
Cryptocurrency Prediction Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"We're about to see Bitcoin explode, there's no question about it. When in doubt, zoom out."
"This is an environment where bitcoin likely failing, falling hard, crypto's likely falling hard."
"Do you guys think Bitcoin is going to hit 40,000 in July?"
"Some they said I guess came to the conclusion that Doge should have a value of a dollar 21 by 2025 and 3.60 cents by 2030."
"I think we see a million dollar Bitcoin in 12 years, three cycles from now."
"I think Ethereum is going to get the very, very explosive move towards 10k, 15k, 20k later in this bull cycle when Bitcoin probably already topped out or is close to topping out."
"I think that Ethos is going to be a three-figure coin. I said it before, I said it in two years' time, I see this being a three-figure coin."
"I think that Ethereum flips Bitcoin, and I think it happens before March 2022."
"Bitcoin's gonna go a lot higher by then this year, a hundred thousand I think it's a minimum."
"We will hit all-time highs for Ethereum by January 17th if not much sooner."
"Weekend prediction is bitcoin going to go back above 50k during this weekend or not."
"Bitcoin to 70k by April? Yeah, I believe that."
"A lot of people are predicting litecoin will surge in the near future."
"Shiba Inu is primed to rank in the top three cryptocurrencies by market cap. The analyst is of the opinion that Shiba is likely to dethrone ADA."
"I think Solana is going to be one of the best performing ecosystems next week."
"Bitcoin is probably going to hit towards maybe the 50,000, 60,000 price range by the end of the year."
"The biggest factor that could soon push bitcoin above 150,000."
"October is going to be the month for Cardano, for sure."
"Bitcoin's definitely going to 60k... not Financial advice, just from what I see."
"Bitcoin's going to hit 300,000 this year. Very confident. Some people will say it's got to take longer than that. No, it's this year bust."
"For Ethereum, the number I'm looking at, I don't think there's any way Ethereum does not go over fifteen thousand dollars in the cycle."
"Bitcoin will erupt and leave many traders in disbelief."
"Salana is predicted to outperform ethereum by 500% in the next Bull Run."
"The cryptocurrency I think has the greatest appreciative value between now and the end of the bull run that is already kind of in the mid cap range is shiba inu."
"If Bitcoin goes up 10x, then Ethereum will go up 10x."
"I'm 100 confident actually that BNB will flip Ethereum."
"Polkadot is going up. Polkadot is going to go to a hundred dollars so fast, it's going to make your titties spin."
"Don't be at all surprised to see things like some of the cryptos like Bitcoin or etherium go up to $100,000 within the next two years, especially when everything starts to collapse."
"We're going to see Bitcoin take a run legitimately at a million dollars this time around in 2025."
"I think we could definitely see Ethereum hitting $20,000 by summer, sometime in the summer."
"Once XRP breaks 50 cents, 51 cents, it's going to 62 cents fast."
"I fully expect two to three million dollar Bitcoin."
"I think Ethereum is going to outperform Bitcoin by a mile."
"I think in the grand scheme of the cycle, approaching a 10 ADA is possible."
"Bitcoin and digital currencies like that are going to end up being the future money."
"XRP probably won't hit 10K because I think that the currency resets before then."
"Ethereum, bitcoin will survive, I just don't know what the price is going to be and when."
"I think very realistically over the next couple of years we could see Shiba Inu sitting at one penny. I really do think one cent is a very realistic price target."
"Ethereum over bitcoin, the price is headed to 10,000 says Frank Holmes."
"Ethereum will just keep running probably all the way to 3,000 or more."
"A major rally is coming to Ethereum, we're probably going to be back up at and above 3,000."
"At some point in the next couple decades, bitcoin will be above a million dollars per bitcoin."
"I think the end result for Bitcoin is a million dollars... I think Bitcoin reaches a million bucks and stabilizes a million per coin."
"Bitcoin is about to begin a fourth parabolic phase that will bring the leading cryptocurrency to more than a quarter of a million dollars."
"Bitcoin will be somewhere between $5 and $500,000."
"Bitcoin will hit that mark... it's gonna be more rare than diamonds."
"Is this an opportunity to buy into a stock and make a ton of money, or would you want to run away from this thing? We've got all of that and more."
"I think Ethereum is going to hit 10,000 here in the not too distant future."
"Ethereum will permanently pass Bitcoin in three to four years."
"Bitcoin will likely pop off rather quickly towards 60,000." - Draco
"I'd say if we can get bitcoin around 14,000 by the end of the year."
"I think Dogecoin is going to hit five dollars someday, I really do."
"Ethereum 10 to 20k by the end of the cycle is so easy to predict."
"I really do see one cent one day for Shiba Inu."
"Energy Web Token (EWT) is eventually going to be a top 10 cryptocurrency."