
Archetype Quotes

There are 309 quotes

"Robin Hood is the classic chaotic good archetype: a figure devoted to justice and heroism in direct opposition to the laws of the land."
"This Faye is a cheeky foul-mouthed con woman with a heart of gold, which isn't the most original archetype but her cryo-sleep-induced amnesia adds some distinct dimension to it."
"You're closing out this cycle here because also there's an archetypal thing that's been shifting and happening."
"Jacob is unquestionably an archetype of Christ."
"The Ranger remains such an enduring archetype because Aragorn from the Lord of the Rings is the prototypical example."
"He taps into this warrior goddess archetype."
"In a typical high fantasy archetype, the wanderer who wanders alone is typically one of the strongest characters."
"Luke... has become a template for how to write a well-rounded and developed character."
"At the end of the day, they are a family, and they are an archetype that's out there."
"Every single one of us has an archetype that we naturally identify with more than the others."
"He looks like a typical All-American handsome, good smile, nice hair, and casual."
"I feel like Arthur's kind of Batman at the beginning."
"You guys are also really mysterious. I don't feel like you let a lot of people in and this person thinks you're kind of like the Manic Pixie dream girl archetype."
"Emulating the hunter archetype means accepting your place as a bulwark between civilization and the terrors of the wilderness."
"The Haunting of Hill House...it's like one of the perfect haunted house stories."
"Pluto is the archetype, it's the heralding body of this whole new type of planet, the dwarf planets."
"The story itself features the archetype of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey."
"He's the one responsible for the trend of cartoons having that one baby or younger character who acts wise beyond their years."
"Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, and power."
"The love life of a man reveals the psychology of this archetype in the form either of boundless fascination, overvaluation, and infatuation, or of misogyny in all its gradations and variants."
"There's something that really wants your attention; it's a content of the collective unconscious as it were; it's an archetype."
"The fighter is just your archetypical fantasy hero."
"We need to bring them right up to date; what is the trickster archetype now, what does that look like?"
"The Mighty Thor, AKA Jane Foster, she's really dead. The universe has taught us all what it means to be worthy."
"...the Life of Christ is Archetypal to a high degree, it represents to just that degree the life of the archetype."
"The feminine archetype is one of understanding that there is no right or wrong, there is no good and evil, there's only balance and coherence within nature systems."
"Young considered the Hermes archetype to be a guide that assists in the alchemical process of individual psyches."
"Daryl's the classic Lone Wolf archetype but he's very clearly not a lone wolf and that's where the character of Daryl Dixon differentiates himself from all other characters with tough exteriors."
"The Matrix follows the classic hero's journey archetype."
"At the end of the day, the choice for all of us, no matter the archetype, is whether we are gracing something or withholding grace."
"Carrie is the unacknowledged first female anti-hero on television."
"You are the White Witch in this person's eyes."
"That's a classic transformation story. It appears in the literature time and time again."
"Death and rebirth is often used in myth to represent the archetypal nature of the sun, moon, and stars."
"He was a man's man, he was your everyday every man almost like your John Wayne of racing."
"The age of Aquarius is also a sign, an archetype having to do with groups."
"Female empowerment is not built off of one single archetype that they push to women that changes every couple decades. Women's fulfillment, women's true empowerment, okay not this true empowerment is not a trend."
"Euron is actually the archetypical Greyjoy."
"The archetype of the vulnerable hero invokes a desire to encourage and nurture."
"Heroes Journeys and like certain patterns that are in like all fantasy stories."
"She's the template for many getting into goth culture."
"Even though it's an archetype, it's a fine archetype to me because it's like a thing a lot of people deal with."
"Pushing the envelope and testing boundaries is a characteristic of the rebel archetype."
"Brando's portrayal of a resolute cowboy became a template for anti-heroic western characters to follow."
"To embrace more of the lover archetype, let yourself feel, love, and experience things."
"There's no character who better represents the magical girls of their world than Sayaka."
"Men like you are the type of men that I'd be talking about."
"Man, therefore, is a self-motivating being, and in his self-motivation, he is moving gradually and inevitably toward the great archetype of the universe itself, which is also a vast self-moving organism moving exactly according to law."
"I think we can all agree that Patrick Bateman is the Undisputed God of Sigma male characters."
"Almost every culture in human history has a trickster god, you know, a joker, the cosmic joker."
