
Christian Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"When you are born again, the Holy Spirit comes to live within you. You become a host, a carrier of His glory and presence."
"Every true believer, everyone who has turned from their sins and toward Christ, has received the Holy Spirit and has a genuine desire to not only pray, but to increase that prayer life."
"However, so long as a Christian-held territory remained free and independent, no matter how tiny, weak, isolated, and besieged, there was still hope."
"There is no better time to be alive especially if you're a Christian because this is our opportunity to stand up for the truth."
"Randy Orton and Christian were so good together and they had so much good chemistry that they actually pulled it off."
"Captain Charisma for me is where it's at. I absolutely adore Christian."
"I greet you all in the precious, glorious name of our soon-coming King, Yeshua the Christ."
"But even among Christians, if you stop and ask the question, who do you think Jesus is, it's interesting to watch the different shades of the answers that come back."
"Stained Red, we're a Christian rock band."
"Let us rejoice and be glad and give glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready."
"I absolutely love this coffee company because it's run by Christians who give 10% of all their profits to pro-life Pregnancy Resource Centers all across the nation."
"Go down in water, in the name of Jesus Christ, that's right."
"Christian symbolism of this spoon may be a vital clue."
"The ability of a Christian is to control time."
"Sometimes one of the most important ministries of the Christian is to stand amidst the debris, point to the cause of the fall, and to the only hope for recovery."
"Your identity is salt and light. This is your identity."
"In your Christian experience, you will meet a lot of people with influences that produce results, but if you have a rich ministry with the Holy Spirit, you will be able to know that this is not the Holy Spirit."
"For every single Christian today, a new day."
"Death for the Christian is not really death, it's in your past."
"The way of a Christian is careful, not hard."
"The true Christian sexual revolution is when sex is no longer worshipped, but the sexual embrace is worship."
"Because you're coming from a Christian background... those who believe and act righteously, we will admit them among the righteous."
"As a Christian when you come to Jesus, He saves you, your life is different."
"Just think about how incredible it is that we have this early Creed that Christians were going around telling each other and we have it like in our Bibles and if you didn't know that then now you know I just find that like super super cool."
"You're not a republican first you're a Christian you're not a Democrat first you're a Christian."
"The mature Christian will learn about the giant lore of history and scripture and come to a conclusion something like this: the existence of giants serves as a compelling witness to the truth of scripture and that demonic activity in the world is real."
"We are called to be the charts of Jesus Christ, not lightly esteemed, not able to be discarded, not salt to be cast under the feet of man."
"The highest goal of the Christian is the beatific Vision, to look into the face of God himself."
"I see a very strong bond to such an extent that I am not mostly ashamed to be both a scientist and a Christian."
"I've been a Christian for three months, awesome."
"To take the pleasure without the responsibility is not Christian that's to undo the two chords of pleasure and responsibility that are wrapped by God's hands themselves."
"America embodied Christian ideals throughout its history."
"Number one goal... to be conformed to the image of his son Jesus Christ."
"The abuse of power does indeed exist in Christian homes, congregations, and churches, and has often been covered up."
"I think a lot of people can learn because as like being a Christian people say they have that pivotal moment in their life."
"Being a Christian is something like riding a bicycle it's very hard to keep it up if you're not moving if you're not growing."
"The one overarching principle of the biblical view of suffering is this: suffering for the Christian is never an exercise in futility."
"Death is just graduation for the Christian."
"...the Central Christian task isn't simply to prepare for life after death but to work for that loving restorative justice in the present world."
"They have to show it as a replay so it was Christian who threw him out but it was deemed not important enough to be shown properly."
"I guess it really looks like true love. I guess Christian really loves his girlfriend."
"So all of us are constantly, like, as a Christian we're set in this Narrative of this story that God is writing."
"If you're a born again Christian, when you wake up in the morning, the devils, they fear what you're going to do today."
"Christian theology is beautiful when you allow it to stand together."
"A Christian is marked by their faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
"A Christian is not a thief, a Christian is not a criminal."
"Every Christian businessman, every Christian businesswoman within the sound of my voice, do you want Supernatural favor, promotion, and success in the last days? Connect your business to the Great Commission."
