
Meat Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"Beef: Easy S tier. Burgers just hit so hard, man."
"Every month, ButcherBox ships a curated selection of high-quality meat."
"Oh my God, it is so moist, it is so juicy, it is just falling apart."
"But this one overall the juiciness the tenderness yes and letting the beef shine for what it is she's a star she's a star look at her look at that lady."
"That blows the pork out the water, to be honest, it's a beautiful piece of meat."
"This is the tenderest brisket that we had on this trip."
"Made it to this restaurant, and it is called Kwan Yu, and this is a definite meat paradise."
"This is the most tender piece of meat on the ribeye, and that is absolutely delicious."
"Look at these bad boys right here, look at the juices that are running out of it, oh yes."
"What if we could grow most or even all of the meat we need with a much smaller impact?"
"So it's meaty but it is tender very tender very flavorful."
"We do not make muscle from eating meat."
"I like thick chunks of meat that have chew and texture to them."
"I've always considered barbecuing the act of making love to meat."
"I think it's more of an issue that we're trying to squeeze every last [__] piece of meat juice out of their dangles."
"I love that all of their meat is American grown, raised, and harvested. You are helping out local American farmers when you buy from Good Ranchers."
"All the meats are super tender, delicious."
"And so it begins with all the meats."
"If you want some meat you can trust right now, a slab of it, slap you in a face with it, delivered right to your door, Omaha Steaks."
"Pastor is definitely my favorite type of meat to put in a taco."
"So, this tip is actually a combo one and it's to cook your meat to an internal temperature and it's to let that meat rest."
"At some point, you're probably going to introduce your baby to meat."
"The problem with meat is that it all looks the same and what they should do is they should make it like rock so when you've got beef it just says cow right the way through."
"Good Ranchers is the number one source for 100% USA grown meat you can trust to feed your family."
"Meat is not bad for you, meat is very for you."
"Divine culinary magic takes place when you cook meat on the bone."
"Don't go by the temperature, don't go by the time, go by the feel when you probe the meat. It needs to be probed like the probe is going through room-temperature butter, that's your sign."
"...meat is the only food that contains every nutrient we need in its proper form."
"...the meat is something I'm kind of hanging on to the meat here."
"Resting a big piece of meat is almost as important as actually cooking it. It lets the meat relax, reabsorb its juices, and cool down enough to eat."
"The meat is very white and very fat obviously, therefore unlike our Italian chickens or whatever we are used to eating normally, it melts in your mouth, meaning the meat is very very tender."
"There's a difference in the meat taste whether you people or anyone believes that or not there is."
"Arby's has the meats, we got the meats."
"Not the asshole. No one has to eat meat at every meal."
"Ethical meat is the least ethical there is."
"Humans are supposed to eat meat. I feel really good when I eat meat. Every single one of my clients that I've turned from being vegan, they're like, 'Oh my God, it's like you switched on a thing in my head.'"
"Snap absolute just snap no Bend at all, that's what you want from your meat."
"We aren't a family that eats meat daily so it wasn't that hard for me to accommodate her."
"Eating meat will be seen as a genocide, like a slavery."
"No chemicals or preservatives... Just 100% honest to goodness hickory smoked meat."
"These briskets even in the flat there's a lean side and a fatty side."
"Resting the meat is the same as gently applying the brakes and slowing down the car, trying to come to a perfect stop right at that intersection, in our case, a perfect medium rare."
"Millions of people on this planet eat meat. I think meat's delicious."
"...everyone has their own preferences and how they eat their meat there's no right or wrong way you still got to cook it hot and fast otherwise it'll dry out."
"This is one piece muscle right here. This is the best piece of the whole top sirloin butt."
"The cash cow, in my opinion and through my experience, is the one piece of meat, the one sub primal, the 184 sub primal top sirloin that will produce you the most gross revenue of any cut of meat that's out there."
"The marbling is what tells you that it's prime. It's what gives the extra flavor because it's extra fatty little ribbons of fat running through it."
"Cook low and slow on lower fat content cuts of meat."
"They believe everyone deserves high quality, humanely sourced meat. It couldn't be easier."
"The price of meat has really been hiked up in the last year."
"The lasagna is as good as ever. For real. So much food. So much meat in the lasagna. And it's beef and pork, by the way. So good."
"The whole idea of sacrificing... is about people eating meat who might not eat meat at all in the year."
"Animal meats are the most nutrient-dense foods you'll find on the planet."
"This is really lean meat this is really fatty meat that's all going to even out to give us a really fatty sausage."
"Perfection really starts with choosing a great cut of meat, and we're using a nice packer brisket, prime grade from Costco."
"High quality meat shipped right to your door."
"I remember reading a news story within the last two years, someone had stolen a semi full of like meat and they were selling the meat out of like a parking lot out in Lake Commerce or something like that."
"Porter Road showcases rare cuts that deserve to be appreciated and served on our tables."
"This is meat's flavorful enough on its own."
"There's a kind of self-reflective insight in realizing the nature of those meats."
