
Comic Industry Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Roy Thomas was a larger contributor to Marvel comics than Stan Lee."
"There’s something to enjoy and not enjoy about all the eras but the silver is certainly a special one with a unique origin that certainly turned into companies making lemonade out of some pretty panicked lemons."
"It helps save Marvel comics from bankruptcy and it might not have happened were it not for Batman."
"Kirby's legacy is felt throughout every corner of the comic book industry."
"To know how important Jack Kirby is, you'd really have to know how important the comic book industry will become."
"Welcome to Marvel Comics, he says. You're hired."
"Marvel totally does this stuff too, and maybe even a bit more."
"Comic skate is a terrific outlet for indie creators now and I think it'll last a long time."
"As long as we have you, we have nothing to fear and we don't need to denounce each other for the amusement of the SJWs in comics."
"What if Marvel made a deal with Amazon to deliver direct to the customer and are burning the comic shops to justify the move?"
"The comic book industry needs you more than you need DC."
"I will not tolerate what happened to Diversity in Comics."
"The indie comic scene is really starting to fill that niche."
"Stan was always on the go to create new characters."
"He wanted respect for the art... that's what he gained and gave to the comic industry."
"If you want to work for Marvel and DC and what I consider to be that mainstream, then having a style that they're known for makes things infinitely easier."
"Finally, it was a bittersweet moment to see Stan Lee in his final Marvel cameo after his decades of contributions to the comic book industry."
"If even Marvel was on the verge of going under, it's inspirational for people."
"That's not your job as a retailer. Your job is to sell comics, keep the peace, keep the fucking peace in this industry, no matter what side you're on."
"Valiant Comics named publisher of the year over Marvel and DC."
"I actually left the comic book industry on my own because it didn't pay enough and I had a family to provide for and a mortgage to pay."
"If you have the opportunity, you're working in comics right now, you have the opportunity to get the hell out of Marvel, from DC, or whatever indie publisher you're working for."
"He ended up winning the suits and essentially walked away with the rights to an entire comic book universe."
"A victory here against archie comics is a victory for creators all over the industry who have been taken advantage of and disrespected by the companies they worked for."
"DC Comics today is in a similar situation, following a demoralizing mid-decade move from its traditional home in New York to Burbank."
"There is no loyalty like comic shop loyalty. Once it's gone, it's gone. There is no business like the comic book retailing business."
"Marvel doesn't always have as a comic book company right now good ideas but they seem to be willing to take a chance on a lot of really unusual stuff."
"It'll be interesting to see where comics are in the US in five years."
"Sorry we took over the comic book industry. Boy, sorry not sorry, not sorry at all."
"At some point, American comics stopped being for everybody... they stopped being widely available."
"The day of reckoning for this American institution. 80 plus years of history, DC Comics."
"Talking to customers sells more comics than anything."
"The mainstream comic book industry is a house of cards."
"Milestone wasn't a failed experiment, it was a breakthrough."
"Our labor is integral to the comic book industry. It requires specialized skills, dedication. It makes quality publishing possible."
"It's hard for the average comic to just fail. It's the greatest thing for you as a comic."
"I said he's right whether you want to see it now or if you're gonna see it 20 years from now in a retrospective about why comics died he is the Kassandra of the comic book industry."
"Listen to what we're saying join comic skate you're a part of this if you're a creator."
"Comics gate to me is just the same kind of thing."
"Turns out that's what Lando Calrissian needs - welcome to Comic Artists Pro Secrets. My name is Ethan Van Sciver, I am a comic book artist and I have been for 25 years, a quarter of a century."
"DC Comics' future lies in cutting ties with the past."
"He was probably one of the first in American comic book publishing to really succeed in making creators household names and that was something he did very intentionally."
"One Piece surpassed Batman in comic sales. Oh my god, pour the champagne!"
"I just want to throw out Gary what you were saying you know the comic industry and comic books have always succeeded when the creators themselves are the people that are servicing like Eric is doing their audience"
"They were all Marvel people and had just left Marvel and founded a comic studio called Image, which they announced at the time was all about creators rights and treating creators well."
"The webslinger has maintained his place at the heart of the comic book industry."
"What made DC hot in the mid-80s was really the migration of the Marvel talent because they all left. Jim Shooter, that I think changed the course of history, I think, and a lot, I mean, I think Jim Shooter is a really pivotal figure."
"If you ever needed evidence that DC Comics is not a book publisher and doesn't care about that, they are just the hoarders of 100-year-old licenses, this would be exhibit A."
"Arguably one of the biggest names in comics."
"The number of readers and the number of people engaging with comics may not be down."
"He is one of comics' biggest superstars at the moment."
"It's the art style that he, McFarlane, and Jim Lee brought to the table is an attractive thing that is exciting people."
"The comic book industry is never going to work unless you have physical copy."
"Stan wanted to be a writer for most of his life and didn't initially think too much about comic books."
"What if I told you there's a thriving western comic industry with stunning artwork, sleek graphic novel formatting, mature movie caliber scripts, and not a solitary superhero in sight?"
"I probably made a couple million dollars doing Superman."
"When things started getting really weird in comics, the professionalism left when the money did."
"It's raining money, guys. It's raining money that the comic book industry has never been better."
"The comic book industry is not set up in such a way that normal people with normal bills can eke out a living."
"The comic book industry was very good at lying to itself for decades about the state it was in."
"I think give it a while, and I think more people will know the name Valiant."
"DC is saying, 'Thank God for Batman,' because that's how we stay afloat."
"A huge thank you to the fine folks of Marvel."
"It's a really great charity where they help out comic book artists and writers in their later years or if they have medical problems."
"Don't forget to support the independent industry involved in comic books."
"Rest in peace to American comic writer Stan Lee."
"If you're DC and you're Marvel and the comic book community is very much a niche market... why would you not try to get it to the greatest exposure you possibly could?"
"It's a huge honor for me to be inducted into the Eisner Hall of Fame."
"If everybody, regardless of political ideology, is on the same page that the comic book industry needs to be fixed, then everybody needs to sit down and figure out how to make that happen."
"Batman is so popular that DC would lose money if they killed him."
"The mainstream comic books now are too corporate."
"I think that the trick is they should say no more reboots."
"The comic book industry is recycled; it does continually get new readers despite itself."