
Cherish Quotes

There are 1080 quotes

"You have just a few moments with your children... make the best of them."
"The moment we must cherish, those like you don't come around very often, you know."
"You need to grab that and hold on to as tight as you can because people like that don't come around often."
"Protect the moment... we never know how many opportunities we're gonna get with anybody."
"If you have young kids, grab a hold of those moments and hope that they would last forever."
"Every moment spent with you is a moment of treasure."
"It's about making memories, taking the time to carve out special little moments."
"If you have something that is really special to you and you're not ready to let it go, then don't."
"Because it can be a beautiful thing that you can look at fondly for years to come."
"Those moments are quickly going to disappear as our kids get older and start to move out of the house so I really want to get together and cherish the family moments we have right now."
"Alexa must have someone who cherishes her greatly."
"You have a very special, precious space in their heart that they will never let go."
"I still go into the garage and kiss this beautiful thing good night a lot of the time with my new child and my wife."
"It's important to cherish every second with your child; they grow up so fast."
"You are so loved, you are so treasured."
"You are cherished by the universe."
"You got to take advantage of the time you have with your kids before it all goes away."
"The home is really where you're holding the things that are most precious to you."
"It meant to him because it was the gift that was left for him by his wife."
"We should be cherishing that gift that we are alive and we are experiencing as much as we possibly can open ourselves to."
"I promise to cherish every second with you."
"Cherish, enjoy, charm, art, and beauty are the way to... and divine lineage."
"I'm going to cherish these moments while I can."
"You have no idea how much I love and cherish you."
"How do you lose a woman? You forget to cherish her."
"I'm just trying to soak up all of this newborn stage because I know that it doesn't last long."
"It's moments like these that I cherish as an ant keeper every time."
"We really do have to cherish those moments."
"Cherish every second with your child, they grow up so fast."
"Cherish people that's in your life because they could be gone in a blink of an eye."
"Such a lovely collection of finds this week, all of which inspire us either with their history, what we can create with them, or simply just to cherish in our collections."
"We should value our Precious Moments as we have no idea when they might be gone forever."
"A zing only happens once in your life, and you have to cherish it."
"Life is fragile and precious, and that should cherish each moment through loving, laughing, listening, and learning."
"Enjoy the boys and enjoy your time with them. Four girls won't always be there, but the boys will."
"The good moments don't come often, but when they do, I grab hold of them tight."
"To cherish the innocence of children is to recognize the intrinsic value of a state unmarked by the scars of experience, a state that serves as a beacon of hope."
"I wanted what we had now to be my forever," I realized, cherishing the present moment.
"It is so important to be kind, to be loving, and cherish those around you because you truly never know when you see them for the last time, that is the last time."
"Enjoy these precious moments with your little."
"He realized that soon there would be nothing left and it was necessary to treasure the moments which remained."
"When you find the right one that's like a perfect angel, you cherish that person."
"All we can do is cherish the moments we were able to see and witness."
"You can't take away those family moments or, you know, you can't buy those. That's what I was trying to have to live those moments and you know do as much as you can because you never know how long you have with people. So, so important, yep."
"I vow to always cherish you, appreciate you, and love you faithfully and unconditionally till death do us part."
"It's been an incredible experience and it's one I'll remember and cherish forever."
"Cherish every moment with your loved ones, because one day they may not be here."
"Nothing lasts forever, and one should cherish every moment."
"Cherish every second you can with your nearest and dearest because God knows you miss them when they're gone."
"We really want to enjoy these last potentially few months as a baby forever."
"Cherish those moments when you can."
"Treasure your loved ones. It is important to love others deeply."
"Enjoy every moment, it is an unparalleled experience that will be with you for the rest of your life."
"Treat every day with your animals for granted. You never know when it will be the last time you get to see them."
"Life is a series of moments and moments pass so let's cherish all of this [__] like it's the last one we have."
"It's important to cherish the people we care about before it's too late."
"The experiences that we have with those people are the golden moments of life."
"Cherish your mother and when you have a chance take it to the fullest because you may not ever get another one."
"Just remember and savor these moments when they come."
"I got the opportunity to take my son on the team playing with me so it was an amazing experience and I mean something that I going to cherish for the rest of my life for sure."
"Don't forget to savor your youth."
"Embrace it and cherish the experience."
"Remember to cherish those who love. Our time in this world isn't infinite."
"Creativity is something that should truly be cherished."
"They truly care for you. They truly want to cherish you."
"We're living, ain't we? This some awesome, boy. Don't ever let this get old. This is special. Live it every day."
"So I rushed to his side and embraced him tightly, savoring every moment they had together."
