
Congestion Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"If it gets congested, your quality of life drops immediately."
"Wi-Fi 6 is solving our high-density, congested areas."
"You do get a good response when it opens because you could see the actual difference between the congestion."
"We're beyond the means of fixing congestion with road capacity."
"A drone video captured gridlock on a 50-lane highway in China."
"Concerns from Sunday Swap team: Network congestion expected on opening day and first few weeks. Orders may take days to process initially. But as improvements roll out, normal day-to-day load should be manageable."
"This is a traffic jam like no other."
"Roundabouts are considerably safer for drivers and pedestrians and cause much less congestion than traffic lights. They're even better for the environment."
"The homestead extension helps one avoid the congestion of us one."
"While most offices will still be operated from physical spaces, even a slight reduction in the daily number of commuters could have a drastic effect on congestion and improve economies."
"Consider taking a decongestant like Claritin D if you suffer from a stuffy nose on flights. Just make sure it's legal and over-the-counter where you're traveling."
"So what about public transport? Is that a way to avoid dealing with congested roads?"
"It was an absolute parking lot, everyone on the track got into this wreck including me."
"I mean it was the one that really made it harder for me to kind of clear my vision clear my sinuses and get back to upright."
"When everyone tries to evacuate at once the roads turn into a huge traffic jam."
"The traffic began to back up at 40th Street."
"I don't know why there's not a full fireworks show. I know that like spacing wise it's definitely more congested than Walt Disney World is."
"We're sort of waiting at this point and chatting with the chat room over what we can do with the congestion that we're seeing."
"One is space – because we’ve still got the same street structures in our towns and cities, causing congestion."
"Welcome to London where a 1 mile of traffic will take you 35 to 40 minutes."
"...you can have that many bodies on the mat and not the kind of sardine pack."
"The use of the MRT as a mode of public transport helps to reduce the number of private cars on the road."
"we drove through the more popular cities like XM Provence it was so crowded and there was no parking just felt congested."
"The city has been experiencing a substantial ecological breakdown accompanied by intensely gridlocked traffic and congestion."
"I don't think I've ever seen so many people on a trail before."
"The jugular veins are systemic veins so they become congested raised jugular venous pressure the liver of course is part of the body so that becomes congested hepatic congestion and this is what pathologists call out a meatloaf liver."
"The congestion in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract can impair absorption of food from the gastrointestinal tract so there's reduced absorption of nutrients into the blood because of the GI a congestion."
"The London congestion charge reduces traffic congestion."
"That's why they keep doing what they doing I seen a clip today I don't know how true it is but in New York they doing like a congestion uh almost like a toll so it's gonna you're G to have to pay like somewhere between $9 to 22 or $23 to drive through the city just."
"Traffic around the M25 is now virtually gridlocked following two major closures."
"Main Street is reaching capacity which is new."
"There's so many people... impossible to move at times."
"We did a fire in my neighbor's backyard. So, I'm a little bit congested this morning, but it was well worth it."
"The vast majority of visitors stay outside the park, meaning they drive in, this leads to traffic jams and full parking lots."
"The public transportation network will be built in such a way that it will relieve congestion on congested routes."
"Chicago, city of a million parking lots and 17 million cars."
"All the major cities of the world are having to try to find ways of dealing with too many vehicles and the congested roads which they cause."
"All of us dream of being able to fly on top of this traffic."
"There were so many people in the street already that people couldn't even move; they were packed in like sardines."
"The backlog of container ships from Asia has resulted in a massive buildup of containers at U.S. ports, particularly in California."
"We have this interesting source of congestion or contention."
"The monetary value of the economic losses due to congestion amount to roughly a hundred and twenty-one billion dollars annually."
"It's quite possibly the world's most expensive traffic jam."
"Congestion control is all about multiple senders sending too fast in aggregate."
"A traffic jam is a situation where traffic is either moving very slowly or not moving at all."
"It was designed as a way of reducing street congestion as London was one of the most populated cities in the world at that point."
"You don't have to do what everybody else is doing, I feel like today as a society we like to congest everything too much, everything's too congested."
"Once people start breaking on the highway, the people behind them start breaking, and then it becomes just a snake."
"Implementing QoS policies will certainly help during high congestion times, but QoS doesn't prevent over utilization of bandwidth."
"We want to really reduce congestion and that's good news for everyone."
"It's by far and away the fastest traffic jam I've seen in a while."
"Without the Underground, even today, the city would just grow into a complete standstill."
"Priority Flow Control is a link layer protocol that allows high priority traffic to flow while temporarily stopping the low priority traffic when network congestion occurs."
"When you have a traffic jam that's like a mile long for a place, that should tell you something."
"Rail usage is rapidly increasing as our roads become more and more congested."
"Talk about your rush-hour traffic."
"When you make a certain place very congested, it affects the whole city."
"Ocean waterways are congested highways, bustling with commerce, tourism, and terrorism."
"If congestion makes it harder to match the right workers to the best jobs, it is economically inefficient as well."