
Studio Work Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Studio Orange is one of those Studios where you take as much time as you need to cook."
"The best thing he could have did, he got in the studio and worked at it."
"Give Ross, Cee Lo, and Nas and everybody can get out the studio."
"Phenomenal work, y’all. Shame on me for sleeping on this studio’s work."
"It's amazing to see high-caliber work done in a studio that seems accessible to most."
"I get pulled in a hundred different directions each day at the studio."
"Stop quite loud, okay? When I work on drums and bass, I need to hear the punch. I need to hear how aggressive it is. Is it too aggressive? Not enough?"
"I think some of the art our studios are making is some of the finest entertainment in the world."
"I can't believe it, I successfully created my first soap in the new studio."
"If you're a photo person that's very very serious about doing studio work or just like any kind of high intensity work where focus is a priority, this camera is fantastic for you."
"essentially what you need to do is you need to find a place of comfort where you know how things sound and you can replicate that"
"I still very much do, but I'd say in the last kind of a year and a half I've very much just found a new love for kind of the studio part of it."
"Kind of a messed up note there let's try using a little bit more take one let's move it a little further over."
"...the sentiment of these songs being some of the best work from the studio is one that's not only held by fans but also echoed by those who worked on the film..."
"This video single-handedly is gonna make you more money in the studio."
"When you're an artist, you also need to learn like what you love and what you don't like. So I learned a bunch of things that I don't like, but that doesn't mean I won't do it in my own studio."
"I do pride myself on being efficient in the studio but a lot of that has to do with just time on task like I've just done it as million times right and so I'm not surprised by things or I'm not wondering what I'm supposed to do in certain situations you know."
"Magic of working in the studios, you can do so."
"I used to [ __ ] come to the studio every day."
"That's my natural progression, you know? That's where I belong. And so, it felt good to really be in the studio."
"How do you decide what to focus on and prioritize since moving into the studio and having that organization it is a lot easier to figure out what I'm going to be doing."
"I think the pandemic honestly saved my ass because I wasn't going to the studio as much."
"I'm learning so much and I don't even realize it until I go into the studio."
"The more flexible you are in your ability to work in a studio, the better you can be at it because there's no one way that's going to work every time."
"The studio is very much part of the creative process and that there are no boundaries to what you can achieve with music."
"We're back in the studio, and we've been away traveling. We go, we come back."
"Time is money in the studio, so we need to move fast."
"Perfect lens for studio portrait shooter, studio product shots."
"We hope that it's going to make your studio time a lot easier and your sessions a lot more successful."
"I have missed being in my studio, I have missed you guys."
"All right, it's time to be back in the studio again, my friends."
"For studio work, these are just the best image quality to versatility to usability as far as I'm concerned."
"There's much lower hanging fruit that are going to get you much better results in the studio."
"For Studios or Advanced users, a great render engine is often the difference between working late into the night with stressful overtime or having a normal work week."
"So let's head on into the studio now and let's get started."
"Always remember don't go into your studio unless you're planning to change the world, and always paint with passion."
"But that was fun because I enjoyed just doing sound design and I really enjoyed being in the studio."
"People work in the studios have very high motivation; they're very good people and they're very creative people."
"We were able to approach it like a song and incorporate all that kind of musicianship and really use the studio to its fullest."
"What a great day to play in the studio."
"It's more like working on a wall in a creative studio."
"It's made in Cameron's studio on their lathes, and that's awesome."
"Usually the studio tasks are quite fraught and tense... but this is quite a chill studio task."
"Now we're going to be walking through what I do in my studio to put these two images together and create one beautiful art piece for your clients."
"Get tools that will save you time; that is money well spent in the studio."
"It's so amazing working with a studio that really cares."
"I'm back in the studio, maybe I'll get out and go for a walk later just to enjoy the rest of this beautiful spring day."