
Natural Look Quotes

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"So natural on the skin, so easy to apply with my fingers."
"It's one of those highlighters where you just glow from within. It's very natural, very soft."
"Even if you go in heavy-handed, it's going to look really natural and beautiful."
"It's got like a kind of natural vibe, like a lot of the products were quite subtle and natural."
"It's all about this fake makeup, this healthy, natural feeling to everything."
"That hair is natural. Sometimes he might dye his roots black. Right now his roots are blonde, changes with the seasons."
"I love how natural it looks. My skin is still showing through, which could be a pro or a con, just depending on your preferences."
"Blends in so beautifully, it just looks so natural."
"When you pull the hair back, she gets this beautiful lightness going on. I mean, it's just beautiful. It's just so natural looking. I am obsessed."
"It looks so odd with the rest of your skin that just looks natural and perfectly fine."
"It was just a really great full coverage foundation that still looked natural."
"It just melts into your skin and looks like skin while still giving coverage."
"I think it looks pretty natural on the skin."
"It does look like skin, it doesn't look like heavy foundation."
"They're like long and fluffy enough that they're glam but they're very natural looking."
"It leaves such a natural bronze. I highly recommend this bronzer."
"It doesn't look like makeup, it doesn't feel like makeup, and yet you have achieved coverage."
"I always make my concealer a little bit lighter... it just looks so much more natural."
"The art of makeup is really looking like you don't have any makeup on. It's really hard to do."
"Highlight where the natural light catches your skin."
"It's just skin-like and you get like the coverage that you need."
"There's just something about Dior foundation that's so skin-like and natural-looking."
"I really did like how natural this made my brows look."
"Products like this have really helped make my skin look and feel better without makeup."
"Natural, effortless looking hair has become the new glamour hair."
"This just does not look like I have makeup on but it makes my skin look fantastic."
"A really special foundation... it looks so skin like."
"I honestly love my makeup. I feel like it looks so natural and so fresh."
"Natural-looking dewy skin with a little bit of highlight."
"It adjusts to make your lips look like your lips but better."
"I actually love it. I feel like this blush looks like you just went outside for a while."
"Barefaced blush, I use my blusher brush for a fresh face rosy glow."
"Good morning miracle so it's now day two of the transformations I'm currently doing my makeup and this is very weird because yesterday was super natural makeup."
"I love how this foundation does not look cakey or heavy, it looks so nice and natural."
"I like my brows to look natural and kind of match my hair, you know?"
"It virtually disappears into your skin and makes your skin look like it has a filter on it."
"It literally just looks like skin, like I am loving this so far."
"It's the blush I'm wearing right now; it's so natural looking but it has the most beautiful glow to it."
"I just love how glowy and natural my skin looks after applying that powder."
"It gives my skin a glisten, not quite as glossy a glisten as... but just exactly the appropriate no makeup makeup glisten."
"I love love love how fresh, how natural, and flawless it looks, if I do say so myself."
"They seem like they almost melt right into your skin."
"These are so naturally looking and they're also incredibly long-lasting for a powder blush."
"It will set everything for you, but it doesn't give you that powdery look."
"It looks really natural, very beautiful, not too matte but still really smooth."
"The finish is beautiful, it looks like skin, it looks like healthy skin."
"This is my skin with just foundation and concealer on, and it just looks like my own skin."
"I think the coverage is really good, medium coverage, definitely buildable, but it still looks very skin-like."
"It gives a real skin finish but it has this undetectable to the eye subtle glow to it that just makes it look like radiant healthy skin."
"Just that one layer looks super natural; it's blending really nicely."
"This is one of my favorite techniques too when I'm on set and I'm working with models and the look is natural, like almost like a no makeup makeup look."
"Cream blushes are going to be the most natural if you're doing a natural makeup look."
"It's going to give you a really natural look, like a natural lifted look, and it's just so beautiful."
"This product is really quick, really easy to work with... it gives you like this beautiful natural look to your eyes."
"It looked really, really fresh and like real skin, just so polished."
"It makes a natural makeup look seamless, it's wonderful."