"That's what I call Christian charity."
"This kind of interpretive activity is busily going on in Jewish and Christian communities around the turn of the era."
"True Brotherhood according to Christian teaching is the Brotherhood of the redeemed."
"The Beatitudes are not telling you how to become a Christian. The Beatitudes are describing what a true Christian is like."
"Being a Christian is a massively unfair advantage."
"But yeah, the choral singing, it does that. That's definitely like Christian or with the guilt of being Catholic."
"We make videos on culture and social issues from a Christian perspective to help you have hope and be free."
"I personally don't care if I hear a worship song or Christian praise I'm not a real big fan of look I'm confessing I'm not a big fan of of uh Christian praise music I guess that's what it's called right contemporary Christian music"
"I want to be a real Christian, is it possible for Isaiah to stand before God after getting hundreds of millions of views and God said, 'I don't know you'? Absolutely."
"Millions conference was an excellent event and it is one that I would highly recommend that Christian business people or even non-Christian alike attend those conferences."
"There's something bigger here than just a Bible study... there's eternal life, Christian joy, hope, happiness, and fellowship."
"Prayer is perhaps the most encouraging word in the whole Christian vocabulary."
"You want to do Christian hip hop, man, you could do it too, you just gotta stand on business and make sure you lift up Jesus."
"Every day we learn something new about Christian."
"As a Christian, I am not powerless."
"Do you realize that as a believer, you walk out here today reminding yourself, 'I'm not only forgiven... I have the righteousness of Christ. I stand complete in Him.'"
"We cannot afford as Christian men to not be accountable to somebody."
"We aren't called to be like other Christians, we're called to be like Christ."
"We aren't called to be Christians, we're called to be like Christ."
"Christian joy is a future, rapturous, triumphant joy. No matter how bad it is, we know that there will be glory to come."
"Being a Christian isn't simply about believing things, it's about doing things with what we believe. Because that's what makes the difference."
"You know the whole thing is like you know the Christian way is to always keep giving and God will keep blessing and and I believe in that wholeheartedly."
"There's no such thing really as a creedless or a confession Christian... We all operate with a functional understanding of what the Bible as a whole means."
"We're supposed to be doing the works of Jesus."
"...we were trying to address that disconnect and just asked the question like should Christian girls post seductive selfies?"
"...so I think as Christian women the biggest thing to do is to take a step back and really ask ourselves like why do I want to post what I want to post?"
"From start to finish the Christian life is a life of faith."
"Christian existence in the mystical tradition."
"Christian meditation, most especially focused on the passion of our Lord and savior, has proven to be the most powerful in keeping the devil away and breaking free from sin."
"A Christian is a person who at any time has light to see what there needs to be more of in their life and what there needs to be less of."
"Thank you for being the kind of Christian they wanted to invite."
"The Christian marriage is a marriage of two selfless people that love each other and they are willing to lay down their life for each other just like Jesus did for us."
"We're looking for a Christian name that is used for both boys and girls."
"The Christian idea of perfection is focusing on love rather than omnipotence."
"The motto of the Christian should be 'Deo gratias,' giving thanks always for all things."
"Getting to heaven isn't my mission; getting heaven into me so that I can destroy the works of the devil is the mission statement of every Christian."
"Help us reach our goal to support a family-friendly, Christian morality-based, martial arts inspired comic books for children."
"The Christian must learn to always walk with the assistance of the Holy Spirit."
"Christian marriage. It’s two people who have entered into a covenant through sacrifice."
"It is easier for light itself to be darkness than for a Christian not to give light."
"Anyone who says he is a Christian should live as Christ did."
"Orthodox Christian gospels have the resurrection appearances."
"The laws of logic are intelligible within a Christian theistic universe."
"The different funeral rites express the Paschal character of Christian death."
"They made the most goodly and Christian's end that Ever Was Heard tell of."
"As Christian parents, our greatest joy is seeing our kids walk with the Lord."
"The greatest message delivered by Jesus was the kingdom message."
"Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
"Christian love is a deliberate correspondence with God's purpose and plan for mankind."
"The God-centeredness of the Christian gospel... to the glory of the triune God."
"What John is doing here is identifying Jesus with the angel of the Lord."