
Consultation Quotes

There are 429 quotes

"Terminator director James Cameron was actually consulted for this movie to discuss time travel and string theory."
"A virtuous woman...is a woman who can go and check things out for herself and then come and gets consultation so that there will be peace in the decision."
"People are asking if you provide consultation services or will you be willing to take people under your wings."
"We know no masters, we acknowledge no dictators. This is a hall for mutual consultation and discussion, not an arena for the exhibition of champions."
"Shura (consultation) was a regular practice of the Prophet."
"Let's put them away. Perry, what do you think?"
"You're the expert at the table... They're coming to you because you more than them know."
"Talk to your doctor about what's right for you."
"Even if it's just on a consultation role like seriously that would be great."
"They just keep insisting that they're talking to people who know what they're talking about."
"So if you're going in and you want to kind of lay down what your situation is and if you're getting ideas back that's a good start."
"My question is basically directed toward you, considering your expertise."
"I've been getting tattooed for about 15 years, and I have never heard of anyone having to pay for a tattoo consultation ever."
"People can speak with their doctor about what is best for them."
"Remember before you take any advice from anybody like us, consult your doctor."
"I think the original referendum should actually have been a real consultation with people."
"You need to take health consultation at this time, make major changes to your health and well-being. It will put you in a much stronger position going forward."
"Consult with the people that are going to use the office during your design process."
"But I think it's worth a talking to your doctor about there's very few downsides"
"The prophecy will be fulfilled soon but before it can be, the Oracle must be consulted."
"He who seeks guidance from the Creator and consults with people will never regret their decision."
"Fear Allah... do not separate, I need your opinion."
"Your doctor is not a God, your doctor's a consultant."
"Take your results with a grain of salt, obviously check with your doctor."
"The next time you do something like that, you talk to me first."
"Consult with your doctor before you begin any exercise program."
"If you're taking one of these medications, especially if you have not yet tried alternative ways to manage your symptoms, it's really important to ask your health provider for help."
"The ideal wife is one her husband can consult with and who gives good advice."
"Schedule an appointment with us for free."
"Take time to think through responses and don't think through your responses in a vacuum. Process with safe places, process with the Lord, process with friends, process with your counselor, with your coach. You'll know the right answer."
"Acquiring reference is consulting a source of information."
"If you're going to a reputable artist that knows what they're doing, they're gonna be able to give you a pretty accurate ballpark."
"I just wanted him to put his eyes on it, take a look under the hood, tell me what you think."
"Communication is absolutely key and it helps us to figure out what it is that's going to make you feel and look your absolute best."
"Cindy seeks Noah's opinion on whether to investigate further."
"...they spent time talking to lawyers and financial advisors and generally getting their ducks in a row."
"It's better to just get an objective perspective from someone who is talking to people about these things every day."
"As often as I can, if a client wants it, I have no issue with the client talking to me for about 10 or 15 minutes over the phone because they will get an idea if they think I would be a good fit for them."
"I hope these tips were helpful. I feel like I have a conversation about lip lines every single day in my clinic."
"The turn of events that led the Giants to consult Enoch speaks to the weight of their situation."
"My answer is always, you should have come to me before you did it."
"People want to ask you for advice."
"You want them in the conversation so that they can help you mitigate risk for your transactions, your new product initiatives, your marketing campaign."
"Maybe you could have your doctor join us."
"It's my new series with real patient plastic surgery consultations with a beautiful YouTuber named Risa from Risa does makeup."
"The quote that I give the customer is not going to be like this, this, this, this. It's gonna be, 'Hey, there's a bunch of issues here, here's a ballpark figure. Do you want us to investigate further? Do you want to consider replacing the unit? Where do you want us to go?'"
"Her advice to those considering plastic surgery due to insecurities about their appearance is to consult with professionals and loved ones."
"An astrological consultation is primarily supposed to be a dialogue between you, the client, and the astrologer, and that back and forth, and that piece of dialogue is actually a really crucial part of the entire process."
"You must go to experts cosmologists astronomers biochemists."
"Don't make any changes without talking to your doctor first."
"Discuss with your own doctor how it applies to you in your situation."
"We make mistakes all the time, and then it's not about whether you make mistakes, how do you repair it, how transparent are you about it, how much consultation are you going to get, and how much can you discuss this with your colleagues about."
"Wow, that was awful. I did like an e-consult for the GP and they were like, 'Oh no, you need to... you need to call 111.'"