"If you are a fan of carved Meats, this will be your Paradise."
"The best cuts of meat to use are generally the most flavorful."
"The hyper processed narrative about plant-based meats might be gaining traction in some circles, but many consumers are giving more clean label leeway to meat and dairy alternatives due to believed sustainability trade-offs."
"There is no more nutrient-dense thing you can eat than meat."
"The meat was so tender, probably the most tender tapa I've ever eaten."
"As you can see this number 12 will go through this 12 pounds of meat in a pretty big hurry."
"I know you're thinking it but the meat wasn't bad it wasn't rotten or anything like that, it's just when you're using vacuum sealed meat sometimes it can smell."
"Please get your meat from Good Ranchers."
"We did good with meat this morning."
"You're the reason why I've stopped eating meat. You're the reason why I've gone vegan."
"It's cool when someone comes up and says, 'I stopped eating meat because of you guys.'"
"We have to eat meat. We cannot survive without the nutrients found in meat."
"It was tender and crispy, the best meat ever."
"When you eat meat you are actually killing the [ __ ] animal to eat it."
"Texture of brisket but the tenderness of tenderloin."
"It's so tempting to start chopping and cutting and slicing that fat off... but it's that fat rendering out and protecting the meat."
"This is absolutely beautiful meat. This is the most gorgeous looking meat that I've ever seen on a brisket and it's not even close."
"If you want to produce the absolute best tasting smoke flavor possible on your meat, get a large offset."
"If you have a relationship with the farmer and you can get your meat in that way, that's a great way to do it."
"They must have meat fat, their brains have to have meat fat to have developed like that."
"There's nothing like glamorous about meat."
"Those are all great reasons to buy a half a beef or half a hog."
"I love every type of meat pretty much chicken fish you know everything so I can't do that [ __ ]."
"Use a meat thermometer, then you do not have to guess if your meat is done."
"Low and slow cooking: great for tenderizing meat."
"That place is a meat lovers' paradise, seriously delicious beef ribs."
"Just eat less meat, you can still eat meat, you can still eat all the animal products you like but just eat less of them."
"One of my favorite bone-in cuts of meat is oxtail."
"During lean times in America, expensive cuts of meat gave way to humbler ones such as oxtail."
"There are many different ways to butcher beef ribs."
"My freezer is full of ButcherBox."
"None of their meat is ever given antibiotics or added hormones."
"Burgers, no more burgers man, you need to cut off on the meat."
"We talk about meat far more along the lines of 'eat less of it and eat better quality and buy the best that you can afford.'"
"...if your meat's not tender yet let it simmer until it is don't stop eat it on tender and then write a bad review that makes no sense."
"From farm to table: the journey of a butchered meat."
"With Butcher Box, you get high quality meat for around six dollars a meal."
"Just because they get older doesn't mean that they need any less of what they always needed which is meat."
"...when it comes to meats, you're going to want to not just eyeball it but use a good instant-read thermometer to make sure your meal is cooked all the way through."
"If you're going to be starting to reduce or eliminate meat you want to start with the ones that we know are the most dangerous for us...processed meats are the ones that we know are the most dangerous for us."
"All it does is dry it out when it's sitting still you let the juices sell in it naturally and you're not drying the meat out."
"By using that probe, you're cutting down on your cooking time, cutting down on the cost, and obviously keeping that really super moist meat."
"These literally taste I can't even describe if you've not tried it these tastes exactly the same as meat."
"I'm excited to go through all those meats again."
"Organ is the most versatile meat. Meat tree, you got ham, you got bacon, you got pork belly."
"The single best thing that you can do that's going to improve your ribs and your pork, but really any meat."
"The probably the single best thing that you can do that's going to improve your ribs and your pork, but really any meat, is go to the butcher."
"There really has never been a properly done study that can show that meat causes any of those things [cancer, diabetes]."
"Meat is the most nutrient-dense perfect food for humans. It just is."
"If you're like me you're probably a pretty busy dude and you're running around all over the place you're trying to build stuff you don't have time to go to the store who's got time to go to the store but you want good quality meat that's where good shop comes in."
"ButcherBox has extremely high-quality meat."
"the meat it's so flavorful it's so tender you bite through it it's like you just bit a stick of butter that's made of meat."
"We're trying to make an animal that we can put into a breeding program that's going to give them the high marbling, consistency, ribeye, the tenderness."
"I eat predominantly only meat but I don't touch it."
"They won't even notice it's not regular meat."
"The meat is super delicious once it's braised down."
"This meat was raised outside on pasture, organically fed, and this is just a higher quality product that I'm willing to spend."
"Meat is one of the most nutrient dense forms of food you'll find on the planet."
"Meat does this. It's very nutrient dense."
"The fats in meats are not bad like they say for most people."
"Meat is the best source of protein."
"Butcher Box is a subscription-based service that takes all the guesswork out of finding high quality meats because that's all they deal with - high quality meat."
"This was so, so good, it fell right off the bone."
"The finest piece of meat available in the world."
