We as a city do not stand for violence. We do not tolerate violence, and we will hold you accountable for those activities."
"This is beyond distressing. This is not Who We Are. This is not the community that we live in."
"Looks like the city's a little strict when it comes to light noise usage, I appreciate it though."
"But threatening to take copyright action over an issue that isn't even remotely related to copyright just to shut them up is so not acceptable."
"If you let something like this stand, all you do is enable more griefing."
"If you don't do it like the Bible, you're not in the church."
"It is shocking to non-believers, but yet we have believers who are okay with the things that are going on."
"It is absolutely repulsive to me that people like this could be part of our community." - Evie Lupine
"We are supposed to all just fall in line behind them." - Critiquing blind adherence to authority in the scientific community.
"What he did was malicious and I hope YouTube removes his channel because he has no business having a YouTube channel when he uses his YouTube subscribers to bash demoralize and demean small indie game studios."
"Regardless of whether the allegations against Maka are true or not the man is a proven asshole and no one sensible wants to be a part of a community that's run by a dictatorial egocentric selfish immodest apathetic asshole."
"We should allow people to be racist on our platform. It's like nobody man nobody wants that, that's not why rumble's growing."
"HOAs can be very annoying but they can also make the neighborhood better and have better standards."
"The pro community... held to a higher standard than the average person."
"Nobody should be harassing anyone else. We don't like ad hominem attacks here. We don't like them out on the internet."
"There is no virtue in indulging an abusive person in the community."
"Nothing is off-limits, but if you're just trying to spew a bunch of hate or [__], then people are gonna flag that."
"Advocating violence is a line you do not cross."
"Accountability for all of us, and for others who have refused it."
"We will never accept or tolerate hate or violence of any kind in our great city. It goes against every fiber of who we are."
"I am very generous on people that are trying to not be pieces of [__]."
"There's really no reason why we can't be respectful in our criticism or comments toward different creators."
"If people can call each other out on those things, then that's useful."
"You can no longer react in your old mannerisms because the community has had it."
"There's a difference between people who sin as a pattern and the people of God. There's a big yeah."
"My channel is inclusive, we do not allow homophobes, racists, anybody that is not willing to educate themselves or grow or learn."
"I'm not saying I've never made like a snarky comment before or said like anything mean, we all have. But the toxicity on this app has gone to extremes lately."
"Speaking out against abuse fetishists, pedophiles, and bigots in your fan base will always be better in the long run."
"Twitter banned Trump because Trump violated community guidelines. That's what every platform has."
"All of us do not condone harassment of any kind."
"Thank you in advance for being respectful to each other down in the comment section below."
"Ain't no need no clowns in this town... you should have knew that."
"We need to start approaching this as if these men are only going to get support or even an honorable mention from us if they have a clean track record of supporting us."
"Asking questions isn't harassment but publicly telling your followers to report people is."
"The phenomenal fan film Astartes set a new standard amongst fan animations that looks like something cooked up by the sort of cinematic team that gets to unwind in the cosby suite."
"Cheating doesn't affect anyone? What are we talking about? You guys are silly."
"We're not going to tolerate your hatred here."
"I do not view your channel as some kind of forum for hate speech."
"We want to lean towards being restrictive on the content that can be posted to prevent a negative associate experience."
"There's no purity tests in Comicsgate. If we have people saying you have to be this or that to be accepted here, get out of here." - Ethan
"I'm glad they're getting banned quite frankly. I don't like cheating in our game."
"You should not be in community with people who are not about building a better world."
"If you took their private conversations and put them in the public square, not only would they be ashamed of it, but our entire community would probably be somewhat ashamed of it."
"I think the trans community should get a little more serious about who they prop up as the role models, the spokespeople, and the public faces of the community."
"The goal is to eliminate animal product consumption, not to have people claim they're vegan while eating bacon and eggs."
"The speedrunning community talk about it a ton and there's a lot of people that don't like it but they're never gonna allow recorded runs to be counted as having modded the halberd in which is fair."
"You better believe that I'm gonna be like, 'Oh, the first thing we gotta like get the cheaters out of there.'"
"If you can't get your trash collected, I don't want to live there."
"But when they get violent, I say no. We get a report about people throwing human waste at a house, I say that's bad, condemn it all." - The Speaker
"Everybody should be able to report unacceptable Behavior."
"The biggest violation in the scene is to do something without consent."
"You cannot bring in people who are not tolerant of the values and the ideas that you have."
"All that matters when it comes to that part of it is: are you a danger to others? And if you are, you just cannot be a part of society. That's it."
"Accountability is real big and that accountability happens by hitting people in their pocketbooks."
"That prayer says 'it is done.' That is the prayer. There is no extra words, there's no other asking and begging and pleading and wishing and hoping."