"It's important that you go to... a heart valve center... to give you great advice about what's best for you."
"If you're clotting, call your doctor. Don't Google."
"Why yes," said he, "and the strange thing is, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, that if my friend here had not proposed coming round to you this morning, I should have come on my own account."
"I'm converting my practice pretty much to consultation because at 80 years old, I think that's the best use of whatever time I have remaining."
"I did go to the doctor and I asked her, 'I don't want to be taking all these pills, you know? What can I do to fix this problem?'"
"I would rather contact a lawyer, especially if it is a very important matter."
"Perspective," he says, "getting my future career is my ultimate goal and I will only discuss this goal with a true Alpha person who knows his stuff like you."
"Do you solve all your problems by just randomly asking people what they think?"
"Nutrition is always so individual so always make sure to consult with a registered dietitian or another specialist to make sure that you're eating the right diet for you."
"If it's not working, ask the prescriber if the dose might need to be increased or decreased, ask if it's time to try a different medicine, consider where there's maybe something else besides ADHD going on, and consider anxiety or sleep problems or stress or a medical problem."
"It's okay to get a second or third opinion."
"Consulted my expert pixel smuggler."
"I'll see your boy. Does he know you've consulted me?"
"You have to consult someone before making any major decisions, especially regarding separation or divorce."
"Get advice and we get satisfaction."
"Get a second opinion or a third opinion or a fourth opinion if you have the option."
"The difference between this and this is something you don't know so you need to ask an expert. Our experts are here for us."
"Always, always, always consult with your prescriber, your qualified medical professionals and get personal direct medical advice from them."
"If a salon says they don't do consultations, you do not do that salon because not only will your colorist get to see your hair, assess your hair, make sure you are the right candidate for what it is that you want done, but you get to scope out the place."
"I highly recommend talking to a member of our sales team to discuss which tier you fall into."
"Well-informed opinions are always helpful, so always look at reviews and ask friends and relatives what they would do if they were in your shoes."
"We've made these choices after consulting with doctors and safety experts who understand the unique stages of teenage development."
"Consulting with reputable coin dealers or using online resources can help you gauge its current market value."
"Here's the real answer, is you should talk to an accountant."
"Even if you didn't set out to be, people just ask you for advice."
"It's important to know the market conditions by talking with your trusted real estate adviser when the time is right in your life to buy your new home."
"Another attribute of leadership therefore is what? Consultation."
"Trying to push your cosmetic provider to do a treatment that really doesn't suit you is a mistake."
"If you need advice, please go to your doctor, your rabbi, your priest, your shaman, your teacher, your psych, your therapist."
"In every conference there was a demand to have some time to just talk to me and ask questions and see if we can get biblical answers."
"What would you do and what do you think the company should do?"
"If your adviser is only helping you with investments and is not helping with tax planning or strategic withdrawal strategies, reach out to me or go to our website for a free planning session."
"Steroids can be used very effectively. Moderation is the key to life, and as always, anything medical that's going on with your body, you should probably run that through a doctor."
"Brain fog and fatigue are by and Far and Away the most common complaints of people who show up in my office."
"Weight loss exciting for me. I have my consultation for weight loss surgery this week. I've struggled for 10 years with my weight."
"It's a good thing to admit your mistake, get involved in consultation."
"If you're a company, if you're a non-profit, if you're the government, you should be spending more time with academics than you do with consultants."
"This is overwhelming for a lot of people, I get it. Like where do I start? I'm talking about my own mortality. I'm talking about these really difficult issues you know, it starts with just making that initial contact with our firm or another reputable lawyer."
"When people have put on weight when they come to me for a diet plan we stand them on the weighing scale and they have fat percentage."
"When a client comes to me we'll do an initial consultation after that initial consultation they will I will basically be asking them like really weird questions like super specific questions."
"...all of these are also signs of deep vein thrombosis and if you experience any of it you should really consult your doctor immediately."
"You're pretty much gonna listen to you for a fee."
"if you want a consult, you just need to know more than your client. Like, yes."
"The consultation has always historically been a dialogue between the astrologer and the client."
"One thing that I thought of that would really help support me as an artist and spend my time responding to people with starting Patreon email consultation."
"Frankly, you need an hour consult at least on this with one of the tax lawyers here."
"'Rusty had always read more fantastical stories than me, so he was the best expert we had on myths and legends and various superstitions. When I put down Karen’s encyclopedia from reading about rock salt and asked him about it, he pondered it a few moments before nodding.'"
