
PHP Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Welcome to my ultimate PHP tutorial...you're gonna learn pretty much everything you could ever want to learn about PHP."
"You can define functions or methods inside of your class in exactly the same way as you do outside."
"Let's say we wanted to do something like get name and we wanted to provide that name."
"If you learn PHP, you're always going to have a job."
"Livewire lets you build amazing modern applications using PHP and Blade."
"By updating your PHP, you can improve the performance of your website."
"The for loop in PHP repeats a block of code a specified number of times."
"PHP by default has this function here filter input which you can use for validating inputs and also sanitizing inputs as well."
"PHP was never intended to be a new programming language. It grew organically and out of control until it became the Behemoth that it is today."
"The mascot of PHP is an elephant, which is named elephant Ella."
"PHP is also relatively easy to learn when you compare it to other languages."
"PHP is on version 8 and has made a ton of improvements."
"Laravel is definitely the most popular framework when it comes to PHP."
"NextCloud have announced they're moving away from PHP and to the Google programming language, and they expect this to boost performance."
"Filament PHP allows you to add external links to it as well, which is pretty cool."
"Relation managers and Filament PHP are a way to manage relationships between models."
"...a way to group related form fields into separate sections within a form."
"...they allow you to easily define and manage complex relationships between models without having to write a lot of custom code."
"...so PHP has seen a steady increase in usage and this is useful stuff for a hacker Dino because it's important for like a hacker do understand and be aware of what technologies are popular at a given time and which ones are falling out of favor."
"Opcache provides significant benefits when used with PHP FPM."
"Object-oriented features in PHP have gone from strength to strength and it holds its own against other object-oriented languages."
"PHP is a back-end programming language which is used by some of the biggest companies in the world."
"I really like the blade components feature."
"PHP is an old language, but there's been a lot of iterations and versions to it that still keep it a fairly fresh and modern language to use."
"We're finally ready to get into Laravel, the idea here is that Composer makes it easy to pull in bits of pre-existing PHP code."
"We'll be using the GitHub REST API and we'll learn how to create, read, update, and delete repositories using this API from PHP."
"We have the power of PHP inside of our templates, which to me is crazy."
"You guys can see that even if you don't know PHP, this is kind of just a boilerplate that you can edit to your liking."
"PHP has a brain. It is a legitimate programming language."
"It is essential that you learn at least the basics of PHP."
"PHP stands for the Hypertext Preprocessor."
"PHP does its job on the server side."
"PHP is used primarily to pull information or send information to a server."
"WordPress is of course using PHP to pull in all this information."
"XAMPP is the most popular PHP development environment."
"Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs."
"In 2009, frameworks started becoming a thing and made PHP an object-capable programming language."
"We are finally getting native enum support in PHP."
"PHP is a programming language for the web."
"PHP powers over 79 percent of websites."
"Inside a PHP file, we can write HTML."
"Whenever we ask for a PHP file, the server will process the code inside a PHP file."
"Browsers will never see a line of PHP code; it'll always receive HTML."
"It is considered good practice not to include the closing PHP tag if you don't intend to write HTML after writing PHP."
"Think of a PHP framework as a skeleton that already provides a running system where you can embed your code without having to go through every detail from scratch."
"Laravel uses a templating engine called Blade. One advantage it has over other templating engines is that you can use PHP within Blade."
"The best PHP Frameworks for beginners are the ones that are simpler and leaner."
"A PHP class is a blueprint for creating objects."
"Using autoloading namespaces, we can write just one single include one statement and all the classes in the PHP project will load automatically."
"Namespaces allow us to group different classes into different categories or different namespaces."
"If you're working with PHP or a dynamic programming language, you're going to need a local server."
"PHP can be seen as the Justin Bieber of programming languages; it doesn't have to be good to be popular."
"We want PHP programmers to be able to invoke a function in a different thread."
"We want the generated code to have the same PHP class so it's reusable."
"PHP is the most popular language, by many accounts, for writing software for the web today."
"And what we're going to show you a little bit of today, is how you can use some of the same power, some of the same phenomenal elastic bursting capability that App Engine gives you, with PHP, with your own applications."
"This demonstrates nicely that we can see PHP's working, the database is working, the cache is working, obviously the server is working."
"It gives you an idea of how Memcached works with PHP."
"PHP is so friendly when it comes to learning; the manual is outstanding."
"Composer is a dependency management system for PHP and it's almost become the de facto standard for new PHP projects."
"The purpose of this tutorial is to start from the beginning and very quickly get you to a point where you understand PHP and can write your own scripts."
"That's a really quick basic introduction to PHP."
"HHVM is basically a JIT compiler for the PHP language and also another language that's a spin-off of PHP called Hack."
"Unions and field size control are really useful, especially in a dynamically typed language like PHP."
"Having a union that can represent all the different types is kind of the workhorse of our system."
"With PHP, you're going to have your opening and closing tags... then you're going to have your function."
"There's lots you can do with PHP; it's going to allow your site to be interactive."
"Why don't we instead take advantage of autoloading using Composer?"