
App Design Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"We took a step back, we understood and defined who we're targeting, how we want the app to feel, and we were able to create something radically different."
"PWAs make web applications look and feel like native apps."
"The app flashes a warning reminding you to please be mindful of your loved one's privacy."
"Apps operate slightly differently and being that iOS is only run on a handful of devices it's often easier to design it for those devices so a lot of times iOS apps are a little bit more robust in my opinion and they have some better features."
"Home App Facelift: Streamlined and Efficient."
"It's simple, it's clever, it just works, and I love it."
"Having checkpoints when scrolling through apps so you don't have to accidentally go back all the way to the tap, it would make a lot of sense."
"It's like a dusty corner of the app with cobwebs and stuff like that, tumbleweed rolling across it."
"Cyberry gets its name from the fact that it doesn't look like an app but has the fun and unique nature of being a digital planner."
"Yo, in all honesty, like, I talk a lot of [] about TikTok, but that app is one of the best-designed apps I've ever seen in my [] life."
"Proddy is a habit tracker application with a beautiful design that will help you in developing healthy routines."
"Young Americans support labor unions which puts Gen Z on track to be the most unionized generation in American history."
"I really think Garmin's app is laid out in a really clean and organized way."
"Study people that you want to be like and improve yourself until you are like them or better."
"Can I design a professional looking app? Yes, a big yes."
"Your job here is to incorporate well-known icons, design intuitive elements, their locations, and a simple color scheme that will help your users swiftly and effectively navigate your app."
"Master the art of responsive design to take your app design to the next level."
"When designing your app, utilize shapes and icon controls to enhance the user experience."
"App design like that naturally encouraged perpetrators or even scammers to actually take advantage of the platform."
"We try to keep the app as clean and simple as possible."
"Their app is probably the best print on demand app that I've used...very well designed."
"Overall, this is a very simple app, it's really easy to use."
"This app cannot be ugly. It's got to look nice, it's got to be user-friendly."
"Look at how incredible the overall experience of this app is, right? Like wow, what a freaking wonderful app, and it just works."
"I love the Ecobee app, and I especially love the refresh now with the premium on the app."
"We're going to use all that to build a task manager app that allows you to drag an item from to do to in progress to done."
"Your data is always going to drive your app design."
"By the end of this tutorial, you have all the knowledge that you need in order to style your own apps in any way that you would like."
"The filtering is one of the fundamental parts of the app."
"Duolingo... their app is legitimately fun to use and honestly somewhat addicting."
"I am super impressed with how easy the app worked."
"Now that we know how the app works and we've seen how we can customize it with your own data, let's talk about some improvement ideas of where we can take this app further."
"Design your app... a lot of people make the mistake of jumping head first into programming it."
"Keep your app simple, as simple as you can manage."
"I am convinced this app was designed just for me."
"It's really just that easy to get started using custom fonts and font icons in your application today."
"The app is what an app should be, which is simple and to the point."
"Could one-on-one chat be the primary app interface for pretty complicated apps?"
"This is how big apps like Instagram have immediate feedback."
"The Cricut Heat app was designed by Cricut to take the guesswork out of creating projects using iron-on and even Infusible Ink."
"What I also like to do is include a header or a footer that tells the user which version of the app that they're running."
"Animations always make your app look a little bit better."
"This app has all the key features that I would have included if I had made my own meal planning app."
"Let's get into the first section now, talking about the layout and design of Yousician versus Simply Piano."
"Hey, guys, my name is Joseph, Brandon. And in this course, I am going to show you how to design a mobile app from scratch."
"I'm super excited because today we're going to be creating a cryptocurrency wallet app in Figma."
"The layouts and design of both of the apps are sleek, modern, and fun."
"It will be very interesting and open up a world of cool concepts for you when you're in your own app design and using edit forms."
"Give your users flexibility on how much they want to update will make them less likely to uninstall you."
"You can customize your app the way you want it."
"Garmin designed a very, very nice app; it's easy to navigate through and it gives you so much information."
"It functions like an app on your phone, the functionality is a lot cleaner."
"The Eero app... it's not only well designed for setup but I also just love it as a great overview of my wireless network."
