
Simultaneity Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"The split-screen montage towards the start of the Opie shows all of the nonsense going on in the park simultaneously."
"Every moment in time past present future being stacked on top of each other."
"It's non-linear, like things are happening simultaneously all the time."
"An onslaught of wildfires... broke out almost simultaneously."
"Baptism is the only thing where three things occur simultaneously."
"Anyway, I think there you go, it goes to show you can have eight club gatherings of people painting at the same time active at the same time."
"I had a crazy dream the other night... it was such a crazy dream that there were two events happening at the same time."
"We live many lives in one existence, all happening simultaneously."
"Star Citizen is about all of those things happening at the same time."
"Simultaneity is in the eye of the beholder."
"The notion of length itself requires a notion of simultaneity."
"Time isn't linear, so we know time is multi-dimensional... everything's happening right now according to quantum physics and according to our subconscious mind."
"Everything runs at the same time, past, present, future."
"This one feels like it's happening all layers all at the same time."
"The genius of Herzl was to view these sequentially but also to work on them simultaneously."
"If you had a thousand pound feather and you had a thousand pound stone and you push them off that building which one hits the ground first? They probably at the same time."
"Anything and everything is happening at the same time."
"Globalization made us aware of what is being made at this current moment everywhere at the same time."
"I'm starting to believe that everything is happening all at the same time, past present future."
"We have both of these things taking place simultaneously."
"Simultaneity is a relative concept."
"Everything goes on at the same time and looks really really clean."
"Awareness is present with thought because everything is happening simultaneously anyway."
"Because we disagree on what's simultaneous, there are no contradictions."
"Everything goes together. You're living through the historical moment at the same time as you're dealing with your children or your work."
"I think it's important to do both of these things at the same time."
"It's not a straight line, it's happening all at the same time."
"Everything exists at the same time; everything is running simultaneously, but you only experience what you're tuned to."
"We are actually in a sense energetically living all of our lives simultaneously."
"I'm going to be reacting to these basically the same time you are."
"This is what we call the relativity of simultaneity: events that are happening for me right now could have already happened for somebody else."
"Without time, everything would happen all at once."
"Sometimes in life, it all happens at the same time, and you just feel like, what is going on, but it's okay. It will all be okay."
"This is very much one of those situations where we have a lot going on and a lot unfolding all at the same time."
"Every possible series of events is happening all at once."
"Everything is happening simultaneously outside of the limited dimension of time-space continuum."
"All time is simultaneous: past, present, and future, we're all living in it at once."
"Everything is happening right now, all at the same time."
"With simultaneous, you don't have that luxury; you can't wait as long as a full sentence before interpreting, otherwise, you've got no chance."
"Most of the inventions of the world happen and are discovered simultaneously, independently, and by often multitudes of more than one."
"The experience of devotion and the knowledge of the nature of the self arise simultaneously."
"Both streams are writing to this table at the exact same time."
"A problem and a solution come to your mind at the same time."
"We had to solve the engine problems in parallel with the component problems all at the same time."
"Hard-boiled, happening in America, almost concurrently with the events in Akira."
"Creation's finish means all possible realities, all stories, all images, all frames of reality exist right now."
"I want everything, everywhere, all at once."
"The unpredictable designer, consistent only in his unorthodoxy, daringly staged two shows in different parts of the city at the exact same time."
"Political rights, social rights, economic rights, cultural rights, these must all take place simultaneously."
"God knows everything simultaneously."
"Any possibilities, occurrences past and future, and right now was all going on simultaneously in front of me."
"My existence and the world appeared simultaneously; is it not a miracle?"
"We're in a convergence, and what you mean a convergence, there are a lot of things happening right now at the same time in your life."
"Simultaneity is relative in special relativity."
"Both constructive and destructive overlap occur simultaneously."
"Life and ink runs out at the same time."
"I'd prefer everyone's competing at the same time."
"A threefold creation flash into being from its Lord all at once without distinction in its beginning."
"So if you are executing side by side, all the test cases are executing at the same time."
"In order to ensure that the results of this year's reapings were not revealed to tributes from other districts, it was declared that all reapings would take place in quick succession on the same day."
"It's no longer possible to have a lenient discussion or a linear presentation of narratives in the chronological fashion because multiple things are happening at the same time."
"Things can happen all at the same time; minds can be interconnected, events could be interconnected."
"We're finding this out at the same moment."
"When something happens, everything happens at once."
"A polyrhythm is just when you play two fundamentally different rhythms at the same time."