
Frequent Use Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"I really like that they added this, I use it a lot for two-factor authentication and other applications that I know I'm not going to need to reference a lot throughout the day."
"It's built like a brick [ __ ] house I use it at least once a week."
"This is one of the newest palettes to my collection the tartelette juicy palette I use this way too much."
"I mean, this is one of my go-to pieces, I wear it all the time. It just looks timeless, it's timeless, it's a great design."
"I love love love my black Somas, I wear these nonstop."
"So for me this is a real piece that I'm gonna like keep in my collection and wear all the time such a princess a princess shipping."
"Get your kickoff down...you're gonna have to use them all the time anyway."
"I'm definitely gonna be wearing this quite a lot."
"I am so excited about this; I reapplied it two to three times today because I was excited about it."
"Solar lance's targeting makes it a flexible ability that I'll be using often during the run."
"So I quite like to pin documents that I use frequently."
"I genuinely love it. I use it quite a bit."
"I'm really happy with this palette, and I definitely can see myself using this a lot more."
"This has been an absolute game-changer, and we've actually used it so much more than I even thought that we would."
"These things are awesome; I use them all the time."
"The putter is probably the club you use the most."
"I actually prefer it now very much, and I wear it a lot more often than I used to."
"I buy all these so frequently, use them all the time."
"This is one of the knives that gets the most use in my household on a regular basis."
"I reach for this one all the time as well, so this is just one of my favorite things ever."
"I do genuinely, genuinely, genuinely use these all the time."
"I love this one, I wear it all the time."
"It's worth every penny, especially if you add it to your arsenal and you use it all the time."
"I love it, another deck I used really frequently."
"I just know I'm going to get so much wear out of it."
"I honestly love this thing; now I use it all the time."
"Honestly, these have just been so good, I've worn them so much."
"It's so good I wear it all the time; it is like one of my most worn outerwear accessories."
"I think I'll incorporate it into my designs more often."
"I think these are a winner, I find I'm going to be using them more."
"I love this and wear it all the time."
"These out of all my Dior shoes have been my most worn."
"I've been wearing these a lot already this year."
"They are one of my new favorites and I will definitely be using these a lot more."
"I'm gonna be wearing this all the time because it's so cozy."
"I'm so pleased it means I know that I'm going to wear them so much more."
"I absolutely adore it, and yeah, you're going to see me wearing this quite a bit."
"I love these. I get so much wear out of them."
"I'm so happy that I got these shoes because honestly, I'm wearing them so much."
"This one has impressed me so much that I've just been wearing it a lot lately."
"I love them and I've been wearing them a lot this month."
"I reach for this one multiple times a week."
"I'm actually obsessed with this top. I'm gonna wear this so much."
"It's great if you like to wash your hair more often but don't want it to be stripped of its natural oils."
"This is my most used palette of life and probably my favorite of all time."
"This was my most used palette. I absolutely love it."
"I think these are absolutely beautiful, and I think I'll wear these a lot in the autumn months."
"I'm going to get so much wear out of it and it's very, very comfortable."
"This is definitely my favorite piece and I'm definitely going to be wearing this a lot over the colder months."