
Intangible Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Christmas spirit is not something on paper, it's something you feel."
"Dignity is an intangible value you cannot measure in a test tube."
"Poetry helps make the intangible feel, well, more tangible."
"You can't put a price to everything, sometimes there are things that you can't buy like sunsets or the imagination."
"Love is the great intangible. It's hard to really explain, it's hard to like accurately articulate, convey."
"Ideas, not things, are what I care about."
"These things are things money cannot buy."
"It's one of the most difficult senses to capture and measure, but somehow it transcends humanity."
"Charm transcends more obvious tangible traits, all while remaining just beneath the surface."
"It's actually what can't be measured that is the most valuable."
"Just because something is tangible in the moment, that doesn't mean it's superior to the seemingly intangible dreams."
"Love is a calorie you can't count."
"Spiritual is simply those aspects of life that cannot be measured in a laboratory."
"In the whole history of the world, there is but one thing that money cannot buy, to wit the wag of a dog's tail."
"Some things in this world can be bought with money, other things with prestige and power. This, this was something no amount of money could buy, nor any amount of power or prestige could pay."
"You can't buy it, but it will cost you. But it's worth it."
"I love the things you cannot take away."
"True success, true wealth, transcends the tangible."
"There's an intangible sort of Magic that comes with it."
"A testament to the idea that the intangible ties that bind us to our homes are stronger than the allure of material wealth or the grandeur of modernity."
"The best things in life can't be packaged, bottled up, and sold."
"Love is one of those weird things. Everybody's definition is going to be different. It's an intangible thing."
"There's something about that that you can't put a price tag on and it translates to this hunger and desire for success."
"The high places of life does not have a physical location. It is an intangible thing."
"I'm a romantic. I don't believe it all comes down to what you can measure. I think there's got to be something more."
"What you gave to him is something no money could buy. Merry Christmas."
"Value is counted in money is quantitative in one way in a capitalist Society but then value is the intangible value is what we're doing."
"Leadership is intangible. No weapon or impersonal piece of machinery can take its place. It involves a constant interplay between the leader and the led."
"The best things in life are invisible. All the best things in life that we really live for you can't see or measure."
"Not everything that counts can be counted."
"10 things money can't buy: manners, morals, respect, character, Common Sense, trust, patience, class, integrity, and love."
"It's not necessarily the storyline or even everything to do with the game itself. It's this like X factor that it had."
"I was told before going into philosophy and warned about ever spending time doing philosophy is that it's very intangible knowledge."
"Culture is like air. You breathe it in."
"That's happiness money can't buy."
"Love is a gift. You can't buy it, win it, or barter it."
"All the money in the world can't buy what I have right now."
"It's the experiences that you can't just buy that sit with you."
"At the end of the day our connection is far beyond anything materialistic."
"Christmas spirit cannot be measured that is an intangible value Christmas spirit is just something in the air."
"Sentimental value is a true value; it doesn't have a dollar amount, but it's a real value."
"I have treasure that money cannot buy."
"You cannot put a price on happiness."
"The it factor is an intangible that you possess to find a way to get it done."
"Sometimes that means more than anything."
"The Joy wasn't visible; no, The Joy was so deep you couldn't dig it up."
"You can't buy that kind of happiness."
"Wealth is the things you don't see."
"There's just an intangible wonderfulness to them."
"You can't put a dollar value on that."
"Pictures are great to have for memories, but sometimes you need that memory that core memory inside that can't be attached to a picture."
"You can't touch music, man, but music can touch you."
"Love is a gift. It's worth more than any money you have in your pocket."
"Brand names are identifiable, non-monetary, and have no physical substance."
"Love is not something you can weigh and measure, it's something that you can feel."
"Human capital is part of our intangible capital valuation."
"It's not really about material stuff, it's about the moments that we share."
"Love is priceless; you can't just pay your way to love."
"We get satisfaction by growing our inner resources as well. They are uncountable in monetary terms."
"There's something there that you can't create; that's just like a love and a bond there."
"What separates us is the intangible things, how we develop and shape the individual."
"The most meaningful and most real things in life are not visible."
"The physical doesn't hold the greatest treasures for you right now, but spirit does, the spiritual does."
"That woman makes you want to move something, and that's not necessarily tangible, that's intangible; it's inspiration."
"I just want to create a memory that's more of a gift to me than something physical."
"Loss and gain is not in wealth; it is not tangible. Loss and gain is in amal."
"There's no monetary value to friendship."
"There is something about you which is beyond the physical that allows you to think and feel that's not attainable scientifically."
"The magic can't be assessed in the classroom. It's this wordless understanding that bound two people together."
"I started to become aware of something that was untouchable."
"You can tell how rich you are by counting how many things you have that money cannot buy."
"Life is more exciting when you're looking at things that you can't touch, taste, feel, hear, and see."
"The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express."
"True security... is a kind of security money cannot give us."
"It's sort of that magic that you can't put your finger on; do they have it or do they not?"
"That hunger, that's the motivation you can't test."
"We have a connection to the ocean that it's really hard to measure."
"It's hard to define what exactly that is, but it's that kind of it factor."
"The nature of the mind is like space because you can't grasp it, you can't divide it."
"It's a sort of je ne sais quoi that cannot be taught."
"Faith is something that you can't see, touch, or interact with through your five senses."
"Money cannot purchase you tickets to this."
"You see that instant connection, chemistry, something you can't create. You have it or you don't."
"You can't see love, you can't hold love in your hands."
"Love is not something that could be bought, it is an emotion, it is a feeling."
"It's all these beautiful things that money can't buy."
"Faith is believing in something that you can't prove."
"Teams and individuals grow during that informal time, it is the intangible quality that we're all trying to capture in the ultimate team game."
"It's not material things for me; it's more spiritual and the things that aren't physical and can't be seen into the natural eye that I feel blessed to have."
"The core of our book is about the movement to these intangible assets."
"It's the things that you just can't put your finger on."
"Style cannot be bought; style does not have a price tag."