"Do you think we should go and ask Hagrid about it all?" Hermione asked tentatively.
"I uniquely specialize in astrocartography readings, so if you'd like to go deeper, I'd love to connect with you through a video call."
"If you are in this space I would really strongly encourage you to get more than one opinion on what the right approach is."
"Shouldn't you [__] ask the public what they want?"
"So, what you would first have to do is you'd have to call in whoever your expert is on regs and that person might be like 'What, you want me to look up drones?'"
"Prophecy will be fulfilled soon, the Oracle must be consulted."
"The reason why I thought this was important is because the biggest or the largest amount of questions the largest amount of concerns that is put to move my direction it is due to marriage issues."
"We're not sexperts. But there are sexperts out there to go talk to."
"So, if you're just diagnosed with DCIS and you're less than 50 where you've got a strong family history of breast cancer or ovarian cancer, engage your surgeon immediately about possibly having BRCA genetic testing if you qualify."
"You consult as many virtuous people as possible and then weigh up the situation for yourself."
"Remember, you could always consult with an expert immigration lawyer or consultant. They're the ones who are licensed to even help you understand things better."
"When it came out and I saw it, I kept in touch with Gil and bought my Type R and he K-swapped it. And so, when I decided to K-swap this, I was just blowing people up, like, 'What do I do here? I felt like...'"
"If you know what you need to do, do it. Ask your friends, talk to people."
"Be sure to reach out to a doctor or registered dietitian for more personalized nutrition advice."
"There are ways to reduce the amount of taxes you pay of course I'm not a tax accountant so if people want to consider further ways then they should consult you know a financial advisor or you know an accountant."
"Seek out the help of a professional to understand what might be causing your hair loss and what options are available to improve it."
"I talked to an attorney that I know here and just explained the situation. What can I do hypothetically?"
"But go and seek again from regulat financial advisor or use some of the online calculator tools."
"You need to see a doctor and find out."
"...you're not trying to just sell him right off the bat... I want to learn a little bit more about your business, what you're trying to do, what your challenges are."
"...you're basically like, let's say metaphorically a doctor... you're asking the right questions to understand what's going on and then at the end, you prescribe your solution."
"If your conditions are serious, please consult your care team before beginning."
"A parent or a patient or a husband or spouse can go into a physician and say, 'This is what we're experiencing right now. Is it possible that this person has necrotizing fasciitis?'"
"Check with your doctor or physical therapist."
"That's the best thing I can recommend is contact your attorney."
"Tomorrow, I'm filming a video with my financial adviser."
"You can go there, schedule a call with me or my team, you know it's free."
"I don't make my living through fashion; I make my living through good consultation."
"I'm here to help but always talk to your doctor about any big changes that you want to make especially in nutrition especially if you have uh any kind of medical issues or medications that are affected by nutrition which there can be some."
"Now we go into a lot of detail with our customers, and we go through specific plans, but today we're just going to discover some of the things that you need to think about throughout the whole process to make sure that you end up with the best result."
"Thank you. Always second and third opinions out there."
"In some limited circumstances abortion may be permitted, but for full details people need to consult a scholar and or read Shahoma's article or look at the infographic."
"It's not a decision that can be taken hastily, and it's not a decision that can be taken in isolation."
"Seeking consultation, both medical and scholarly, is an absolute must."
"I evaluate individuals involved in legal matters and consult with prosecutors."
"If you don't understand from there, you can ask any astrologer before you get married."
"Step back and analyze what it is you want to do talk to other guys and gals that have walked in your shoes."
"...when those giant direct-response companies need a consultant to teach their copywriters how to make more money, they bring in this dude."
"I think it's all about going to the right person."
"One thing that I've learned is that people such as myself don't know best. Never assume anything, always listen, and always consult."
"Taking tough decisions like firing an employee requires consultation and documentation."
"If you're John Jones, I would be calling him with every question."
"You can have a consult with them, and then they will give you the best nootropics for you."
"So if you're on a drug like Prozac, Zoloft, or Paxil as your antidepressant drug and you are wanting to see if that drug might, in fact, help your pain, you may want to go to your physician and see if he or she would prescribe a higher dose."
"If you want to go on hormones, you need to talk to a psychologist or an endocrinologist or somebody that is an expert in the field."
"Definitely use you guys a lot for reference."
"Proper consultation, examination, and expectation management is important."
