
Error Detection Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"If we receive the message and it has some corruption, we can use that to detect that there was an error."
"In some cases, you may want to quickly identify all the name errors in an Excel worksheet."
"This is why it's so important to have a high cadence... to start to see potential errors and engineer around them."
"They knew there were these discrepancy errors right as far back as 2010."
"A test failure is a definitive statement that our code is not working."
"One of the goals of the unit tests that we write should be that whenever the code is not doing the right thing at least one of our unit tests should fail."
"The best part about Highlight is it makes detecting those errors so easy so you can fix them before you have tons of churn on your site."
"When someone is so sure that something is wrong, it's usually because something is wrong."
"The bug is always where you aren't looking because otherwise you would have found it by now."
"Us as humans are so good at identifying when something looks wrong, but we're not that good at identifying what looks wrong or why."
"I'd much rather find a mistake in a sub-10-minute prototype rather than print the whole thing and find it doesn't fit because I was overconfident."
"If that plan shows any changes from the deployed state to the current the current config on your main branch, to raise an error and so that can be an easy check to see if something was changed out of band and find that very quickly"
"In addition to the bit rots, the checksums can also detect phantom writes, misdirected reads and writes, parity errors, and even device driver bugs."
"Now, once verification is complete, you can see that it actually did find some stuff wrong."
"Make sure you're employing static analysis, catching programming errors and stylistic errors right at the development stage."
"Types catch errors early, providing immediate and informative feedback."
"It is very important to use a good code analyzer that is going to analyze your code and tell you if you have any hidden errors or weaknesses in your code."
"None of these calls relate to faults which would have had an effect on the Integrity of the information held on the system."
"It is much better to know about errors during compile time rather than when the program crashes during runtime."
"Finding errors at compile time, you just made a big win."
"TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, is celebrated for its ability to catch errors early in the development process."
"Using model monitor, machine learning models are monitored and errors are detected so that you as a customer can take remedial actions."
"Boom, there's our problem. We've got something wrong here, there's something that's not correct in our login or password."
"If there's no sign of any system error...then you are not going to get any further."
"It will be your job to select the group of words that contains the mistake."
"You can never trust a fast render; that almost always means that something's wrong."
"Syntax highlighting makes things so much easier to spot errors."
"In all cases, the system is designed to identify such failures and handle them."
"If the result of calling square of 2 does not equal 4, there's a bug in my program, there's a bug in my function, I've made a mistake."
"It is possible for errors to pass undetected through various checks, which is why most procedures incorporate multiple independent checks to verify critical information."
"I'm going to try and figure out how to detect when I'm wrong quickly and efficiently."
"Rebuilding a model is often the best way of finding errors."
"If you find errors in your test process and you set it up correctly, you'll be able to know if your design, requirement, or verification needs tweaking."
"The earlier you can discover flaws or errors, the more flexibility you have to adapt."
"Monitoring your credit report is essential for catching errors and staying informed about your financial health."
"A static analyzer will actually look at your code and try and detect various errors that you may have unintentionally written."
"Wouldn't it be nice if you made a typo or you forgot to do something, and there were actually errors that appeared and told you which line they are on and how to fix them?"
"If you write it out, a lot of times you catch those mistakes."
"Don is well known for sending a check for two dollars and 56 cents, one hexadecimal dollar, to anyone who can spot an error in his work."
"NASA shows this during their management training program. New managers are given the task of trying to spot as many errors as possible."
"In early binding, most of the errors can be detected at compile time itself."
"The beauty of LabVIEW is, as soon as we make a mistake in our front panel or the block diagram, there is an error generated that tells us that we are making a mistake."
"The alignment has no effect on the reconstruction quality but an aligned scene may help finding errors like falsely reconstructed points much easier."
"If you didn't have feedback, you might never realize where errors are."
"Clang actually figures out that you missed a semicolon and it also shows you how to fix it."
"That misspelling was causing it to break."
"The flow of going from slice to slice is going to help you identify the errors much easier; they're going to pop out at you."
"It's very easy to program and catch mistakes with this robot."
"The Hamming distance is simply the number of indices where the two words differ."
"We can detect the presence of a transmission error if the number of errors is less than the distance of the code minus one."
"Syntax highlighting helps you spot the error."
"My whole programming is about trying to find my mistakes before they get hidden too deeply."
"It's just another tool in the toolkit that allows us to detect these kinds of errors."
"If your code highlight is not colored properly, you probably did a typo."
"It's just easier to be able to catch your errors on the go than it is to realize it later and then have to frog and waste all your time."
"The mirror view... it gives me a new perspective on my drawing and makes it easy to see if I have composition or proportions errors in my drawing."
"The best people to find mistakes in what you've done are other people because they believe they're there."
"I've become a big fan of static typing because I like the compiler to find my errors."
"Modern strongly typed languages like Java or C++ make it so that violations of the type system will show up either at compile time or at runtime."
"The key is to write your program in such a way that the compiler can very easily tell you where the problems are."
"Testing is the process of executing a program or system with the intent of finding errors."
"With machine learning, we now have a tool that is tailor-made to find these errors as it can learn just like humans learn."
"Every single one of these is now caught as a compile-time error."
"That's a great example of test-driven development helping us out because we caught a typo."
"The compiler will help us by catching mistakes."
"It's almost impossible to catch all of the errors and bugs that will, without a doubt, appear when developing a game, but with Backtrace, you can make sure all of these errors are caught before the release date."