"You can get a better natural-looking makeup look if you love your skin."
"Wow, this is like a no makeup makeup. It's evening the skin out so nicely like I look very even toned, a little more hydrated, pores blurred a little bit like there's definitely that nice effect of oh I put on some makeup but it's natural."
"...something natural something that's not too much..."
"This is extremely hydrating but just looks like your skin but better."
"It literally looks like your skin but even better, like on a perfect day where you have lots of hydration and sleep and all those things."
"I just feel like this makes my skin look so youthful, so healthy, so natural like I don't have makeup on."
"I love that if you wanted to do kind of a natural look."
"...so it's not too intense daddy and then I'll blend a little bit of black just like the tip of the lash it just looks more natural I feel like if you do too much black mascara they just end up looking like really fake."
"Ultimately, all of us want our skin to just look like skin but just a more perfected version."
"This is giving that like your skin but better type of vibe."
"I'm not gonna lie that is the base all set perfectly look at that Natural Glow."
"For the natural-looking and quality eye makeup, let's take the eyeshadow palette for today."
"If you don't know much about makeup, you just apply it like this, right? I'll show you how to make it more natural."
"I love to look like I have oily skin naturally, I just love a good healthy glow because I don't come by that naturally."
"My biggest compliment that I will give to this product is the way it looks on the skin. It doesn't look like I'm wearing anything, it looks so natural."
"This looks really nice. It almost looks like a tinted moisturizer. It did definitely give me a light to medium coverage. It doesn't look cakey, it looks pretty natural."
"It's not too glowy, it's not too much, it's just a very natural fresh look to the skin."
"The whole effect to this makeup is that you really don't even realize that there's product on your face."
"This is perfect if you want to look virtually flawless but you also want to look like it's your skin that's flawless, not the makeup that you made look like skin. Does that make sense? Like it's very, very skin-like."
"This is going to give us a much more natural look."
"I might just start going less on my eyes and just go a little bit more natural like this because I love it."
"Botox looks the best and the most natural when all of the features and all of the muscle movements are in harmony with one another."
"I absolutely adore this foundation, it looks so natural on the skin. It looks like it has a natural glow to it, a nice shine."
"Everybody knows that when men or anybody else says oh I like your makeup free it just means they like a natural makeup look one thousand percent right it's like you like you airbrushed and you do still want mascara you want eyelashes for sure."
"It's definitely a very natural-looking product on your face. You can see all of my freckles still through, but it did cover my redness, which is what matters most to me."
"It can give you that no makeup makeup kind of look."
"This is a product that you can really shear out and give you that gorgeous fresh natural look."
"They have a lovely, like, natural—not matte, but there's definitely no shimmer or anything like that. It just sort of looks like some life to the skin."
"I don't think this looks like I've plastered bronzer all over my skin. I think it looks like skin."
"I just love the simplicity of going on the cheeks and just kind of doing this really pretty, kind of natural look."
"I don't feel like I'm wearing a layer of makeup which is really, really nice."
"Warming the foundation in your hands and applying it with your fingertips will give you the most natural looking finish."
"Your skin but better type of product."
"I think it looks beautiful, like I feel very natural, I feel very like myself."
"It looks like me. That doesn't look like I'm wearing makeup, it just looks like me."
"My number one tip when it comes to doing makeup that looks really natural and almost like your skin but better is to really prep your skin."
"... I like them because they have such a natural look to the skin."
"Love it as a foundation on a no makeup makeup look kind of day."
"It gives sheer natural coverage for a no makeup makeup look."
"Remember that the less noticeable your makeup is, the more natural and beautiful you will look."
"I've actually been loving a lot recently because it just gives me a really nice natural look."
"I also really like natural looking foundations and this is in the name it's radiant fluid natural so it does give you a very skin like appearance."
"It looks natural on the skin. It is very dewy, but it does look very natural and nice initially."
"Some no makeup makeup tutorials... are actually more of just a natural makeup look."
"It's supposed to mimic your skin. It's supposed to adapt to your skin and how it moves around. And it's not gonna look like you have cake face."