"...this soup works really well with any type of meat..."
"This is one of those pieces of meat that deserves a moment of silence."
"This meat is darker, it's got a sweeter taste to it, really, really good."
"The fats in red meat are healthier, we see less inflammation from red meat, better amino acid profile from red meat."
"You could just see how cleanly the meat fell off the bone, it's very tender."
"I love rice dishes when you add meat with veggies in it; it looks so good."
"Come here for the meat, stay for the seafood."
"The flavor of that meat hits, guys, it really does."
"You absolutely do get everything you need in the proportion that you need it if you're only eating meat."
"I've never ever tasted meat so tender."
"Porter Road is a butcher shop in Nashville, Tennessee, that focuses on providing you with the best quality meat."
"If you've never bought meat online before, I highly recommend it."
"Let's go back to the safety of our evolutionary safest food which is meat."
"Smoking the meat and drying it over fire is an energetically profitable operation."
"That's how you make it a meal, you go ahead and get your veggie skewer with that delicious meat."
"Fatty red meat is one of the most nutrient-dense things on the planet."
"The beef is tender, what kind of beef was it again? Beef shanks, alright, that's tender."
"It's all about the quality of the meat that you use."
"If you've never tried it, it's completely different to any other cut of meat."
"We've been taught for so long that meat is bad when it's like the most nutrient-dense food on the planet."
"It's the most tender with beef flavor."
"The best flavor of the meat is always to be around the bone."
"It's a lean meat high in protein and low in fat."
"Germany has to be one of the best places for meat eaters."
"That's the best I've ever seen anybody cook meat."
"First thing we got to do is we got to grab our meats right here."
"This could be the single best bite of meat I've ever had."
"It may well be that totally eliminating meat from your diet is just not viable."
"We eat more meat now than we ever did."
"Meat is a very good source of fats and proteins and it's going to contain zero sugar."
"They're super uniform so they cook well, they're meaty, they're well marbled and pretty much the perfect rib."
"These are not dairy cows; these cows they're specialized for meat production."
"Duck is amazing, this is one of the best meats of all."
"This is one of the nicest cuts of meat, certainly the tastiest."
"This is a brisket I picked up at my local HEB, it's about 13 pounds and it's USDA prime."
"They stay juicier, they're meatier, and in my opinion, they're a much better cut of meat."
"Delicious piece of meat; you can do all kinds of stuff with this, that's one of the beautiful things about it."
"They're like little nuggets of meat candy, and that's exactly what you want."
"This food is some of the best meat we've ever had, it really is spectacular, breathtakingly good."
"These are the marinated meats, the kofta lamb, wonderful chicken."
"It was like stepping into a Holy Cathedral of meat."
"If you're a meat lover, if you love barbecue food, I don't think you'll be disappointed in this restaurant."
"It's nice that we don't have to defrost any meat. It just gets delivered to your home like this."
"Let your meat rest. It doesn't matter what kind of meat it is, you always let it rest before you slice it."
"This is a 44 Farms Prime brisket out of Cameron, Texas."
"That meat is like extremely tender, what this tastes like is like a pork belly when you go to a Chinese restaurant."
"If you're gonna eat meat all the time, at least make sure that it's tasty and delicious."
"When it comes to meat, whether we're talking salmon sashimi or fresh beef burger patties, we can all agree that freshness is key."
"It's an incredibly tender red meat with a subtle flavor."
"It's all meat from a local butcher's."
"The quality of that meat is unmatched in this area."
"Having a box of meat show up at your front door with Premium Cuts is something that's going to Delight every griller and barbecuer that I know."
"It's literally like bacon-wrapped sirloin, pretty much juicy sirloin steak."
"I got my hands on an Angus beef USDA prime, not just a choice, it's about 15 and a half pounds."
"They're super generous with their meat."
"This is a meat lover paradise on a plate."
"When it comes to meat, make it healthier by choosing lean cuts of meat."
"Meat is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet."
"I love buying my meat whenever possible from local sources."
"I would love to be vegetarian, I just like meat too much."
"This has to be one of my favorite cuts because look, you've got a double whammy, you've got two nice eyes of meat and these beautiful little fillets inside."
"It's juicy, very controlled, allowing me to enjoy the savory taste of the meat itself."
"You can taste the spices in there, it's really permeated through the meat."
"Literally, the meat is like melt in your mouth, it's really sweet."
"I want all the flavors from this meat to come out."
"This is a tough meat, so you're gonna have to cook it in a wet method and form to get really good and tender."
"Current patterns of meat consumption are fundamentally inherently unsustainable."
"It's one of the driest meats and so hard to cook properly."
"Meat, meat, meat, that is the highlight of Serbian food."
"This is a meat lover's paradise here in Jakarta."
"This piece right here is a really good piece of meat."
"Just can't beat the Mad Butcher's meat."
"Arby's, the house that meat built."
"On Thursdays, we have superkanja with meat."
"The meat incredibly juicy and well cooked, super tender."
"This is the most beautiful cut of meat that you ever want to try."