
Containerization Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"Kubernetes is amazing because it solves a huge problem we have with Docker containers."
"Now pretty much the first thing you're going to want to do when working with Kubernetes is take that application and put it in a container."
"Docker is a system for containerizing applications."
"What makes this so neat is now I have this image that I've built of my app. All the libraries, everything it needs are contained within the docker image."
"The way we describe steps in Container Builder is actually with Docker images themselves."
"Cgroups ensure that each container has access to the resources it needs without stepping on the toes of other containers."
"Anywhere that can run a container image, boom, you're ready to go."
"A docker volume is a directory on disk or in another container, decoupled from the container, which can be shared amongst other containers."
"Successfully pulled image, created Container Engine X and started container Ingenix."
"Docker compose is a tool that helps you define and share multiple container applications."
"That right there is a simple rundown of how you can create images in a container through Docker."
"We're going to set up a database using Postgres within a Docker container."
"Using this multi-stage Docker build concept, you can avoid this problem because in the final stage, what you'll only do is you'll say from OpenJDK, just copy the binary from the base image here."
"By moving towards multi-stage builds and digitalized images, we made sure our containers are running securely."
"It is really important to understand the concept of multi-stage builds and destroyless images because that is the future of containers."
"If you can containerize even a single Django web application, that means you can containerize any Django web applications because the process will less or more be the same."
"Container Engine is kind of in the middle. It's a level above virtual machines. Container Engine is all about very lightweight Docker containers coming to life very quickly or scaling up or scaling down. So again, there's no one ideal choice."
"So, we are going to map this start directory into the working directory of the container."
"EKS is a fully managed container orchestration service provided by Amazon. So let's say that you are building Docker images or if you're building microservices, you don't have to worry about setting up the K8s cluster all by yourself. You can leverage Amazon EKS."
"It's designed around running a container."
"This will build our Docker image. Step one, step two, and step three. So, this will run from top to bottom and then execute all the commands in our Docker file."
"Docker is a tool that lets you put your application into a container, and these containers allow you to package up the application with all the parts that it needs."
"...as long as I have my Docker image built I can basically um move it and here I utilize the uh the keyword box because we put everything inside that box."
"Docker is a containerization platform."
"Docker uses a client-server architecture that runs over a REST API. The client communicates with something called a daemon, which is simply a persistent background process that manages all of your containers and other information related to Docker."
"Images are essentially a blueprint for building Docker containers. You can create your own Docker image or you can use someone else's."
"The key to growing in containers is to make sure these containers don't dry out completely."
"Docker-based Jenkins pipelines dynamically create containers for execution."
"Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform."
"I am a big proponent of containerization inside of things."
"So why is this? No worries, I think the key thing is if you get code into containers, you can run it in all the different environments and real systems."
"Security by default: podman runs without a root user. By not running as a root user in podman, it means that once a container is compromised it can only access data within that container."
"Podman and this is a bit of a bonus and it relates to the tooling that comes with podman notably in the podman desktop application whereby you can generate kubernetes manifest files from your pod deployments."
"Swarm is great for when you need real fine-grain control over your container orchestration."
"...love containers, love working inside of containers. Working inside of a container is your first step to understanding how to deploy the containers."
"Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration platform that is used for automating software deployment, scaling, and management."
"This is pretty much a very simple docker file that will produce an image."
"Now that we have a docker file, let's go ahead and learn how we're going to build an image from this docker file."
"Now that we have an image, let's go ahead and run a container from it."
"You can see that we have a container running, and it's running our own image."
"Everything your app needs to run, it contains: the operating system, any software required, as well as the application code."
"EKS is more popular than ECS or Elastic Beanstalk, as Kubernetes is more widely adopted."
"Containers and serverless security is a separate lecture on its own, but some things to keep in mind when you are designing your applications."
"Kubernetes is declarative, right? So what you're looking at here is me declaring that I want this particular application running. So this is nginx, and here's the contract that we have between you, the developer, and Kubernetes: this container."
"Think of it as a bill pipeline. So in order to build something here, we look at this Dockerfile. Now close your eyes if you've never seen a Dockerfile. It could be terrifying."
"So technically you can run docker containers on proxmox itself."
"Docker is a platform that helps us build, run, and manage containers."