"Just remember to cherish every moment. Because each day with your child is special."
"These moments just cherish them because other teams don't get these."
"Women are motivated when they feel cherished."
"he finds his happy ending with their spirits and the memories he has of them that he'll always cherish."
"This is a moment in your life that you will treasure forever."
"We had best make the most of every moment shouldn't we?"
"Maddie's memory will forever be cherished by all who had the privilege of knowing her."
"Live in the moment when you go on vacation with your family when you are at home having dinner as a family. Enjoy those moments with them because one day they say, 'Mom, I know how to drive. You don't have to bring me anywhere.'"
"...this is the moment that I want to cherish..."
"Cherish it cuz you only have so long on this beautiful planet earth that God has given us."
"Help us cherish each day as a gift and use it to show your love to others."
"She treats friendship like treasures, cherishing the ones she has deeply."
"My favorite memories always end up being like the unplanned random things."
"I cherish all the moments I have with her and I think that they're really special."
"Document the special moments in your relationship to treasure them."
"Treasure these moments as if they were your last."
"I will always cherish this instrument. I love it, not only because I'm such a fan of Tommy Bolin, it's because of the story. I didn't buy the guitar, I bought the story, and it's about the journey and how you get there."
"You know, 'cause the children, you know what I mean?"
"All you can do is make sure you cherish the moments and the loved ones while you're still here."
"Maintain your exclusivity. Cherish every minute of your time."
"This is a happy moment, but remember it, and we remember that moment because life is going so fast, and this day, this moment, will never come back again."
"I just want to make sure that I don't let this time when she's so little pass by so quickly."
"In a few years from now, you will give anything to be right back in this moment."
"Cherish needs to be cherished. She deserves it."
"Choose to cherish with every breath you take, and you find out that's where the joy is."
"You're learning to cherish the moment, learning to hold your course, learning to persevere."
"These are the good old days, man. These are the days just trying to soak in every moment of this beautiful ages that those boys are at, man, just have so much fun."
"Cherish the memories of your loved ones."
"Life is a series of moments and moments pass seemingly faster than they ever have passed before, man. So let's make these moments last as if it's all we have."
"I would say a lesson to take away from this, as well as most of the abandoned houses we see, is that we shouldn't take life for granted because we never know if we'll make it to see tomorrow. Cherish the ones you love the most and live every single moment like it's your last."
"Time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, reminds us to cherish every moment."
"You take that and you cherish that now."
"I miss my family a lot, any chance I get quality time with them, I'm going to take advantage of it."
"I miss those times where you cuddle them to sleep or they sleep on you and like I just kind of really cherish those times now."
"...the memories, the moments, the things that we do in our day-to-day, and the people that we love—those memories are what counts and what we cherish."
"It's about how you're gonna live and cherish it."
"I remember to cherish the bonds between people at all times, always keep that in mind."
"This would have been so perfect, I would have taken this with me and loved it forever."
"Cherish every moment, time flies."
"Cherish, respect, and really put the time in to spend with the people that are the most important to you. Nothing else matters, it all fades away."
"Try to cherish your own life no matter how hard life is."
"Enjoy this win. Savor it, 'cause it's not gonna happen again!"
"Friendship is more important than most things, so cherish it."
"Make sure to cherish those moments because you never know when it can all be taken away."
"I feel like you want to savor this day, you want to savor this moment."
"We cherish every moment we spend together."
"Every moment me and Wednesday spend together, we cherish."
"Their memory, their lives, will forever be cherished by those that loved them."
"It's a special, really cool time to be able to do this. We will probably grow out of these spaces soon, but I'm going to treasure this time we have."
"This time of Reuben's so special for us as a family, and I cherish every little moment I have with him."
"Enjoy your children because they'll be grown and leaving home before you realize it."
"A true friend is to be cherished."
"She'll only be this small once. Soon she'll be running around like Paisley, freaking out about chickens or tracking dirt in the house and won't sit down for a minute with you. Gotta capture these moments while you can."
"My hope is for our family to continue living peacefully and cherish every moment together."
"If your trip is anything like ours, you'll come back with memories that you'll cherish for a lifetime."
"Every minute with it is precious."
"Make a memory that lasts a lifetime."
"Cherish every moment with them as if it is the last."
"...preciousness of Time. Life can take unexpected turns and it's a reminder to cherish our loved ones while we have the chance."
"Ali cherished moments with friends, often hosting dinner gatherings and sleepovers."
"Let's treasure this day for as long as it lasts."
"These moments of connection are there for you to discover and cherish."
"Every day is precious with the loved ones that you have with you here and now."
"I think it was kind of a real treat and everyone sort of cherished the days we were there."