"The Assassin subclass... ushers your Rogue down a path traveled often by hired killers, bounty hunters, and assassins."
"he was the epitome of what a champion was all about"
"the villain being an ominous reflection of who the hero could become is often an important part of storytelling."
"Starfire is the Girl Next Door, a little bit confused but her heart's always in the right place."
"The child archetype is an incredibly numinous archetype that contains within it this image of Futurity and the promise of new rights."
"You're being viewed as a king of Cups, Emperor's type of energy."
"You embody your Queen of Swords energy heavily."
"This is the monomyth—a complex and multifaced framework that takes on many different forms in various tales and myths."
"Zorro is definitely the stoic badass type."
"Sure, so in an astrological context, part of this approach then represents trying to focus more on the archetype rather than focusing on the particular or making specific statements."
"Lori Strode is kind of the quintessential final girl and there is a lot of reasons for that."
"I believe that we are in a new age where there's new archetypes being blended and born."
"...it's the quintessential superhero story."
"The need to not be ordinary is such a deep thread that goes all the way archetypally to the belief that if you're extraordinary, the ordinary can't happen to you."
"The historic image of the wandering Samurai became fascinating."
"She's not perfect but she is a perfect example of a nice nasty hero."
"This is the quintessential like fairy tale."
"Her character is the Bruce Willis character kind of in this diehard clone that it is."
"Every character in A Song of Ice and Fire both embodies a specific fantasy archetype and subverts that archetype."
"The Spicy Latina is, first and foremost, a fantasy—a blend of the sinister and the sensual."
"This isn't the intern being settled with the manager's job. Gotta love a classic chosen one story."
"Anything that is attended to by multitudes of people over long periods of time tends to take on an archetypal nature."
"Dwalin is meant to be the Rough and Tumble Warrior of the group."
"He is the elevated version of the archetype that so many people fall in love with."
"The King archetype loves that you're playful, generous, spontaneous, and fun. You have an independent side, you're not extremely needy, and you have your own interests and hobbies."
"The servant is the counter character to the idol."
"...salana, the archetype of salana is super strong... and now with this whole phase change of salana, the evolution of salana into something greater, is now needing a new archetype which is like the governance archetype."
"Every man feels like he's a man's man, every woman feels like he's a woman's man. Everybody embraces him. Kenny is like the John Wayne of country music."
"Certainly an archetypal force in nature. There is no doubt about that."
"Mariner fits what I've decided to call an anti-establishment archetype."
"There are archetypes, things that the brain will produce, things that are so common to the structure of the homo sapiens sapiens brain and existence."
"There were artists who didn't even seem to make much sense in the traditional pop archetype."
"It's kind of hard to describe, but it's just like there's a main character archetype."
"Your destiny, properly stated from a Jungian perspective, is to consciously express an archetype and be the archetype."
"...it's a sign that we're headed in the right direction, or that an archetype has been activated, you know, that something is flowing, we've tapped into something, there's some energy that's supporting us, moving us along."
"...a synchronicity is sort of a sign in a way that we're headed in the right direction, or that, to put it another way, that an archetype has been activated."
"He’s the culmination of every other character’s story packed into one."
"Our personal suffering also has a deep and archetypal dimension to it which is so meaningful."
"Lyanna's an ice queen, she's a Night's Queen figure."
"Now once in there, there's usually three things that a hero finds: there's the test, there's the mentor, and there is the foe."
"Bogart is a kind of quintessence of some idea of an American hero that reverberates throughout the world."
"A hero is a figure not from the contingent world of history, but from the non-contingent metaphysical organic world of myth."
"One common aspect between all these shows is that most of them follow a somewhat formulaic protagonist. It's always this angsty teenage boy with the world against him, literally sometimes."
"Warrior and poet must be embodied in the same man or men are supposed to be both. We're supposed to be lovers and fighters, not one or the other."
"It's the format with which we most associate him: the good-for-nothing slacker and the occasionally dependable champion."
"Suddenly, I just saw the Hamlet archetype, you know, the Queen who kills off the husband and marries the other dude. That's when I was like, 'Oh wow,' and then I had my show."
"The golden age is marked by the introduction of superhero archetypes."
"I think the Dragon Reborn is a kind of retelling of Superman."
"Dark goddess archetypes are so powerful and amazing for helping people really step into their own, to reclaim their power and take up space."
"...he was the essence of the total player, the Paradigm of what basketball is all about."
