
Academic Integrity Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"YouTubers, especially those of us who make academic content, build our livelihoods on cultivating trust with our viewers."
"People who cheat on exams do so because the system values your grade more than the student values learning."
"What's worse than a heartbreak? Ever cheated on a test and still failed."
"You can cheat to get a paper, you can cheat to get a degree, you can cheat to get a grant, you can't cheat to cure a disease. Biology doesn't care."
"Allowing bad actors to continue their operations would be a disservice to all the good institutions who pride themselves in providing a top-tier academic experience."
"Retraction is something I've never had an article retracted before, and it's something that I've associated with terrible things like fraud, plagiarism, grievous mistakes. None of that is true about our article."
"Transparency and trust have never been so questioned. We need full data transparency for the world's academic community to analyze."
"I feel this, I got accused of plagiarism in a sociology one-on-one class."
"Most universities... have a very large and robust academic integrity policy."
"Nothing that Josh McDowell has said or will ever say takes away from his scholarship or his contribution to the Christian faith."
"Unless there are stricter procedures in place, there will be students cheating and getting away with it."
"Our students deserve that. That's what universities should be doing."
"The truth should win out, in the University system and in medicine."
"Apparently, simply not citing a piece of work by a non-white woman is now grounds for dismissal because it means you are automatically wrong."
"Schopenhauer argued that academic philosophy had an integrity problem because it necessarily had to appeal to a certain group of people and inevitably promoted conformity." - Narrator
"Singular 'they' pronouns are grammatically correct. Do you think that you can choose to not respect something that is in the English language as a professor--as an academic--"
"Despite being knighted for his work, Sir Richard Owen was renowned for stealing other people's ideas."
"I was mortified to learn that you had distorted my work... What you wrote was not truthful." - Carol Gilligan
"Citation is necessary in any context, whether academic or artistic."
"It's okay to be wrong and admit where one was wrong and what one learned. That's a central part of the way science works."
"Nearly a third of her formal academic work contained some instances of alleged plagiarism."
"Good science requires respect for all perspectives."
"Only 16% of students who are ad boarded are required to withdraw... I had a friend in college who was ad boarded over thesis plagiarism issues."
"Theology is necessary to the idea of a university."
"These are types of things that should be cited whenever people are having these discussions."
"Plagiarism is one of the fastest ways to ruin your reputation."
"The issue is that the university in Chicago State University have said on oath the certificate of 27 June 1979 is not our certificate."
"A study is only as good as its reproducibility."
"Don't be a cheater, pass high school without cheating."
"You don't want to do research just for the sake of getting a PhD or making money."
"Scholarly recognition should hinge not only on a scholar's contribution but also on their character."
"Imagine turning a paper into your professor where none of your works are cited."
"Science is dependent on free exchange of ideas." - Dr. Martin Kaldorf
"Plagiarism is you take somebody else's work without crediting them and then you attribute it to yourself."
"He never even bothered to check the PowerPoint little did he know that I'd already informed our teacher and that teacher gave me his blessings to just present my part and I would be greater than that alone."
"Plagiarism experts consulted by CNN considered the recent excerpts to be plagiarism, and I agree."
"Dr. Gary Nolan: 'It disappoints me obviously because it's a master class in unscientific bias.'"
"Why dedicate your life to being an intellectual if you're not interested in the truth?"
"There are elements in Academia that were fabricated by the left."
"Academic freedom does not mean that you get to assert your own opinions as facts and shut down students when they try to push back on that."
"The thinking is rooted in something that's very legitimate, which is that you don't want people making or publishing their own original research."
"Students in Bangladesh can go to jail for up to 3 years if they're found cheating on their final exams."
"Plagiarism is no joke, people fail out of college because they plagiarize."
"We are always ready, all of us on this side, to be self-critical, to have a war within the war, which among scientists, among those who believe in innovation, evidence, hypotheses, and their testing."
"I didn't take it, I just copied. Same thing."
"The entire Community didn't like a lot of the experts in the field latched on to it and believed the story to get the grant money and it didn't work."
"Harvard's chemistry chair charged with lying about China contract: federal agents alleged the professor violated US law by not disclosing the money he received."
"There's an honesty in his scholarship... Even the best scholarship is when that's what happens."
"Our academic institutions are being bought by foreign interests."