"Life's unpredictability is a reminder to cherish every moment."
"Life's fragility underscores the importance of cherishing every moment."
"Cherish and value the people who cherish and value you because you won't find that many of them over the course of your life."
"Women are to be loved and cherished along with children."
"Cherish every moment you have in sixth form. Make everything you do during your time at sixth form worth it."
"I think the most important lesson in life is to cherish the time that we have left because life is short, time is precious, and we should cherish it because sometimes you don't know what you have until it's gone."
"I believe the most important lesson in life is to cherish the time we have left, because life is short, time is precious, and we should cherish it. Sometimes you don't know what you have until it's gone."
"I feel like time passes by so fast. We have to really truly cherish these moments."
"Johnny cherished his crucifix ring, which was given to him on his 70th birthday, and it now sits before us. It's very beautiful."
"Definitely hold the words that she gave me in passing and in conversation, I'ma definitely hold those near."
"Whitley suggested that people only learn to cherish life after they have lost it."
"It's an experience to be cherished and never forgotten."
"Man, I hope that they don't let it steal away all of the things that are sweetest and most important as they raise their families and live out their days."
"This moment is just here for the moment. This day will never come again. Tell those you love what you feel about them."
"Cherish those moments because this might be it."
"We should spend as much time as possible with those we hold dear while we're able."
"Cherish the people around you. Don't regret it until you lose your beloved."
"Cherish every day because tomorrow's not guaranteed."
"Cherish every second and make the best out of what you have."
"Funny how certain memories and moments stick out to you... cherish those particular moments and times..."
"I can't help but feeling... just loving this moment can we stay here forever."
"I promise to cherish every moment."
"Honor and treasure your relationship, it is truly sacred."
"Precious memories you'll enjoy for years to come."
"These are the special moments that I love."
"There's only one of him, cherish him, relish him while you've got him."
"Cherish each moment Mama because the days are so long that the years are oh so short."
"Being here is really something special and it needs to be cherished for the rest of your life."
"Don't be afraid to take chances and savor every moment you get with the people you love."
"There's always something you will not cherish until you lose it."
"Every single person I've talked to basically who's had kids said cherish every second, every millisecond you can with your baby because it goes so fast."
"I will cherish and protect the Supreme happiness for the rest of my life."
"The people who cherish you actually really love you and love to be around you."
"Everything that belongs to you and the memories we share, we should cherish forever."
"You got to cherish it. Once you get it, you got to keep that for a long, long time."
"Being a dad is like... I don't have the words... every moment with them is unbelievably special."
"Enjoy every moment with your child."
"Make more time for those little moments."
"Cherishing every moment with her mother and believing they shouldn't give up any hope even if her mother doesn't have much time left."
"Cherish the people that you're around today, your family, loved ones."
"Even if it's just a regular afternoon at the lake, to never forget how this feels."
"Prize and cherish every moment of it."
"Enjoy it while it's happening. Enjoy that experience of being in the final."
"Those are the moments that you really cherish."
"Cherish the time you have in the moment and take lots of pictures making sure you take the time to get them right because they're a snapshot of a memory that will make you smile again someday."
"Treasure this moment, it's special. You might have great dreams for the future, but tomorrow is uncertain. Treasure today when you have the opportunity to be one of the best guys in the country and to do what you love well."
"I really do remember that every second with you."
"Savor every day, take care of your loved ones."
"...never take a moment for granted and make the most of every day."
"Cherish her buoyant spirit," he requested.
"Spend time with your family because every minute that passes is a minute you won't have again."
"He wants to give her a gift she will remember and cherish."
"Life is not just about existence but about experiencing and savoring every moment."
"Make sure you cherish every moment because you never know what's going to be your last night."
"Jen Shin cherishes her carefree adolescence."
"...a gesture that demonstrates that you cherish him, that you care about him, that you're really appreciating him in that moment..."
"I'm glad we started it here, you know, with great guys around me, great coaches, and great players. And I'm going to cherish this forever."
"I'm leaving it all to you. You can have it. I don't want it. I just want this next minute with you."
"I just treasure every moment that we spend together."
"Cherish peace wherever you find it."
"He got his hand and his feet prints, and I will just cherish those forever."
"I need to just make as many memories with him as I can."
"I've had a few of the best moments of my life and I'll forever."
"I wish I had cherished all the moments with you."
"Memories are some of the most cherished things that we can have."
"Cherish every moment you're in at the moment."
"I hope this face doesn't last very long. They're only like tiny babies for a very short while, so I need to make the most of all the cuteness."
"Definitely you need to enjoy your family because they're not always going to be there."
"It is a land of magic and wonder worth cherishing in every way."