
Pet Affection Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The love of a dog can sweep one off their feet, isn't that right Joe Lewis? Yep."
"Oh yeah trauma that's okay you like it a dime a dozen I love my cats though um."
"I feel pretty lucky that somehow I ended up with one of the most affectionate cats in the entire world."
"It's the best feeling when you come home and your pets are all over you like you're the only person in their life."
"He's a happy puppy we love such a good boy I literally don't think you guys understand how much I love Archie he is my actual son I don't even know if I need babies because I'm like a little too obsessed with Archie."
"I love Fishel, my little meow meow. She's so stupid, I love her."
"I just wish someone loved me as much as this cat loves strawberries."
"That's what they said, they love you unconditionally."
"Oh my god, it looks so cute, and it's black and white 'cause it inherited the black stripe from the other one, oh my goodness, oh, it looks like a little husky, oh my god, I'm in love."
"Pea puffers are one of my favorite species of fish just because of how adorable they are."
"I've never seen a man love a dong more who's married with two kids. He's a funny cat dude, there's a super funny cat."
"I really did care more about my dog than the fact that I was in jail I didn't like being in jail but I just kept thinking about Casper"
"That is a classic sign that your Doberman loves you."
"Oh, hello Teddy's rubbing on my feet. It's so funny because every video I see him just in the background somewhere, so cute."
"What an absolutely grand little dog he murmured."
"He's a good boy," Aunt Francesca affirmed about Tonino.
"...cute fluffy not really a lot going on its head but just an awesome awesome pet."
"I guess I think he's an angel with four paws."
"They are so fun, they're so affectionate and attentive."
"He loves the camera, as soon as the camera comes on, Jake does it."
"She's brightened our lives; we're all very much in love with Jade."
"Rats are so cuddly, they're so cute and so loving."
"I really enjoyed Ripley's character, and I really like the cat, of course."
"One in five pet owners love their pets more than their children."
"Please give your dog a big scratch around the ears for me."
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear doggy."
"It was so sweet today; the girls came back in for a visit, Sam is wagging his tail, licking them all over, so happy to see his family."
"Posey says goodbye to everyone too; she thinks you should subscribe, it would make her happy."
"If you're here, that means you're someone who really cares about your betta fish and wants to keep them healthy and happy."
"I'm excited. I think I'm ready for this trip but at the same time, you know, I'm gonna miss my animals."
"You good girl, all the doggies, all the doggies."
"Size doesn't seem to matter when it comes to dogs, as these critters, whether big or small, will always have a special place in our hearts."
"Everybody loves their freaking pets."
"Come here, giant cow dog. Hello, beautiful. Oh yes, you good boy."
"What is this position that you're in, my sweetest boy? You're so silly, and I just adore you."
"Sammy's got a tender heart; he's very caring when it comes to our pets."
"Dear Santa, beware of dog kisses."
"I love my family and I love my dog."
"Look at this cutie pie with his haircut, you're so cute."
"This is my grandma's cat, Keisha. She is probably the sweetest cat I've ever met."
"He loves this here comb, don't you, cookie boy?"
"He's funny, I love my dog though, he makes me very happy."
"Oscar's happy, and if Oscar's happy, I'm happy."
"He's the cutest little fluff ball I've ever met."
"She doesn't have a bad bone in her; she's my little baby girl."
"Everybody in their little family loved Charlie."
"Look how cute this is, she's holding on to me."
"They're very affectionate, they love to be stroked, they're quite demonstrative, and they're very loyal as well."
"Good morning there, little fluffy."
"Hey buddy, that's a good boy, it's a good boy."