"Every protagonist will always have an OP father."
"We all love a good superhero origin story."
"It's classic. It's good against evil. It's blonde versus brunette."
"We don't need to worship or work with any deities unless it is to study their archetype to become more like them."
"Hermes is the devil, a redeeming psychopomp, an evasive trickster, and God's reflection in physical nature."
"Vegeta is not only a character that makes up for some of the strongest moments in the series but he is also a character that people tend to believe is the strongest template for what an anti-hero is."
"In male-centered adult stories, Baba Yaga serves as a donor who mediates male anxieties."
"Love this guy he's such a cliche and classic villain that just wants power for himself and I love him for that."
"That's literally the reversal of the Spider-Man story, right?"
"I think if I had to describe myself as a DND class it would be Bard, but when I play, I play one of two archetypes..."
"One of the most important elements to a good and classic slasher film is not just a memorable badass and formidable foe that is the killer, but also the opposite end of the spectrum: the Lone Survivor, the final girl."
"You need to look at the archetypes within your wider category..."
"Cruella, by taking us deep into the character, reminds us that she is so much more than just that archetype."
"Why those stories work is not just because they're well told well plotted not just because they're entertaining or have something to say but because they are just rock solid on that archetypal level."
"Queen of Wands, spicy, spicy, spicy senorita."
"The Ethereal archetype came onto the scene at a later time, but I couldn't find out for sure who was the first to use it as a beauty archetype. I gravitate towards giving the credit to David Kitner."
"Sean Connery of course is perfect as the square jaw straight shooting Cowboy archetype."
"Superman is the definition of a hero."
"The problem is that's not how the rescue archetype should work. It should work like a lifeguard."
"Indiana Jones is a hero of that 40s, 50s mold."
"They see you as a combination of the high priestess and the queen of pentacles."
"We wanted to make him less of the 'Gee, Mr. Kent' type nerdy photographer."
"Especially because astrology-- Richard Tarnas, for example, always says that astrology is archetypically predictive rather than concretely predictive."
"When things happen to us that aren't planned and yet they are classic to Phoenix falling into the ashes, the thing about that archetype is that we know because this is the nature of the archetype that we are going to rise from these ashes."
"There's something about you where people get the sense that you're the Queen of Swords."
"I've always loved the fact that Chloe is meant to be the sweet girl next door archetype but also has a much edgier somewhat more rebellious side."
"From the gentle mother to the femme fatale."
"It is important because it is this archetypal struggle where you get the Knight's Queen in the tower."
"Johnny Utah is really in every man."
"Captain Giorgio was an archetypal good Starfleet officer."
"Every good article that you read from the beginning to the end, every book, basically Harry Potter, Star Wars, The Avengers, it doesn't matter what it is. The articles that I write, they all follow this same exact archetypical framework."
"Your performance, it was kind of like that Disney like archetype bully type of thing."
"It's a good classic enchantress deck."
"What I will say is like she represents kind of an archetype and the archetype has been done very badly a lot of times and I think that she is a very good version of that archetype."
"He was sort of the blueprint, I feel like, of the rock star."
"Psyche is basically an archetypal Disney princess."
"Valiant a private investigator that's pretty much all the character development he gets he's every PR you've ever seen in a film Noir trench coat Trilby notebook bottle of cheap bourbon in the drawer of his desk"
"Merrykat fills the void of a true gothic heroine."
"He's a bit of a weenie, slimy but slightly more badass than Prince Charming."
"Wolverine was the precursor to a darker hero."
"There comes a time in the life of most thoughtful persons when the archetype inside of himself cries out for recognition."
"Archetype Earth resonates most with the Crimson Moon."
"It is incredibly important that we do not demonize the warrior archetype."
"Superheroes and things like that are big in the culture because they bring the hero archetype out."
"Superman is quintessential, the icon, the theme on which everyone else is riffing."
"The mother archetype is expressed in nature... this is perhaps the most balanced and benevolent form of the mother's grace."
"This Riddler is the exact type of person The Joker would Prey Upon."
"This real need to, like you said, if I attract and I end up like dating a little boy and I kind of take on the archetype of the mother, it's, um, if the relationship ends or they go away or they pass away or they leave, right, then I feel like I have failed."
"He became more of an anti-hero to a degree."
"Everyone deep down in the subconscious has a primal Karen waiting to come out."