"I would say this gives medium full to full coverage while looking natural, it's lightweight, comfortable, smoothing, and the finish it gives is one that allows me to wear full makeup or very natural makeup."
"I like it when it kind of fades a little bit when they're not like so, so, so dark in the middle because I feel like it looks more natural that way."
"I love the light, sheer tint that it gives. If you are into that no makeup makeup clean girl look, I think you would really, really like this Benefit Benetint."
"Ma'am you've always looked gorgeous it's just been enhanced and don't worry I gave you a super natural look so to be honest it doesn't even look like you're wearing makeup."
"I always find it looks so natural and I literally don't even think about how much I'm layering."
"It's definitely one of those foundations where when you look up close it looks like your skin...it doesn't look like you're wearing a lot of makeup which is really nice."
"...it just looks like you have nothing on and that is the best part of a no makeup makeup is when people are like oh you look great today your skin is amazing you're like oh thank you oh you know just woke up like this."
"It just makes your lips look your lips but way better."
"It actually looks really natural."
"So what's happening here is this is cool and our hands are lit right we should but we've got this dramatic light coming from her face that just doesn't look natural."
"I feel like it looks very natural, kind of like my skin, but it still has really amazing coverage."
"Here's some makeup to make it look like you're not wearing makeup."
"It's never going to look super makeupy."
"As you can see, the Maybelline one definitely has a more natural look, some people do like more natural mascaras."
"It's so beautiful it just looks like my natural lashes and I love that so so much."
"You just go a little bit at the edge, the corner of it to give the natural look."
"This is looking really pretty, but we can add some more details to make it look like a more natural silhouette and embankment."
"I've been loving like the no mascara look lately... it looks more natural."
"This looks like skin, gives you the most beautiful radiant finish."
"I absolutely love the way that it looks, the coverage is amazing and it covered a lot, looking super natural."
"It looks like makeup that doesn't look like makeup."
"It really does look like your skin but better."
"I am blown away, guys. It's what I'm wearing on my skin today, and I'm just so blown away by how skin-like it looks in person. Like, my skin looks amazing, and it doesn't look like there's any product on it."
"It was very, very hydrating, very luminous, looked very natural, didn't give a ton of coverage but it didn't settle into wrinkles very much either."
"It's very lightweight... it just really looks like your skin but better."
"The coverage is nearly the same as it was at the zero-hour mark... it just does a really great job of evening things out without it looking makeupy or very detectable for that matter."
"It kind of conceals most imperfections like redness, pimples, scarring, uneven skin tone, things like that, but it doesn't look heavy on the face."
"Foundation should be like a second skin—translucent, perfected, but still natural."
"If you are looking for a second skin, very natural but still covers and actually does the job that you want it to do, this is a foundation you want to look at."
"Lip tonics are so nice on their own. They just look like you ate an ice-cream with some color and it just tinted your lips."
"This side looks super perfected but not in a makeup way it looks really really good."
"Water-based finishes naturally are less yellow and they keep the wood that light color that looks so good when it's freshly milled."
"For portraits that you want to look real natural but you want to just give them a little bit of polish, this is a great tool."
"We've been looking for makeup that doesn't look heavy or cakey on our face."
"It truly has the most unique ability to stick to your skin in a way that looks really natural and it sets down to in my opinion probably the most realistic looking skin finish on your face."
"Keeping the brows light and fluffy, keeping the lips nude, having a nice natural sculpt on the skin as well just makes this look, I think, very pretty and well-balanced."
"I just look like my skin is skin and not makeup."
"It blends flawlessly into the skin for a youthful dewy finish."
"It's a careful art to apply makeup and make it look like you're not actually wearing makeup."
"Glossier first introduced me to like natural makeup, and I really liked it."
"If you had to pick one, go with the concealer, but if you want the full duo, I'd say get both and layer them for a super natural look."
"It looks very fresh, very natural."
"It's possible to get natural-looking surgery."
"This Foundation just looks like a 'your skin but better' essentially."