"What's going on there is unacceptable and people are going to hold you accountable."
"I'm never going to allow anybody to come in this platform and just outright ignorantly disrespect our people like that's not happening."
"I can't support people that have additional accounts because you guys are also breaking the Terms of Service."
"By community game standards, this has been a pretty quick one."
"Schools should represent the values of the communities where they are."
"When we all get together and raise our standards for dealing with men, the men will have to step up."
"If you are the kind of person who follows these rules and takes them seriously, you're exactly the kind of kindred that I want to hold pretty closely."
"Black people we need to draw a line and there's certain things that we tolerate."
"Being a thot is kind of not admonished in the community as much as what it should be."
"I won't let the behavior happen in chat and make it rampant to it becomes normal."
"There is no hate, malice, racism on the site."
"To disfellowship Christians based on human commandments that have no basis in the Bible is a serious violation of Bible principles."
"You're not a gamer if that's what you do. You have to conflate someone who plays exclusively casual games on their phone as gamers, quote-unquote gamers."
"These would be common sense boundaries that we all observe in society things that you just don't steal or plagiarize from other people."
"We cannot nor will we ever get respect from anybody if we don't start with ourselves."
"As soon as it became apparent that there was a white supremacist, they kicked him out. Is that not what you would want?"
"We move the culture usually if somebody is very very B in the black community they can make the jump and they will become mainstream success because we are very harsh on our own."
"Whenever I see an end game spoiler, I report it for porn."
"We want a church that will take its stand for God regardless of whether we get more members, regardless of whether we have more money, regardless of whether we get more notoriety. It is the divine standard that we must hold to at all costs."
"Since the creation of the first tier list in the 1970s by famed inventor James Tier list it's been scientifically proven that every streamer must create a tier list at some point during their life."
"Things have changed so much now because what you used to be able to get away with is forbidden and rejected by us."
"We're a community of real naturals... set high standards for ourselves."
"Once you let that man walk home, there's a lot of people looking down on that incident."
"Hacking in any other game is almost universally seen as a bad thing, but in Pokemon everyone's okay with it."
"We welcome all players to Call of Duty. Hate speech, racism, or toxic behavior won't be tolerated."
"Titles... should be unique and should be easily understandable."
"Actions have consequences, but we still, as a greater society, as a community, for some reason, we try not to hold people accountable for these things."
"If it really is just a minority of people that are horrible then let's show the gaming community that the majority of us won't stand for it."
"Your reports matter. Players reporting is one of the most effective methods for identifying and actioning disruptive behavior."
"Make it your aim to live quietly and to mind your own business."
"We have to hold ourselves and the zombies community to such a higher standard."
"The standard is repair. The standard is love. The standard is joy."
"The only rule is no hate right so if you stand for hate go somewhere else."
"I thought we had a city ordinance that you weren't allowed to panhandle."
"Game throwers you will get your comeuppance I promise it new way coming for you take this as a warning I Reptar and skim are coming for you interesting rola so two veggies yeah obviously yeah we got em."
"Pythonic isn't necessarily the only way to do something. But it's the way to do something based on consensus in the Python community."
"Reaction content's fine as long as you like the reactor. Yes, exactly. Exactly. Nothing really is legally keeping people in line. It's up to the community to self-police for what is and isn't okay."
"Every time you try to raise a standard in your church or community, you will lose people, and there will be much griping and bellyaching about legalism and the lack of freedom."
"Reddit CEO Steve Huffman made a policy banning several offensive and sexual communities."
"Every community, every neighborhood has standard requirements that every neighborhood has to have."
"Where are examples of people who are willing to take stands like that today in our community?"
"Appalling and unconscionable behavior against members of our community runs counter to everything Airbnb stands for."
"There's no room in this community for anyone who molests children, do I make myself clear?"
"Bottom line, there are no shortage of sites on the internet that feature adult content. We will leave it to them and focus our efforts on creating the most welcoming environment possible for our community."
"I really take pride in that they're all really kind and like I sort of set a standard of like kindness or get out."
"Standard size candy is the bar (pun intended) that we set for this community on Halloween."
"It has to be the right people, right circumstances; it can't just be everybody coming up and just stirring drama."
"We've got to continue to make sure that our moderation policy is in line with what we want the platform to be known for."
"We're all coming together today under the Flutter code of conduct."
"If you dox people, you are not a part of my community, I don't support you, and it's disgusting."
"Respect mods, I think this is S tier, I think it's perfect."
"We do not encourage negativity, meanness, spiritness, or cyberbullying."
"It's such a strong convention in the scientific programming community."
"Just to be sure to be upholding the standards of the community make this a place that we can be proud of, a place that this community can be proud of."
"Speaking fluent English has somehow become a standard against which success is measured in my community."
"Community created these standards with three optional rules and six mandatory."