"Alice is just a cute innocent archetype, timid enough to be a good victim but still smart enough to fight back."
"Every epic story has not only timeless features like light and dark, fall and redemption, hero with a tragic flaw, but we’ve made those points."
"The hero and the witch are just two sides of the same coin."
"In a lot of ways, I view characters like this... the everyman and Superman or woman."
"And with that that is the newel aka the hungry Burger archetype done."
"The trickster is a precursor of the Savior."
"When you're possessed by the archetype of lover, that's when you see the value in everyone and therefore value no one."
"The archetype of lover thing will make it possible for you to experience another person as a partner, a delightful soulmate."
"Sacrifice is not only the name of the archetype in the original japanese but also a core part of their abilities."
"The most powerful archetype in the Toretto family is the grandmother."
"The parallels between the Blue-Eyes and Red-Eyes archetype are striking."
"'Most of them look to Superman as like, you know, the standard bearer for the DC Universe.' 'If you're going to make a darker version of a superhero universe, you take the most virtuous one and you just flip him around so he's the most evil one.'"
"Death is an archetypal experience."
"Through this understanding, you will learn how to harness your spiritual archetype, navigate life's challenges with Grace, and align more closely with your Soul's Calling."
"...the demon guy is actually kind of like the male version of the femme fatale he's a little bit dangerous and edgy but he's also very pretty..."
"The final girl in these little morality tales is the person who embodies the moral code that society thinks allows you to go forward in life."
"I think it was because we had tapped into some archetype which I'm completely unaware of at that point."
"At the core of every Leo, beyond all the stereotypes, is really two things: the hero or the heroine, and the romantic."
"You could be embodying Empress energy right now."
"Jinx from Arcane really exemplifies a good example of what this type of archetype that a lot of people want to play is."
"There is a distinction between the archetype and the manifestation of the archetype."
"Rupert was The Lovable teddy bear who worked hard played hard yet was a social Underdog."
"One of those archetypes is the mother archetype which represents safety, nurturing, and protection."
"I think of her like Gretchen Wieners or like, you know, one of those mean girls from the movie."
"With it guys that's the exodia archetype done."
"We're in a sense of crisis. The archetype of home and tribe is completely going through a shift."
"The wounded healer archetype is really powerful."
"Most notably, I go deeply into the Bodhisattva archetype, the wounded healer archetype which is massive for us these days."
"He is a fascinating character but for me, he's created by George Martin almost deliberately as a character who is there, as an archetype of someone who should be believed and should have some lots of attention paid to them but frankly tragically is not."
"The lone wolf is like the American archetype for an action movie anti-hero."
"You can be a nerd but you can also be an alpha."
"In a way, he's the ultimate American hero."
"Each sign is an archetype, and there is a spectrum of development within the archetype."
"But the plots are quite similar, and the plot is, you know, young, relatively innocent woman finds powerful, interesting, dangerous male, tames him, and then they live happily ever after."
"Both these archetypes, as practical experience shows, possess a fatality that can on occasion produce tragic results."
"You don't meet people like Lancelot in a pub."
"There's a universal story that's prefigured at the beginning and then releases itself through the various stages of life."
"The regular guy archetype is about being friendly and down to earth."
"The archetype of the wounded healer is important because it shows us why it's important to be aware of our own wounds and our own unconscious processes, especially when we're working with others."
"I think a lot of people like Dojima because he fits the archetype of someone that everybody has known or seen: that stern, slightly out of touch, but well-meaning Dad."
"It's very obvious when you watch him like this is every running back Kyle Shanahan has historically ever liked, a wide zone specialist, a one-cut run, size-speed train type of dude, right?"
"We have to try to demonstrate it. So where's this all taken my proposal as many of you know for Adam and Eve and Scott mentioned the terminology this morning is that we've got some archetypal things going on here."
"I'm suggesting that the forming accounts are most relevant to Adam and Eve as archetypes rather than individuals."
"It feels more like an archetypal world or like a dream world."
"Mary is often pictured as the mother archetype."
"Richard the third is sort of the ultimate archetype of the Machiavellian leader."
"Pretty in pink, boiled down to its essence, it's basically Romeo and Juliet crossed with Cinderella."
"The brand new Exodia archetype out of Infinite Forbidden is incredibly strong."
"The femme fatale is essentially a woman that does not conform to the role society prescribes for her."
"He is actually an archetype for the divinity of all of us."