
Cinematic Critique Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"So this is how democracy dies, yadda yadda yadda. I feel like this is a line that would be in the running for one of the greatest in the franchise if not for the fact that it's directed so poorly that it once again has become a meme."
"Yeah, I would, yeah, I mean, I honestly left feeling like I don't need to see another superhero movie because they won't be better."
"Predator is the second greatest movie of all time, after Evil Dead II but before Kiki’s Delivery Service."
"Oh man, that would have been awesome, right? Don't you think like that would have been better than any of the [ __ ] we got after X-Men First Class?"
"I don't know, I think it's no Inglorious Basterds, there's no Pulp Fiction... it just... there's something missing."
"It's like poetry, a wrong. Duel of the Fates harvests way more of this sort of massive situational thematic energy that Rise of Skywalker only slightly touches."
"Rey and Kylo should have fought him together, and it should have been a fantastic sequence. What if it was?"
"Timepiece films like this only get better with age."
"A movie that improved upon the first movie in nearly every way."
"That movie is glorious despite the suit not being the best."
"Patience. The movie's final end credit scene is a big old 'f you' to everyone that stayed to watch something at least a smidge more entertaining than a troll."
"Don't reward the retailers for ripping people off and definitely don't buy them for $800 on eBay."
"We will remove three sins for this badass or me."
"If you're looking for this amazing piece of cinema, no, it's not the best story that's ever been told."
"I felt like such an idiot leaving this movie with this giant memorable feel."
"It's not your standard horror flick, it's an intelligent movie."
"There's consequences to your actions in this movie and that's what movies lack nowadays."
"I wanted more story for the first time in one of these movies."
"There's hints of a good movie somewhere in here."
"Legends of the Fall, best shampoo commercial ever."
"We know they can do better because they spent 12 years giving us much better films."
"It's not a masterpiece, but it's a triumph for the industry and even for Star Wars."
"It was so everything about this is whether the movies are good or great there's nothing awful here."
"Yeah, it has like five different endings but what the [ __ ] when you're this damn good you've earned every single one of them."
"The ultimate failing for the movie was the story and how it was structured."
"That is one of the greatest movie monster designs of all time."
"It's almost parody how funnily this shot comes off."
"Mega Mind is just a damn good film with twists and turns... a subversive masterpiece."
"It's solid but it's not nearly as good as it probably should have been or could have been."
"Definitely the Lord of the Rings. Not just because they're better movies, but a lot of things are done in The Hobbit that are meant to have their impact because you've seen Lord of the Rings."
"This film is infinitely better. Zack Snyder's Justice League is a deeper, richer version of a film that we only saw parts of."
"The last act of La La Land is actually like one of the most devastating pieces of film ever made."
"It's nice to have a movie like this that stands out from the lackluster content that comes out of Hollywood."
"It's a shame that it's the opening scene that is the highlight of the movie as there is still almost three more hours to go."
"There's a lot of commentary, it has a lot to say."
"Cruella is another one of those movies that... I thought it was really quite good."
"The most disappointing cinematic I've ever experienced in a video game ever in my entire life."
"Your thoughts create your reality, and the devil energy resides in your mind."
"The Hobbit trilogy... significantly worse than Lord of the Rings."
"Action in movies without narrative purpose is just visual noise."
"Godzilla fighting Kong was amazing, but that's not a two-hour movie."
"More lightsaber fights doesn't mean a better movie. It's not the best right there. It's the best of the prequels, but it's not the best Star Wars movie."
"Dalton brings ruthlessness and emotional weight in spades."
"There's a difference between guys that actually looked like they could beat you up in a fight and guys that just looks strong." - Speaks to the authenticity and depth of character portrayal in films.
"Willem Dafoe - the mixin he's easily the best part of this movie."
"Infinity War is a near-perfect movie... so much more I could talk about."
"This new Godzilla movie has its issues, but the parts where it needed to work, the things it needed to get right, it got absolutely right."
"But anyway, her incompetence does spark one of the best fight sequences and bit of stunt work in all of Bond."
"Action scenes can only take you so far."
"The ending shouldn't have been Anya Taylor-Joy in the mirror. It should have been the mom and her having tea together and then like, they look through the room, they're like, 'Oh my God, we're spending eternity together in the mirror dimension.'"
"They're doing a really, really good job of making the Empire terrifying."
"The need to de-age these faces kind of held the film back a lot from a filmmaking perspective."
"It's a tough watch, it's very compelling, great acting."
"The Shining movie is nothing like the book."
"Am I the only one who understands the complexities of this ambitious cinematic masterpiece?"
"It is a cinematic masterpiece, I love that movie."
"By standard of fighting, that was a boring scene. There was no action, no hoo-ha, no fighting going on, but yeah, goosebumps. It's how it made you feel that made it not boring."