"This doesn't even look like makeup on my skin; it just looks like skin."
"I like to do really, really natural minimal retouching as little as possible."
"It's important to have your model's face looking beautiful and really natural."
"Good plastic surgery should be invisible; it should always look natural."
"I just love these; they look so natural and give a really nice glow to the skin, so they just look really healthy."
"It's what makes hair look lifted is somewhat inconsistent, so you don't want to style it completely perfect; you want it to look lived in like you've been out and about."
"I really like the look of a grown-in reef tank."
"I'm into that glow from within look."
"I do like to add a little bit of surrealism in my images while it still looks natural."
"This is literally adding the perfect 'your skin but sun-kissed' type of vibe which I love."
"It's just a natural glow that enhances your features."
"My makeup is done, and my makeup is flawless, and it looks so natural."
"It's a your skin but better kind of foundation."
"It doesn't look like a mask, it will give you coverage while looking like skin."
"It really looks just like a second layer of skin."
"It really just looks like a natural glow from within."
"The total effect looks really natural on my skin tone at least."
"This gives me like the most skin-like finish without taking out that glow."
"I customize every operation based on my patients and I will make sure that looks natural."
"I actually prefer the look of my skin with just concealer; it's not completely full coverage, but it just looks more natural."
"I like to keep all the freckles kind of light in the center here, like I was born with it."
"I love love love the shine on my face; it doesn't look oily, it looks super natural and it looks like I'm glowing from within."
"Now I was going for a really clean and natural look for this piece, and it perfectly fits in with my other creations today."
"It just looks so natural, like it makes my skin look gorgeous."
"It's not cakey, it's not built up in any places, it lays beautifully over my wrinkles."
"It looks so good, the color matches perfect, like the soft bronze and the contours so natural."
"It looks super natural and just adds some dimension and a little bit of color too."
"They look very natural and balanced and very fresh and beautiful with slightly tousled hair."
"These products are great if you like to do an everyday barely there no makeup makeup look."
"It's almost like you don't even notice or care about the little spots that shine through because overall it just looks like your skin has a bit of a clear bright radiance to it."
"I think they look just really natural, really clean."
"This foundation is supposed to be a medium coverage foundation and it's supposed to have a natural finish."
"It looks like your skin but like 20 times better."
"We're talking about like things that actually blend on my skin and look sincerely like they might have happened by nature."
"It's such a nice lightweight gel serum texture that feels really hydrating and just leaves a nice dewy finish that looks super natural."
"The finish just looks super natural, no white cast; I can't believe this is a mineral sunscreen."
"This powder looks like skin, it doesn't look cakey at all."
"It looks like your skin but better."
"This is so good, this is just a beautiful light bronzer that builds up to give you that beautiful natural vacation glow."
"It really perfects your skin without making it look heavy or cakey."
"If you're into trends, the whole basis of it is going to be more towards skin that looks like skin."
"It gives you this filtered look almost, so your skin still looks like skin, but you don't see any of the imperfections that are underneath."
"The one thing all these foundations have in common is that they look like skin, and that is of the utmost importance to me when picking out a foundation."
"It gives you this very natural concealed effect where it just looks like your skin."
"Trust the process because look, when you blend it out, it sheers out and turns into a really natural color."
"I've been really into that really soft glam full coverage, soft glam but with no false lashes."
"It's not a dewy finish, it settles into your skin and looks truly skin-like with this thin veil of coverage."
"I'm not too worried about accuracy; if anything, I try to make the ends look a bit more jagged and different with each other to keep it natural."
"I absolutely love this method of being able to do my foundation... it lasts all day, it covers everything like a dream, it doesn't look cakey, it looks like natural skin."
"It's almost like having makeup on without having makeup on."
"Love this concealer; it gives a really natural, still very skin-like finish."
"Makeup like we need to look really natural but sophisticated at the same time."
"I like it. It's very natural and a little glowy. Perfection."
"It's giving me coverage but not too much, and it just kind of meshes into my skin really easily."
"Quick and easy makeup that you can apply with your fingers for a really fresh-faced, dewy look."