
Sales Increase Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Dunlap gets the last laugh on them when craftsman sales of these tools increase 600 percent in the following year."
"Thank God because two things happened: sales of Night Trap just went through the roof and then they came up with the rating system."
"Maintaining constant contact with these people allows your brand to remain top of mind and increases the likelihood of a sale."
"Chasing bigger is better - having more sales is better, having more customers is better."
"Make your product easily available. If you want to have more paying customers, make it easy on them."
"The net net is you're going to make more sales."
"Online deals during Prime Day brought third party merchants more than three point five billion dollars of sales over just two days in 2020, up nearly 60 percent from the year before."
"They went from selling a few thousand records a week, which was impressive for them, but they went to selling almost 60,000 a week overnight."
"Having a good understanding of your target audience and creating messaging around what they can relate to will exponentially increase the amount of sales that you make."
"Who would have thought I thought it was dead in the dirt but no it's come back we've sort of boosted sales of the hell box next off the back of it."
"Sales and brand perception had improved significantly."
"Retail sales surged at a stunning 18% in May."
"Retail sales surge at a surprising eighteen percent in May."
"My hope is that I can help you make more sales, make more money, and build a business out of this."
"That's just about doubling our agricultural sales."
"15 games just on our system that's gonna raise sales."
"Electric vehicles are not only Catching Fire on the roads, but now even at sales centers."
"Bundling your products is an amazing way to sell your products. My sales always go up whenever I start making bundles of my products."
"Auto sales continue to soar, up 3.6% last month."
"Sales of emergency foods and equipment have soared to record levels."
"The cool part is they're 80 percent increase in Return of the sale."
"Target's heavy online investments paying off handsomely during the holiday season, with robust online sales resulting in a 17% increase in comparable sales."
"With shoppers flocking to the website to redo their bedrooms and to build home offices, sales surged 20% in the first quarter of 2020."
"Lego sales surged 14% in the first six months of the year."
"Have you seen the latest sales figures? We're up 300% since these rumors started."
"E-commerce sales increased 191 percent for the fiscal year to represent nearly 30 percent of total net sales."
"Nintendo is updating its sales forecasts from 19 million units to 24 million units."
"Tesla sold 19,144 units of the premium midsize SUV, a gain of more than 260 percent on the same month last year."
"Competition is heating up, but Tesla's slashing prices could boost sales."
"Sales of EVs have skyrocketed with EVs accounting for 30% of all new cars across the region."
"Amazon sales were up 100 plus percent all weekend."
"Tesla just grew their sales from 360,000 cars to over 900,000, massively more than doubled their sales in two years."
"Part of the reason why fireworks sales did so outstanding this year is because a lot of cities canceled their displays."
"Quadruple the number of sales... obviously they're doing something right..."
"So smart energy is a solar retailer in New South Wales and they said that they have witnessed a record sales quarter after an unprecedented 41% increase in sales"
"One of our customers, Ace & Tate, improved sales by 16 percent, just by going headless and implementing a Next.js frontend on Vercel."
"Wow, our sales went up quite a bit because we had forgotten an entire half of the market."
"Elements of Soul instantly shot up my sales from nine thousand dollars all the way up to twenty-six thousand dollars that next month."
"...we went from selling $53,000 in October...to $184,000 in November all the way up to $200,000 in December."
"We're going to allow you to close more deals from social media, turn your social media into a lead gen machine, increase engagement, reach views, and impressions, save you hours trying to do it on your own."
"One of the best things you can do to get sales faster in the lower tiers is by cross-niching very popular evergreen niches with hot trends at the moment."
"With the new Cummins options for Ram trucks, Dodge began to see an increase in sales for the first time since the Ram's launch in 1981."
"As revenues and sales accelerate, it enters what's known as the growth phase where we see a steep increase in the sales performance."
"Here's the data: we sold 20% more inside because we had a 30% increase in traffic at the pumps."
"Our clients on average experience a 300% increase in sales after three months after uploading our content."
"The company reported a 63% jump in sales during the pandemic."
"The biggest traffic increase we see is during semi-annual sale."
"A 32% increase in first-time purchases at 95% significance."
"Repairs also exceeded expectations, with sales increasing month on month from $2590 to $3780."
"The Grammy bounce is an increase in sales and heightened interest in the artist around the world."
"The more clicks that you have on your listing is just going to result in more sales."
"By the next year, sales had grown to over 4.5 million dollars annually and steadily increasing."
"When you use personalized web experiences on your site, you can see up to a 20 percent increase in sales."
"Online retailers are seeing Black Friday-like sales due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their business."
"This is working like crazy, let me show you firsthand how to get more clients, customers, and sales than you can possibly handle."
"Profitably scale your campaigns for even more sales in the future."
"So my recommendation would be go ahead with the in-person training because we'll be able to generating additional $120 million in term of sale."
"If you want to increase the sales of your products and services, one of the best things you can do is add an affiliate program to it."
"It's best if a company's free cash flow is growing because its sales are growing and it is becoming more efficient."
"The idea is that advertisements are investments meant to attract more customers, and the cost should be manageable with even a modest increase in sales."
"Doing this can really help you to increase your sales because it gives you more options."
"The U.S. EV sales are rising fast, up 40 to 50 percent year on year."
"Not only do apps users buy more often, up to 33% more times, they also buy more items and even more expensive items."
"You're going to generate a higher profit margin as you continue to scale and do more and more sales."
"Pinterest is a great way to drive traffic to your Etsy shop, and the more traffic you get, the more sales you will get."
"If you want to learn how to get more sales in your Etsy shop by using Pinterest, keep watching."
"Bad Guy by Billie Eilish... promises stability here with streaming being stable and sales actually going up."
"Sales of electric vehicles rose by 161% in 2023 according to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald."
"In the last eight weeks, they've seen a 5,000 percent increase in web sales."
"You can make up to 40 times more sales using email marketing instead of social media."
"My sales have literally skyrocketed in the past six months."
"The primary goal of visual merchandising is to attract customers and increase sales."
"When you do VM effectively, it will increase your sales by directing the customers to the products that they want or they need."
"During the growth stage of the product life cycle, sales values and volumes are increasing."
"The sales are showing a massive uptick in sales of manga here in the US."
"Sales of manga have more than tripled from 2020 to 2021."
"If this is achieved, it will help grow Carlson's sales by 1 million pounds."
"Sales in the shops went up considerably that day."
"An understanding of customer psychology is an invaluable aid for retailers looking for ways to increase sales."
"Our sales also increased by 25%, which shows that the newly launched product is highly preferable among the customers."
"Overall, it is clear that Tesco and Sainsbury's increased sales the most."
"This year I'm trying to take my store from $45,000 a month in sales to $90,000 a month in sales, essentially doubling it."
"Net sales for the company increased 21% to 2.3 billion dollars."
"Plan your campaigns for the holiday season... it's the time of year where you can really take advantage of increasing your sales."