"You must consult with me before making major decisions like that!"
"The wise benefit from a second opinion."
"It's like they thought this through, maybe they might have consulted some engineers."
"If any of this resonates with you, please book a time to talk to my team and discuss how you can get started."
"I hope you don't mind but I have a bit of a problem I wanted to ask Max's opinion on but feel free to listen in."
"Why aren't they consulting with the university for help? Possible assistance or even just ideas?"
"I took your guys' advice on how to approach the conversation with HR."
"Consulting an attorney is the best action. Trust your local attorney, not internet advice."
"When you're thinking, 'Hey, I'm about to do something that could break the universe,' run it by us next time."
"It's always a good idea to check with your doctor, GP, physician, or your dietitian to see if this meal plan or one like this is suitable for you and your personal health needs and goals."
"Once again, after a brief consultation, Dr. Phil emphasizes how he's gonna find him help."
"Perhaps the Lady Melisandre could speak with her."
"Our clients tend to spend a lot of time trying to come up with the answers themselves before they hire us because we tend to be much more expensive."
"Choose a good installer, talk to them about your requirements, and they should be able to help you."
"The challenge and probably also the beauty of this arrangement of the transitional government, the prime minister is not on his own entirely free to appoint the ministers. We have embarked on a consultation process with the Forces of Freedom and Change."
"Our law firm helps clients like you legally reduce your tax burden, build and protect wealth, and maximize your personal freedom."
"But I get it and so I talked to Kim about it. He walked me through it, he said, 'Yeah, I think you should release it too.'"
"Wouldn't you want to consult the people who know how to build it?"
"If you have a bicuspid valve, you're not excluded from TAVR but it is an important shared decision that you have to make with your physician."
"Bring all your toughest health questions to me. I look forward to answering them."
"Certainly start by talking to your clinician."
"Discover what they are, and if you struggle at something, great, you've discovered one of your blind spots, and you can now get consultation from a colleague, get support from supervisors, or refer those cases to someone else."
"Regularly consult with other professionals to get feedback and different perspectives."
"Definitely take some time to talk to your doctor about any health concerns."
"Crazy Horse observed the field and consulted with his fellow warriors."
"You come to see me because you've got a problem, not a diagnosis."
"I highly recommend doing a personal consult."
"We should be recommending going to medical professionals and then eating according to what your body needs."
"If you have concerns around are you getting enough calcium, are you getting enough vitamin D, speak with your doctor or dietitian."
"I just really believe in local knowledge, in just asking people what they think they need."
"Let me bounce something off here. Oh, there's a good little chunk."
"...this is a serious plan built after consultation with Canadians with experts with Builders it's a plan that's actually going to make a difference in the lives of Canadians."
"Not only would we love to help consult on your project, we also offer fully managed or co-managed IT service plans for businesses."
"A good consultation is full of teaching."
"It's not too late. Come have a consult. Let's put a plan together. Let's give you the steps, the concrete steps to put you in the right position to accomplish your goals."
"Consult your medical practitioner if you have any concerns about your heart."
"...always good to get a second opinion."
"The trade unions should be consulted on policies that affect them."
"It's just amazing to speak to someone with an unbiased opinion on things."
"Did you consult with each other and discuss what each of you found or not? Oh, we did."
"He thought enough to ask his chauffeur, 'What do you think about this idea?' That's a good leader."
"One of the things that happens to me a great deal is players come to me and say, 'Grandmaster seron, Grandmaster seron, please can you come and look at this position and tell me what you think is white better or is black better?'"
"They need outside perspective in that organization."
"You're going to get as healthy as you can, and then your doctor can help you decide whether or not you still need the medicine."
"He's not going to get the scarring that yeah yeah exactly so in the right hands you always want to discuss the issue of accutane with your dermatologist because it is not for everybody."
"All you do is dm me saying you're interested in Find Your Light and then you get a a free phone consultation."
"...where the plan is going to, you're going to get a lot better care, you're going to feel better about the plan going forward, and you'll probably have better outcomes if you're not getting those answers, you can get a second opinion."
"It's always good to get another opinion, and obviously Brian's a good guy, he's pretty knowledgeable."
"I am glad to hear it," Darcy waved away his concern. "I have come to seek your advice; what do you think of a trip to Hertfordshire? It is only half a day's distance."
"You wouldn't come to me and say 'what do you think about me starting a business clipping my toenails'."
"All of their links lead you to signing up for a consultation or webinar."