
Frontline Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The police are often in the front line when it comes to tackling domestic abuse."
"Some policymakers in Japan have described their country as being on the front lines."
"Taiwan is really on the front lines of the cyber warfare with China."
"Everyday heroic actions of those who are on the frontlines in our communities."
"Sakura should be on the front lines healing as many people as she can."
"This is the front lines of freedom in the world today."
"The safest place to be is out front and on the front line."
"You are safest paradoxically on the front line because if I'm out there making a movie."
"I think the heroes on this... are the frontline health workers."
"Imagine being on the front lines though"
"It's the people on the front line who are absolutely making all the difference."
"Frontline is powerful and heartbreaking as 94 minutes can be."
"Support is just as important as the people on the front line, if not more."
"You need women that can be on the front lines. You need women to do those jobs."
"Hopefully, it sends a warning shot across the bows of these big corporations that what they actually do and decide and the way they work really affects people right down at the front line of their organizations."
"It's a beautiful piece on the front line."
"To all the doctors and nurses and medical personnel that are on the front lines every day right now, risking disease to fight disease, thank you for stepping into the breach."
"This is the front line, this is where it actually matters."
"I wasn't behind the scenes, I wasn't working on the front lines if you will."
"You'll be on the front line with the ambulance crew."
"The squad leader is the sole level of command that maintains direct contact with the men who do the actual fighting."
"The frontline fighter lives with death and the horror of the battlefield every day and every night. It is his cross to bear."
"Those things that were flowing they weren't in some big fancy church service they were out in the trenches sleeves rolled up boots on the ground going to war front lines you know active duty."
"You do not want to do it. The people in the trenches, on the front lines, they are essential for your continued success."
"...folks like you have a lot more importance to this country in regard to health then we doctors do because you are the frontline workers you are the folks who can make a huge difference..."
"What more do you want from a frontliner?"
"Life up there at the front is very simple, very uncomplicated, devoid of all the jealousy and meanness that float around a headquarter."
"Women are always on the front lines."
"What if you had women prepared to give their lives to save people on the front lines?"
"Ukraine is now a front line of democratic Europe."
"We're on the front lines of some of the most important and challenging and fascinating work there is."
"Robin has the strength, dude, and she has the power to be up there on the front lines."
"As a paralegal, you are truly on the front lines of those cases."
"Learn to be consistent, and you will be a great asset on the front lines."
"Rommel was always up close in the thick of the action and was wounded many times."
"The first recognition of it does not come from senior management but come from people who are in the frontlines."
"It's an honor and I'm proud to actually be on the front lines of that frontier."
"We'll take you to the front lines in the battle against a predator known as COVID-19."
"Taiwan is standing on the front line of defending democracy."
"When you know that you're on the frontline and you've got people around you who are from the same place as you, it just brings you together."
"You guys are in the front lines, bad on it, so I appreciate what you guys do."
"Thank God for those on the front lines."
"They are the best people because they are the people who are standing at the forefront."
"It takes a lot of courage to put yourself in the front line."
"One thing I do know, is that I belong on the front lines."
"Dear [Name], I wanted to express my gratitude to you from all of us at home for working so tirelessly on the frontlines to keep us safe."
"What has been the impact for the folks on the frontline? So you would think that there would be a reduction for it, but quite surprisingly, the people are really ready to embrace it, particularly at the frontline."
"As partners, you're really on the front line of much of this change."
"On the front line, exposing how we solve the most heinous of crimes."
"Thank you to all of our medical professionals, all of our first responders out on the front lines."
"Generals don't win wars. It's the front line."
"They served on the front line with exceptional bravery, endurance, and skill."
"We have to show our workers on the front line that we value them and care for them."
"Taking care of the sick and lifting up impatience, people risking it all on the front lines are amazing."
"On the front lines of water and ocean safety."
"The frontline workers are the heroes."
"He is on the battleground not as a spectator but as the one on the front line; he is fighting for you."
"And give a lot of support to the people who have been on the front line."
"Thank you to anybody who is on the frontlines battling this."
"All of those frontline workers are heroes."