"Kubernetes is a portable, extensible platform for managing and orchestrating containerized workloads and services."
"Think kubernetes and container engine for primarily containerized applications."
"Kubernetes controllers, like replica sets, enforce the desired state defined in YAML manifests, ensuring consistency."
"Docker compose is really designed for running multiple containers as a single service and it does this by running each container in isolation but allowing the containers to interact with each other."
"So we're going to dockerize our application, make it into an image."
"So that pretty much sets out a kind of a baseline here for Heroku to get your actual kind of container working and running."
"The Dockerfile is a very simple file, usually just gonna contain just a few lines but it's very very powerful."
"Docker allows you to run many different containers in one file instead of having to run every single image one by one."
"Docker is a platform that provides the ability to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment called a container."
"The container is this standard unit of software that packages up all of your code and all of its dependencies so that you can deploy your application quickly."
"You can start with source code in a GitHub repository or bring pre-built container images."
"This is actually a pretty good starting point if you have an idea that you want to turn into a little container or a server for your needs."
"With Docker, everything becomes a lot easier when you're containerizing your application."
"K3 OS is the K3s container operating system."
"Falco from Sysdig, a CNCF project, is applying eBPF for container runtime security."
"I have been working extensively in Kubernetes and Docker."
"You have container support so you can basically run, manage, and orchestrate Docker containers on Compute Engine instances."
"The idea behind containers is it's going to contain every single thing that we need for our application to run."
"We've got a solid workflow now, where we've kind of automated all of the configs that we need for bringing up our container."
"Vault agent containers... render secrets to paths in a shared memory volume."
"Kubernetes is a container orchestrator that uses declarative configuration and automation to maintain and manage your containers."
"Docker allows IT organizations to really easily create, deploy, and run applications as what are called Docker containers."
"A Docker image itself is a template which contains instructions for the Docker container."
"Docker is basically a container engine that allows you to run your applications inside containers."
"Kubernetes manages containers at scale, just massive volume of containers."
"We're gonna install it using Docker and then move on to Kubernetes using something called Rancher."
"Docker is a great way to do exactly that."
"When I create a new container, I can create this in a second... they're super super fast to actually create."
"It makes dealing with the container lifecycle much, much easier."
"This is an example of Azure Monitor for containers providing guided troubleshooting by showing changes in state and other anomalies in CPU and memory metrics."
"We'll learn how to deploy our containerized application to the cloud."
"Containers have become the dominant kind of development and deployment mechanism for software applications today."
"We are going to give you an introduction to container d today."
"Container d really fits in this middle spot, below these more feature-rich platforms but above the lower layer runtimes."
"Containerization has revolutionized the way we build and deploy applications."
"With Docker, you can build a container for each component."
"I think being able to have that developer loop where I can actually debug my running containers is actually really important."
"Docker is not a virtual machine. Docker is about isolation."
"As containers start up or are replaced, we update the IP target group and the ALB can start flowing traffic down to the containers."
"Docker allows us to package up our application into something called a container."
"To create and start a container, use the command Docker run."
"With the introduction of Docker, we can now containerize applications or microservices and manage those containers with Kubernetes."
"Containers are great for microservices-based architectures."
"The overlay network allows containers to see each other as if they're on that same Layer 2 network."
"As far as AI containers concerned, it does not know it's actually running on an overlay."
"For all your operational activity, instead of you installing and configuring your application, you can quickly take an image of Docker and create a container out of it."
"The Docker file is responsible for creating the image, and from the image, we can start a container."
"Let's start by creating our Dockerfile to containerize your application."
"This means that teams can containerize at their own pace and it means we really minimize that risk around project failure for application modernization."
"The container is a standalone executable package which includes applications and their dependencies."
"I love Docker. I think Docker is a great way to go."
"A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another."
"Containerizing an application means packaging it and all its dependencies into a single easily transportable and isolated container."
"A Docker container should not have any dependencies to the host it's running on apart from Docker itself."
"You can think of a Docker file as a text file containing a recipe to tell Docker how to build an image."
"With Docker, everything will work just great."
"Kubernetes is a container management system developed by Google in 2014. It is an open-source, portable system for automatic container deployment and management."