"What if we want to change the primary color or any of the other colors that are associated with our apps?"
"You will have over 20 apps on your portfolio that you'll be able to show any potential employer."
"Let's figure out what we're going to do with this chart section. I think this is going to make our app look really awesome."
"We have a very aesthetic minimal looking Notes app with both light mode and dark mode."
"The app is responsive, intuitive, and user-friendly."
"We can do before we even touch our bubble editor is think about how all of this is going to be stringed together."
"It's very important for the app experience to communicate that trust and transparency."
"The app is just created with free resources, and it's beautifully designed."
"Let's add a text box or text field."
"The chat app is actually really nice, it's probably one of the best templates."
"When we enabled dark appearance in settings, we'll find that our app looks great in dark mode as you can see here."
"Field is a really cool app; it's great for what it's set out to do, which is to be inclusive."
"Designing responsive apps is really hard, and designing well-designed responsive apps is hard."
"You want to make your app fun and satisfying."
"A great app is one where users aren't even thinking of it as an app."
"Accessibility concerns everyone because it makes the app really better."
"If you're in the process of discovery, find the people you're making this app for and really bring them into the collaboration part of it."
"Use depth to help users understand how your app works, how content is organized, and the scope of actions."
"Four ways that these apps toy with your emotions and why they're not sustainable in the long run."
"Welcome to the course MATLAB app designing: the ultimate guide for MATLAB apps."
"In the second segment of the course, we will be looking at the second utility of MATLAB for creating apps, that is the app designer."
"Great spatial apps take advantage of the space around users, design your app to work well in any amount of physical space."
"Find a moment in your app that can only be experienced when you consider space and add something cool and magical to it."
"Give the screen a title: Weather App."
"The best apps, the best projects come out of some need that you're familiar with."
"How is a user going to interact with my app if they're using assistive technology like a screen reader?"
"Instant Apps also lets you create very lightweight apps that don't even have to take the user out of context of what they were doing."
"Reading text on an app is kind of important, so making sure that the typography for your apps is good is also important."
"This app was actually designed by musicians and with musicians at heart."
"The fun part of this app is in behavior and workflows."
"And now to add a leading button, instead of making it this back arrow, let's actually just make it a menu button."
"If you want users to actually use your apps, maybe you'll help them a little bit by keeping your app just a little bit smaller."
"I'm a huge fan of if the app, whatever it is on your phone, on your iPad, on the computer, if it's appealing and it's easy and intuitive, I'm all for that."
"Onboarding is basically giving your users of your app something to look at or to get some information to kind of get them prepared to using your application."
"What if I want to make an app, a design for an app, and it's probably already out there, but it doesn't matter."
"Fundamentally, the navigation controller is just a way to get around or navigate through a series of view controllers."
"Now our app already feels much more like a native app."
"Let's run that in the simulator and take a quick look at what it looks like."
"Your app needs to be relevant and meaningful in the context of users' daily lives and specific needs."
"This idea of unidirectional data flow is the restriction and because of this restriction, it's easier for us to understand how our app works."
"This app is cool. Okay, so this is giving me some great ideas."
"The app is just a joy to use, there's good animations, I like the use of colorful shadows... it's just a fun app to navigate."
"Familiarity helps you to design an app that is familiar with users."
"Web share, you're creating an app that is standalone, so full screen, there is no browser UI."
"Supporting a dark theme enables usage of your app in many wider situations."
"Consider forced dark as something to help you rapidly adopt a dark theme."
"Users increasingly want immersive experiences in Android."
"Make sure that your app goes edge to edge."
"The web manifest lets browsers create high-quality experiences for the launcher icon, the task switcher, a splash screen, and so on."
"Sketch has certain features that will help you with app design for iOS or Android."
"A truly engaging app needs to go beyond being just functional and reliable and ensure that the whole experience is delightful."
"We can look at apps in the store that are beautiful and in all likelihood it wasn't a developer who designed it."
"Each component in your app should do one thing only."
"I think since it's an app about love, why not use forget-me-not? Its meaning is the eternal love."
"Gorgeous looking news app, now this has such high production values."