
Downsizing Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"I don't have 79 people that I'm supporting here anymore, I just got me."
"Downsizing isn't necessarily A Bad Thing, but sometimes you have to do what's best for the company."
"Honestly, this is my journey. My journey from 6,500 square feet to 2,500 square feet just taking a lot of strength."
"Transitioning into a tiny house wasn't as severe as I thought it would be. Downsizing was very interesting, but it really wasn't as severe as I thought it would be."
"If you own a home and you're facing a financial hardship, this is an opportunity for you to potentially sell your home pocket the cash tax-free, downsize, and use this cash to help take care of your financial situation."
"EP estimated 14 miles per gallon so that you know downsized [__] really worked for them."
"Tiny home, this is a little too big, but I think, oops, we can probably reduce the size."
"Maybe it will be a much smaller company when it does survive this."
"Andrew needs to downsize. It's a reflection of his hubris. He's the one who screwed up his own life."
"The Pentagon aims to shrink the US military by thousands, mainly from the army and the air force."
"Any guy who downsizes and becomes okay with it, that is a respectable act in my opinion."
"We're going from two trucks to one... we're trying to save money for the pond."
"Lots of people tend to move into smaller properties as they get older."
"There's no shame in that... it's better just to downsize."
"You end up with something that is physically still smaller anyway."
"The idea behind Swedish death cleaning is for individuals to take responsibility for their possessions and declutter and downsize what they have before they die or go into care."
"Smart buyers everywhere are discovering that smaller homes mean bigger lifestyles."
"But we want something a little bit smaller we want to get into a subdivision where there's more kids, just downsize a little because this is just almost too much house for us."
"Robert Pattinson downsizes to a smaller home despite his fame, demonstrating a shift towards simplicity and practicality."
"I knew what I didn't want anymore. That's this, and that was it. You just downsized to start all over again."
"Just because you downsized to 399 square feet does not mean that you cannot add additions to accommodate your personal lifestyle."
"I don't care if you're Jamie Dimon or... any of these guys... they would probably like to be 20% smaller than they are."
"You're still gonna make money because people downsize, they can't afford these big houses."
"Hopefully, we've shown Liz the way when it comes to downsizing."
"Downsizing was really interesting. I lived in a large three-bedroom house, and I knew that I had to get rid of everything I had and start over when I knew I was going to move into the tiny house."
"...far higher than H2 that same year, making it clear that in order to stay relevant, Hummer had to keep downsizing."
"Everyone wants to find inspiration for how to either downsize or at least just pick out the essential stuff."
"Fully downsizing our lives have opened up the world to us and given us a new lease on life."
"This house is about to get a lot smaller. We didn't need all that space anyway."
"They're having to downsize at this point."
"This is the time to move into a tiny home."
"The Mark VI was the first generation to experience the downsizing trend."
"I've really been cutting down on wallet size, phone sizes, even when it comes to my watches, my irons, I've been cutting down to the bare minimum."
"Well, downsizing often happens when two companies merge."
"Lowering implies that we are worth more but we're going below. Rightsizing is just choosing for our reciprocal."
"I thought you were slimming down your collection of cars."
"...downsizing is really important."
"I decided to downsize. I paired it down to just what I need to take my knives apart."
"My wife wants to go smaller, and I kind of agree."
"They had to cut their workforce from 18,499 to 4,600."
"I'm downsizing... my studio is getting smaller every time I move, but it's fine because this year I'm gonna focus on a big dream that's coming true."
"The day that they left to move into the assisted living facility, we were left with the burden of downsizing for them. It was about the hardest thing we had to do."
"At some point, you might decide to downsize, either as the kids move out or just because you want to relocate for a different lifestyle."
"How serendipitous! My spouse and I were talking last night that the kids are gone to college and it's time for us to downsize."
"It's all about downsizing and getting a little compact setup happening."
"You might have to downsize the condo."
"So the way I organized my clothes I went from whites to nudes and then florals so same with the bottom there and I definitely downsized with my dresses because there was a lot that I haven't worn in a very long time."
"Recent trends in organizations include downsizing, delayering, outsourcing, offshoring, and shared services to streamline operations."
"Well, I gotta go learn a bunch of people's names before I fire them."
"Downsizing definitely makes sense."
"To survive, the monarchy needed to slim down."
"Each time I downsized, I became more happy."
"Our economies are going to get smaller and less complex and more localized."
"For many, it's the right time to think about downsizing to a home that suits your changing needs."
"We sold my house and downsized into a one-bedroom apartment... we had an estate sale and sold almost everything."
"You have to learn how to downsize, you have to learn about what's important to you."
"I have dramatically downsized the amount of stuff that I own."
"What a machine, I think it's funny now that we have the Ford GT, that's a V6 now, so we're sort of downsizing."
"Moving from a two-bedroom apartment that was probably three times the size of this was actually really liberating."
"Right here in the Cliffhaven, this will be your safe haven if you're looking to downsize and have quality at the same time."
"So who's she for? I think I can see a couple maybe downsizing their home, the kids have left, work's slowed down a bit, pensions are coming in."
"Remember, downsizing to a smaller RV makes sense."
"We were leaving our 3,000 square foot house and we were moving into this 250 square foot trailer."
"It's going to be smaller, but it's ours."
"When downsizing to 500 ft and under, ingenuity rules and freedom follows."
"Miss Johnson has loved downsizing and going tiny; what she is doing at the moment is giving back."
"We're going to miss it, but onto... smaller and better things."
"I am surprised indeed, I was very skeptical and I don't like the concept of downsizing but here the performance we have, that really feels amazing."
"There's a big difference between decluttering to stay in place and decluttering to move from a house or home to an apartment or a condo."
"Downsizing is all about taking what fits in a larger space and thinning that herd out so that you can fit into a smaller space."
"The math of downsizing is a useful exercise to see how the change in square footage will mean a change to the contents that you're gonna store or live with."
"Just because you downsize, ladies and gentlemen, does not mean you have to run out of storage space."
"I successfully downsized from 1200 square feet to 200 square feet."
"Just because I am downsizing does not mean that I dislike any of these members or I dislike any of these groups."