
Visual Studio Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Every release of Visual Studio is a moment. It's so exciting to actually make sure that every developer's day is more joyful."
"It just makes things easy but there are cases where you might not be able to use a full visual studio."
"So you can install it for free from code dot visual studio.com."
"Visual Studio is the gateway to your project."
"Seeing as the alternative is just walls of white text and a recurring loop of typos in visual studio, I cannot recommend it enough."
"Achieving the same results in Visual Studio is a little bit more complex but not actually that much."
"Visual Studio runs primarily on Windows. There is a VS for Mac and there is VS Code as well, but those are lagging behind as far as the amount of features."
"This is a great new capability in Visual Studio to directly push to a GitHub repository here."
"This is it, and then hit next, and then in the target framework I'm choosing .NET 5."
"Did you know that Visual Studio is able to display such nice data models?"
"If you are working on your multi-year project or on your diploma thesis and you need some nice class diagrams for your solution, you can easily use this class diagram feature from Visual Studio."
"Visual Studio 2019 for Mac is the IDE of choice."
"You can obviously edit and build directly from Visual Studio if that is your thing."
"This is my favorite way to start Visual Studio in the day: Windows minimized, oh very very nice."
"Cracking it open with Visual Studio is still a fantastic idea just to step through it."
"Live share allows me to share my Visual Studio session."
"Control shift V inside Visual Studio gives you a history of all of the stuff that you've copied."
"SSDT is a free tool that allows you to create the database project and maintain all the objects within Visual Studio."
"Notice how smart this is; this is Visual Studio being amazing."
"For my work, I've been using Visual Studio 2019 for a month and a half, two months something like that, and I really like it."
"Visual Studio Team Service has a great CI/CD feature."
"I couldn't find a single video that explains how to set up Visual Studio for .NET with awesome extensions and give you a full IDE-like experience inside the Visual Studio Code editor."
"General availability .NET MAUI tools in Visual Studio, 17.3 on Windows."
"Now Microsoft makes this really, really easy to do. It's all integrated into Visual Studio; they take a lot of the heavy lifting away."
"When you want to get into serious automation... you want to do it in a Visual Studio type of application."
"Those are just my favorite things that we've added in Visual Studio 2017 to help make your dotnet development awesome."
"The primary takeaway here is we're actually doing the investment with the Visual Studio team to make a great environment."
"When you think of JavaScript frameworks, the first thing that might not come to mind is Visual Studio."
"As I said at the start, you will need Visual Studio 17.3 at least."
"We have a new offering Visual Studio with GitHub Enterprise, which is an easy and economical way for Visual Studio users to acquire GitHub Enterprise."
"We have a whole new installation experience that lets you choose what form or what version of Visual Studio you'd like to install."
"One of the new features of the Visual Studio installer is that it allows us to have multiple side-by-side installations."
"It is the 20th birthday of Visual Studio."
"Installing the template is very simple... you can create a new solution using .NET new or even through Visual Studio 2022 by selecting the template."
"Visual Studio IntelliCode is just the beginning of how artificial intelligence can make you a more productive developer."
"We do this by leveraging some of the existing functionality that's inside Visual Studio."
"Visual Studio is an epic IDE and I really enjoy using it."
"We integrate with Visual Studio Team Services... and you can actually file bugs with all of this information."
"There's awesome stuff that we released that I talked about all here today for Android, iOS, all available in Visual Studio Community Edition."
"Snapshot debugger is a tool inside of Visual Studio Enterprise that allows you to connect to a point in time exception for your application that's lit up with app insights."
"Most developers choose to write C-sharp using a specialized integrated development environment called Visual Studio."
"Visual Studio 2022 supports .NET 6, which is the latest version of .NET Core."
"The cool thing about the tools Visual Studio provides is the ability to use tools like this in your WCF service projects."
"That's a good reminder that the debugger inside of Visual Studio is super powerful."