
Standing Firm Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Know the truth, be the truth, and stand in that truth."
"I never bow down to a bully, and I won't bow down to a bully."
"What's the best advice here? Best advice? Oh man now look, you gotta stand your ground. Yup, you gotta stand your ground. Don't let this person guilt you, don't let them shame you."
"You're either with me or against me. Stick with the facts, stand your ground, and stay put."
"Never Back Down For Nothing always stand for something, haters going to keep on judging but they never stop in the substance."
"Stand solid in your truth, having healthy boundaries, speaking your truth."
"When the mob and the press and the whole world tells you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world, 'No, you move.'"
"You've got to make a stand somewhere in this world."
"Stand up for your principles, not let the lies break through."
"You are never going to see me apologize for something that I didn't do or for something that I thought didn't deserve an apology."
"You just gotta stand your ground when it comes to the truth."
"Stay safe and remember if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything."
"Please do not ever go out like Nick Cannon and apologize when you're right, let alone when you got back up."
"You're choosing a new path for you, and it's like you stood your ground and said, 'Enough is enough.'"
"I'll die on this hill by myself. Everybody ain't lying on you, we see the pattern."
"I said what I said and I stand by what I said, ain't nobody ever gonna walk me back from speaking facts to power."
"You stand 10 toes down, you're not going to back off."
"Make a stand for what you believe in, despite judgment and disapproval."
"I'd prefer to die standing than live on my knees."
"When you accept everything, you stand for nothing."
"I'd rather stand for something than nothing at all."
"It is important for us to always be standing up for what we believe in, not to be intimidated."
"As long as you stand your ground, you will be okay."
"I am proud of her for standing her ground and standing in her truth."
"You're not backing down for what you believe is right."
"You have to stick up for what you believe in."
"If you think they're right and if you think your happiness is at stake, don't bend."
"Don't give up on hope, do not stand in your faith."
"We'll always stand our ground when it comes to the things that we believe in and the values we uphold."
"If we don't stand tall right now, we are all going to be in trouble."
"I think just somebody standing their ground and saying, actually, this is the situation, Mr. President, by comparison, that person seems like a hero."
"You're standing in your power, speaking your truth."
"Once they make a decision, they stand up for their beliefs."
"You are owning your truth and your desire, you are standing where you want to stand."
"If you have to stand up for what you believe in no matter what it takes and what it costs."
"She is 1,000% bullying you and is now trying to play the victim now that you've called her out on it. Don't back down, your feelings matter and are valid."
"Standing for something really does make a difference."
"You stand for something or you'll fall for anything."
"You stood firm when someone was trying to put fear in you."
"Martin Luther stood against everyone, but he stood firmly on the Word of God."
"Amen, God's word is true, and when you stand on it, it stands with you. Amen."
"You stand, and God stands with you."
"Learn to stand upon your pledged word."
"Remember that you do everything you can do, and then you stand."
"We're standing here only because You made a way."
"Stand for your values and simply stand in general."
"If you cave in you're a laughingstock, and if you stand up you'll actually get a lot of support."
"If you don't fight if you stand for nothing you'll fall for everything."
"We stand up for what we believe in."
"The victory has already been won. We don't need to go out and get the victory. We need to stand in the victory that is already ours."
"Sometimes you have to stand in what it is that you feel like you're supposed to be doing."
"I stand by every word I said today."
"I stand up for what I believe in."
"It's the people that stood for something every time."
"Stand your ground and say no, this is not the way, I feel it to be different."
"Embrace your justice, cut through the doubts and the fears, and say 'This is where I stand, this is what I stand for.'"