
Software Utility Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I really like that they added this, I use it a lot for two-factor authentication and other applications that I know I'm not going to need to reference a lot throughout the day."
"We've made this really nice looking macro over here and it's created a nice little report."
"I understand that notion is really overwhelming when you first get it, because there's a lot that you can do with it. And that's what makes it so great."
"I just shrink it down, put it where it goes, that's kind of amazing, thank you for that."
"Alfred is basically a replacement for the spotlight search function on a Mac."
"Any software can work... it's really more about the artist using it."
"That's how we add items, so it's really powerful."
"Modifiers in Blender... really saves you a lot of time and makes for a more consistent, even topology."
"Redux, Vuex, these state managers really help."
"This is a hugely powerful program and I use it on every single video I make."
"The beauty of Excel: if I change this bunch of numbers, the total is going to change automatically."
"It's free to use, it installs in just two clicks and it saves you money."
"What I love about Notion is that it is so customizable."
"MemCard Rex gives you full control over PS1 save file management and backup."
"Another software package that I would definitely recommend you installing is VRS... it records telemetry data and allows you to then analyze that both against other drivers as well as against your own lap times."
"Notion is a program that allows you to pretty much do whatever you need with whatever you have."
"The role of a Raspberry Pi in this situation is just a stand-in to run Home Assistant, which is like the piece of software that's going to tell, 'Hey light switch, do that thing...'"
"Marvel is a great prototyping tool to show simple static prototypes, flow between different screens, and test with different users."
"Imagine you're mining for gold... That's what AmazeOwl does, the heavy lifting for you."
"I use Premiere Pro... it's made editing videos a lot easier."
"Robocopy will find all of the files that are under that Documents folder and copy all of them to my USB drive."
"Unity is an incredibly powerful tool, it's very, very easy to use. We're really excited to give you guys the tools that you need to start building cool stuff kind of right out of the box."
"FreeNAS: GUI interface available, but knowing the command line is crucial."
"It's not only what Norton Utilities was about, it's kind of how software worked."
"Undo has really saved me a number of times from disaster."
"Merge plugins delivers more than the obvious effects. With this software, you can indirectly surpass the plug-in file limit of 255, increase game stability, and make your load order easier to manage."
"You just use your camera to snap a photo and Microsoft math will instantly solve it."
"Blender is a very powerful cg package and can really be used if you have a correct pipeline with it."
"I really like using the GX cleaner which in a single click gets rid of unnecessary files and cookies so your browser keeps running nice and smooth."
"I wanted the software to do more for me, right? Because that's what software is supposed to do, it's supposed to make your life easier."
"This is a cool useful tool; we're going to import matplotlibrary.pyplot as plt."
"Octa is a really cool tool to be able to delegate the responsibility of having to deal with authentication authorization."
"If you want to have multiple operating systems running from your Raspberry Pi without constantly switching SD cards, I'd very much recommend using Berry Boot."
"The better information you give Crafty Base, the better output you will get."
"I feel like this particular file is a really good example of why bat is so awesome."
"You will find [software] notes particularly helpful when writing your literature review."
"If you're someone who's using Fusion 360 daily, then yes, it would be worth it."
"Winaero Tweaker allows you to adjust Windows settings that were somehow hidden from the user's eyes."
"We're going to use Dynamo to save us from at least some of the boredom of tagging."
"This is a really great tool, it's really powerful, and it allows you to very quickly just move video strips around."
"The software can be extremely useful even for the smallest tasks and has huge potential in general."
"There's just kind of a cool feature you can use in the software."
"OBS appears to be quite simple up on the surface, but it's actually incredibly useful and customizable."
"Manta is one of those technologies that appeals to the creativity of its users."
"So yeah, I can imagine this being super useful, especially if you're working with a code base that is new to you."
"Apex is great at visualizing data."
"Excel is very useful in engineering, architecture, construction; people use Excel a lot."
"MATLAB is a great, useful little tool for plotting the things."
"It's worth just keeping this software around as a plug-in just for this simple function because the amount of frustration I've had going through and focus stacking to be able to do it in one click is pretty amazing."