
Supernatural Encounter Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Imagine that, a glowing blue humanoid floating towards you with the attempt of sapping your bone marrow right on."
"Fifteen feet in front of me stood this thing, nothing on this earth resembles this."
"I literally just saw that. That's the creepiest thing ever. Oh my God, dude. I know for a fact that was Villar. Wait, he's literally... It's gone."
"It was a ghost that attacked him that night, tossing him into the wall."
"Most people who have encountered the goatmen have either run for their lives or it just scares them to the point where they're frozen in place."
"I swear, I wish a ghost would touch me, I'm uppercutting something, I might miss and hit the air, but I'm hitting something."
"I've never told anyone about this afterward, but I know it was a dog man."
"Encountering one's own doppelganger is traditionally seen as an unsettling and ominous experience."
"It was like a naked gray child with a faceless oval head. It also did not seem entirely physical."
"I was never a believer of the paranormal until I had this bizarre encounter that changed my life forever."
"It made no sound but you could feel this thing's energy projected onto us."
"It smiled at me... the scariest thing since the first time I had seen this thing."
"Real life Hollow Man: a fire torch seen moving around in the dark without revealing the one holding it."
"I sped out, nearing 80 miles per hour, but it still kept up, red eyes staring at me the whole time."
"This guy was a veteran and not easily scared but he, like other stories with a Bek, felt a negative gut reaction."
"He stated he almost rolled down his window and let the white-eyed child in but his instincts kicked in."
"You need to have a supernatural encounter with Jesus."
"The officer at Silbery Hill experienced an excruciating headache for the whole day after his bizarre encounter."
"I've actually heard it talk outside my tent early in the morning."
"The moonlight gave me just enough light to see the face which was like a dog's, now and sharp teeth. It looked like the rest of its head was covered by a skull."
"Something out there knew my name and I sounded just like my brother. I don't know what the hell it was but I don't think I'll be going back to the woods again."
"As the ghostly figure passes, the little girl can be seen popping up from her crib as if she too can see something moving in the room."
"Hello, there's no coincidence there. The name of Jesus Christ, I command you to reveal your identity."
"We're pretty sure we heard something—either push against the door or knock on the door just now."
"Bro, did you hear that? Yeah, turn off the lights. The lights are off."
"It would blow my mind if a loved one that's passed away showed up right in front of me, youthful and everything."
"Oh what the [__] was that? What was that? Did you see that crawl across the i?"
"It was like something was forcing me to notice it."
"Their forms grotesque and terrifying, the beings moved around the clearing."
"Alan essentially arrives into town immediately has a supernatural experience with a force of Pure Evil in the first store that he walks into right after having a dream that warns him not to go to town."
"Something -- right now -- is upstairs, okay, with us. We are not alone."
"By calling out he abruptly stops his abduction experience, these entities can be stopped in the name of authority in Jesus Christ."
"In one of her greatest moments from Asylum, Pepper is abducted by those mysterious aliens and transformed overnight."
"My dad isn't afraid of skinwalkers in the least anymore because as he told me proudly me and blackjack got a little practice with the help of five or six slugs."
"So when my senses were blaring red alert I felt my bed shift like someone just sat on it."
"She yelled aloud, 'You have no power here. Leave now,' and it vanished into thin air."
"This bizarre sighting left Emily and her family thoroughly spooked."
"I thought that maybe I was having a stroke or something so I ran to my door to get my parents to take me to the hospital I reach for the door handle and just like with the blanket my hand passed right through it."
"That's him for the rest of the night, they both get haunted by the ghosts of their past."
"I was face to face with something that I did not want to believe in."
"This was by far the most horrifying encounter that anybody in my family has ever had with a skinwalker."
"I screamed at him in the name of Jesus to leave me alone, and he did, he disappeared into thin air."
"What defeats the carnal mind is not just a good teaching, but a supernatural encounter."
"It happened before I met you. I was conducting one of my little experiments, which involved the possession of a forest ogre. I captured several mid-level spirits, weakened them, and then fed them to various monsters."
"I thought that thing had you for sure you're really lucky I was looking at my watch and it turned 4:00 a.m. just as it sucked you in spit you out just as quick and was gone I never seen anything like it too bad Daisy wasn't so lucky."
"In a strange guttural voice that sounded infinitely distant to Murphy's ears, the being introduced itself as Gertrude."
"An incident in a barn made the story real for a lot of people. About five years after we built our house, I started seeing things in the basement."
"I saw a black dog almost people-shaped I think sitting at the bottom of the stairs with just red eyes."
"I still can't step foot in that meadow. But you want to know the scariest part? When we got back to my home, we found a black feather."
"Joel completely locks up because what he's staring at is not a person like he initially thought but a demon as he describes."
"I thought you were a ghost or perhaps an angel."
"How a ghost saved my aunt's life."
"Was Vai out there watching her? Was she the person who had summoned the shadow Beast?" she didn't know how she had ended up napping in her dressing room.
"I'm 95% sure I saw something supernatural."
"But when he suddenly gets the Demogorgon tingle at the back of his neck, all hell breaks loose in Hawkins."
"Sometimes you do get the occasional vampire werewolf standoff, but that usually doesn't happen too often."
"But whether he was a spirit or a real person, we're never going back up there again."
"I think the old man John or whatever, I think he squeezed my foot."
"Guests have felt a cold hand on their shoulder and her perfume still lingers in the hallways."
"The moment I stepped back through though, the feeling of electricity flowing through me returned until I left the garage."
"Some truckers have been so spooked by this entity that they try their best to bypass Highway 5 altogether on the off chance that they might see the spirit again."
"Can you imagine being fast asleep in this bed only to wake up and find the ghost of a man in old-fashioned clothes sitting at the foot of your bed?"