"Kubernetes is an open-source platform used for deployment and management of containers."
"I've been working with containers since 2014. But before that, I spent most of my career as a .NET consultant."
"Containerization is a concept where you take a bunch of software or code plus its dependencies and you package them into a box."
"If you're looking for jobs with large companies like Google and Amazon, they're moving more towards containerization."
"Docker container is a complete package using which you can have both the applications and the dependencies bundled up together into a single entity."
"Each of these services are running separately in its own container."
"We are planning to containerize all our OpenStack services."
"Containers provide us with a reproducible and consistent environment throughout the software lifecycle."
"Once you have a good containerization and a microservice strategy, massive scale is really achievable through ECS."
"We can start seeing logs from all the containers being forwarded through the Filebeat container."
"Docker is a scripting tool and series of commands and outlets to build containers."
"Kubernetes is an open source platform that allows you to manage and deploy and maintain groups of containers."
"This is how we will be able to have a container up and running."
"A container can package Apache Tomcat and its dependency that is Java programming language in a single file."
"Creating a home lab with containerization using the Docker engine."
"Using the Docker engine and containers to create a small home lab environment."
"Containers are units of software that package up code and all its dependencies."
"Containerization is probably here to stay, so I definitely highly recommend familiarizing yourself."
"Rancher is like a full container management platform that's also open source just like Docker and Kubernetes."
"The Lex D source code is about twenty-eight thousand lines of Go to create essentially a hypervisor that turns containers into virtual machines or machine containers."
"Let's take the code that we've built and build up a container image that we can run in something like Kubernetes and we can actually ship it to production."
"Think of an image as your CD, and it's going to load up your operating system and everything that's needed in order to get a container ready."
"As part of this neural network, we are containerizing the neural network once it is trained."
"In terms of containers, post-mortem analysis lends itself very well to the container model."
"So when I say everything runs in containers, I mean everything runs in containers."
"Containerizing your application is one of the best ways that you can do it."
"Separating powerful pods from untrusted or publicly exposed pods is a pretty toxic combination."
"An Orchestrator is basically a platform that's going to help you manage all aspects of deploying and setting up your containerized application."
"All high-level components that need to do any sort of data fetching are wrapped in something that we call a container."
"We use Docker to contain everything and then for our entire CI/CD pipeline and for a deployment process we use Kubernetes and more specifically we use Kubeflow and Seldon Core."
"A container is going to contain your application code as well as all of its dependencies."
"Docker is a software which allows you to create a container... you can think about the container as an operating system as a separate operating system."
"Docker has a whole host of features that support container orchestration."
"Docker is a technology for packaging a whole application into a single image which has everything that the app needs."
"Using containers, you just need these two dependencies if you want to follow along."
"Developing fully inside of the container allows you to work a lot faster, more productively without sacrificing all the tools that you're used to."
"We're going to talk a lot about proper Node shutdown so that you make sure that your containers can be replaced in a zero-downtime type of situation."
"When you've compiled your application into a Docker image, you can run that on any container system."
"Independent software vendors are looking to containerize their own software and make that available to the broader docker hub community."
"We're actually launching all these containers are able to see each other by hostname, by IP, by whatever network identification we could think of because they are under this rabbitmq-cluster network."
"Using containers makes it a lot easier for us."
"The breakpoint I just hit is actually running inside of a container."
"One of my end goals at Docker is to put everything into containers."
"The whole point is that Docker will figure out the bits that it needs to run that container."
"Those containers are fast and lightweight."
"Containers are just normal Unix processes that sit on top of the kernel."
"Each container believes that it's isolated and has its own space."
"Docker Compose gives us the ability to define and run multi-container applications."
"The containerization movement exploded in popularity."
"Google Kubernetes Engine is Google's managed instance of Kubernetes, which is our production-ready solution for deploying containerized applications."
"We built Jib as plugins for Maven or Gradle so that you can containerize your existing Maven or Gradle projects in two easy steps: just apply the plugin and run the build."
"With Jib, you take your application and you Jib it up into a container."
"The basic idea...is the idea of an application container."
"Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployments, scaling, and management of containerized applications."
"What if you could write a file like this that says, 'Start a React container with two replicas'."
"Creating a container isn't enough; you need to route out to that container."