"Submitting another person's work as your own is very wrong."
"This is one of those situations where it's more work to cheat than to learn the stuff."
"The literature is completely plagued with these just horribly fraudulent studies."
"This is not me blaming anybody this is me giving you the numbers from the decade-long study that's it."
"We're an army of researchers... just keep everybody honest."
"The best researchers go where the research takes them no matter what."
"I find it extremely rare in New Testament studies to find someone as honest and as seeking truth to the extent that you do."
"Don't do that though, 'cause you get caught up plagiarizing, and that's how you get expelled from the school."
"It's not about cheating on your math test, it's about her direct path to academic success."
"If you're going to borrow someone's homework, you might as well pick the smartest kid in the class."
"This open book or open note experience is designed to help you, but it is by no means designed to allow you to look up every answer to every question on the exam."
"A lot of these colleges have become online also. There's a lot of cheating or not having to really do the work anymore."
"Adding citations and a bibliography is necessary to give credit to sources."
"...a staggering 73 percent of university students simply copied their answer from Wikipedia."
"...everyone who had this wrong solution on their exam was given a zero and reported to the University for violating the academic honor pledge."
"References are not cheating! References are how you get better."
"If you use chat GPT and you're willing to openly tell the teacher I'm using it and the teacher says you can use it, that doesn't feel like cheating to me."
"There are serious questions about how rigorous this peer review process was."
"...the mission to a free academically rigorous knowledge grounded in peer-reviewed research is made possible through your invaluable support."
"This is basically a declaration that the work that you've produced is your own."
"That's what real scholars do, they show respect."
"Plagiarism is a word-to-word transcription of someone else's work and then passing it off as one's own without any acknowledgement."
"Why do we use citations? To avoid plagiarism."
"Unreliable methods create unreliable results and they undermine your credibility."
"Anytime a professor is asked a question like that when he doesn't know the answer, it is an obligation not just pedagogically but morally to say 'I don't know.'"
"Plagiarism... it's illegal in University. If you're caught doing that, you will be expelled."
"Discovering the fraud is every scholar's Eureka."
"We will uphold academic freedom, we will uphold the rules of merit, we will have a system of due process because it's in the Constitution."
"Your sources need to be cited completely and accurately."
"The Proctor's aren't there to make you fail, they're there to actually make sure that you don't cheat and to make sure that you do a good job in your lab exam."
"Imagine having the answers to your exam at university; how easy would that exam be?"
"History textbook is made by historians, not by politicians."
"Plagiarism is a serious offense that's not to be taken lightly."
"Please note that all the content shared in this lecture is straight from the book."
"When you cheat in school, you only cheat yourself."
"Many researchers find referencing difficult... the best practice is to recognize the source you got that idea from, and this is called referencing."
"Peer review is a way of having your research checked by other people."
"Paraphrasing is the number one way to avoid plagiarism."
"Plagiarism is vile and never okay."
"You should always cite your sources."
"I don't want special treatment. If I am going to get into the college, then I am going to do so through the proper channels."
"The chances of someone checking every single reference is slim; however, it's better for your learning and it's good ethical practice to find real references that actually relate to your paper."
"I think a true scholar, a true academic, should really be willing to change their mind and be willing to be wrong."
"It gives credit to the authors of the words or ideas that you have incorporated within your paper."
"Plagiarism is strictly prohibited here."
"A direct quote is when you pull text exactly as it's written in the original source, put it in quotation marks, and then include that into your paper."
"This is not biased scholarship, that's a fact."
"Please, please, please do not take these answers and put them on a piece of paper to hand in for homework."
"If you can't fully shoot down the other side, that's okay. That shows that you're academic; it shows that you're being fair about the argument."
"Plagiarism is a huge deal in college. You will get kicked out of college for plagiarism."
"If you tell me you're going to miss a quiz, I will assume it's for a good reason."
"Why do we include in-text citations in the first place? It's simple really, it's the way that you give credit to the author where you found your information."
"Plagiarism penalty is failure of the course, so just spend the 20 minutes to make the model, you'll be a lot better off."
"I don't think that it would be hard for us to pass the assessment as long as we don't copy the answers from anyone else's exam paper."
"Plagiarism is a malpractice in the exam and there are consequences on that type of things."
"Academic integrity is really paramount to us accomplishing our mission."