
Strategic Patience Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"We have the ultimate weapon against them, but we’re not going to use it. Not yet, anyway."
"The United States had to be involved in the world but sometimes it would just be a long-term holding pattern. It wasn't going to be the transformation of Afghanistan into a thriving democracy or the transformation of Iraq into a thriving democracy."
"Time is your best friend... Playing time will win so many rounds."
"The reason I want the managers to stay is twofold. One, we've sacked so many managers, and we've done this cycle so many times. I think we need to break the cycle and stick with the manager because we've never tried that before."
"But do not fret, for staying in one place is the man's only peeve. Keep him at bay for another five minutes, and he'll leave."
"It's pretty bad but the actual CCP itself we'll just have to wait and see what they do with these shells because once they're no longer useful then they'll feel the pinch right."
"When you're fighting each other on the inside, the enemies just sit back and say, 'Okay, let me wait it out.'"
"be patient wait for the perfect pitch then and only then do you swing and swing hard"
"At some point they're going to let it run and maybe we're almost there."
"Just wait until we get two years down the track."
"Content marketing isn't exactly a fast process. It's an ongoing one."
"The end for instance was this lengthy battle of patience intelligence and attrition."
"The best strategy in a time like this is to take multiple small bits on different protocols deploying different approaches and then to sit on your hands and to give them enough time and support to do their thing."
"Excellent ambush by Sweden, I love it, great patience and great execution there, did a good job."
"Most people's plans get worse with time; you want to play games where if you wait, you win."
"Jankos in this game having an amazing performance 10 stacks of the dark seal and the patience Jankos had in that play was amazing."
"Time is on our side, the longer we have, the more the market's matured." - It's a function of time. Time is on our side.
"I think we're gonna just be patient and methodical but we're also gonna mash the pedal on trying to take advantage of the PSE wanting to market better and wanting to grow more."
"Trust the plan and your role in the plan and your cue to enter stage when it comes and the form that cue takes is that you care about something."
"Let them think they've won, then succeed and let them feel stupid."
"It shows great patience, resolve, execution, deal-making skills."
"Let the money work for you. If you own the LA Lakers right now... would you own it for one day and trade it or hold it for 10 years?"
"Proud of the team, how we fought together, we waited for our moment... honestly, the team left everything on the pitch."
"Money is made by having the right temperament, patience, and stomach for investing."
"The corollary to not losing for Ukraine is to continue doing what it's already doing—raising the temperature of the proverbial pot of water one degree at a time until the Russian frog is boiled."
"I would go with quality because Warren Buffett says it's like a baseball player that only has to swing when there's no strikes."
"Let going to a battle be your last alternative, offer them terms of peace first."
"Never go for the instant gratification if you can make something happen and a little bit longer term than what you essentially would want fight that instant gratification. I think you'll always come out better that way."
"I think one of the things that adversaries of the US Empire are learning is that patience I think that's what the Russian show has shown patience that the enemy that the Kryptonite to the neocons is time and patience."
"Probably best to just hold your shots probably best to just hold and wait for a times two event."
"Hold the line and be patient. Be patient as we develop this plan going forward. We will not leave."
"It's more about the long game than it is about the short quick wins."
"He doesn't mind being chastised being wrong in the short term because knows he has the inside information that ultimately is gonna come out and prove him right."
"Staying in the moment and staying game by game."
"We are only at the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end."
"The probability of success is heavily weighted in your favor if you can wait for cycle lows."
"Patience is critical. Don't be reactive, don't jump at things just to seemingly solve a problem."
"It's simply time to not attack and see what his opponent can bring so he can counter."
"CLG EU were unwavering in their patience and waited for the perfect moment to turn the tables."
"What are you supposed to do as a CT, what are you supposed to do, stare at the smoke, push through it?"
"Sometimes when you take that higher road... that's when you win on an even bigger level."
"You don't want to be standing in the way while the market makes up its mind."
"Proper revenge is best served cold. It takes time and planning, so chill out."
"Quality matters, don't rush anything out of the gate."
"First they ignore it, then they laugh at it, then they fight it, then you win."
"Tactical cowardice - all it requires is a little bit of patience and you can get away with anything."
"Sit back, be calm, cool, collected, you will see the results."
"Magnus freezes his opponents with patience and precision."
"Patience is really the best way to go about something like this."
"This is going to take time. It's not going to occur. He's going to test the resolve of the West to see if we stay together and we will."
"I would rather Rashford was out until the end of the season if it meant we had new owners at the end of the season."
"There's a long time for trees being nuked and I looked like specials gonna win and she just waited it out so just two top tier players battling out in this tvz."
"You buy it when the moment's right, let the trade come to you." - Matt
"Thursday: Make small, deliberate moves; easy does it."
"We're not going to be able to do our deal with the devil, so do not rush it. That's extremely important."
"Never interrupt the enemy when they're making a blunder."
"It's the way nature, the game, one more turn, that's the way."
"Patience, patience, patience, calm, cool, collected."
"If you're not like kind of desperate and you really need to put something together then honestly probably just wait."
"Let them play like clowns, you need to put some pressure of course, but ultimately, just wait and be patient. Don't do what your opponent is expecting you to do."
"Patience pays off, nobody overstepped, nobody overchallenged."
"They want to see it grow over time rather than just grow up too fast."
"Allowing the West to keep thinking they can win is the ultimate form of grinding out a superior opponent."
"His patience and ability to know who he should fight and when makes him all the more scary."
"Patience. This is a game of patience, intellect, emotions, math, and patience."
"Patience is a virtue. Discipline yourself to stick to your strategies, risk management, and psychology."
"China is playing the long game because Chinese leadership are incredibly patient."
"Let's not make enemies of the elves just yet."
"Let them have it, let them think they won. That's one of the coolest parts of the journey."
"It's literally a checkmate, there's nothing they can do except for wait it out."
"It's almost like they're ready and they've been holding back to let the floodgates go."
"Revenge is obviously a dish best served cold."
"Move on the specific and wait on clarity for the vague."
"Sometimes you gotta take the banter. You gotta lose the battle to win the war."
"This is the part of the game that is so much like chess, just take your time."
"One pocket is a game of opportunities, and the person that is patient enough that waits for that opportunity is quite frequently the one who wins the game."
"When we're trading the stock market, we can wait until the hand is stacked in our favor; we can take pitches all day until there's that one fat pitch right down the middle that we want to take."
"There is a precarious peace whilst the brothers await the other's next move."
"You have an edge, and your edge is to wait while everyone else is rushing."
"I'm definitely remaining more cautious, waiting for better entries."
"You're going to outperform most people by knowing when not to trade."