
Spectatorship Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Just sit on the sidelines, grab a marshmallow, and watch it all burn."
"People want to watch other people play video games."
"People loved it for the challenge and spectators loved it for the thrill."
"This is what they came to Atlantic City to watch: great players producing top-level drama."
"I'd really like to see regular football come back where we can watch and enjoy and let the guys play and figure out who wins on the field not by a referee throwing a stupid flag."
"We are witnessing history in action. Oh, I can't watch, and I can't turn away."
"Wales is the only team which is happy with the point. They play with 10 in the back, terrible to watch."
"It's not us, we're actually watching it with you guys."
"Nobody wants to see a race finish on the safety car we want the spectacular last lap or a few laps."
"It's like watching two sports teams at a championship game. They're neck-and-neck, and you don't care about either of them."
"As long as there's iconic names putting their names in and about, people are going to pay to watch it."
"Games, especially great ones, are meant to be played and not always watched."
"They walk their dogs, they go to Starbucks, they sit ringside at cage fights and shear wildly as someone tears every ligament in their knee because they took too long to tap."
"Forget about whether or not you believe that this player is this good and you want to prove that you're right. Just watch it for what it is."
"It's easy to be a spectator; it's hard to try and do something real."
"The man in the arena thing... it's easy to be a spectator."
"It's not just about a spectating experience that you have, it's something you're participating in."
"Talladega may not be the greatest display of racing, but it is the greatest display of humanity."
"That's kind of like why I love watching some sports games, the big swings, the huge plays."
"People wanna see you get the [expletive] kicked out of you."
"We need to sit back and just appreciate what we're watching right here."
"The fate of the competitors is simply entertainment for them. The VIPs don’t care about the needs or survival of the contestants."
"Sometimes he just wanted to watch the world burn."
"They're the real losers because here's the thing they're on the sidelines watching."
"Hopefully Dresden's still watching after Steven specifically not knowing your name."
"We are animals. We're violent, bloodthirsty animals cheering on the villain in the situation."
"It may well be that we spectators, who are not divinely gifted as athletes, are the only ones able truly to see, articulate, and animate the experience of the gift we are denied."
"There's just a real sense of anticipation from this crowd, and it's interesting because there doesn't seem to really be a rooting interest here. It's just that they are fans of good play."
"It's everything that 30,056 in person thought it would be and millions more across the country got to see a classic as well."
"Well, it's just as huge as it gets right now. It is an international sport that is on par with everything else right now that everybody wants to see and watch."
"The football season is underway and the itch to experience the game in person consumes us all."
"Unlike modern racing events Goodwood is happy to allow the spectators to get right up next to the cars something that greatly enhances the Public's connection to the race."
"... Formula 1 is a sport about the humans. We want to tune in and see the drivers, see the strategist. Human error comes into play."
"People have been home watching football now a chance for them to get out and watch some football in person."
"He got it, he got all of it. It was an upper decker. Great grab by the fan right there, wow."
"The fans here getting a great show today at Chicagoland Speedway."
"People pay to watch damage, people pay to watch guys get hurt."
"Absolutely brutal but quite enjoyable to watch as a spectator, no?"
"A very good position for us as spectators."
"That was when we were in Portland and I was playing, so changed when I'm sitting on the sidelines trying to get ready and getting to watch it mostly as a fan."
"Batphone seems to be set in a drinking establishment within tranquility base Hotel and Casino called tinsel City, a place where everybody has been grandfathered in and life has become a spectator sport."
"...fans sent lemonade and fanned themselves with copies of the program. The river was jammed with yachts at anchor, their teak decks crowded with race fans, many of them wearing crisp nautical whites and royal blue caps with gold braid."
"The role of the work in the spectator are modified and the sizing active participation in the work is perhaps more important than passive contemplation."
"I think it was really good, all the spectators I talked to seem to really love it."
"I was like a spectator watching his life in a film."
"They really embrace it, and you kind of feel it, and you just kind of get, you can't help yourself but really really get into the sport as a spectator."
"American flat track is pretty excellent. I think it's a pretty excellent spectator sport."
"I love watching them, I love watching them, like it's almost as fun as being there playing."
"We're trying to give them that part of a practice and to make it more interesting for the spectators and motivational."
"It has been very entertaining from a neutral point of view."
"Three true outcome baseball is highly detrimental to the spectator experience."
"At the end of the day, we all have to remember that we are spectators on something that is happening very much in reality, something that is really affecting somebody else's life."
"It's really a lot of fun to not only drive but to watch."
"I'm gonna continue to watch it; I'm really interested to see where this ends up, will it be like a pro sport with competitions or will it stay as an underground sport."
"A quarter of a million spectators lined the shores, bidding a fond farewell to this magnificent vessel."
"It was a rather emotional experience for people standing on the sidelines."
"It's a great opportunity for people to see incredible golf on such a spectacular and very exclusive golf course."
"Let's just accept that it's a performance sport."
"People that just spectate are guaranteed to lose."
"The Australians approach their spectatorship of these races a little bit differently than elsewhere in the world."
"It's awfully exciting and interesting for the fans at home."
"I want our path to be elevated up like over the animals, so then people who come to spectate the animals can stand here and sort of look down at the exhibits."
"It really was one of those fights where I didn't even really know who exactly I wanted to win."
"There are millions of cheap seats in the world today filled with people who will never once step foot in that arena."
"That was an intense battle, and look at all the spectators clapping on the side, that is amazing."
"It's something special, gives me a special feeling seeing all these people."
"It was an exciting game to watch."
"What is the point of skating as a spectator? It's meant to be emotionally moving."
"That was fun to watch, a lot of fun to watch."
"So the next time you're watching a Formula One Grand Prix at the track or on television, I hope what we have shown you will help to make the race more enjoyable."
"They did a good job making it more of a spectator sport."
"The chorus is the ideal spectator, not by standing back, but by being involved."
"A lot of people leaning forward to get a view of this action."
"I just love the relief of not having to compete. I just love being a spectator."
"I believe I'm quite content as a spectator, thank you."
"I'm very excited to watch this race."
"It's just something so amazing about seeing that as a spectator."
"It's the heart of racing, handlebar to handlebar, that's what you came to see."
"There is a tipping point; if regular season scores start to get into the 170s, even the 12-year-olds are going to be like, 'Alright, this is insane. I can't watch this anymore.'"
"Almost every seat in the grandstand is full as the field comes down through the tri-oval, and we are set to go racing 500 miles, 188 laps, the Winston 500 from Talladega Super Speedway is about to begin."
"Because the equipment and the rules, they kind of create an opportunity for points like this to exist and bring in amazing spectator quality and entertainment value."
"Hockey's such a good spectator sport, it's a great one."
"It's a game where you want people to go, watch the match, and you want to get your kids and your family home safely."
"I would love to watch that happen."